• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 861 Views, 68 Comments

Homecoming of a Jumper - tosety

Steelskin returns from jumping among parallel Equestrias, telling stories of his adventures and trying to fit back in to normal life in Ponyville.

  • ...

27 Kicking Flank

It was evening and the last sliver of the sun had just dropped below the treeline. The ponies of Hidden Moon Village were just lighting the torches in the main square. Shopkeepers milled around their stores preparing for another night.

With a gust of magic, Luna appeared in the center of the main square and arena. Two colts stepped away from her side, shaking off stardust.

“Thanks for coming, Rocky,” Steelskin said nervously.

“No prob, Steel,” Rocky said with a nervous grin. “I owe ya. Though this town has a bad feel to it.”

Captain Nightshade trotted up, giving Luna a brief bow. “A pleasure to see you as always, Princess.”

“And you, as well, Captain,” Luna replied, happy that the formality was only a thin veneer over a genuine appreciation and friendship. “This is Steelskin and his friend, Rocky.”

Nightshade gave a nod of the head to them both. “So, you think you’re ready to knock some sense into these ponies?”

Steelskin pawed the ground uncertainly. “I’ll do what I can, but...”

Luna silenced him with a wing over his back. “Do not worry; we are here to teach them of the error of too much violence.”

The village chief, upon seeing who had arrived, moved swiftly to gather his best warriors. News traveled fast in the tiny village.

Luna looked around at the gathered residents. All three tribes were represented along with a few thestrals, but earth ponies seemed to have a greater presence than the other tribes. All looked both pleased and anxious that their princess had graced them with her presence. “I have a plan.”

Sharp Spear stepped forward with his entourage keeping in perfect step. Their armor clanked in perfect time and their spear points glinted in the sun. They bowed deeply. Each of his comrades started just barely after him to give a wave-like effect.

The dogmatic ponies followed suit with their leader, not a single head hesitated or lagged.

Sharp Spear’s voice was clear and resonant despite facing the packed earth. “Greetings, my princess. You honor us with your visit.”

Luna coldly accepted the deferential treatment, offering nothing to show whether she was impressed by the display. “You may rise.”

She watched as everypony rose from their bows. When they were back on their hooves, she smiled warmly. “I am here to introduce you to my newest paladin-in-training, Steelskin.”

Steelskin glanced up in surprise before stepping forward at her motion.

“Greetings, young one,” Sharp Spear said with a smile. “I am glad our princess has finally recognized our martial abilities and given us somepony to train.”

“Neigh, Chief,” Luna admonished calmly. “I wish for him to teach you.”

“What?” Sharp Spear looked at Luna blankly, unable to process this statement.

Is this a test? he thought to himself.

“Steelskin,” Luna said, ignoring the chief’s reaction. “What would you say if I told you that they insisted on practicing with bladed weapons?”

Steelskin, despite having realized why he was brought here, paused and looked around, trying to figure out a diplomatic way to answer.

Luna, recognizing his desire for politeness, pondered a way to get things moving. A group of foals gave her the necessary flash of inspiration. “You see those foals over there?” She pointed at a group of children half his age that were staring at them in awe. “If Sharp Spear has his way, they will be fighting each other and will likely be injured like all the other ponies in this village.”

“Princess,” Sharp Spear said in a pained tone. “You know that the rule is only for adults, but how else are we going to learn to avoid-”

Steelskin did what he could to keep from reacting like he wanted to, but seeing a filly only a year or two older than him that was missing an eye made him fully understand that he was being asked by Luna to end this.

He remembered several fights he ended up having to watch in other realities. Gathering up his courage, he interrupted the chief. “I’d say that you’re a bunch of flop-for-brains idiots.”

The chief started sputtering in rage. “How dare you speak to me like-”

“How much do you think your little ponies like hurting each other?” Steelskin interrupted again, trying to keep himself under control. “You’re not teaching them how to avoid an attack by an enemy, you’re teaching them to avoid a weak swing by a friend.”

Steelskin started to lose himself in his anger. “You don’t stab a friend! I’ll dodge a stick that’s going to sting much faster than a sword swung by somepony I know doesn’t want to hurt me.”

