• Published 21st Feb 2014
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Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: Turnabout Smiles - Animegx43

Not only is Pinkie Pie accused of murdering ponies in Equestria, but also attempted murder of the sister of one of her best friends, and only Twilight has enough faith in Pinkie to defend her.

  • ...

Day 3: Trial: The Honest Witness

The trial had reached its most intense point. Pinkie Pie was given a guilty verdict due to undisputable evidence and Twilight herself being suspected of some serious crime, yet the trial continued on. By Applejack's request, she was given the chance to take the stand and try to convince the judge to take back the guilty verdict. This was Twilight's only chance to make a turnabout.

As the trial was still on, Hope gave the proper procedures. "Witness, please state your name and occupation to the court."

"I'm Applejack, a farmer of Sweet Apple Acres. I'm also the older sister of Apple Bloom, who got attacked and hurt a couple of days ago."

"If I remember correctly, you saw Pinkie Pie attacking your sister yourself." The Doctor commented. "Since I already declared a guilty verdict, why would you want this trial to go any longer? Are you hoping for me to declare her double guilty?"

"Nah, that's not it. To be perfectly honest, I'm not too sure why I want to do this. It feels like...it feels like I have to do this."

So she has a nagging feeling, huh? I wonder.

Using her magic, Twilight secretly casted her Magatama spell, giving her horn the barely visible green glow. As she predicted, she got same reaction from Applejack as before, causing the five black psyche-locks to appear around her. However, there was a big change from these locks compared from how they behaved before.

I still sense a dark and depressing force behind these locks, yet they seem more bearable. They aren't causing me all that much pain. Maybe Applejack isn't fighting that secret of hers as much. If that's the case, then I have to finish the job and break these locks once and for all.

"Alright Miss Applejack. What would you like to testify about?" The Doctor asked.


"If I could make a suggestion, I would like Applejack to talk about what she thinks about Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

The Doctor was caught off-guard by Twilight, as he expected her to have stayed quiet for awhile longer due to her warnings. "Really now. But, wouldn't she want to talk about the case itself? She came in here saying that something about the evidence wasn't right."

Twilight shook her head in disagreement, believing that there was a better way. "Right now, Applejack's testimony won't exactly be reliable."

"Hey! What gives, Twilight? I came here to help Pinkie!" Applejack asked angrily.

"Are you really? Since yesterday, the uncertainly of what you think of Pinkie Pie has made this trial very complicated."

Giving a brief interruption, Hope said something that was on his mind. "Observation #11: The one thing Twilight Sparkle and I consistently agree on regards Applejack."

What's scary is that he's right. Twilight thought to herself. "Applejack, unless we know for sure where you stand on this entire case, we can't move on."

Applejack clearly got irritated as she stood on the witness stand, though not nearly as angry as she got the day before. Since even Hope agreed that it needed to be clear where she stood, even though he would've rather had the trial end, it was inevitable that Applejack would have to give her the testimony.

"Psst. Twilight. What are you doing?" Sweetie Belle asked. "If Applejack knows about a contradiction, we should let her just say it."

"I don't think she does. At least not yet." Twilight answered. "Before we can get her to reveal the truth, we need to help her realize what that truth is."


--Testimony: Pinkie Pie--
-To be honest, I don't think highly of her anymore.
-Once upon a time, I would've given my life and all my apples to help her.
-But then I saw her stabbing my little sis with my own eyes.
-I guess I've never known her as well as I thought I did.
-It's clear to me that she and I have never been friends at all.


"There. I tried to help you, but now you and Pinkie are screwed." Applejack said cynically.

An odd request resulted in an odd testimony, one which didn't actually offer anything to move the trial. As the gallery began to make noise due to their confusion, The Doctor slammed his gavel down to silence them all.

"I have to agree with the witness. Her testimony hasn't at all made me reconsider my decision." The Doctor said. "In fact, I dare say that this is a topic better suited for outside of the courtroom. Miss Applejack, can you please tell us why you wanted to take the stand in the first place?"

"That's exactly what I've been trying to say!" Applejack said firmly. "I...I...well...hmm...why did I come up here?"

"I thought so." Twilight said, who was happy knowing that she was right. "Right now, Applejack is still not thinking clearly. If I could have a few moments, maybe I help her."


