• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 861 Views, 68 Comments

Homecoming of a Jumper - tosety

Steelskin returns from jumping among parallel Equestrias, telling stories of his adventures and trying to fit back in to normal life in Ponyville.

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10 Rebel Crystals

“Are you sure you’re up for these stories, Twi?” Steelskin looked nervous as he sat on Twilight’s couch.

“Well, I’m not really sure, but I’m a scientist, and as such I need to confront uncomfortable truths.” She looked worried but determined.

“Seriously. The next reality I jumped to had an evil version of Cadance.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide for half a second before she brought back her attempt at Celestia’s enigmatic smile. “Thank you for the warning, but I’m a grown mare. I can take it.”

Steelskin saw her eye twitch a tiny bit, but drew a deep breath and prepared himself to plow on.

On your head be it, he thought to himself.

@Arrival+1 Week@

“So, we’re gathering together a strike force and I think your dragon magic will be useful,” That world’s Twilight Sparkle was telling me. “We’ll be led in by Sombra, who has allowed us to copy his mind shields. Sadly, they don’t work on unicorns, so, any like me will need some serious training and be watched closely.”

“You sure you’re up for this, Twi?” Alex looked at her in concern.

“Yes, Emerald has been working with me on noticing subtle influences as well as fending off brute force attacks.”

“That’s not what I meant. You were close to her as a kid. Can you fight her?” Alex’s stare caused Twilight to shrink back before she rallied her courage.

“Yes, I can. Once she chose this path, she stopped being the foalsitter I loved. I can’t even be sure if what I feel for her isn’t because of magical influence.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “I choose to believe she took an interest in me because she was planning a coup even from fillyhood and my... potential was visible even then.”

“I-she thought that Cadance was using her even as a filly?” Twilight’s mane was starting to frazzle a little.

“You should really call her Empress Cadenza. There was nothing in common with Cadance except her looks and her magical specialty.” Steelskin looked at Twilight with concern. “Are you still sure you want to continue? It’s only going to get worse. Maybe you should look into the leads I gave you on reality bridges. I know Alex wants to see his human wife again.”.

“Wait. You’re willing to tell me about this reality, but not the one you told Matt?”

Steelskin closed his eyes and took yet another calming breath. “I gave you the basics of it. There’s some things that ponies should never have to know.” He looked up at her. “Alex can’t hear it either and telling Matt was more than I could take. I... I’m not strong enough to remember it a second time right now.” And the brief bit of Celestia I saw would break you, he added to himself.

@Arrival+1 Month@

I tapped the red horn attached to the circlet on my head. The magic was primarily an active pull gem that worked like a starswirl gland, but with a focus on emotion influence. I could also connect with it and ‘turn on’ unicorn levitation.

Ginsu purred contentedly from my saddlebags while, beside me, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony sat talking amongst themselves.

Pinkie, in normal Pinkie fashion, was gushing about the horn and talking about getting wings made as well. I’m pretty sure Eleanor’s name was mentioned, even though she hadn’t jumped there yet. Dash had been trying to figure out how to cast a haste spell the entire trip and Sombra sat in a corner talking quietly with Alex and Trace.

“Your ‘dispel’ should be effective in case one of us falls under her thrall,” Sombra said to Trace. Alex was looking pensive; like he didn’t like what he knew he was going to have to do.

The train screeched to a halt and everypony gathered by the door.

Just before we disembarked, Alex handed his backpack and sword to Trace and Twilight cast an ‘ignore me’ spell on everypony but Alex.

The train had stopped a furlong from the station and we got out, Trace leading the way with a fira spell to melt a path for us. When we got close, he ended it and we trudged through snow that went clear past my hocks.

When we got to the shield wall, everypony but Alex entered, one by one. The guards quickly started searching the area. That was Alex’s cue to start throwing snowballs at them even though the barrier caused them to evaporate upon contact.

Twilight couldn’t contain herself any longer. “I need that spell! That is so much better than an invisibility spell, just hearing the name gives me goosebumps!”

“You know I’m not a unicorn, right?” Steelskin tried to look annoyed, even as he got worried at the look in her eyes.

A few hairs popped loose from her mane-do as her eyes narrowed, unintentionally turning threatening. “You told me yourself that you’ve been trained. I know you can recognize different types of magic.”

Steelskin gave a dramatic sigh and started sketching some magical notation. “This is the gist of it. I don’t know if I’ve given you enough to work with or not.” When he was done, Twilight reached for it, just barely keeping herself from ripping it out of his hooves. He was proud that he kept himself from flinching.

“So...” Twilight started mumbling to herself as her eyes soaked in the spell. “It’s a combination of the royal guards’ camouflage helmets and a reversed ‘want it need it’ spell... basically making the target look like they’re too much of a hassle to think about and are somepony else’s problem... This is a bit vague, but I think I can figure out something...” Twilight went full manic as she finished. ”That’s brilliant! ...now, if I change this... and move this to...”

