• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 3,119 Views, 562 Comments

Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: Turnabout Smiles - Animegx43

Not only is Pinkie Pie accused of murdering ponies in Equestria, but also attempted murder of the sister of one of her best friends, and only Twilight has enough faith in Pinkie to defend her.

  • ...

Day 3: Investigations: The Truth is Dangerous

February 14, 2:40 PM
Sweet Apple Acres

"Officer, are you sure that this is the right way?" Twilight asked

"I'm sorry Princess, but I still don't know my way around this place."

Twilight wasted no time when she learned that Star Cestus had found Scootaloo. She followed the police mare that told her the news, but could tell that she wasn't particularly good at her job considering that she couldn't find where Cestus was before.

Oh, man. I swear, if this turns out to be a trap set up by Masquerade, I'm going to kick her--

"As you can see, we've arrived here safe and sound."

As the mare promised, Twilight was brought to Cestus's location. And, just as she mentioned back at the hospital, Scootaloo was right there with him. The missing filly was finally found.

Cestus and Scootaloo weren't the only ones there. A familiar blue pegasus was also there, keeping the younger pegasus tightly under her hooves. It was a huge relief for Twilight to see that a young friend of hers was finally safe, sound, and with ponies she could actually trust.

"Ah, Twilight! You got my message? Awesome." Cestus said.

After giving Cestus an enthusiastic salute, the green mare spoke up. "I'm going to return to my post before Prosecutor Hope Ray notices I'm missing, sir!"

"Very good. Just try not to get caught."

With a happy smile on her face, the mare made a hasty exit, leaving the scene before any other pony could utter another word. With the police gone, Twilight took the chance to ask a question.

"I can understand why Rainbow Dash is here since I heard she was helping to find Scootaloo, but why did you tell one of the Canterlot officers? Aren't they now under Hope's orders?"

Cestus gave Twilight a hearty chuckle. "My men are much more loyal than you think. In fact, that mare that brought you here? I trust her more than any other."

Looks like we're both getting good luck with ponies we trust. Twilight thought. "Anyway, how is Scootaloo doing."

"From the looks of it, I'd say she's getting strangled to death by rainbow butt here."

In response, the pegasus made an angry retort. "That's Rainbow Dash, pal." Cestus wasn't very happy with her choice of words.

"This...will be..."Scootaloo said weakly as Rainbow Dash held her tightly. "...the best...death...ever!"

I've been worried to death over Scootaloo's safety. Rainbow Dash is actually quite close to her, so I can only imagine the stress she's been feeling. Twilight thought. During that time, she also remembered that one other had been worried about Scootaloo more than anypony else. "Rainbow Dash, before you make Scootaloo lose consciences, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Apple Bloom has finally woken up. Sweetie Belle and Applejack are both with her right now. Think you can get Scootaloo there too?"

"She's awake? Is she okay?" Scootaloo asked.

Before the filly was given an answer, Rainbow Dash answered the question. "I'm as good as there already. Ready to go, squirt? Just hang on tight."

"I'm definitely not going to let go after what I've been through."

After Scootaloo jumped on her back and held on tightly, Rainbow Dash flew up and dashed off as quickly as her wings could move her. The speed she moved at created a backlash that made Cestus lose his balance upon her departure. It was quite frightening for the unprepared stallion.

"Damn, she's fast. How much damage do you think she does with that speed?" Cestus asked.

I'd better not answer that. Twilight thought, avoiding a very dangerous question to answer. Crimes that her friend committed wasn't important at the time anyway. What was important was the crime that occurred right there. "Since you and I are the only ones here, how about you tell me about how you found Scootaloo here?"

After taking a quick look around his surroundings to make sure no pony else was around, Cestus decided to show Twilight the scene. Suddenly, the tone shifted and Cestus put his professional face on.

He walked over to nearby hole in the ground, which had a big wooden crate inside, as well as a shovel and another odd metal object. It was such a peculiar scene, but it made sense that they were the only ones who knew about it since it was in such a hidden area. Twilight didn't even know what part of Sweet Apple Acres they were even on.