"Unless you have a device that lets you read her real emotions or something like that, this court shouldn't be interested." Hope argued.

"That would be awesome!" The Doctor said with a grin. "Oh, but the prosecution makes a valid point. The reason I decided to hear this witness was because I thought it would bring up new information regarding the crimes."

But I'm certain that Applejack won't be helpful until she knows whose side she's actually on. I guess I have no other choice. Twilight thought grimly, "If you both seem to think that this will be a waste of time, then I have a proposal."

An eyebrow from both The Doctor and Hope Ray were raised. They didn't know what Twilight was preparing to suggest, but they were interested in the idea nonetheless, so they decided to hear Twilight out before making an objections.

"This trial has already gone on longer than any of you had planned, especially since a guilty verdict has already been handed down." Twilight said, who was fully aware of her situation. "I am so positive that I can draw new information from Applejack's current testimony, that I will let this be the last testimony of the day if I'm proven otherwise."

"Tw-Twilight...?" Applejack said in a surprised tone.

Twilight herself had raised the ante and wagered everything, including Pinkie Pie's fate, on Applejack's testimony. No pony in the gallery thought it was a wise idea and neither did Applejack herself. The Doctor had his doubts as well, but his job was to judge Pinkie Pie, not Twilight.

"I...guess I can allow that. Does the Prosecution have any objections?"

Hope stood at his stand silenced and uncomfortable. He knew the best option, but he didn't like it, which was why what he said next was painful to him. "I've got no objections to Miss Sparkle's proposal."

"Twilight, why would he let you do this?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Doesn't he want this to end as quickly as possible?"

"It's actually just as I planned." Twilight explained "He's afraid if we let Applejack testify about something else, things will go bad for him. He must feel confident that I won't actually draw out something new here."

"But...can you?"

I sure hope so. I'm risking a lot on this. It will all come down to whether or not I'm able to break those black psyche-locks. I'm certain that as long as those locks are around Applejack, she'll never fully co-operate and help Pinkie Pie. Let's get to work.



-To be honest, I don't think highly of her anymore.


"What did you think of Pinkie Pie originally?" Twilight asked.


"Surely an opinion on a pony can't be of any use to the court." Hope suggested.

In response, The Doctor shook his head, disagreeing with Hope. "The whole point of this cross-examination is to see if her opinion DOES have an impact on the trial. For now, I will have to overrule your objection."

As that was literally the only rebuttal Hope had left, he was left with no choice but to stay silent. While he stayed calm and composed for the most part, Twilight could tell that he was on the path of losing it.

He he he. That might actually shut him up for a bit. Thank Celestia that we have a judge who's actually giving me a chance at this. Twilight thought. "So Applejack, how did you like Pinkie Pie before?"

With no other objections from the prosecution, Applejack was able to continue.

-Once upon a time, I would've given my life and all my apples to help her.


"I know you well. You would do the same to any of your close friends, such as me. Pinkie Pie was no exception?" Twilight asked.

"Of course. The only thing I care for more than apples are my family, and you girls are family to me. What kind of family would I be to y'all if I didn't feel that way?"

As he listened to Applejack's thoughts on family, The Doctor started to shed a small tear as he was touched by it. "I certainly know that feeling. I may not be biologically related to my companions, but we're all one big happy family. It's a good feeling."


"Sure, if you know that they even are family." Applejack argued. "For all these years, ponies like her and Twilight were considered to be Apples. Heck, I recently found out that Pinkie might actually be part of the family."

-But then I saw her stabbing my little sis with my own eyes.


"Yesterday, we established that the pony in the barn may not of been Pinkie! There were to many unanswered questions regarding Pinkie's sightings." Twilight reminded. After all, unlike Masquerade, Pinkie can't fly out of the barn undetected.


"While it is curious as to how the defendant escaped the crime scene undetected, the simple fact that she was seen at all is suffice enough." Hope responded. "You did see her attacking your sister, did you not?"

"I-I did see her there. I'm pretty sure I did." Applejack answered, though there were some uncertainty in her words."

"You're pretty sure?" Twilight asked. "You mean you're not entirely certain?"

