• Published 11th Feb 2014
  • 861 Views, 68 Comments

Homecoming of a Jumper - tosety

Steelskin returns from jumping among parallel Equestrias, telling stories of his adventures and trying to fit back in to normal life in Ponyville.

  • ...

13 Alpha Wolf... Pony? Dragon?

Scootaloo spoke to Steelskin excitedly, “Okay, so Bells will be asking Rarity to make our costumes and you’ll ask your friend Garudo if he can make some fake spikes.” Her smile faltered for a moment as they prepared to leave him at the entrance to the hospital.

She looked shyly at the ground as everypony else trotted off, then made a decision. She gave him an affectionate nuzzle, sliding her nose from his cheekbone into his mane and crossing necks with him. He accepted it and rested his head on her neck in return. She smelled of lilac and axle grease.

They broke contact and Scootaloo ran off to catch up with her already departing friends while Steelskin turned into the hospital to meet with the new therapist Miss Introspective called in. He’d been warned that it was a warg and now he was feeling a little uncomfortable about the choice of Nightmare Night costumes.

“Steelskin, here to see Weyul,” he said to the receptionist. He had no idea what he was feeling as he waited for a response.

The older pony looked up from her papers and smiled kindly. “Just down that hall,” She pointed as she spoke. “Fifth door on the left.”

Marching down the corridor, he counted out the requisite five doors.Taking a deep breath, he opened it.

Even though he knew what to expect, he was still overwhelmed. A warg, easily as large as Big Macintosh, with salt and pepper fur and a large silver patch on his back, sat calmly behind a low desk, reviewing a thick file. His eyes spoke of wisdom and concern. His body lay relaxed but attentive on his cushion and his mouth was closed, hiding his sharp predatory teeth.

“Greetings, Steelskin, son of Toughstuff, Ancient Colt, Friend of Dragons, Defender of the Weak, I am Weyul son of Wieland, Honourable Healer of Souls, Warrior of the Kaltoo Clan, Master of his Household, Peacemaker to all tribes, Friend to Ponies. My friends call me Weyul and that is how I would like you to see me.” Weyul gave a smile that Steelskin found difficult to return.

A shadow briefly passed over Steelskin’s face as the sight of a warg brought back emotionally charged memories. “I’d love to,” he replied, settling down in the borrowed office in the hospital with just a touch of nervousness.

“I am impressed, Steelskin,” The warg growled in what was probably its friendliest voice. “There is no fear in your eyes.”

“Well, my adoptive father was a dragon, so it’s not like you’re more dangerous than what I’m already used to. Plus, I think some of the things I’ve seen humans do would make even a warrior like you nervous.” Steelskin smiled tightly and the intelligent wolf saw a brief flash of fear as Steelskin’s memories surfaced only to be pushed back down.

Weyul let out a barking laugh. “I have come to heal your soul, but you are already healing mine.”

At Steelskin’s inquisitive look, Weyul explained. “There is a reason there are virtually no wargs in Equestria. You ponies are frightened by our very looks.” His gaze dropped for a moment. “It is not something that is pleasant to see in another's eyes.”

“Yeah, I get a little bit of that with my appearance as well,” Steelskin responded as his piercings felt heavy on his ears. “I’ve pretty much ended up with Tallic’s view that anypony worth befriending will look past your appearance.” A slight frown showed that he was not entirely successful in keeping this attitude.

“Wise words, but I would be surprised if even he were not hurt by being judged based on his species. Their reputation can mark them as antisocial to the extreme.” Weyul scowled. “I did not look forward to this visit. In fact, I had been contacted multiple times before by Introspective the Gentle, but refused. Even when she wrote in desperation of a young colt that she was too fearful to be able to help, I was tempted to decline. There is no way to help a creature so timid that they are afraid of the very sight of you.”

Weyul’s ears drooped in sadness and he let out a breathy sigh.