"We were lucky. Masquerade kept the kid alive. I guess he would've let her go if Pinkie was found guilty. Mind you, we won it for the day, so I suppose she was kept buried in the ground right here."

"That's horrible! Couldn't she have just been tied up and gag somewhere?" Twilight asked.

"She was. In this box." Cestus answered, which made Twilight all the more disgusted. "Uhh...sorry. Anyway, Scootaloo told me that she was only put in there this morning. Had she have been a mare like you, she wouldn't have made it."

"I'm grateful that you found her before that happened, but that still raises a big question. How did you find her?"

"Well, because of the large size of this farm and how close it was to the Everfree Forest, I thought it was the only secluded area where nopony could find her. So logically, this was a good place to start."

"Yes, that does make sense. But how did you find her buried under the ground?"

Before answering Twilight, Cestus walked over to the hole, picked up the odd metal object, and brought it over to the princess. He had a very happy look on his face.

"I'm actually quite proud of this one. I managed to find a use to my metal detector!" Cestus explained as he handed the device over to Twilight. "I remembered that Scootaloo stole a key from Hope the other day. So I hoped that...no pun intended, that she still had it."

Huh. Neat. I wonder if I could've found more evidence if I had something like this. I wonder if I could borrow it from him some time.

Metal Detector was added to the evidence.

"And she held onto it this entire time?"

"She thought it would've been important. Whether it is or not, I'm glad she kept it."

Whether it is or not, I just pray that Hope didn't notice that it was gone. Twilight thought. After taking a good look at the key she recognized what kind of key it was, but it left a dumbfounded look on her face. "Cestus, are you sure that this was the key Scootaloo found?"

"That's what she told me. Why do you ask?"

"Do you have any idea what this key is for?"

"Didn't I just make it clear that I didn't?"

Okay. Okay. Stupid question. Twilight thought. "I've seen this once. This key should belong to Ponyville's police."

"Ponyville's police, huh? I know Hope is working with them, but I can't seem them handing over something like this to him. How do you even know what it is?"

"Well, there have been times like when Rainbow Dash tried racing some other pegasus, flew into a building that turned out to...on second thought, this isn't a good story to tell a cop. Point is, I've seen this key used a few times."

With the knowledge Twilight shared, Cestus gave her an unamused stare in return. "After this ordeal, I'm going to do some background checks on you and your friends."

Meep! Twilight thought nervously.

"But for now, I think we need to pay our prosecutor a visit. I still can't think of a reason for why he would have this thing. Even they can't just be given a key to see a prisoner."

"Then that key must've been stolen. Stolen by Hope! We actually have something on him!" Twilight said excitedly. "Where is he right now? If he knows something, I want to exploit the hell out of it! Oh...sorry for the language. And sorry for the power abuse."

"None taken at all. I want to take him down too. Last I checked, he was scheduled to talk to Pinkie at the detention center."

The detention center? Well, I hope he's already asked Pinkie the questions he wanted to ask, because I've got one for him.


February 14, 3:14 PM
Ponyville Detention Center
Visitor's Room

"The more you co-operate Miss Pie, the easier you'll handle your sentence." Hope explained.

"I'm trying to, but you keep asking the same questions." Pinkie said with a frown.

It was actually quite fortunate that Hope's interrogation wasn't going well. With the arrival of Twilight and Cestus, he was given two smarter, logical, and tolerable ponies to talk too. The only down side was that they came to interrogate him.

"Miss Sparkle, I'm afraid you chose a bad time to speak with your client. Please come back later." Hope said, hoping that Twilight would leave.

"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie said with glee. "Psst. Hope. Tell Twilight I said hi."

"I can hear you, Pinkie." Twilight answered. "This can't wait, Prosecutor Hope. You've got some explaining to do."

"I assure you Miss Sparkle. What ever it is, this case is a priority, so I suggest you leave before I call Canterlot's police over here. Or rather, what's left of them."

