• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 3,183 Views, 122 Comments

My Little Lantern: Friendship is Colorful - enigmaMystere

A sort of "what if" involving lantern power rings and a few friends.

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Chapter 6

okay, before anypony says anything, i tried my best to stay true to both how the characters would act, and how someone under the influence of the indigo power ring would behave.

now that i've said that, here is chapter six of "My Little Lantern". enjoy!~


Pinkie happily walked up to Fluttershy's house. She knocked three times, giggling. "Fluttershy!" Without a moment's hesitation, she did this again. Three knocks. "Fluttershy!" Three more. "Fluttershy!" She put her ear to the door, listening for the sounds of her yellow friend coming to the door.

No such sound came. In fact, it was completely silent on the other side of the door.

Confused and concerned, Pinkie put a hoof on the door, ready to push it open. Remembering that her friend was sensitive, she called out to announce her presence. "Fluttershy, I'm coming in!"


Pinkie almost jumped out of her pelt, spinning around and facing her friend. At least, she thought it was her friend...she was wearing a confusing outfit, and there was some sort of staff strapped to her back. Pinkie took a closer look at her, slightly shocked. It really was Fluttershy! What happened to her? Where did those markings on her body come from? Why were her front hooves covered in some sort of crimson paint? And just what was she saying, anyways? "Fluttershy?"

Hello, Pinkie.” Fluttershy nodded, smiling softly at her. “How are you doing?

Pinkie shivered a bit, seeing her friend smile like that. She quickly recovered, smiling happily. “I’m fine, but Dashie forgot to clear the clouds away!” She pointed a hoof up.

Pinkie,” Fluttershy gently put a scarlet-colored hoof on her friend’s shoulder, “there are no clouds up there.

Pinkie stared up, shocked that there were no clouds above Fluttershy’s house. “...wha...bu...huh?” She looked at the yellow pegasus, a thought coming to her mind. “You did that, right? Could you please do it for the rest of Ponyville? We don’t want Dashie to get in trouble! And it would be BIG trouble!” Pinkie threw her forelegs up to emphasize her words, coming in contact with Fluttershy’s foreleg on accident.

She froze, staring in horror at the crimson limb on her shoulder. Why did it feel so...sticky? “...Fluttershy? What happened?”

Fluttershy looked at her foreleg, her expression unchanged. “Oh, I came across an injured creature deep in the Everfree Forest. It was suffering, so I decided to end its pain. That’s all.

Pinkie just stared at her. Something was seriously wrong. “I’ll talk to you later!” With that, she rushed off towards town. Maybe Twilight would help her figure this out. Whatever 'this' was.

Fluttershy looked at the clouds over Ponyville. “I guess they do need my help.” She flew off, not even giving the previous conversation a second thought.


Rainbow Dash flew next to the Lantern from Earth, slightly uneasy. He hadn’t said a thing to her since they left the other trainees behind. “...so...Kyle, was it?” What a strange name. “You said you’re going to be my new coach?”

“Nope.” He didn’t even glance at her when replying. “They have someone else set up for that. I’m just the one escorting you to them.”

“What caused the rest of my...space...sector...” Dear Celestia, what is up with this place!?

Kyle chuckled at the way she stumbled over the words.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, trying her best to ignore his reaction. “What happened? Why is my planet the last one in my..." She paused, thinking of a better way to put it. "...section with life?”

“Woah, there.” He flew right in front of her, forcing her to stop. “Your planet’s not the last one with life, there. It’s just the last one with sapient life.”

“What the hay does that mean!?” Rainbow poked him with a hoof, annoyed.

“You’ll probably find out when the blue guys explain.” He shrugged, ignoring the fact that she jabbed him in the sternum.

“No, that’s not what I meant!” She sighed, rubbing the side of her head with the same hoof. Calm down, Dash. “What does ‘sapient’ mean?”

“Oh, it means ‘having or showing understanding or knowledge’, or something like that.” He shrugged. “At least, that’s how Salaak explained it.”

Rainbow was beyond confused now. "...I'm not even going to ask who that is." She threw her hooves up in the air, groaning in frustration. “Forget it, then! Just tell me what caused the other senti-whatevers to disappear!”

“Frankly, I haven’t the slightest idea!” He gave a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. “Like I said, I’m sure the Guardians know, and they’ll probably tell you when we get there. Okay?”

“...fine.” They continued their flight to the citadel, though Rainbow couldn't help thinking about Kyle’s earlier words. Even if they were meant to be reassuring, they didn’t do anything to lift Rainbow’s spirits. If anything, they made her worry even more.

Ponyville Library

Twilight was sitting at her desk, still poring over the tome she'd recently discovered. Apparently, there weren't just creatures that wielded the emotional spectrum; there were also beings made up purely of those emotional drives! These were able to take control of ones that have strong, corresponding emotions. She shivered as she finished the passage about a creature named Parallax. Definitely not something anypony would want to come across.