“I need to ask you something,” Steelskin said, looking down at his hooves, fearing confirmation of his thoughts. “Is there any place for me? I have to leave school because I’m traumatizing my classmates. I think I’d be better off in the Griffin Kingdom where you’re not so... fragile.”

Some softer laughter preceded Weyul’s response. “Who decided that you cannot go to school?”

Steelskin’s jaw set in a grim line and he glared at Weyul, daring him to contradict his next statement. “I did. I made a filly piss her tail and didn’t even realize until I was about to walk away. I’d rather not force them to kick me out.”

Weyul took the challenge with a narrowing of his eyes as he let his smile drop to a more subtle level. “Would the protectors of the children judge you as harshly as you judge yourself? You would have a whole set of other problems to deal with if you moved to the griffon lands. They might not be ‘soft’ like ponies, but that doesn’t mean you will fit in, and I don’t think it would be a good fit for you... though, I may have a friend for you to meet.”

As Steelskin tried to find an answer to this, Weyul pulled out some recording gems and placed them on the table next to him. He stared at them, reading the inscriptions before picking one out.

“Much as I would love to argue your influence over your packmates, I think it would be best to see you recount ‘Griffon Lands number three’ for now. It was actually the one that convinced me that you needed my particular brand of help.”

Bile rose in Steelskin’s throat as he recognized which one he was being asked about. The antiseptic smells of the hospital became overwhelming.

“Can we go somewhere else?”

@Arrival +5 Weeks@

“Hello, my little pony.” A warg stepped out from the tree cover right in front of me. “That’s a pretty little piece of armor you’re wearing... Too bad it’s broken.”

I was in one of my funks. Every place in Equestria reminded me somehow of Tallic, my parents, or the friends in Ponyville I kept making then losing. The Griffon lands were my choice this time. Despite how well the place fit my mood, this warg pack that undoubtedly surrounded me was not what I wanted to deal with right now.

“Yeah, it’s cracked and worthless, so obviously I’m not worth messing with.” I tried walking past, but the wolf moved to the middle of the road, blocking my path.

I sized the dog up. He was easily three times my size, scarred all over, and had multiple piercings as well as dermal spikes.

“I see that your pack holds to the old ways.” I stated this with no emotion, merely letting the statement itself hang in the air.

“King Fenris was a fool. The Wargum have become soft. The lesser races are rubbing off on them. Those not warg should only be food.”

“Ah, yes, my more... uncivil brethren,” Weyul replied neutrally.

As they walked through town, Steelskin noted how everypony quickly turned around and hustled off in another direction as he and Weyul approached. He could see the warg getting angrier as doors slammed shut and vendors hid behind their carts.

A rumbling growl emanated from the warg. “Stupid panicky species. Controlled by instinct rather than intellect.” He suddenly realized who he was talking to. “I apologize. It was not my intention to offend, I just-”

“Seriously, I understand.” Steelskin smiled at him sadly. “We even panic at the sight of zebras, sadly.”

They walked a little further in silence, Weyul trying to control his anger and Steelskin wishing there was more he could say.

“Hey, Steelskin, How’s it going, and who’s your friend?” Alex was walking towards us in a slightly too relaxed stance with a slightly too large smile on his face.

“Hi Alex, this is Weyul, son of Wieland... uhm... friend of ponies.” Steelskin turned with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I can’t remember the rest of your name.”

“Thank you. Those were the important ones,” Weyul said to Steelskin before turning to Alex. “Greetings, Alex Roberts, Paladin of Redemption, Husband of Rainbow Dash, Fellow Carnivore, and protector of Ponyville. I am Weyul, son of Wieland, Honourable Healer of Souls, Warrior of the Kaltoo Clan, Master of his Household, Peacemaker to all tribes, Friend to Ponies. If you reject your fear, I give you permission to call me Weyul.”

"I can try. Fight or flight is very strong in my species. And since you're a friend of Steelskin, I can't fight, so," He chuckled, "A slave to my baser instincts, I suppose, Weyul."