Taking offense to Hope's comment, Cestus spoke. "Find. Bring them over here so we can show you the key jail key that we found in your office."

Hope barely glanced at Twilight and Cestus before, but as soon as they mentioned the key, he spun his head right around to see them eye to eye. He wasn't please with the idea that there really was something more important than his investigation.

"One moment, Miss Pie." Hope said to Pinkie, who had no trouble waiting. "Where did you find that?"

Twilight answered. "Scootaloo swiped it when she was with Star Cestus yesterday. Which...I probably shouldn't have said out loud."

"Yeesh. Thanks, pal." Cestus said sarcastically.

"Yesterday? Back when Cestus was still working for me?" Hope asked with a hint of anger. "Inspector Star Cestus, I swear, when we get back to Canterlot, you'll be fi--"


"You can fire him later after you protect your own job. Now why did you have this key?"

To ensure that Hope would answer Twilight's questions honestly and truthfully, she began to channel the magatama spell. Sure enough, four psyche-locks appears before Twilight, as well as darkness and several chains behind said locks.

"WHAT THE--?" Cestus shouted. "Where did those come from?"

Hope raised an eyebrow when Cestus freaked out, because he couldn't see what Cestus was seeing since he wasn't standing next to Twilight. Incidentally, Twilight had to use her magic to briefly shut Cestus's mouth with her magic.

"Be quiet. These will help us." Twilight whispered.


--Secret: Hope Ray And The Key--

"Now Hope, according to Cestus, this key was found in the Mayor's offices, which you're using as a temporary prosecutor's office. Is that true." Twilight asked.

"Yes, I am using Mayor Mare's office at the moment, but that doesn't mean that I've ever even touched that key." Hope argued.

Oh, wow. This is too easy. Twilight thought. "There's actually something you gave me when we first met that can tell us if you touched this key or not."


"It's really simple. As small as this key is, it should still leave a print. So, with this list of hoofprints, which includes even yours, we can check if you've touched this key or not."

Twilight expected one of the locks to break, but oddly enough, nothing happened. Instead, Hope gave a cocky grunt. "Very well then. Inspector, check that key for prints."

It took Cestus only a moment to have a small toolkit ready to check the key for prints. With what he saw, or rather squint with his eyes and compared his findings to the prints on the hoofprint records. However, he didn't liked what he found.

"It's tricky to tell, but from what I see, there's only one set of prints on here. Pinkie's. I doubt that there's magic residue from a unicorn horn either." Cestus explained.

Twilight was left speechless. Nothing could be said. It was something she didn't expect to hear.

Hope went on to make a counterargument. "That makes sense. Pinkie Pie would've stolen that key and used it to make her escape. After which, she ran into the Everfree Forest, burnt off her hoofprints, and likely just forgot to wipe off the key and was likely found by you two. As for my accusation: Nothing but slanders and lies. Why trust corrupt police officer and a biased princess?"

Slanders and lies? I'm only acting as a lawyer. Not being a real one. Twilight thought angrily. Twilight was blinded by rage for a moment, but after thinking it over, she realized that there was a hole in Hope's claim. "We could be the most corrupted government officials, but we'd still have the truth on our side."

"The truth can be bent. Logic is unbendable." Hope claimed.

"And the courts would listen to this witness."


"Remember. It wasn't me or Cestus who found this key. It was Scootaloo, who hung on to this key the entire time. If we can't make the claim that the key was found in your room, then Scootaloo can. And logically there would be no reason for Pinkie to leave the key in the mayor's office."

In a state of shock, Hope cringed while a magical bolt fired from his horn, much like during court, but while Hope was able to regain his composure, he wasn't able to regain the two shattered psyche-locks.

"I suppose it wouldn't be logical if Pinkie simply left the key in my office." Hope admitted, but he wasn't finished. "But if another pony would've gone in and left the key there, then that would be perfectly logical. Perhaps somepony like you?"