Steelskin smiled as he watched Twilight go slightly ‘twazy’ as she played with her new toy.

@Arrival+1 Month@

“Excuse me, creature,” One of the crystal pony guards said with a friendly smile. “Could you please stop doing that and come in here?

“Sure thing,” Alex replied and stepped through the barrier into the Crystal City.

“What is your name and species?” The other guard asked, also wearing a pleasant smile.

“Alex Roberts, species is human.”

“I’m sorry, but we don’t have a record of that species and you don’t have permission to be inside Crystal Empire territory. I’m going to have to arrest you, so please hold still as I search you.”

They quickly, efficiently and pleasantly searched him then tied his hands behind his back.

As we followed them towards the palace, Twilight got behind him and cut the ropes, levitating his backpack and knife into their normal positions.

A mare and stallion caught our attention as we passed, the stallion smelling strongly of mind control magic.

“Back from guard duty, hon?” The stallion asked.

“Yup,” She answered with a kiss.

“You’re so wonderful. I love you so mu-” A shadow briefly appeared behind his eyes. “I love you so much,” He repeated with a fawning smile.

“Oh, looks like the spell is wearing off early,” She said with a mocking pout. “Don’t worry, I’ll take you to see the Empress tomorrow and we can get you happy as can be.”

She kissed his cheek as he smiled vacantly at her.

“You’re so w-wonderful,” He said with a stutter.

“What?” Twilight’s breathing started getting fast and shallow as fear and anger warred in her mind.

“Yeah...” Steelskin looked at the table sadly.

“That’s barbaric...” Twilight whispered.

“Yeah, we all were about ready to start kicking flank right then and there, but held ourselves back until we got to the throne room.”

As Twilight blinked back tears, Steelskin wondered again whether telling this story was wise.

“You sure you’re up for me to continue? It gets worse,” He warned.

It took three slow, calming breaths before she could answer, but she replied with “Yes. A.J. taught me that truth is power. I’d rather know painful truths than live in fragile ignorance.”

“Remember, though, some truths can break you. Don’t seek truth lightly.”

Despite his cautionary words, he felt better hearing her resolve.

@Arrival+1 Month@

Empress Cadenza started sweetly, “Hello, what are you?” She was sitting on a luxurious red throne. Next to hers was a black and green throne with Queen Chrysalis seated upon it, petting Shining Armor, who was sitting like a puppy between the two. “And you’ve brought friends! Oh Twilight, I do love that tiara of yours and the matching necklaces your friends have. Who’s the little one and the two bipeds that didn’t get fancy jewelry? Well, at least they got little Shadow’s horny crown.”

Cadenza’s mocking laugh was echoed by the guards even as they looked around in confusion.

The bearers powered up their elements, but Cadenza quickly hit Twilight and Rarity with a wave of lust magic and the Elements faltered.

Alex, seeing the elements fail, charged Cadenza, his sword transforming into a gauntlet and armor up to his shoulder. He punched at the base of her horn and a flash of electrical discharge lit up the room. She fell to the ground with a scorch mark on her forehead. At the same moment Sombra slammed a hoof into the back of one of the guards escorting Alex and Trace used a sleep spell on the other.

Pinkie Pie had used her few moments to fire several rounds of extra sticky cake batter down the entry hall, incapacitating the guards and a few changelings that were rushing towards them.

Fluttershy had grabbed the two changeling guards already in the room in a bear hug and, judging by their drunken expressions, was most likely pouring love and compassion into them.

I moved to a wall, hoping to be able to sneak around behind Chrysalis.

Wisps of shadow started to rise up around Chrysalis, but she destroyed them with a flash of magic.

”Stop!” she bellowed. “Do not move, little chameleons, or I will rip out this poor stallion’s throat.” She waved a forehoof that had been transformed into a griffin’s claw as she stroked a still vacantly smiling Shining Armor’s mane. “I cannot see you all, but I know where I don’t want to look. I count nine of you, plus the biped I can see. Dispell this magic or your captain of the guard dies.”

I took a moment to look around. Trace had dispelled the mind control on Twilight and Rarity and they looked like they had stopped mid-cast. Dash and A.J. were picking themselves off the ground. Alex and Cadenza were both unconscious, Alex with burns on his face and hand, his sword trying to reform itself into something other than a puddle of silver, and Cadenza twitching on the floor with her horn smoking. Pinkie was staring at the guards trying to free themselves from the cake batter, and Fluttershy was standing over the two changelings lying on the ground with dopey smiles on their faces.

Ginsu had hopped out of my pack and started padding towards Chrysalis in that arrogant way that all cats have.

“What trickery is this? A popping cat?”

Taking advantage of her confusion, Twilight manifested a shield around her brother that slammed Chrysalis against the wall.

Twilight dashed over to her brother as Sombra and I worked to quickly secure Chrysalis. Everypony else worked to either secure the guards or tend to their friends.

