• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 3,118 Views, 562 Comments

Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: Turnabout Smiles - Animegx43

Not only is Pinkie Pie accused of murdering ponies in Equestria, but also attempted murder of the sister of one of her best friends, and only Twilight has enough faith in Pinkie to defend her.

  • ...

Day 2: Investigation: Following a Trail

February 13, 2:30 PM
Sweet Apple Acres
Outside the barn

It had already been a crazy and exciting afternoon. There was a high-speed chase to capture an escaped suspect that ended in failure and the destruction of an unfortunate tree. It was a shame considering how well the investigation was going it happened.

After the fiasco, Star Cestus and Scootaloo took a rest at the barn with the other officers, during which, an old doctor was wrapping up Cestus's hoof with a bandage due to his injury from punching a tree. The doctor was an unicorn with a white coat and a red mane and tail, but the red lacked color due to old age. For a cutie mark, he had a red heart with a white line in it to resemble a heartbeat.

After the doctor was done, Cestus flexed his hoof with delight from the job well done and congratulated the doctor. "Thanks, doc. Nice and tight. Just how I like it." Cestus said.

"Yes, it's great to know that a pony who has operated on the princess herself is good with a bandage." The doctor said sarcastically.

"Who are you anyway?" Scootaloo asked. "You've been around Apple Bloom all day, yet I've never seen you before."

"This is Doctor Ratchet. Canterlot's best doctor." Cestus answered. He then leaned down to whisper something into Scootaloo's ear. "Careful. He's a bit crank."

"I heard that!" Doctor Ratchet said as slapped Cestus's hoof, causing the stallion great pain. "You good?"

"Ahhh..yeah, I guess pal. Now I can focus on the important questions." Cestus answered. "Mainly: WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED HERE!?"

While his hoof was feeling better, a bigger pain was still bothering Cestus. He still couldn't comprehend the idea of an earth pony, even if they were as odd as Pinkie Pie, could blow up a tree with their mind. Doctor Ratchet didn't know what happened, so he didn't think much into.

"Well look, if you kids need me, I'll be back at the hospital. My break's over now." Doctor Ratchet said. As he had no other business to attend to at the farm, he began to make his way back to the hospital.

"Later Doc!" Scootaloo said, causing the old unicorn to grumble as he left.

Alright, enough of that. Now I got to think of my next move. I know now that there was another pony in the barn, most likely a pegasus, and I even have DNA proof. I guess I'll have to track the guy down. Cestus thought. "Alright guys, I have some important work to do. I want all of you to get off your plots and start looking for Miss Pinkie Pie."

"Yes sir!" The rest of the cops said in union.

With their new orders given to them, Cestus's officer's left him to search for Pinkie Pie, leaving their boss alone with Scootaloo, his new friend. With nopony else around, Cestus was able to move on with his real objective: Helping Twilight and Pinkie.

"So what are we going to do now?" Scootaloo asked Cestus.

"Well I'M going to go back out there to dig up some more dirt. You helped me out, but there's nothing else you can do for me now. You'd best run off home before your parent find out you're missing."

"Well actually, my parents are...HEY WAIT! I already told you, I'm not going to stop following you until I know what actually happened to Apple Bloom!"

A real truth seeker. You got to admire that in a pony. Cestus thought. "Look pal, I'm thankful for your help already, but unless you have a way to find the killer, I'm afraid you've used up your usefulness."

Scootaloo still wanted to help out Cestus and didn't want to be left behind so soon, so she started to think of a way to help out. She needed something to help find the killer. Then, after remembering where she was, she thought of an idea.

"Wait here! I'll be right back."

Excited to still be able to help, Scootaloo ran off for a few minutes, leaving Cestus behind. During this time, Cestus took the time to think about everything that had transpired.

Okay, let's think a little. When I was chasing Pinkie, she mentioned that Twilight told her that I couldn't be trusted. That's not something she would normally say Regardless of our somewhat unpleasant history. Speaking of which, something was off with Twilight when we met at the detention center.

Twilight at the center: Simply being there was very questionable.

As for Pinkie Pie, it should've be impossible for her to of escaped. Just how did she escape the detention center?

Pinkie's Escape: How was she able to escape the detention center

Then of course, there was the event itself. I think it's worth writing down in case anypony else wants to know about it. Where did I put my notebook?