"Or...maybe just as logically..."


"You've come to know me, Hope. You know that I couldn't have freed Pinkie from her cell during my investigation, even if Pinkie herself said I did it. There is only one pony who I can of who would benefit from all of this. The real killer, Masquerade."

Sure enough, Twilight made a good point. One that broke the third of the four psyche-locks. Hope tried to think of something to say in response, but he couldn't think of anything that wouldn't have simply insulted Twilight's intelligence.

"I'm not talking to you now, lawyer to lawyer. I'm talking to you as Twilight Sparkle and Hope Ray. While I have no way of proving it, I am convinced that you are working with Masquerade."

Hope's eyes opened wide. From the very start, he talked to Twilight with as a high profiled lawyer, so one could only imagine his surprise when his opponent talked to him outside of his title. He kept his professionalism intact, but his overall tone changed.

"Your highness, please take a quick look at my cutie mark." Hope turned to show Twilight and Cestus his flank, showing him the yellow and white shield that made up his cutie mark. "This represents my desire to protect Equestria. I chose this profession because I wish to protect."

"So you became a prosecutor?" Twilight asked. "A job that sentence ponies to imprisonment, or for Pinkie, death? Why not be a defense attorney?"

Hope shook his head. "You misheard. I wish to protect Equestria. Equestria as a whole, not every individual citizen. After all, not all are innocent. But even if they were wrongfully punished, if it helps all of Equestria, then that's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make."


Twilight and Cestus were both disgusted by Hope's point of view. They each called him out for such a horrible thought. Hope's philosophy bothered Twilight so much that she accidently deactivated the magatama spell. This would mean that she couldn't break the last psyche-lock, but that was no longer what bothered her the most.

"Look pal, I know the average guy is a jerk, but the law is meant to serve all ponies, not screw them all over." Cestus claimed.

"And Pinkie is being accused of murder! Why would you let her take the fall for that?" Twilight asked.

Hope turned back to face Twilight and Cestus once more. "It's the logical choice."

"Pinkie Pie, the happiest and one of the nicest ponies in Ponyville is being sentenced to death. How is that logical?" Twilight asked.

"Tell me Princess. What do you think will happen once Pinkie is acquitted." Hope asked. "As you've found, Masquerade has had it in for Miss Pie. Clearly, he's been taking lives because he's wanted to frame her."

At least I know he can't deny that Pinkie is innocent. At least until court. Twilight thought. She then allowed Hope to finish his explanation.

"So tell me. What do you think will happen if she's found not guilty? If our "competent" police force don't catch Masquerade, he will surely kill again to make her suspicious once more. Now I have one last question. How many lives will YOU sacrifice to save your friend?"

That's...wow. We never have gotten any closer to find Masquerade, have we? Would he be so persistent? Would he go after Pinkie again?

"So far, Copycat, Shepard Pi, and Time Charm have all been ruthlessly killed. All because of Pinkamena Diane Pie. Two kids nearly died as well. Would an orphanage have to be burnt down before we end the madness?"


"Then let's capture Masquerade!"


"We have yet to capture him after six months. Why should we risk more lives if all he wants is Miss Pie? I repeat. Is saving your friend really worth putting so many more lives at risk for nothing?"

I don't believe it. Twilight thought. He...isn't completely wrong. Could that actually happen if we win this trial?

Both Twilight and Cestus were deep in thought. They never thought of what would happen after Pinkie would be acquitted. Cestus tried to hunt down Masquerade, but that's what nearly cost Scootaloo's life. Hope was a true devil's advocate, but as long as Masquerade was a true devil, neither Twilight nor Cestus could argue otherwise.

"Since all three of you know, I will stop wasting my time here. But before I go, I'm going to need that key back."

"Absolutely not! This is literally the only leverage I have on you!" Twilight stated.

"True. But I too have leverage on you." Hope claimed. He then used his magic to take out his own piece of evidence. It appeared to have been a simple clear and colorless crystal, but it was something Twilight had seen before. "Have you seen this before? It was left in my office."