Weyul gave Alex a calculating look before responding. “I see you have truly taken your hand from your weapon and I am glad to have that trust. But, supposing you were to fight, what would you do? How would you strike me down?"

Alex looked at him warily, "Use my knife, at range, stun you electrically, tie you up, then sort things out."

He glanced between Alex and Steelskin, watching both reactions before smiling a wolfish grin. "Excellent! You fight wisely, keeping a larger and possibly more deadly warrior at bay, yet you then proceed to attempt peacemaking. This makes my heart howl with joy. A warrior who understands that the way to most surely defeat an enemy is to make him your friend."

Alex chuckled. ”Very true. Ticks them off and gives you something to drink about.”

Weyul looked off into the distance. “Yes, I do believe I can be of use in this town.” Opening his mouth in a toothy smile again, he continued, “Introspective The Gentle had asked that I find time to hear your stories after I have done what I can for Steelskin here. If you are willing, please come by the Hall of Healing tomorrow.”

@Arrival+ 5 Weeks@

It was far too predictable. I was hoping that they weren’t that traditionalist, but since they were, I’d be able to use that against them... hopefully. I didn’t even need to smell them to know that there were four besides the alpha stationed on either side of the road, front and back.

On cue, a warg leapt out from the underbrush, running the age old gambit of snapping at my flank to spook me.

I shot out a hind leg, catching him under the jaw and sending him muzzle over tail.

Before he hit the tree behind him, the one diagonally opposite him leapt for my throat. I was already in mid spin and caught him full in the side with both hind legs. I felt the air leave his lungs as I continued the twirl, pulling my hind legs back in to spin faster and ready my hind legs for the next one. He was slightly ahead of where I expected. Instead of hitting the alpha or his wingpony, or would that be wingwarg? I used the wingwarg, as a springboard to launch myself into the last one.

Too close for hooves.

I rammed my head into his snout, hearing breaking bones and teeth as I let myself flip tail over muzzle, twisting to land on my hooves.

Trying to show more arrogance than I felt, I struck a dramatic pose. “As you can see, I am no mere pony,” I said, making use of their hesitation. “I am Steelskin, son of Toughstuff, adopted by Tallic the iron dragon, jumper between worlds. I am heir to earth pony magic, dragonslayer magic, and world jumping.”

As I was speaking, I saw the ones I hit get to their paws and move to encircle me. They weren’t going to stay down unless I killed them, and even if I was willing to do that, it would just set all the packs in the area on me. They would also adjust their tactics the more we fought. Running would be just as counterproductive as I had already given them a reason to want me dead.

Time to play a really dangerous gambit.

“I challenge you for your pack.”

All five of them sat on their haunches in shock before letting out long, barking laughter.

“You, little pup... little colt, would challenge me?”

“I notice you didn’t accept immediately. Are you afraid because I have drawn first blood?” I had to get him worried for his honor if this would work.

“Seriously?” Weyul looked at Steelskin with amusement, letting out a breathy chuckle. “Even hearing the truth in your voice, it is nearly impossible to believe that you actually got a traditionalist to accept your challenge for his pack.”

“Yep,” Steelskin said as they entered Garbo’s. “Took some pretty serious insults and I was afraid he was going to lose it and attack me several times. I was pretty surprised it worked as well.”

"Greetings, Honored Weyul, Son of Wieland, healer of souls. Are you eating here today?” Georgette said. “Oh, Steelskin! Nice to see you again.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him before turning back to Weyul. “Two today?”

“Yes, little chick, may we have a table in a quiet corner?” Weyul gave her a kindly smile as she led them to a booth. As he sat down, he turned to Steelskin. “Do you know what you want?”

“Yes, thank you,” Steelskin said before turning to Georgette. “I would like the veggie patty burger with barbecue sauce, a half order of bacon and a lemon soda.”

Steelskin tensed slightly as he waited to see if his gambit would pay off or get him into trouble.

Georgette wrote down his order without seeming to recognize the strangeness of the addition. As she turned to Weyul, he quickly hid his look of curiosity at Steelskin’s order.