After taking out a small note, Cestus began to write a small note to describe the crime. He wrote that at around 2:10, he saw Pinkie on the farm, destroyed the tree he and his officers threw at her, which then blew up. A small note, but it was a big reminder.

Cestus's Note was added to the evidence.

Cestus had asked himself many questions. While he was able to think up of several bits of logic, he couldn't think of any solutions. He feared that the case was beginning to get complicated.

But, as soon as he saw Scootaloo coming back, he decided to stop brainstorming until he got more information. When Scootaloo came back, she brought along a little friend. A brown and white Border Collie dog. The dog was very active and quickly jumped up to Cestus.

"Whoa! Hey there little guy." Cestus said to the dog. "What's his name?"

"HER name is Winona. She's Apple Bloom's farm dog." Scootaloo answered.

Sheesh. Note to self: Make sure I married a mare. Cestus thought after being seen as an idiot again. "Alright, so you stole a dog. What now?"

"What now? Can't dogs help track criminals or something?" Scootaloo asked.

"Perhaps, but police dogs need years of training to do such a thing."

"Good, because I've seen this dog helping around the farm since forever. She's probably the smartest dog in Ponyville."

If she can tell the difference between a boy and a girl dog, she'll already be smarter than me. Cestus thought. "Alright, I'm desperate for ideas anyway. I'll let you bring the dog."

As Cestus made his decision, Winona gave a happy bark, jumped up on him and started to lick his face. It was clear that she was a very friendly dog.

"Okay, Winona. Can you be a tracker dog?" Cestus asked.


Yeah, I expected to get an answer like that. Cestus thought. "Alright Winona, I'm want you to catch the scent from this object."


With the black feather he had found earlier, Cestus provided Winona with the scent of the mystery pony he and Scootaloo were looking for. As soon as she saw the feather, she began sniffing it. After getting a few good sniffs at it, she began to wag her tail and got excited, showing that she memorized the scent.

"Alright gal, now get him!" Cestus ordered.

As requested, Winona began to chase after the scent, running away from Cestus and Scootaloo to make her way to town. Cestus himself quickly chased after the dog in hopes of finding the owner of the feather. As the two ran off, Scootaloo grabbed her nearby scooter and began to chase after them.

"Hey, wait for me!" Scootaloo shouted.


February 13, 2:45 PM
Town hall

Winona proved herself to of been a surprisingly effective police dog as she followed the scent down into Ponyville. More specifically, Ponyville's town hall. As Winona stopped to pick up the trail, Cestus and Scootaloo managed to catch up.

Once all three reunited, Winona began to close in on the source of the scent. She walked into hallway of the building with Cestus and Scootaloo following. The trail let the dog to a room with its door closed. She then started to scratch the door with her paw, wanting to go inside.

"So he's in there, huh?" Cestus asked. "Alright, stand back kid."

Wanting to catch the culprit by surprise, Cestus got himself ready to knock down the door instead of simply opening it. He got onto his hind legs, pulled back his hoof, and smashed the door open with a single punch.


But, after punching down the door, they all found that nopony was even inside the room. It also wasn't until then that Cestus realized what room he just broke into.

"Oh right, this is the mayor's office, isn't it?" Cestus said. "I have a distinct feeling that this door will come out of my salary."

"Why didn't you just read the name plate on the door?" Scootaloo asked.

"Why didn't YOU?" Cestus asked.

"Hey, I'm not the cop who likes to pretend to be a boxer."

"Pretend? I'll have you know I'm one of Equestria's best...ugh...never mind." Cestus said as he lost interest in arguing. "Let's just go inside."

Since he knew he was going to lose to Scootaloo anyway, Cestus avoided defeat by continuing with the investigation. He allowed Winona to go into the office to sniff out the scent. She looked around to find where to pick up the trail, but she had great difficulty. It appeared to of been a dead end.

"So I guess for one reason or another, the guy we're after went into this room." Cestus said. "I guess we may as well investigate a little."

"Yes! Another chance to earn a cutie mark." Scootaloo said.

"I thought you wanted to help your friends."

"I like to multitask, alright?"

