• Published 22nd Mar 2012
  • 1,474 Views, 86 Comments

Shadows of the Past - Dr Atom Discharge

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Chapter Nine: Roll the Dice (Unedited)

Shadows Of The Past
Chapter Nine: Roll the Dice

Last Time: Twilight was about to slip back down when suddenly the air grew thick in her lungs and she doubled over, coughing and spluttering. In her ear she heard the sweet filly like voice of the Defiler:
“Peek-a-boo… I found you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Atom gathered the group around the table. “Alright ponies, we now have an objective. Well, three to be precise, the last three pieces of the rituals needed to appoint a new conclave. The plan is to split into three groups to collect the three parts off the ritual then regroup. From there we’ll take the pages back to Starswirl, he’ll fix the tome and then we will find a way into Canterlot, preferable a back door to avoid a direct conflict between Luna’s guard and Celestia’s. Then we need to hope that the tome and Starswirl’s word will be enough to convince Celestia that she won’t have to deal with this all on her own so we can finally put an end to this terrible situation.” Atom explained, and the other five Nodded.

“Alright, so the three groups will be myself, Twilight and Blade, Luna and Sabre. Firstly, I will be heading for the conclave member who represents luck, although there wasn’t much information in the archives about him, I’m pretty sure I know where he is, since I have played dice with him.” Atom said with a slight irritation in his voice. “Secondly, Blade and Twilight, you will be going after the conclave member of nature and plantlife, at least that’s how it’s marked down here, though it doesn’t mention a name, it does have a location you could start from, but they still may not be there. Finally, Blade and Luna will be going after the conclave member of love.” Atom paused “Chrysalis, I’m sending you two because you’ll almost certainly need your powers Princess, even so, this is an extremely dangerous mission, use too much power and Celestia may find you. So please… take the greatest care.” Atom said sombrely.

“Now while we five are collecting the pages, I need you to stay here and organise the camp again, your powers will come in handy if Celestia’s search parties find us, which gets more and more likely each day.“ Atom Finished, looking at Discord who nodded
“Hmm… well only if I get to have some fun with the troops.” Discord said jokingly, to which he received a stern glare from the other five.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Atom was sat on the train, a long brimmed hat pulled low over his head, hiding his face, as it rocked past the bleak grasslands, it wasn’t the first time he’d ridden this particular train to this particular place. But hopefully this time he’d be more successful, returning with the page. And his wallet. He remembered very clearly how he had been beaten so completely at his own game; Equestrian dice.

Notes: Equestrian Dice is a game of my own making since I am not particularly knowledgeable in many forms of gambling, it’s a game involving two people and six dice, each starts off with three, and then has to roll them. The sum of the scores is then found and the one with the lowest takes a dice from the other player and rolls again. The aim is to get all six dice, but it gets progressively harder as you win dice. I’m not sure if it is a game already, but if it is then I apologize once again for my ignorance when it comes to games of chance.

Atom sighed as the train pulled up in Dodge junction. The place had changed a little since he was last here, but not by much, the odd store under new management, or a new building here. Thankfully the saloon he remembered all too well was there also. While gambling in Equestria was technically illegal, it still housed a number of small underground gambling communities dotted around the map, the largest being at Dodge Junction.

Atom pulled the hat down further over his head; it was dangerous to be back in Equestrian borders but it was the only way he could see to resolve the situation other than brute force. This he thought as he walked towards the old saloon, taking a deep breath before walking inside. He walked up to the bar and looked at the Bartender who looked back with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh ‘ello there son, can I get you a drink?” He said in a friendly manner, to which Atom responded by beckoning him closer.
“Mind if I join in the games?” Atom asked the bartender in a meaningful tone. The bartender pulled back for a moment, studying Atom.
“Mah’ mah’, I haven’t heard that one for years, oh ‘ey, aren’t yah the young’en that lost all his Bits to Wild a few years back?” the Barman said, his heavy accent evident in his speech. Atom nodded slowly “Ah well ‘den, go on through lad, maybe you’ll win some’a those bits back eh?” The Barman said with a chuckle. Atom went through a door just to the left of the bar.

When Atom went through the door he was hit by a wall of cigar smoke, making him cough slightly. It was the same room he remembered, the same layout of different games all being overseen by rather buff unicorns, their horns all glowing, obviously there to stop people cheating. They were all casting the same spell, he knew it, simple but effective, used to detect any other magic or any deviations from the rules of the set game.