Sharp Spear had no idea what to do with the colt yelling at him and neither did his warriors, Rocky was staring with awe and fear at his friend, and both Luna and Nightshade were grinning in righteous amusement.

There was no putting his anger back into the bottle now. Visions of all the ponies needlessly hurt by stupidity flooded his mind.

“Grab your spear and stab me!” Steelskin yelled as he advanced on Sharp Spear.

Sharp Spear fumbled for his weapon and stepped tentatively towards Steelskin.

“Bucking mare up and stab me!” Steelskin screamed, right in front of Sharp Spear.

Sharp Spear looked to Luna.

She gave a nod. “Do as he asks.”

He gave a lunge at Steelskin. Steelskin watched as the spear point moved towards his left shoulder, then moved just before it hit, shifting right, throwing his right hoof into the base of the spearpoint and using its momentum to spin and deliver a two-hooved buck to Sharp Spear’s jaw.

Sharp Spear stumbled back, surprised.

“You rutting cutie plot colt, I said stab me!” This time, Steelskin took the offensive, lunging forward, ripping the spear out of the stallion’s hooves and swinging the blunt end at his head.

Sharp Spear blocked the strike but stumbled back as Steelskin began to attack in earnest, tears flowing freely from his eyes as his anger released all the pain of seeing those he cared about hurt.

“This is how you attack!” Steelskin screamed, catching Sharp on the shoulder and following up with a jab into his ribcage.

Snorting heavily, Steelskin ripped the spearhead off with his teeth and threw the shaft at a bruised Sharp Spear’s hooves.

“Now take that rutting spear and bucking stab me!” Steelskin screamed, tears still streaming from his eyes.

Sharp Spear looked from a crying Steelskin to the impassive faces of Luna and Nightshade.

Luna gazed icily back. “This colt is a veteran of horrors that you could not imagine. If you wish, you may take a ‘child’s’ weapon, but I expect you to show me that you can fight better than a foal.”

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and took one of the practice spears the lunar guard had brought. He knew his fitness to lead the village was already shaky due to his gender and a failure now would set back both his position and that of stallions in general.

Steelskin wiped away the tears and accepted a practice spear from Nightshade.

“Begin,” announced Luna.

Sharp Spear gave a lunge that stopped just shy of an unflinching Steelskin. Steelskin looked at the blunt point then back at Sharp Spear with an expression of boredom.

There was a snort of amusement from the direction of Captain Nightshade, but nopony could tell if it was actually her.

“Hey, Rocky,” Steelskin called out, looking away from Sharp Spear. “Maybe you should fight him. Don’t worry, he’s too afraid to actually hit some-”

Sharp Spear took the opportunity Steelskin offered and gave Steelskin’s right shoulder a solid hit. Steelskin turned back to him and gave a condescending smile.

“That’s a little better,” Steelskin announced. “That might have actually bruised Rocky.”

Getting a little more confident, Sharp gave a lunge at Steel’s chest. Steel blocked it easily and brought his own spear around, aiming towards Sharp’s left foreleg. Sharp used the butt of his own spear to knock it away even as he sidestepped right.

The adrenaline of battle lifted Steelskin’s spirits and he hopped backwards before dashing in towards Sharp’s left. Steel’s unfamiliarity with spears made his thrust at Sharp’s ribs easy to block and left him open to a painful strike to his flank.

Steelskin nodded respect to Sharp Spear and raised his weapon again. Sharp Spear gave him an answering nod and took the offensive, delivering several strikes in quick succession. Steel blocked the first two, but was unable to block the third, and the fourth swept his feet out from under him. He responded by catching Sharp’s hind leg, buckling it at the knee.

“Hold,” Luna announced. The village of ponies released their breath.

When the two ponies picked themselves up and looked back towards the Princess, she continued. “Sharp Spear, now that you have seen his prowess and know him to be experienced and durable, grab a bladed spear.”

After a moment of surprise, he did so. The metal tip glinted dangerously under the moonlight as he took it and lifted it into ready position.

“Steelskin, use a weapon you are familiar with.” Luna’s tone made it sound like Steelskin had been working with an intentional handicap.

Steelskin’s ears drooped. “I’m not sure if I can hold back...”