--Investigation Begin--

The room wasn't very big, but there were several major things that stuck out from everything else. The first thing that was spotted that stood out was the office's window, which was wide open. Cestus and Scootaloo ran over to it to check it out.

"Dang. They got out another window." Scootaloo said.

"The room still feels warm, so I'd imagine we just missed him." Cestus said, "In fact, I bet they saw us coming here and made a hasty escape. I'm afraid our little dog won't help us if they flew away."

"Then I guess we're stuck here."

With nothing else to look for at the window, the two continued their investigation of the office. The next thing of interest was an object that wasn't seen until they walked by the window. Laying right behind the office desk was a black portable safe. After crouching down, Cestus noticed that the safe itself had it's door wide open.

"Hmm...where have I...AH!" Cestus said as he got an epiphany. "I just remembered! Prosecutor Hope Ray is using this office. There's no proper prosecutor office in Ponyville, so he was allowed to work here."

"What does that have to do with the black box?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's his portable safe. He brought in here to hold keep his documents safe. The killer must've broken in to try and steal whatever he was hiding." Cestus explained.

"I guess safes like these are pretty easy to break into." Scootaloo said in agreement. "Rainbow Dash once showed me by putting your ear up to the door, you can easily figure out the combination."

So many questions raised from this kid and I'm afraid to ask any of them. Cestus said.

With nothing at the window and nothing left in the safe, it looked as if there was nothing left in the room. Just as Cestus was ready to finish up, he looked up and noticed one last thing. It was something up on a nearby shelf.

It was something small and shiny, but it was visible. Cestus didn't know what ti was, but he thought anything would help in his investigation. Unfortunately, the shiny thing was too high up for him to reach.

"Damn my short stature. I wish I was a unicorn like the fatcat." Cestus said. "Scootaloo, you want to be a good assistant, right? Go to the utility room and get me a stepladder."

"Wouldn't a ladder be better? That way you wouldn't have to lean it on the shelf." Scootaloo argued.

"No, its a ladder that you lean on something to climb up on it. A stepladder is sort of like a portable set of stairs." Cestus explained.

"You know, if you spent less time learning about ladders, you'd probably be a good enough detective to solve this crime."

"I'm not a detective. I'm a..." As cestus was making his argument, another thought occurred to him. "Hey wait a minute! You're a pegasus. You can just fly up and fetch it for me."

Scootaloo became silent went she heard Cestus's suggestion. Silence became awkwardness and awkwardness became a nervous smile on the filly's face. If Cestus was able to see psyche-locks like Twilight could, he would probably see them around Scootaloo.

"Uh...hehe...one stepladder coming up."

With haste, Scootaloo tried to run off to fetch the stepladder for Cestus, but as she ran to the door, she made a quick stop. Had she continued, she would've ran right into the stallion that was at the door. The sight of the stallion then brought fear to Scootaloo.

It wasn't just Scootaloo who was afraid though. After realizing that the pony at the doorway was Prosecutor Hope Ray, Cestus got nervous as well. Hope wasn't happy that Cestus, a filly, and a dog had broken into the office.

"Observation #8: Canterlot's police are getting smaller and smaller in physique." Hope said. "That or they're allowing children into the force."

Okay, I'm officially in hot water now. Cestus though. "Hope sir, I'm sure you're wondering why me and my little friend have broken into the mayor's office."

"Actually, I was wondering why the door was hanging by a single hinge, but now that you mention it, yes, I would love to hear a reason why I shouldn't fire you."


"We're in here to look for the real killer!" Scootaloo answered. "WAIT! Cestus! This guy must be the guy we're after."

I wonder if I would suffer less if I just jump off of a cliff.

After using his magic to fix up the broken door, Hope walked into the room to confront the two intruders, but his attention shifted to the open safe that lied on the ground. For a brief moment, he forgot about Cestus and Scootaloo and ran to the safe. In doing so, he recklessly pushed Scootaloo into the wall.

"What happened to my safe?" Hope asked. "STAR CESTUS!!"

"Hey, hey ,hey! Don't look at me like that. It was wide open when I got here." Cestus answered. "What was in there anyway?"

"Important case files. More specifically, files on the second and third murder." Hope answered. "Now I need to have more copies of those cases sent here from Canterlot before tomorrow."

