• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 3,183 Views, 122 Comments

My Little Lantern: Friendship is Colorful - enigmaMystere

A sort of "what if" involving lantern power rings and a few friends.

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Chapter 3

Twilight was at her desk, quietly reading a book. It seemed to be a fictional story – after all, who ever heard of a ring that could create something out of thin air? No, that was something for magic alone.

It was kind of interesting to read about, though, and Twilight couldn't pull herself away. Apparently, each of the seven colored rings, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, represented a light in an emotional spectrum. One of them, compassion, was really similar to Fluttershy's element, kindness. There wasn't much about that one, though.

Another one, hope, seemed like it was the weakest of the lights. At least, it did until she read about how much power it held over the other corps. It had abilities that let it control what Twilight dubbed "the negative side" of the spectrum. She found herself wondering who, exactly, made this book.

As she turned the page, she heard a knock at the door. Sighing, she walked over to it, opening it. She looked out, putting on her best smile. “Hello! What can I-” She stopped in mid-sentence, stunned by the sight before her.

Daring Do was right in front of her. Granted, she was an emerald green color, but Twilight didn’t seem to notice that. The pegasus took off her hat, grinning widely at her. “I hear you’re a fan of my stories?”

Twilight’s mouth opened and closed noiselessly, trying to find a word, any word that she could say. After about two minutes of this, she fainted.

As soon as she did so, the emerald pony vanished into a mist. Rainbow peeked out of a nearby bush, giggling excitedly. “That was so cool!” She flew away, thinking of a few more pranks that she could possibly pull with this.

She stopped by Rarity's boutique, another joke coming to her mind. She smiled and surrounded the building with a coat of translucent green. She soon heard a scream from inside the building.


Rainbow wondered if this prank was such a good idea. She quickly removed the green coat from the building and looked around, trying to find a place to hide. Rarity burst out of her boutique, looking for the culprit. Rainbow held her breath, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible for a floating pony clothed in green.

For some reason, though, Rarity didn't notice her. As it turns out, the ring allows invisibility to the wearer. The unicorn huffed and quickly went back inside to continue her work, leaving Rainbow more confused than ever. She just shrugged, floating off to see what else she could do.

As she was floating over to Applejack’s farm, a blinking green light caught her attention. She stared at her ring, confused by the flashing light currently emanating out of it. “Ring? Is something wrong?”

Green Lantern of Space Sector 3492.

She thought for a bit, confused until she remembered that was her. “Yeah?”

You will report to Oa for training immediately.


Have a nice flight.

All of the sudden, her world transformed into a rainbow, and anypony nearby heard the loud boom that her rapid departure made. As she glanced around, she realized that she was somehow traveling through space. She could feel the breeze in her mane, grinning widely at the speed she was attaining. It almost reminded her of her sonic rainboom, but without the colorful trail forming behind her.

Descending from hyperspace. Universal translator on.

Soon (almost too soon for her), the colors vanished, leaving her floating above a city full of bright yellow buildings. A large number of strangely-shaped creatures were floating around.

She looked around, confused. She was still being led around by the ring, so she couldn’t really get a proper look at her surroundings. “Ring? Where am I?”

The planet Oa. Central Precinct of the Green Lantern Corps. And home of the Guardians of the Universe – immortal watchers and protectors of all.

As she glanced down, she saw a large group in what appeared to be a class of sorts.

Disengaging autopilot. Tutorial off.

Rainbow felt herself falling, so she reflexively used her wings, floating down to the group and landing in what she deemed a perfect landing. She grinned, turning to face the others. She blinked, seeing them laughing at her.

She overheard one of their comments, coming from a masked figure. “Is that an Equestrian?”

"She won't last a moment on active duty!" Looking at this one, he kind of looked like a lion that stood on his hind legs.

Rainbow frowned, turning away from them and, in doing so, almost bumped into a large pink alien. Actually, his face reminded her of the pigs she had seen before on Applejack’s farm. He looked at her with a rude sneer. “Nice landin’, poozer. Name’s Kilowog. Welcome ta Ringslingin’ 101. Or as Ke’haan and I like to call it-” he was right in her face now, yelling loud enough to rival Luna last Nightmare Night, “THE WORST DAY A’ YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE!”

Rainbow stood her ground, a smile on her face. “So this is Flight Camp? Ha!” She turned her head, trying her best to surpress a chuckle. “This will be easy!”

Kilowog snorted, annoyed by her reaction. “Get in line with the rest of the white circles.” Glancing down, she realized that she did, in fact have a white circle on her side where her cutie mark would be. She let out a small yell of surprise as he shot her with his ring.

She got up quickly, wiping the mud off her face. “Oh, you want to go, do you? Fine!” She created a large hoof, bucking him hard in the face with it. Rainbow laughed in satisfaction as Kilowog was sent flying into the mud. "Oh, that's rich!"

Kilowog got up, grinning widely. “I’ve been lookin’ all day for somebody ta make an example outta!”

Hey, Enigma here! I just wanted to let you know that I'm not sure how often I'll be updating these stories. I hope you all enjoy them, and feel free to suggest anything you might like to see come up in a PM!

Thanks, and have a great day!

Enigma out! ~