“A brace of snipe with Garbo’s five hour heat sauce, browned to the center, a bowl of Neighponese saki, and an order of salted potato fries.”

Georgette looked uncomfortable as she took his order, but didn’t say anything before taking it to the kitchen.

@Arrival +5 Weeks@

“Enough! I am sick of listening to your braying. I accept your challenge if it will shut you up.” He leapt at me, almost catching me off guard.

I had just barely enough time to put my forehooves up as he slammed into them, snapping at my face and chest. I pulled back my hind legs and rolled under him. As I rolled onto my back, I brought up my hind legs and pushed him into the air.

The sharp blade secured to his paw sliced deep into my shoulder as he tumbled. I quickly willed it closed and grew some armor as I rolled onto my hooves and he landed on his paws.

“This is fun. I think I’ll let it last a bit longer,” The alpha said, panting slightly.

This time he circled me warily, giving short lunges to check my defenses. I responded with the same, making him chuckle at my blunt teeth and hooves.

He charged at me a second time. This time, I had my skin hardened up enough and slammed my shoulder into his face. As he fell, I leapt on top of him, biting down on the ripper on his left paw and pinning his right. He snapped at my neck and I just barely rolled away.

He looked down at his left ripper, seeing the stump of a blade now uselessly attached to the bands securing it to his paw. I smiled at him, with the blade in my mouth, chewing and swallowing it.

As confusion and fear crossed his face, I knew it was time.

I flicked several blades from my tail and jumped into the air. He dodged the blades as I expected he would. I brought a hoof club down on his head before landing on top of him. I pinned his forelegs and bent down to bite off his other ripper, letting him watch me chew it up close.

“Submit,” I whispered with a smile.

Weyul gave a growling laugh. “Served him right. I can forgive the traditionalist warriors for their devotion to tradition, even though it would have led to their slaughter within decades, but to hold those beliefs and let a pony of all creatures cajole him into a dominance fight? To have such a fragile honor is pitiful and weaker than any frightened pony.”

He noticed belatedly that Steelskin was looking down at the table.

“I apologize. I am not used to counseling ponies and forgot that you were one for a moment. Please forgive my rudeness.”

“No, that’s not the problem,” Steelskin said. “I just...” He took a deep breath, marshalling his thoughts and his courage. “I’m not a pony anymore, am I?”

"By the wings of the South Wind, what crazy sod would order browned?" A voice from the kitchen echoed across the restaurant as the owner came out of the kitchens. "I am sorry sir, but I cannot scorch a good piece of meat like that. Anyone who would want the taste destroyed like that should be seeing a..."

Garbo had gotten to the table and was staring slack jawed at the warg therapist.

“Please humor me,” Weyul said to a griffon that was opening then shutting his beak, trying to find words to say. “I find it is easier to make my breath amenable to ponies the more thoroughly my food is cooked.”

His manner was supposedly submissive, but Steelskin felt a slight threat behind it, like the warg was so confident in his strength, authority, and outright power that there was no need to be anything but kind and gentle.

“Fine! I’ll burn your food.” Garbo blustered his way back into the kitchen in full griffon style, muttering "Barmy" as he pushed open the doors.

Weyul turned his gaze back to Steelskin and sat, waiting for him to continue.

#GL -3#
@Arrival+5 Weeks@

“But to be alpha, you must have spikes,” The ex-alpha said with false respect. “Tradition says our alpha must have more spikes than any beta. I have six, so you must have seven.”

The smiles on all the males’ faces were full of anticipation. All except one, who looked nervous. The females looked on with mere curiosity that spoke of resignation.

The smith had already started shaping them and his apprentice heated the backs of the completed ones, rolling each in a powdered crystal that tasted of transmutation magic.

“You,” I said, pointing a hoof at the nervous one. “What are they not telling me?”

The poor thing tucked its tail between its legs as it responded. “Tradition also says that if you cry out during the placing, you are weak and it must stop. You lose the right to be alpha for one month.”