Luna gave an encouraging smile. “I understand your concern, but we are playing by his rules now.” Luna’s smile slid off her face, leaving a frigid, disapproving frown. “He wishes there to be the potential of death in his practice, so do your best to keep your attacks nonlethal, but worry not about any mistakes you may make in the heat of the moment.”

The ice in Luna’s voice chilled Sharp Spear to the bone and he unconsciously moved into a more defensive stance. Many of the ponies around them were in various stages of worry.


At Luna’s command, Steelskin shot out a hoof towards Sharp Spear’s chest. Confused by Steelskin’s lack of weapon and caught off guard by the magically enhanced reach, Sharp Spear just barely dodged it. He registered a flying kick coming at his head, his hesitation about skewering Steelskin on his spear delayed him just long enough for Steelskin to deal a glancing blow that filled his vision with stars. In a panic, he swung his spear in a wide arc, nicking Steelskin, but not able to cut the magically hardened hide.

Sharp Spear stopped and waited to see how badly he had cut Steelskin.

Steelskin showed the lack of a cut on his side and gave a friendly grin. “You don’t have to worry about hurting me. Go ahead and attack me like I’m the monster I am.”

Sharp Spear felt a wave of fear wash over him as Steelskin’s unintentionally draconic smile gave the impression of bloodlust.

Luna, meanwhile, saw the glint of tears re-forming in Steelskin’s eyes and felt a stab of sympathy.

Steelskin noted the fear and dashed in, headbutting Sharp Spear in the chest, hitting harder than he intended and thankfully noting that it didn’t feel like any bones got broken. Sharp Spear was knocked back several paces and put a hoof to his chest as he grimaced in pain. Steelskin pressed his advantage, forcing Sharp Spear to dodge out of the way of a sweep aimed at his legs.

In the back of his mind, he recognized a few ponies he had made friends with in other realities and their needless crippling injuries. Righteous fury mixed with the excitement of battle and he picked up his pace.

Sharp Spear reacted well, sidestepping and parrying several hoof strikes, ignoring the pain of the hits he had taken despite bruises already forming, but was unable to create an opening to counter.

It was time to make the colt fear his blade.

He jumped back far enough to give him space to launch his own attack and swung his spear downwards, hoping to open a decent cut on Steelskin’s foreleg. Steelskin dodged to the right and shot his opposite forehoof out to knock it away as Sharp Spear attempted to follow him with the thrust.

Steelskin followed this up with a dash to his left and a flick of his tail, sending sharp blades at his opponent. Realizing almost too late what he was doing, he fouled his own aim, making them fall short of their mark, then dashed in to give a two-hooved buck to his side. Sharp Spear danced out of the way and lunged at Steelskin, realizing too late that Steelskin’s momentum was carrying him into the spear point and that there was not enough room to check his thrust.

As the spear tip touched Steelskin’s ribcage, Sharp Spear was already calling out for a medic. By the time the wooden hilt plowed into Steelskin, the unicorn medic was already in motion.

The pain of the wooden hilt impacting his ribs pulled Steelskin out of his battle focus.

“Ow, that was a good thrust,” Steelskin remarked after a quick moment to compose himself. He pushed the crumpled metal away from what was going to be a nasty bruise.

Sharp Spear and the medic gaped at him.

“What are you?” Sharp Spear asked in a mix of wonder and horror.

The shadow of self hatred that had dispersed during the fight returned to Steelskin’s eyes and voice. “I’m a dragon slayer.”

Sharp Spear looked towards Luna for an explanation.

Luna smiled sadly. “A dragon from another world gave him the magic and training to be able to kill other dragons. He is now, magically, part Iron Dragon. Now tell me; if that was a mortal blow you dealt him, how would you feel? What could be said to make the pain of taking another pony’s life go away?”

Sharp Spear noted a haunted look in both Luna and Nightshade’s eyes even as he found his gaze pulled to the house of a certain salt addled pony.

“Do you understand why I wish you to practice with non-bladed weapons, now?” Luna asked, seeing the contemplative look on Sharp Spear’s face.