"Alright! That means Twilight--" Scootaloo began to say, but her mouth was quickly covered by Cestus.

"Twilight...might unfairly win the trial." Cestus said as he thought on the fly. The longer I stay here, the more suicidal I'm feeling.

Hope sighed as he managed to calm himself down. "It's alright I guess. I'm going to be seeing Princess Celestia soon to discuss the second murder. If I'm lucky, she'll have a copy of the files on her or something."

I highly doubt I'll be able to investigate the room now that Hope is here. Cestus thought. I may as well ended it from here.

--Investigation Complete--

While nothing else could be inspected in the room, the appearance of Hope at least have Cestus somepony to talk to. He had a busy day, so he didn't want to miss the opportunity.

"Pinkie Pie has become nothing less than a loose cannon." Hope said. "First she escaped police custody, and now this!"

"So you already know that she escaped?" Cestus asked.

"Right when I was about to question her. I ordered all of Ponyville's police to flip the town over to find her."

"Pfft. Me and the rest of Canterlot's police went after her, yet she still escaped my hooves!" Cestus said, but Hope wasn't at all impressed. In fact, he looked angry. "Ahem. The search is in vain. She escaped into the Everfree Forest about Twenty minutes ago."

"I see." Hope said as he went into a deep thought. "So first Pinkie escaped, then she broke into my safe, then she ran into the forest. Makes perfect sense to me."

"Hey, Pinkie didn't do anything!" Scootaloo said.

"Quiet kid." Cestus said to silence her. "Hope, during my investigation, I've been getting the impression that this entire time, we've been after the wrong pony."

"Excuse me?"

"While I was checking out the barn, I found this black feather that clearly belongs to a pegasus pony. I'd like to purpose to you that there's a possibility that there's a different pony behind these attacks and that we should be keeping an eye out for a black-winged pegasus."


"Inspector, I'm shocked. You've been in charge of this case since the first murder six months ago. You should know better than anypony that Pinkie Pie is the serial killer."

"Yeah pal, well my opinion tends to change when new facts come my way."

Hope began to think about the evidence that Cestus shared and began to process it. Cestus and Scootaloo hoped that he would changed his mind too, but they knew that it would've been asking for a lot. After some thinking, Hope spoke up again.

"You are a stallion of logic, correct? You and I have much in common. You've been mislead by these new facts, so if I may, I'd like to remind you of the old facts."

"Sounds reasonable." Cestus agreed. "Okay pal, let's here these old facts."


--Testimony: Old Facts--

-Your black feather doesn't mean anything.
-Pinkie Pie has been the prime suspect this whole time and no other suspects have risen.
-The hoofprint data we've got proves this beyond any question.
-Why I bet she even left her prints on my safe when she broke into it.


"So have we cleared things up yet?" Hope asked.

That's right. I even found Pinkie's hoofprint at the crime scene. Cestus thought as he began to doubt himself. I expected nothing less from logic made by Prosecutor Hope Ray himself, but I'm still certain that Pinkie is innocent. For now, I'll just have to find a hole in Hope's logic.



-Your black feather doesn't mean anything.


"It means a lot, sir. It means somepony besides the defendant and the Apples were at the barn, which, might I remind you, is the crime scene." Cestus argued.

"A pegasus has gone into crime scene. I won't argue with that." Hope said. "But answer me this: When did the pegasus enter the barn?"

Cestus began to think of a possible answer, but after considering one possibility, he became speechless. It was then that he found that his own logic was flawed.

"So you've notice. The barn isn't exactly a high class building. I'm sure lots of ponies came and left the barn. It's possible a pony from a past visit just molted at the time. Ergo, that feather likely belongs to a pony who doesn't even know the defendant, let alone the victim."

UGH! Now I know how Twilight feels as a defense attorney. This guy is good. Even worse, he's not even done his argument. Cestus thought, feeling a new level of empathy for Twilight.

-Pinkie Pie has been the prime suspect this whole time and no other suspects have risen.


"But surely the owner of this feather can be questioned, no?"


"You want to question the feather's owner? Fine, but you first have to tell me who they even are."

"Well...I'm under the impression that he's a grey pegasus with black wings. I don't know his name, but..." But after Cestus admitted that he didn't know his name. "Oh, I see what you did there."