“And you are food that will not last for a month,” The ex-alpha added with a lick of his lips.

I hid my fear and walked up to the blacksmith. “How do I stand when you apply them?”

“You lie on this table and I place them,” The ex-alpha said. The gleam in his eyes showed that he’d be seeing it as revenge for my defeating him.

I pushed down the fear I was feeling and gave him a toothy smile.

“In fire you die and burn to naught upon your pyre and soon forgot...” A dirge echoed from the kitchen.

Weyul put a paw to his face. “Chefs.”

Steelskin couldn’t help but giggle.

Georgette brought out the food, putting everything in its proper place before second guessing herself and moving Steelskin’s bacon in front of Weyul.

As she walked away, Weyul slid the plate back over and grinned at him conspiratorially.

@Arrival +5 Weeks@

The pain was just as excruciating as promised, and from the reaction of the nervous one, I gathered that the twisting was not necessary. I studiously kept my expression bored, silently thanking Tallic for not going easy on me in training. It still didn’t compare to this, but at least I was familiar with pain. By the third, I was able to bring myself to laugh at him, and by the sixth, I had gained his grudging respect. The others, however, were grumbling about the shame of having a pony alpha.

“Don’t stop making those, I want an even dozen.” Shocked gasps greeted my insane request. If I were thinking clearly, I would have only needed eight for what I planned, but the pain made me stupidly macho.

By the eighth, he stopped twisting them, probably resigned to my new alpha status.

By the tenth, I was seriously hating myself for running my mouth.

“All hail Alpha Steelskin.” Even their howls announcing my position were halfhearted, but it woke me from the haze I had fallen into.

I got to my hooves, trying to hide my shakiness and called over the nervous one. “Tell, me, wise one, what is your name?”

“Runt.” The poor thing had its tail tucked firmly between its legs. “And I’m not wise. I’m just a dog.”

“You had the wisdom to not show a desire for your new alpha to fail.” I glared at the other wargs.

“So, tell me, Runt the wise, is there usually a penalty for twisting the spikes in?”

“There is nothing in tradition for that, but if the old alpha has angered the new, they will often rip out their spikes.”

I glanced at the old alpha with a smile and a lick of my lips. It was an act, but I’d seen Tallic do it enough that I was able to do a pretty good imitation. It was also a good way to try and hide the fact that I was in serious danger of passing out. “I shall see how I feel in the morning. For now, I think I shall get some rest. I appoint you as my honor guard and personal advisor. Please stand watch as I sleep and wake me if you are concerned that anyone might be so honorless as to attack their alpha in his sleep.”

He nodded, trying to keep his excitement in check as I went to the largest of the huts and evicted the female and cubs that were within. I felt bad for doing it, but knew I had to stay on the offense if I were going to survive. Runt set himself at the front door with a happy grin on his face.

The spikes burned where they were still fusing with the bone of my skull, so my sleep was anything but restful.

“Twelve in one go?” Weyul looked at Steelskin with a strange mixture of contempt and surprise. “I am awed by your stupidity. Is this a normal trait of earth pony stallions?”

Steelskin laughed. “I’ve heard about some pretty headstrong mares of both the earth pony and pegasus tribes, but yeah, that was epic.”

Steelskin’s smile dropped completely. “Don’t think I would’ve made it if I hadn’t already been roughed up pretty badly several times before. I...” Steelskin’s voice dropped to a whisper. “I also spent the time thinking about killing him slowly and painfully.”

“Oh?” Weyul’s expression turned from one of sympathy and support to one of curiosity. “What sorts of things were you imagining doing to him?”

Steelskin shifted uncomfortably, being more than a little worried at the casual interest like he was asking to see some hoofball cards.

“You want to hear what I imagined doing to him?” Steelskin trembled as he drew in a deep breath.

Weyul nodded, giving a compassionate smile.