"Well, to be honest...ever since last night, I've trying to replay that terrible day in my head over and over. I remember seeing Pinkie there with the dagger in her hoof next to Apple Bloom. The problem is that that's literally ALL I can remember. I've had a nagging feeling that there should've been something else."

"Something else?" Sweetie Belle asked. "You mean something else was there?"

It looks like my theory is correct. Her doubts in Pinkie Pie has made her ignore the whole truth, meaning that we actually can get some new testimony from this. Maybe it's time to go straight in for the kill.

Deeming it time to reveal the contradiction in Applejack's testimony, Twilight got her evidence ready and requested Applejack to repeat the final part of her story. Since it's been made clear, at least to Applejack, that Pinkie Pie wasn't the friend she thought the pink mare was...

-It's clear to me that she and I have never been friends at all.


"Applejack. I know you've been really hurt for the last few days. In fact, it you're probably the most traumatized victim of this whole ordeal." Twilight said.

"To be technical, I'd say the child, Apple Bloom, has suffered the most." Hope corrected. However, his comment caused most of the gallery to give an icy glare to him. After taking notice of this and realizing what he had said. "Uh...sorry."

Yay. I'm not the only smart one who can make a fool of themself. Twilight thought happily, but she became serious again instantly. "You know that Pinkie has, and always will be, your friend. You can lie to this court, but you can't lie to yourself."

"Personally, I wouldn't want anyone to lie in court." The Doctor said.

Ignoring The Doctor's comment, Twilight continued to talk to Applejack. "When I look at this picture here, I see two best friends enjoying a party. You do remember this party, don't you?

"Yeah...I remember that day." Applejack said as she was given the photo. "It was her birthday, and she invited me to celebrate it with her family. We drank so much cider. We all had a great time."

"You can't possibly look at this picture and say that the two ponies in the center are not friends." Twilight said. "You know perfectly well that the magic of friendship can never die."


"I mean no disrespect, Miss Sparkle. Especially since you are a princess." Hope said. While he was trying to be polite to the princess, he ultimately shook his head in disagreement. "As good spirited the magic of friendship is, it's not something that can influence this court, nor can it change how this witness sees the defendant. By all that is logical, there is no magic or friendship between these two ponies."

The ponies in the gallery quickly agreed with Hope. As it appeared that Pinkie Pie was the one who responsible for all of the crimes, not to mention the fact that she was already found guilty, there would be no reason for Applejack to consider the crazy pink mare to be her friend.


But one pony disagreed. Applejack herself. "Now look here, blue boy! You've got no rights to say that!"

Applejack's sudden outburst caused Hope to jump in shock, causing him to discharge magic from his horn. While such a case happened a few times to him the day before, this was the first time he had done it that day, thus marking the first instance that day where he completely lost his composure.

"Things are certainly grim right now, but it's just as Twilight said. Me and Pinkie Pie are still friends. I remember that party like I remember the back of my hoof. The mare who invited me to that party was one I proudly called my friend."

Not only was Hope silenced by Applejack, but even the gallery had stopped talking. Below them all, they saw a mare who was trying to speak from her heart and they didn't want to miss a single word.

"But then that still raises some questions." The Doctor said. "Why would you still claim that you saw the defendant attacking your sister?"

"Because by all means, I did technically see Pinkie Pie there. I saw her. I freaking saw her!" Applejack said as she began to get emotional.

At that point, Twilight began feeling those emotions rising, so she decided to cast the magatama spell once more, causing the black psyche-locks to appear. While the negative energy she felt before still lingered, this time, they were being overpowered by a more positive force.

"But that doesn't mean nothing. Even after everything I saw, I realize that I still have faith in Pinkie Pie. I think I've always had it. If Twilight says that Pinkie wasn't the one I saw hurting Apple Bloom..." As Applejack continued to release her real thoughts and feelings regarding the case, Twilight saw that one of the locks had starting to shake. "Yes. Pinkie Pie is my friend and I know for a fact that she didn't do anything!"

And that was the secret she's been hiding from herself. Twilight thought. This entire time, she knew her friend was innocent. Now that she's overcome the stubbornness that sealed that truth away, then hopefully now...

One by one, each individual psyche-lock began to shake, with all of them shaking more and louder as another joined. After all five started, they kept shaking harder and louder. As the intensity of the locks reached its climax, all at once, the five black psyche-locks shattered instantaneously.