Sharp Spear hardened his resolve. There was a reason for the traditions that had been passed down for centuries. The uncertainty left his eyes as he realized what to say. “Death is a part of the warrior’s way. While regrettable, the death of a warrior in training is preparation for killing enemies. I would grieve the death of this colt if I had killed him, but a real warrior moves on.”

“That’s not how it works,” Nightshade growled angrily.

“Peace, Captain,” Luna requested as she glared dangerously at Sharp Spear. “Let him dig his own grave.”

“Thank you, my princess,” Sharp spear responded, apparently unaware of the implications of her statement. “As I was saying; while we do not wish to see anypony die, a true warrior is prepared for such things and can face it with an iron resolve.”

“Have you taken the life of a pony?” Luna asked neutrally.

“Well, no,” Sharp Spear replied.

Luna noticed him look in the direction of a battered hovel that looked like it had been years since anypony made any repairs.

“Dost thou truly think that the taking of a life is such a trivial thing to shrug off?” Luna asked, the strain of keeping herself passive causing her to drop back into Old Equish speech.

“Of course not,” Sharp spear replied haughtily. “That is what separates a warrior from a civilian.”

Again, Sharp Spear looked towards the run-down shack and his ears pinned back. This time, a stallion was walking towards them. He had the dehydrated look of a long-time salt abuser. Upon closer inspection, he was a pegasus stallion with a brown coat that was faded almost to grey and his wings were a dishevelled mess, looking like they hadn’t been preened in years.

Steelskin looked at his eyes and saw somepony even more broken than him.

Nightshade saw a soldier that was pushed past his breaking point.

Luna saw his disharmony.

No, that is incorrect, Luna thought to herself. He is not interfering, merely cut off from Harmony.

Luna observed him stop at the outer edge of the crowd, remembering when she first met her captain; Nightshade used to be just like this pony. Nightshade spent her days salted into oblivion, but Luna saw a spark of something greater and had begun her first attempt of redemption.

Maybe, Luna asked herself, they do not wish to be inharmonious, but lost the ability? Nightshade, after all, while still being disconnected from Equestria as a whole, has reclaimed her connection to the Night Guard. What if...

“Greetings, my little pony, what is your name?” Luna asked, pulling herself out of her line of thought and approaching the newcomer.

The stallion bowed deeply. “Please call me Broken Shield, Your Majesty.”

“Please rise,” Luna said sadly.

As he did so, Luna stepped forward the last few steps and wrapped her forelegs and wings around him. He stiffened until she spoke. “Peace, friend. We know thy pain.”

“Sharp Spear,” Luna turned back to the object of her ire, noting the swollen side of his face and the multiple bruises starting to show around his body. “Tell me how a stallion that moves with the grace of a warrior can be a salted mess.”

“A-about three years ago,” Sharp Spear began, stumbling over his words slightly at the deadly calm of Luna’s gaze. “He was training with Swift River...”

Broken Shield trembled with a suppressed sob. Luna maneuvered him against her side and gave a gentle lick to wipe away the tears escaping the stallion’s eyes.

“...Swift River failed to parry the blow, instead trying to dodge. Instead of moving away, she ended up moving further into the path of the strike and the sword pierced her heart. Since then, he has shirked all of his duties and has spent-”

Luna’s calm demeanor was broken by her narrowing eyes and lips pursing into a hard line. Sharp Spear, despite his fanaticism, was not stupid and immediately recognized the look as one that did not bode well for him.

“What, may we ask,” Luna said after Sharp Spear paused, her voice freezing the hearts of everyone who heard her. “What comfort hath been given to this pony after this tragedy happened?”

“Comfort, Your Majesty? We are warriors. Comfort is for foals.” Sharp Spear’s ears pinned back as he saw Luna stand, making a point not to look him in the eyes.

“Nightshade, I am sorry,” Luna said, cold fury filling her voice as she forced herself to speak in modern Equish. “I did not understand just how stupid the ponies of this village are. Please explain to them how intelligent ponies act. Please keep me informed of all that you do, but you no longer need to ask permission before implementing whatsoever you think best. You have my full confidence from this point hence.”