Shining Armor shook his head, trying to clear it. “We need to get the Crystal Heart. The Empress has her loyal unicorns working to deactivate your traps, King Sombra. I’m afraid they’re close to doing it, too.”

Sombra looked to me. “Your special ability will make this much faster. Will you lend a hoof?”

I nodded and he enveloped me in shadow. I started to feel vertigo, but before it could fully set in, we were already on the top of the crystal spire.

Shining Armor quickly grabbed the five unicorn mages by their horns. Sombra nodded in appreciation.

“Steelskin,” Sombra said as he trotted to the opposite side of the Crystal Heart. “When I tell you, send your hoof club out and knock the crystal over to me.”

I noticed that one of the unicorns was smirking and it filled me with a sense of dread.

“I...” I hesitated, not knowing how to express my fears.

“A pegasus division is on its way!” Shining yelled. “Quickly!”

I glanced where Shining was looking and saw three flights of pegasi quickly approaching.

“Steelskin, now!” Sombra yelled.

I shot a hoof out, slamming into the heart and sending it sailing into Sombra’s hooves. The shield came up, but all it managed to do was knock my foreleg upwards.

Shining enveloped the heart in his pink aura and yanked it away. In a flash, Shining and I were at the base of the tower.

“Nice job, kid,” Shining said with a smirk. I remembered how the unicorns were restrained and knew he intentionally left Sombra up there for when his restraints disappeared. “You want to have some fun?”

I looked at him in confusion.

“Oh, come on, I know you’re old enough to start looking at fillies. I like your potential. Are you willing to help me or are you a bleeding heart like my pitiful sister?” As he spoke, he poured magic into the heart, turning it from pink to red.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What are you offering, precisely?”

“No...” Twilight’s horrified look said it all.

I nodded grimly. “I told you it got worse.”

Twilight pursed her lips and nodded for Steelskin to continue. Steelskin noticed her blink back tears.

@Arrival+1 Month@

“You see,” Shining went on, “We had a nice little relationship. Eris Cadenza was fine sharing me with Chryssi.” He got a sly smile. “And because of a unique ability of changelings, I was able to share Chryssi with Cadie.”

His smirk turned lecherous as he continued. “Cadie’s little gift allowed us to reward our loyalest guards quite nicely.”

I narrowed my eyes. “So, if I help you, you’ll give me any mare I want?”

“Well,” Shining answered, “Within reason, of course, you can’t have anyone that your superior has claimed. But, on the bright side, you won’t be limited to just one.”

Inwardly, I felt sick even as the temptation of Scootaloo flashed in front of me.

I yelled as I shot out a sharpened hoof. He put up a shield to block it.

“Oh, well,” He replied casually, “I guess that’s a no.”

His shield concentrated down into two kite shields that floated between us as he set the now fiery red heart in its place. I felt a wave of undirected desire wash over me as the magic spread out.

Apparently, some time after the main fight, Ginsu had hopped back into my saddlebags.

With a pop, he was behind Shining and gathering for a pounce.

Shining noticed my look and turned. “Oh, it’s the cute little kitty.”

Ginsu hissed at him.

“I like your pet. He’ll be a fun one to break.”

Ginsu leapt at him and was slapped out of the air by one of Armor’s shields. I didn’t wait for the impact, leaping at Shining, turning each of my forelegs into a weird sort of sword that Pinkie called a ‘chainsaw’ and swinging at Shining from both sides. He expanded his shield to keep them from hitting him, but the grinding of the spinning teeth was causing it to shudder and buck, turning misty at the edges. I flicked my tail daggers at him, noticing his other shield coming at my head just in time to avoid losing it.

He screamed and the shield I was grinding sharpened and cut through the ends of my swords. As I pulled them back, I saw two of my daggers embedded in his flank.

“Okay, I was going to give you a nice, quick death,” Shining said as he pulled the daggers out. “But now I’m mad. Let’s see how you like getting cut.”

With that, he proceeded to divide his shield into what seemed like a hundred pieces and shot them at me from every direction.

Like any colt, I panicked. I did everything I could to dodge, but for the next few moments, I got assaulted by blade after blade slicing past me. I don’t think I even dodged half of them as they cut into every bit of exposed skin on my body.

After an eternity of agony, it stopped. I vaguely saw a smoking crater behind Twilight. I also realized Ginsu was licking some of my cuts and mewling.

Or did the mewling start when the healing magic started?

I think I cried out as I felt a jump start.

“And then the familiar white agony of my body getting ripped apart and put together again.” Steelskin closed his eyes and rested his head on the table.

“I...” Twilight sat there, dumbstruck. “I killed Shiny?”

“No idea,” Steelskin replied. “I’ve seen unicorns survive what I think I saw, but, yeah, you- I mean that Twilight cratered him.”

Twilight reasserted her ‘professional’ face and nodded. “That wasn’t my brother and if he were a part of that... Well, he deserved whatever he got.”

Steelskin knew it wasn’t an entirely honest statement, but knew how important pretending could be. Both of their eyes were slightly damp.