The anger, hatred, and pain that had plagued Applejack had finally ended. Suddenly, her mind was at ease. And an epiphany had struck her. One that would never had come to the angry Applejack's mind. Upon realizing it, Applejack slammed her hooves on the witness stand.

"Mr. Shepard!" Applejack shouted. "That's why I wanted to come up here!"

"Pinkie's uncle?" Sweetie Belle asked. "What does he have to do with any of this?"

"Twi! Show me that picture that had Shepard and Pinkie on it!"

Upon Applejack's request, the court showed her the photo that Hope presented before. The security picture that gave Pinkie her guilty verdict.

"Applejack, what did you remember?" Twilight asked.

"The pony on the right! That isn't Pinkie Pie. That's Shepard Pi!" Applejack answered, "I know this because he's not a pegasus! He's a unicorn!"

Twilight, Hope, and The Doctor were all originally quiet and calm upon hearing Applejack's claim. After processing the information, each of them made their response in the respective order.



"Fancy that."

At that point, the gallery began to share the same reaction, causing the whole courtroom to go into an uproar. The Doctor, being the only one to have stayed calm, slammed his gavel down three times.

"Order! I will have order! Come on, you've all been so good lately." The Doctor shouted. "This is huge. Are you certain that the victim Shepard Pi was lucky enough to be unicorn pony?"

"Yes, I'm...wait, what?" Applejack asked as she realized what the Doctor said. "Bah, I know for a fact that he's a unicorn."


"We've already established that the unicorn in the security photo is the defendant." Hope remarked.


"This testimony completely changes that theory!" Twilight responded


"Her memory could easily be mistaken. The photo of the party you showed that they were drinking cider. She could've just been drunk that day."


"YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SON OF A..." Applejack screamed before calming herself down. "That party there was when I met Shepard Pi. It may of been the only time I met him, but I met him !"


"Again, you looked quite drunk that day. Perhaps you saw him wearing a party hat and mistook it for a horn."

With the debate between the three ponies in the court, the gallery started to get riled up, forcing The Doctor to slam his gavel down to settle everypony down. Things were going very well for Twilight thanks to Applejack, but then Hope brought a very simple counter-argument: There was no actual proof. Even with Applejack's testimony, there was still doubt within it.

"Can't we just look at the auto report?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I'm sure it would tell us if he Mr. Shepard was a unicorn or not."

Before answering Sweetie Belle's question, Hope gave her a disappointed head shake. "Normally, looking at the autopsy report would be a great idea. Sadly, the state of the body was left...honestly, no word would be appropriate for a child. To put simply, we have yet to determine whether the victim was an earth, unicorn, or pegasus pony."

"That's easy to solve." Twilight claimed. "All we have to do is ask his relatives. All we would have to do to know for sure is call in Shepard's brother, Igneous Rock, as a witness."


"Nice try, Miss Sparkle." Hope said. "Naturally, it would be a biased testimony from one who happens to be the defendant's father. It wouldn't be reliable."

Well, it was worth a try. If only we had even the smallest piece of evidence to suggest that Shepard was a unicorn. Anything at all.

Twilight puzzled, and puzzled, and puzzled some more as she tried to figure if she had anything that could finish connecting the dots. The only lead she had that even suggested it was Applejack's testimony, but without other evidence, it wasn't enough. She had to go through her evidence to figure out what could prove Shepard's species.

Since Applejack met Shepard at Pinkie's birthday party, only one piece of evidence actually had any relevance to the case.

The key must be this photo. If Shepard Pi really was at the party, then why isn't he part of the group shot?

It was Twilight's last chance. She had to find a way to use the only piece of evidence she had that linked Applejack and Shepard together. She gave a thorough examination of the photo and did her best not to miss any details.

Wait a second! Could this be it?

It was very easy for Twilight, or anypony at all for that matter, to have missed such a small detail, but it became all too clear once she found it.


"The proof is right here!" Twilight before slamming her hooves down. "Does that not look like a unicorn horn?"

Hope took a moment to see what Twilight was talking about. After focusing his eyes and looking up close, he found precisely what Twilight was talking about, causing him to once again discharge magic from the sight. "I...I don't believe it!"

"I'm afraid I don't either." The Doctor said. "I don't think I can see what you're pointing at."