“Well,” Steelskin said, turning slightly green. “I imagined turning my hooves into axe blades and forcing them slowly into his shoulders and hips, then biting his throat to close down his airway, releasing just before he passed out so I could do it again and again. Then I imagined ripping off his ears, thinking about how his blood would taste... I actually got my chance that night.”

@Arrival +5 Weeks@

“Move out of the way or I’ll kill you, runt.”

“No, Vghten. He is our lawful alpha. Killing him would bring dishonor on our pack.”

“No more than having a pony for an alpha.”

“That is your fault for accepting his challenge.”

I was roused from my last shreds of sleep by a pained yelp and had just enough time to close my eyes before I heard the door get ripped off its hinges. I listened carefully, feigning sleep, and heard three sets of paws enter. The first padded over to my bed while the other two set themselves flanking the door.

I waited till I felt his breath on my face before opening my eyes and extending a hoof to pin him halfway up the wall. I glared at the other two before whipping my tail around to send a volley of blades at them. They bolted out of the hut.

I thought for a minute, trying to figure out what to do before deciding on a plan.

I released him, letting him fall to the floor before sending out my hoof again to pin him where I could bite onto his ear and drag him from the house.

I saw Runt on the ground, bleeding from a shallow cut on his cheek. He needs a new name.

“Vitor, fetch everyone. I have an announcement to make.”

Runt took a second to realize I was talking to him before running off.


Steelskin looked abashed. “Sorry, he was so loyal and eager to help me, I had trouble not seeing him as a puppy. I really had to do some serious training with him to help him to see how smart he was and give him the confidence and fighting prowess to take over as alpha.”

Weyul looked mollified. “So you made Vitor your successor. What did you do with Vghten?”

“I shamed him in front of his pack, carved ‘coward’ onto his forehead and bit off-”

Weyul’s sharp intake of breath startled and frightened Steelskin. “Coward?”

“I was angry and wanted to destroy him, but couldn’t bring myself to kill him.”

“Death would have been kinder.” Weyul noticed Steelskin’s worry. “But you had every right to do that. Did you rip out his spikes? I hear that is messy and usually takes a bit of bone with it.”

“Not quite. I bit them off, leaving small stumps behind, then banished him.”

Weyul sat for a moment before replying. “You sound like a good alpha. I would not mind in the least being part of your pack.”

“Too bad I don’t make a good pony,” Steelskin said, hanging his head in sorrow.

“Oh? Why not?”

“What do you mean, why not? You yourself told me how cruel I am!” Tears rolled down Steelskin’s cheeks. “I’m so full of anger and violence. I just don’t belong where things are peaceful.”

Weyul sat for a while, chewing on a bone. After a minute, he pulled the bone out of his mouth and pointed it at Steelskin. “You may have been cruel, but it was fair and just. It was because you are a pony that you shamed and banished him rather than ripping out his throat and being done with the threat.”

”Cruel is cruel!” Steelskin slammed his hoof on the table. The restaurant went quiet with all eyes on Steelskin. Noticing the attention, he sat back down and the other patrons returned to their meals.

Weyul got up from the table and circled around to Steelskin. “No, it is not,” he said, breathing on Steelskin’s neck. “You neutralized him as you did because you could not bear to kill him. We wargs are known to play with our food much like you tell of Tallic doing. If you were less of a threat, Vghten would have hobbled you and let you think you got away, then showed up just as you were calming down, letting you run yourself to complete exhaustion before ripping out your throat. I can tell from your breathing that not only are you familiar with this to the point of it not scaring you, but also that you find it completely repulsive. A warg, or even a griffon, would be excited by what I just described. Even now, though I believe it to be morally wrong, my blood is desiring sport.”

Weyul continued his circuit of the table and sat back down. “Yes, you are no longer a pony. You are something more. Something better. You are the link between worlds and the defender of the weak.”

Steelskin paused at this and Weyul saw the grudging acceptance in his eyes.

“Would not the Royal Guard be a place for a pony like you?”

“I’ve tried. I’m too young.”