Hope shook his head in disappointment, feeling shameful for Cestus. "For now, I'll meet you halfway. Even if we consider the possibility of a third party, Pinkie Pie is still our culprit. This is because..."

-The hoofprint data we've got proves this beyond any question.

Shoot. I actually found evidence earlier that actually SUPPORTS his claims. If I press him like this, all I'll do is make a bigger idiot of myself. Note to self: Don't be a lawyer. EVER!

-Why I bet she even left her prints on my safe when she broke into it.


Finally. A question he won't actually be able to answer. Cestus thought. "Why would she target your safe?"

"That can easily be answered." Hope said, much to Cestus's pain. "She must've overheard that I was sharing an office with Mayor mare for the duration of my trip here."

"But it's a safe! How could she break into it?"

"She broke into crime scene, so this doesn't surprise me.

As Cestus and hope argued, something in their conversation caught Scootaloo's attention. She found it odd, so she spoke up.

"Wait. Why would she have to break into the barn?" Scootaloo asked. "She has a key, doesn't she?"

"She has a what?" Cestus asked.

"A key. All of Applejack's closest friends, which includes Rainbow Dash, the most awesome pony ever, have spare keys that opens the big barn up. That way, if it was needed, they could use it."

"You don't say." Hope said. After hearing the bit of information Scootaloo shared, he became even more confident. "You hear that? Pinkie Pie had complete access to the crime scene."

Barn Access: Pinkie Pie owns a key to barn. AKA: The crime scene.

"A key...to the...wait a second." Cestus thought. This suddenly makes no sense. Thank Princess Luna! I have FINALLY found a flaw in his logic.

Barn Access: Pinkie Pie owns a key to barn. AKA: The crime scene.

Broken lock: The killer wasn't able to simply unlock the door.

"Tell me Hope. Have you had a good look at the crime scene yet?" Cestus asked.

"No, I've been busy with literally everything else. That's why I've been trusting the investigations to you. It's your job after all."

"And I think I've been doing a very good job. In fact, I've been doing such a good job that I think I deserve a raise."

Cestus tried to find an opportunity, but it ultimately failed. Hope was not amused and Cestus wasn't any close to getting a raise.

It was worth a shot. Cestus thought. "Anyway, you acknowledge that the best way for the defendant to enter the crime scene is simply by opening it, correct?"

"Of course. It's the most logical reasoning."

"Then your logic is flawed!" Cestus spoke up, feeling more confident then ever. "Right now, the lock used to keep the barn door closed is busted. The Apple family even confirmed that it wasn't broken before. This means the killer couldn't be any pony who could simply unlock it. If Pinkie Pie was the killer, she wouldn't need to of destroyed the lock!"

"W-what?" Hope asked. As the inspector pushed him into a corner, magic discharged from his horn due to the shock, just like in court. "But...but that doesn't mean she's innocent. She could've simply forgotten the key!"


"And she couldn't have just dashed home to get it?" Cestus asked. "Tell me. What would be more likely to happen in this case? Would the killer really be somepony who would needlessly break a lock they easily could've unlocked?"

Hope struggled with the thought, but after thinking about it, he became calm once more, but still surprised. Cestus had made a very strong argument and it was one that Hope couldn't counter. After a few moments of clear minded thinking...

"Very good, Inspector Cestus. I concede to your claim. It IS a very good possibility. This is something I'll be sure to bring up with during my meeting with Princess Celestia."

YES! I did it! No idea how I did it, but I did it.

"You are free to continue with your investigation however you see fit. But keep in mind that I am still favoring the decisions I've made as of yet."

"I understand, sir! I'm just glad you are open to other possibilities." Cestus said. But more importantly, I now know beyond a reasonable doubt. Pinkie Pie IS innocent. I still don't know why she escaped, but I can't see how Pinkie could be the killer.

"In that case, I wish you luck. Whether it's Pinkie Pie or this mystery pegasus you suggested, I hope you bring either one of them to me by the end of the day."

Since the files he came for no longer existed, Hope allowed Cestus to be and left the office. He trusted that Cestus was making the right choices, so he didn't even question why there was a kid and a dog with them. This left Cestus, Scootaloo, and Winona, all alone in the mayor office.