Cestus spoke out. "Hey, that's a security crystal. Lots of places in Canterlot use it. They were even used in the Blueblood case a few months back."

After pushing a shard in, the crystal activated before Twilight and Cestus's eyes. The image that appeared before them showed Twilight and Pinkie together, with Twilight personally handing over the key to Pinkie so she could escape. By this point, they already knew that it was really Masquerade posing as her, but it was still a very convincing piece of evidence.

"I only wish to convict Miss Pie. Not you. If you expose me, I'll expose you."

"That's not me! You know that that's Masquerade!" Twilight claimed.

"Either give me evidence to prove it, or give me the key."

Ugh! This key would get him in so much trouble, but if anypony sees that crystal, I would never be trusted by anypony again. All of the evidence I've brought in could be discredited, but another lawyer could probably just take his spot. What should I do?


A voice that had hardly said a word had finally spoken. Behind the glass sat Pinkie Pie, with a long face and, instead of having her usual puffy mane, it was perfectly straight as if it was deflated like a balloon. The mane was even a darker shade of pink. Twilight had seen this side of Pinkie before. This was Pinkie at the peak of her depression.

"There's no reason for us both to be locked behind bars. Just give him the key and get the crystal from him."

"Pinkie..." Twilight was touched, but this wasn't what she wanted.

While Twilight still didn't had her mind made up, Cestus did. As he saw no other option, he took out the jail cell key and handed it over to Hope. In return, Hope gave Twilight and Cestus the crystal, ensuring that Hope couldn't use such a thing to discredit her in court.

"See you at the trial Tomorrow. Remember what we've talked about." Hope said as he bid her farewell. "Think carefully before you even show up. If I don't win, you will be held responsible for everything that happens after."

"One last question." Twilight requested. "Why are you so willing to give in to Masquerade's demands like this?"

Hope was already by the exit, but before he walked out, he turned and answered the question. "Him and I have a history."

And with that, the only piece of dirt Twilight had on the prosecutor, as well as the prosecutor himself, was gone. Her best chance for an easy win was out of the window. In fact, the investigation had gone so smooth up to that point, but in a matter of minutes, all of that morale was gone.


February 14, 5:00PM
Golden Oak Library
Front Door

"I can't believe it." Cestus said. "Are we really expected to lose tomorrow? How can we lose tomorrow? I've been risking my job so we could win!"

"How do you think Pinkie felt? After everything Hope said, she was too depressed to even talk to us. But who can blame her?"

After confronting Hope and losing what could've been their in ace in the hole, the case took a grim turn once more. It felt as if even if they win, they would lose as long as Masquerade was out in the world, but because all that he wanted was Pinkie's head, it would make sense if he would stop if Pinkie was found guilty.

"So Twilight. What are you going to do?" Cestus asked.

What SHOULD I do? Can I really abandon Pinkie, even if it would be for the greater good? Twilight thought, giving herself an intense migraine.

She had to make a tough call, but it wasn't until she went through her evidence one final time before she made up her mind. She found the picture of Pinkie's birthday party, where she, her family, and even Applejack, were all having a great time because of the super party pony. It was one of the happiest times they ever had.

She then started to look through pictures she had of all of her friends in the library. Many of them were of Pinkie bringing joy and cheer to them all. Seeing them almost cured Twilight's headache. Simply losing these pictures would kill Twilight. But as far as she was concerned, it would take a giant, powerful monster to make her lose such precious memories.

"Hope is right. Saving Pinkie may ruin more lives. But if we let her down, I can imagine many more lives being ruined. My friends...the ponies of this town...Applejack..."

Cestus, knowing that Twilight had made up her mind, then made up his own. "I haven't known Pinkie Pie for long, but during the last few days, she's already driven me nuts." It was then that Cestus did something Twilight thought he would never do. He lowered his head, put a hoof across his chest, and bowed to a princess. "But if she's had as much influence on this town as I've been led to believe, then I will gladly fight along your side to save her."