And then, sat at the head of the table was the young looking brown Pegasus wearing a rahter famous hat: Wild Card, the stallion Atom was looking for, with exactly the same smug grin on his face. He hadn’t aged a day. A cry of frustration rang out at Wind Card rolled the winning dice and won the last di, pocketing his opponent’s bits. His opponent, a young white earth pony then stormed out, past Atom.

Wild Card looked up to see Atom stood in the door way, and a large grin spread across his face. Atom sighed and marched forward with solid determination, despite the rising fear of what would happen if his plan failed. “Now I always remember a face, especially yours little Atom, you were so young when I met you, looks like you’re all grown up now.” Wild Card said callously, in mocking bitter tone as Atom sat down at the table “So why are you back? Finally worked up the guts to come try winning your coin purse back?”

Atom gave a sweet smile back “Oh? I thought it was a wallet, in that case you keep it, it’ll suit you much better…” Atom said in a sickly sweet tone before becoming more serious “No, I’m here for something much more important… I need the page you took from the conclave.” Atom said with deathly seriousness.

The colour drained from Wild’s face “H-how do you know about that? No, it doesn’t matter, you’re not taking it!” He said protectively, starting to get up, pulling up a safe box from under the table and holding it defensibly but he froze half way out of his seat at Atom’s next.
“So you’re not willing to gamble for it?” Atom said with confidence. The whole room quietened and looked over; if there was one thing Wild Card was famous for; it was never turning down a challenge.

Wild Card slowly slid back into his seat. “Damn you boy. Right then, what are you bringing to the table then?” he said irritably. To which Atom looked down sombrely, his hoof lifting a small black box and opening it up to show a glistening gold ring with a large band or Diamond set into it, inscribed with ornate flowing patterns. “This was my mother’s, and it’s all I have left of her.” Atom said with a hard look in his eyes.

The large unicorn by the table, a large, grey coloured unicorn with a bright scarlet mane, picked up the small box and pulled out a jeweller’s magnifying glass to study the ring. After a few minutes the unicorn lowered the magnifying glass slightly awestruck; “This is worth a small fortune, are you sure you want to risk it for a piece of paper?” He asked, to which Atom smirked slightly.
“Well, why not make it interesting and throw in Wild Card’s hat too.” Atom said, a statement that brought a gasp from the crowd, in certain circles Wild Card’s hat was extremely famous, and even rumoured, incorrectly, to be the source of his uncanny luck.

Wild Card sighed and pulled out small wooden tube and handed it to the unicorn, who opened it and showed the paper to Atom who confirmed it was what he needed, and then Atom handed over the ring too, the unicorn went to take the hat but Wild gripped it “I’d prefer to keep it on if that’s okay.” He said protectively, the unicorn shrugged and placed the other two items in a metal box which was set on the table. A row of three dice were placed in front of both of them. And they both locked eyes before picking up their set of dice and rolling the first go.

Over the next hour the two played back and forth, Wild Card usually having the advantage, still keeping his smug confident grin, as the game went on it attracted more and more attention, it was one of the longest games they had seen Wild Card play, soon the whole room was gathered around and even starting to place bets with one another as the game progressed. It became a very interesting match, not only because of the interesting bets, but also because no one could quite get a foot hold.

Atom was down to one di, and it seemed as though this would be the killing blow, Wild Card tossed the dice with a smug grin as they all landed on ones. A grin that turned to a frown as Atom won that toss, and then the next, And then slowly turned to a snarl of frustration as Atom completely pushed him back to one di.

Everyone gathered around the last throw. As they tossed the world seemed to run in slow motion as Wild Card’s di rolled to a stop and just toppled over to six and his eyes widened watching Atom’s Dice rolling to a stop one after another, each landing on one, until the last one fell off the table and bounced a little rocking to stop on another one. Atom sat with a smug grin as Wild Card’s face dropped. “H-h-how is that possible?” Was all he could say.

Atom removed the contents of the box as the Whit Unicorn opened it. Wild Card just sat there dazed as Atom took the hat from his head and walked out, leaving a crowd of stunned observers, and a lot of angry betters. Only after the door had closed did Wild card jump up and rush out the door to see Atom step onto the train.

“Wait!” Wild Card shouted, making Atom turn around at the top of the train’s steps. “Y-you have to tell me… how did you win?” Wild Card asked desperately, to which Atom just smirked.
“Simple” Atom stated “I cheated.” He said with a wink. Wild Card stood there, completely shocked and destroyed; he could do nothing but stare forwards as the train pulled out of the station. After the strain had disappeared over the horizon he uttered a few quiet mumbled words.
“But I loved that hat…”