Luna drew in a deep breath. “Let it be known,” She said in a voice just shy of the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Captain Nightshade speaks for me. All decisions she makes shall be received as if they came directly from me. Every Night Guard in this village will have more authority over training than whomsoever replaces the former chief.”

“But, Princess, I have faithfully followed the traditions we received from you for-” Sharp Spear started to whine before being cut off by Luna.

“Silence,” Luna commanded, eyes flashing with anger and voice just barely restrained from a shout. “Mercy. Compassion. Kindness. These are the teachings I gave to your Dams. Without these, the strength to protect becomes tyranny.”

“But-” Sharp Spear began again.

“I said silence,” Luna hissed, her eyes flickered with raw power. “You hold the teachings of your Dams above what I, myself hath stated plainly.”

Sharp Spear’s ears folded back and his tail folded so far under him that it was almost between his forelegs. He pawed the ground nervously and opened his mouth as if to say more. Luna glared at him again and he closed his mouth with a snap. A few other ponies that looked like they were about to speak looked away.

Turning her attention away and changing from the tone of a princess to that of a mother, she addressed Broken Shield. “Come, there is someone I wish you to meet in Ponyville.”

She made a motion for Steelskin and Rocky to come to her.

Steelskin approached, Rocky close behind.

Steelskin’s head drooped as he remembered the last moments of the fight. “I’m sorry, Princess. I lost control again.

Luna lit her horn and gently pulled Steelskin’s face to look at her. “What didst thou think we wanted to do to that foal of a nag? Thou didst control thyself better than I believe I would have.”

The anger drained out of her voice and posture. “You did no permanent damage to him even while angered to the point of tears. Your control over your actions is among the best I have seen in my entire life.”

Steelskin was still having trouble looking her in the eyes, so she continued. “Nightmare Moon was not the only time I was lost in my jealousy and anger. The reason that Tia and I have an army is because we have lost ourselves on numerous occasions in the past. She has burned entire armies until every last soldier was nothing more than a charred pile of bones. She has impaled griffons on her own horn and ripped wargs’ throats out with her magic. I have been less... visceral in my fighting, but I have done similarly with ice, first freezing them, and then calling down lightning to shatter their frozen armies. My hooves have caved in skulls.”

Broken Shield looked nervous at that revelation and Rocky was looking decidedly green.

Luna noticed this and sighed deeply. “We would likely be able to keep the bloodlust at bay now that we are more mature, but we still do not trust our passions. You, young Steelskin, have shown that you possess great self control and it will only grow greater as you age.”

Luna noted with sadness that, while he didn’t argue the point, it was clear that he didn’t believe it.

At least he seems slightly more animated than before, she thought to herself. Mayhap, this hast been somewhat successful for him as well.

Twilight stifled a scream of irritation. “Why does this Tycho have to be so brilliant when it comes to magical theory but so horrible when it comes to naming things!”

Trace gave her a calming scratch as she went back to her abacus.

Twilight put down the abacus. “Okay, a separation of oh-point-one-two-five tau should be enough for thaumic reflection, so, with the two perpendicular summoning rings, we should be able to do this with...”

Twilight’s ears folded back. “That’s still a lot of aluminum...”

“Doesn’t Alex still have a lot that he’s waiting to sell?” Trace asked.

Twilight looked at him in horror. “That’s noble aluminum! I couldn’t waste it on something like this!”

She took a few calming breaths before continuing. “No, I’ll need to ask Arcanis for access to the research department’s supply.”

Trace gave a derisive snort. “Yeah, like he’d go along with this. Too bad those lenses you described won’t work for something like this...”

“We’d need a praxis roughly twenty horns in diameter for this. I’d have to get that specially cut from the Crystal Empire. The time involved in that wouldn’t justify the...” Twilight did some mental calculations. “Zero point zero one five percent savings.”

“Got any friends that could get some for you in that department?” Trace asked helpfully.

Twilight frowned determinedly. “Well, he doesn’t need to know the specifics, and I’d rather not drag anypony else into the manure storm this will become when he does find out what I’m doing.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for how long this took.
I've pretty much painted Steelskin into a corner and am having trouble resolving the story in an upbeat but realistic way.
I pretty much have things figured out, so, hopefully, the final chapters won't take too long to finish.