"Whew..." Cestus said as he fell to the ground. "I think I almost got fired there. And I didn't even get a single piece of solid evidence from this whole ordeal."

"At least we got the key." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, at least we...wait, what key?"

"Remember when Hope bumped into me?" Scootaloo asked. She then lifted up one of her tiny wings and revealed a silver key hidden within. "I guess when I hit the wall, it knocked the shiny thing we saw down. Turned out it was a key. Here you go."

Mysterious Key was added to the evidence.

"Hmm. I wonder what it's for." Cestus thought. "I'd ask Hope, but I'd be afraid he just take it back."

"Maybe it's evidence." Scootaloo suggested. "Maybe the pegasus we're after was looking for that key!"

"It's possible. Or it could be nothing." Cestus said. Or if it IS something, it might not help Hope if it was missing. Hmm...maybe I'll keep it. If it's important, hurting Hope may help Twilight. Or I could get charged for robbery, lose my job, and go to jail.

After thinking it over, Cestus decided to steal the key for the time being and secretly return it if he needs to. He knew it was a bad idea, but he didn't want to leave the room unless he had at least one new piece of evidence.

Regardless, there was still a big job that still had to be done. After putting away the key, Cestus got Scootaloo and Winona and decided to move out.

"Alright girls. We're after a pony who escaped through that window! I say we pick up the trail!"


"Yeah! Let's get back out there! Maybe I'll get my cutie mark once we catch the killer. I've already figured out it won't be in stealing."

Again, I worry about this kid. Cestus thought. Don't worry pal. Whether you have a cutie mark for it or not, you will still be my little thief. Haha."

With nothing else to find at the office, especially since case files and keys had already been stolen, Cestus and Scootaloo made their way back outside to pick up from where they left off. There was still so many questions that were still unanswered.

There was, however, one thing that kept Cestus's mind at ease. The simple fact that he was making the right choice. He knew that Pinkie Pie was innocent, no matter how unlikely it looked.

Author's Note:

Okay, important news. This Friday, I will be going to Anime North, so I won't be able to make process on this story for a few days. I love answering comment too, but from Friday to Sunday, that won't be happening. :fluttercry:

But Anime North is tons of fun, so I can't stay sad. Until then, I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter.

Cestus's Police Report:

Twilight at the center: Simply being there was very questionable.
Pinkie's Escape: How was she able to escape the detention center?

Twilight Sparkle: An alicorn fatcat I befriended a few months ago. She's a princess and the case's defense.
Sweetie Belle: A kid that's been hanging around Twilight.
Apple Bloom: The latest victim and sole survivor of the murders.
Pinkie Pie: The defendant and friend of Twilight. She seems more weird then suspicious if you ask me.
Applejack: The sister of the victim. She's the current prime suspect of the poisoning attempt.
Hope Ray: The prosecutor of the case, and thus my boss right now. He doesn't know I'm helping Twilight.
Scootaloo: A friend of Apple Bloom, but she still thinks Pinkie Pie is innocent.
Auto Ratchet: A veteran surgeon from Canterlot. He's tasked to keep Apple Bloom alive.
Winona: Applejack's pet dog. She's adorable.

Police Badge: Proof that I'm a respected officer of the law.
Black Dagger: The weapon used in the attempted murder of Apple Bloom. Has Pinkie Pie's hoofprints on it.
Pesticide: The poison used presumably by Applejack. Pinkie Pie has developed an immunity over this stuff.
Hoofprint Records: Contains a list of hoofprints from every pony involved in the case.
Apple Core: A potentially poisoned apple. Was eaten by Pinkie when the poison was brought up.
Barn Diagram: A picture of the inside of Sweet Apple Acres' barn.
Missing Hat: Applejack's hat. Went missing after she foolishly threw it at Twilight at the trial.
Odd Hoofprint: A hoofprint found on a bottle of sleeping pills. Appears to belong to Pinkie Pie.
Sleeping Pills: Found at the barn. Likely used on Pinkie Pie.
Black Feather: A pegasus feather found at a window at the barn. Likely belongs to a stallion Twilight had her suspicions on.
Cestus's Note: At 2:10, Pinkie was found at Sweet Apple Acres. She escaped the Police and blew up a tree.
Mysterious Key: Found in Hope Ray's office. What could it open?