“Oh? How young are you?” Weyul’s mouth curled up into a grin.

“Doesn’t matter how old I really am, my ‘age’ here is a year and a half shy of the minimum,” Steelskin said with a frown.

“I would not take that as an answer, but even if they stand firm on their refusal, you can always be the last line of defense right here. Train with Alex, be a companion, defender, and mentor to the pups, and, maybe, teach them to be more than ponies.”

Steelskin’s ears flattened. “I don’t want them to wind up like me.”

“I did not say to teach them to be like you, I said teach them to be more than ponies. There is a good side to what you’ve become, is there not?”

Steelskin pondered Weyul’s words as Weyul reached forward and licked his cheek to comfort him.

@Arrival+5 Weeks@

As I watched Vghten run off with his tail between his legs, I felt my righteous anger die down to a simmer.

“Vitor,” I said. “You failed in my defense. That is unacceptable.”

The poor runt cowered in fear, expecting me to punish him.

“I must rectify this. Step forward and defend yourself,” I commanded, getting into a defensive stance.

He did as I told him and we spent a half hour sparring as I tested his defense and offense. I noted the crowd that had gathered and called out “Who here wants this pack to be the strongest of all?”

After a lot of grumbling and whispering, one stepped forward. “We all want our pack to be the strongest. What right do you have to claim we don’t?”

“My right is in Vitor’s lack of training.” I spoke directly to that warg. “If you wanted this pack to be strong, you would have trained him yourself.”

“But he’s weak and small, he’ll never be able to catch more than a rabbit or two on a hunt,” the warg replied angrily.

“So, he’s too small to fight?” I asked as I moved next to Vitor.

The warg glanced back and forth, speechless, as he noted the obvious height difference between Vitor and me.

“I took down your alpha twice. How could a little runt like me do that?” I waited for that to sink in before I added “Train him how to fight. I expect the both of you to be up at sunrise and training until noon.”

After the warg backed off with a promise to do that and his tail between his legs, I took him into the hut I had claimed and proceeded to get as much info on the traditions of the pack as I could, formulating my plan to turn him into the alpha when I jumped.

Just before nightfall, I ordered him to get a dermal spike and twisted it as I put it in. Then I declared that ‘as a dragon, I have no use for bitches’ and gave Vghten’s mates to Vitor. I was pleased to see that they looked not only relieved about this, but actually happy.

“And how did that plan work out?” Weyul asked.

Steelskin’s previously smiling face drooped. “I don’t know... He had gotten up to five spikes, which tied two others for the most in the pack and he didn’t even whimper for any of them, but his fighting was only so-so.”

“And what of the attitude of the pack?”

A little tension left Steelskin as he answered “There were only a couple others that were insistent on the old ways and a hoofful of them seemed genuinely interested in learning more, so I can hope...”

Weyul gave a rumble as he put bits on the table for their meal. “You can do more than that. You can know that you have brought them hope. What they do with it is their own, but even if they reject it, you have done great good by giving them the choice.”

Steelskin thought about that, uncertain as to whether he could really feel good about something so uncertain. As they walked to the door, he felt that Weyul was getting ready to do something.

“Weyul?” Steelskin whispered.

“Yes?” Weyul responded.

“You’re not like Miss Introspective.” Steelskin spoke it almost like a question.

“Yes, Ponies and Donkeys are bound up in feelings, but Wargs are creatures of action. The wise ones among us know to watch our feelings rather than obey them. There is an old proverb ‘Know yourself, then be better than yourself.’ It does not sound quite so compelling in the pony tongue, but the meaning should be clear enough.”

Steelskin nodded thoughtfully, but was brought up short as they reached the door.

Weyul turned to the restaurant and let out a howl that got everyone’s attention.

“Steelskin, son of Toughstuff,” Weyul announced to everyone. “Adopted son of Tallic and heir to dragon magic, I give you a new title. From this day forward, let all who speak your name call you Steelskin, Bringer of Hope.”