Touching words said by a good friend. Touching words that assured Twilight that she made the right decision. No matter what would happen from this point on, she was more than ready to take the responsibility for her actions. Even if she would fail, whether by not winning the case or by allowing another victim to fall, this was a cause that was worth fighting form.

Masquerade. I know that you're out there. I know that you're trying to destroy the lives of many innocent ponies. Especially the life of innocence incarnate. I just hope that you know that as soon as I save Pinkie...I'm coming straight after you.

Author's Note:

Do to a combination of a fanfic panel I went to at an anime convention AND the 100th episode of mlp, I've finally written the next chapter after my worst writer's block ever. Sorry for the long wait. :(

I've written several smaller stories during these dark times, but recently, I've considered multi-tasking. I've thinking of getting an early start on that Star Cestus spin-off story as well as finish this one. Depending on how the comments will go, I may have the story started by the time the next chapter goes up (which I promise won't take 2 months).

Twilight Notes:

Sweetie Belle: The little sister of my friend, Rarity. She wants to proves Pinkie Pie didn't try
to kill her friend, Apple Bloom.
Star Cestus: Former Chief Commissioner of Canterlot's police force, but still holds the rank of Inspector. He's the head of the investigation.
Pinkie Pie: One of my best friends and the defendant. She's a very crazy party pony, which is arguably bad for her case.
Apple Bloom: The latest victim and sole survivor of a series of murders. Currently on life support. No child should ever have gone through what she's been through.
Applejack: One of my best friends and the older sister of the victim. Being as stubborn as she is, she seems certain that Pinkie Pie is responsible.
Masquerade: A pegasus who used to live near Pinkie Pie when she was young. He has a strong hatred for Pinkie and is most certainly the true serial killer.
Hope Ray: A prosecutor from Canterlot. Wanting to do everything he can do to keep Equestria safe, he wishes to prosecute Pinkie Pie.
Shepard Pi: Pinkie Pie's deceased uncle and the one who gave her the A.M.P medication. He was the second victim of the murders. He was some sort of scientist.
Coltaire: The lead singer of the Jersey Devils. He seems to know Pinkie Pie, but on what level is a bit of a mystery.
The Pony of Doom: The daughter of Coltaire and violinist of the Jersey Devils. She's friends with Pinkie pie.
Igneous Rock: Pinkie Pie's father.
Scootaloo: A friend of Apple Bloom. She has gone missing.
Auto Ratchet: A veteran surgeon from Canterlot. He's tasked to keep Apple Bloom alive.

Attorney's Badge: My Equestrian Attorney's badge, decorated with the symbols of the Elements of Harmony.
Black Dagger: The weapons used in the crimes. The daggers from the second murder and Apple Bloom's attack has Pinkie Pie's hoofprints
Hoofprint Records: Contains a list of hoofprints from every pony involved in the case. Only useful on ponies I've already met.
A.M.P Bottle: Pinkie Pie's illegally acquired medicine, Anti-Magic-Purgers. Was somehow stolen by Shepard Pi.
Birthday Picture: A picture of Pinkie and Applejack at a birthday party. Pinkie's whole family was there.
Shepard's Journal: Contains entries regarding him and Pinkie Pie. I've marked the interesting pages that I've read so far. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Hoof Painted Drawing: A crudely made picture of Pinkie and her Uncle Shepard Pi. It was signed by both of them.
Odd Hoofprint: A hoofprint found on a bottle of sleeping pills. Appears to belong to Pinkie Pie.
Unlabelled bottle: Contained an acid that burnt off Pinkie's hoofprints. My own hoofprints were planted on it, but I can't prove it.
Security Photo: Found in Shepard Pi's camera. Shepard Pi and the killer is in it. Pinkie was elsewhere on the scene. Photo Here
Artificial Horn: An invention of Shepard Pi's. Enable's non-unicorn ponies to perform magic.
Metal Detector: A tool belonging to Star Cestus. The name says it all.