"This may be a bit of a coincidence, but it seems that Shepard's horn, and most likely his coat too, happened to have been the same color as the wall in the background." Twilight explained. "I'm sure if he was blue or purple, the horn could've been seen easily. As for how we can't see him at all, the balloons were clearly blocking him from our view."

"Yes, that's it!" Applejack said in excitement. "I remember him being that brown color!"

"If that's the case...then that means Shepard Pi really was a unicorn." The Doctor realized. "And by that extension, the unicorn in the security photo is Shepard Pi as well."

"I'm glad you finally understand, your honor." Twilight said with a smile. "But that now raises an interesting question. If unicorn in that photo is Shepard, then who, prey tell is the other pony?"

Twilight had finally managed to create a huge sense of doubt in the evidence against Pinkie, causing the gallery to go into an uproar. Hope's entire case centered around the idea of Pinkie Pie and her artificial horn being the unicorn, but Twilight had proven that to be false.


"Through the process of elimination, the only logical explanation is if the pegasus on the left was the defendant herself." Hope explained.


"Pinkie Pie is an earth pony. Not a pegasus. Unless you have evidence to suggest that she also has robotic wings, you've got nothing!


"There may be no robotic wings, at least as far as I know, but the security photo still holds up as evidence. On the lower right corner, it states that the two ponies shown are Shepard Pi and Pinkie Pie. Ergo--"


"I'm sorry, but now that we know that who's the unicorn, I know who the pegasus pony is. The answer is quite simple." Twilight said confidently. "On the day of the murder, there were actually three ponies at Shepard's home. Shepard Himself, Pinkie pie, and a third party."

"Now you're just being silly. Nothing in the evidence even suggests that there were three ponies." Hope argued. "Since the camera's stamp says there were only two, what's your counter evidence?"


As she already had the evidence prepared, Twilight used her magic to shoot it straight at Hope, who in turn stopped it in midair by using his own magic. There, he found another photo, one that literally stared back at him.

"You appeared to have given me the wrong evidence. This is just a poorly taken picture of yourself. I think."

I can't believe I'm actually showing him this. Twilight said to herself, embarrassed by her actions. "I actually took this by accident yesterday when I was investigation Shepard's home. It was taken by the same camera that took the other photo. As you can see, it has a stamp on the lower corner as well."

"That it does, Miss Sparkle, that it does." The Doctor said with an impressed tone, but he quickly grew confused. "Wait a moment. All I can see is your face, but this isn't your name here."

"Exactly. Sweetie Belle and I were at the house together with Igneous Rock, whose name is printed on the photo. I think it makes perfect sense that the names printed are only the names of ponies Shepard himself actually knew. After all, since that was my first time there, how would the camera know my name is Twilight Sparkle?"

The Doctor nodded in agreement. While he was impressed by the technology in Equestria, not even magic could work miracles like guessing one's name. "In that case, the camera must not show the names of ponies seen. It shows the names of ponies in the lab!"

"Therefore, if Pinkie Pie was unfortunate enough to of been in in Shepard's home on the day he died, then the photo would make it look like she was the one who killed him!"

For once, the astonishment caused by Twilight's arguments didn't cause the ponies in the gallery to go into an outburst. Instead, it caused them all to freeze. Even Hope was left speechless. Even The Doctor was left silent for a moment, but he eventually asked a very simple question.

"Does the prosecution have any rebuttals to make?"

He thought, and thought, and thought some more as he tried to come up with a logical explanation. But in the end, his mind was a complete blank. "No, your honor. The prosecution rests."

As it was all too clear that the defense was ready to rest as well, The Doctor saw no reason not to proceed to the final part of the day's trial. "In that case, I believe that it is now too early for me to declare the defendant guilty. I hereby retract my previous verdict."

I can't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I ACTUALLY DID IT!

"Now allow me to share my final thoughts for the day. We have now discussed the first two murders during the first two days of this trial. While the evidence does not provide enough solid evidence to prove the defendant's guilt, nothing says beyond a reasonable doubt that she's innocent either, even with the evidence that was just presented. I am therefore willing to let this trial continue on tomorrow. Do you all understand?"

"Yes I do. I'll be ready." Twilight said confidently.