Before she could read more about these "entities", the library door burst open.

“Twilight, I need your help!”

Twilight glanced up at the white unicorn framed in her door, slightly upset. “You couldn’t take the time to knock?”

“Now’s not the time for that! I just found out my sister has a crush on-”

“Rarity!” Twilight pointed an accusing hoof at her friend, upset. “You were snooping through Sweetie Belle’s stuff again, weren’t you?”

“Yes, but I only did it to confirm my suspicions!” Rarity rubbed the back of her head with her hoof, embarrassed. “Please don’t tell anypony.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, turning back to her book. “...fine. I won’t tell anypony.”

“Thank you. Oh!” She glanced around, slightly worried. “Is Spike here?”

Twilight groaned, facing her friend. “No, I asked him to get some apples from Applejack. Why?”

“Because this...concerns him, as well.”

“What could you possibly-” Twilight stopped, gaping in shock at Rarity. “...you mean...Sweetie Belle likes...?”

The white unicorn nodded slowly, biting her lower lip in apprehension. “Lately, I've noticed her staring at him with a small smile and a tiny blush.”

“If this is true, why hasn't Spike said anything?”

“She is really good at hiding her emotions when he's looking at her.” She looked down at the ground, growing more and more worried. “...what should we do?”

Twilight stared at her for the longest time before speaking again. “I don’t understand. Is there some problem I’m not seeing?”

“Well, Spike has a crush on me. What if Sweetie confesses her feelings to him, and he refuses her?”

“I honestly don’t think we have to worry about that.” Twilight turned back to her book, flipping to a section with pictures of hot pink-clad figures.

“Darling, you can’t be serious! What if she gets hurt?”

“I’m sure she can handle it. She’s a strong little filly.” Twilight kept her eyes glued to the strange tome, puzzling over the curious entries inside. “Besides, they are about the same age.”

“Age isn’t the problem!” Rarity placed her hooves on the book’s pages, obscuring them and forcing Twilight to look up at her. “I’m worried that he’s so infatuated with me that he wouldn’t give her a chance! I don’t want my sister to be heartbroken!”

“Enough!” Twilight got up, staring directly into Rarity’s eyes.

Before she could say anything else, though, Pinkie burst in. “Twilight, did that book mention anything about-” She stopped, looking from Twilight, to Rarity and back. “...are you two fighting? Is that why I saw Sweetie running away in tears?”

“WHAT!?” Rarity ran off, leaving a confused Pinkie and a worried Twilight.

Pinkie turned to the violet unicorn, curious. “...did I say something wrong?”

Twilight shook her head, frowning slightly. “I would tell you, but breaking a promise is the quickest way to lose a friend, remember?” She pat the ground next to her, inviting Pinkie to sit next to her. “Anyways, you wanted to know if something was in this book?”

Somewhere in the air above Ponyville

Fluttershy flit about in the sky, striking clouds with her staff to disperse them. She looked around, seeing that she was almost done. With a curt nod, she continued her work.

Suddenly, a bright magenta light appeared in the sky, flitting over the peaceful town for a few moments. It emitted a beam, scanning the buildings, as if it was searching for something.

As it passed over a small building in the middle of an apple field, it paused. It sensed that there was a being inside. One with a broken heart.

Without a sound, it slowly began its descent.

Fluttershy watched this for a few moments, slightly curious. She quickly shrugged, going back to clearing the skies. She didn't give another thought to the strange, floating rock.

Canterlot - the Royal Palace

A white alicorn sat on her throne, reading a letter that she had received from a friend.

"Princess Celestia!"

She looked up, surprised to see a captain of the Royal Guard running towards her. "Shining Armor? Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?"

He stared at her, confused. "Princess, the wedding was a month ago."

"Oh." Celestia nodded, glancing away. "It must have slipped my mind." She motioned for him to come closer, smiling kindly. "Did you need something?"

"Yes." Shining Armor cleared his throat, glancing around to make sure they were alone before continuing. "Sky Watcher has news."

Celestia's face became grim. "And what news would that be?"

He rubbed the back of his head, unnerved by this change in the Princess' demeanor. "He said that three suspicious lights have appeared in Equestria." He looked up at her, curious. "Princess Celestia, what does that mean?"

She stood up, willing herself to stay calm. "It means that the Guardians have broken their promise." She put a hoof to her chin, thinking for a bit. "I need to find my book. And then I'm going to have a talk with the Guardians..." Her horn glowed yellow for a moment, then, in a flash of light, she was gone. Shining Armor was left there, wondering what was going on.

if any of you still have questions, please let me know, and i'll try to answer them without giving away a major part of the story.

enigma out!~