With a bit of reluctance, Hope answered as well. "Yes, your honor. I'll see to it that my final witness will show up to it."

"You see to it that he does. From what I understand, trials like these, which must be overseen by Princess Celestia, have a three day limit. This means that regardless of what happens tomorrow, I will have to make a final verdict. I suppose playing judge for three days isn't bad. Until then, court will now be adjourned.

With slam of his gavel, The Doctor brought the second day of trial to a close. Twilight had survived the worst experience of her entire life, which was simply reversing a guilty verdict, yet the whole experience wasn't even over yet. She still had to return the next day to finish the job.

Right there, she made a mental list of her plans for the rest of the day: Investigate. Talk to Pinkie Pie. Find Masquerade. And of course, thank Applejack for all that she had done.

Author's Note:

I am very, VERY sorry for the lateness. Writer's block, laziness, work, and Smash Bros 3DS tends to make story writing a surprisingly difficult process. I'm just glad that I don't have a Wii U yet. I hope I made one hell of a chapter to make up for it.

Twilight Notes:

Sweetie Belle: The little sister of my friend, Rarity. She wants to proves Pinkie Pie didn't try
to kill her friend, Apple Bloom.
Star Cestus: Former Chief Commissioner of Canterlot's police force, but still holds the rank of Inspector. He's the head of the investigation.
Pinkie Pie: One of my best friends and the defendant. She's a very crazy party pony, which is arguably bad for her case.
Apple Bloom: The latest victim and sole survivor of a series of murders. Currently on life support. No child should ever of gone through what she's been through.
Applejack: One of my best friends and the older sister of the victim. Being as stubborn as she is, she seems certain that Pinkie Pie is responsible.
Masquerade: A pegasus who used to live near Pinkie Pie when she was young. He has a strong hatred for Pinkie and is most certainly the true serial killer.
Hope Ray: A prosecutor from Canterlot. Wanting to do everything he can do to keep Equestria safe, he wishes to prosecute Pinkie Pie.
Shepard Pi: Pinkie Pie's deceased uncle and the one who gave her the A.M.P medication. He was the second victim of the murders. He was some sort of scientist.
Coltaire: The lead singer of the Jersey Devils. He seems to know Pinkie Pie, but on what level is a bit of a mystery.
The Pony of Doom: The daughter of Coltaire and violinist of the Jersey Devils. She's friends with Pinkie pie.
Igneous Rock: Pinkie Pie's father.
Scootaloo: A friend of Apple Bloom. She has gone missing.
Auto Ratchet: A veteran surgeon from Canterlot. He's tasked to keep Apple Bloom alive.

Attorney's Badge: My Equestrian Attorney's badge, decorated with the symbols of the Elements of Harmony.
Black Dagger: The weapons used in the crimes. The daggers from the second murder and Applebloom's attack has Pinkie Pie's hoofprints
Hoofprint Records: Contains a list of hoofprints from every pony involved in the case. Only useful on ponies I've already met.
A.M.P Bottle: Pinkie Pie's illegally acquired medicine, Anti-Magic-Purgers. A highly addictive drug meant specifically for young unicorns.
Apple Core: A potentially poisoned apple. Was eaten by Pinkie when the poison was brought up.
Pesticide: Used to poison the apple. Pinkie has developed an immunity to it.
Selfie: A picture of me I accidently took at Shepard Pi's lab.
Birthday Picture: A picture of Pinkie and Applejack at a birthday party. Pinkie's whole family was there.
Shepard's Journal: Contains entries regarding him and Pinkie Pie. I've marked the interesting pages that I've read so far. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Hoof Painted Drawing: A crudely made picture of Pinkie and her Uncle Shepard Pi. It was signed by both of them.
Odd Hoofprint: A hoofprint found on a bottle of sleeping pills. Appears to belong to Pinkie Pie.
Sleeping Pills: Found at the barn. Likely used on Pinkie Pie.
Unlabelled bottle: Contained an acid that burnt off Pinkie's hoofprints. My own hoofprints were planted on it, but I can't prove it.
Security Photo: Found in Shepard Pi's camera. Believed to be Shepard and Pinkie in the photo. Photo Here
Artificial Horn: An invention of Shepard Pi's. Enable's non-unicorn ponies to perform magic.