• Published 25th Mar 2012
  • 3,183 Views, 122 Comments

My Little Lantern: Friendship is Colorful - enigmaMystere

A sort of "what if" involving lantern power rings and a few friends.

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Chapter 4


Twilight woke up, confused, in the doorway to her house. She slowly sat up, rubbing her head in pain. "...what happened?" She thought back, remembering that Daring Do was on her front step earlier. She frowned, realizing that the books never mentioned Daring having an emerald green coat...or a green mane...or green clothes. Before she could think about that any more, though, she was knocked on her back, leaving her dazed.

Pinkie was sitting on her chest, as happy and hyper as ever. "Twilight! A new pony is in town, and she has super spectacular powers! She was wearing this green costume and a neat looking ring that let her create these huge green hooves that-" Twilight pressed her hoof against Pinkie's mouth, confused and interested.

"Wait a minute," Twilight stared at her, trying to figure out if Pinkie was being honest or just being...well, Pinkie. "Did you say a ring? What did it look like? Did it have a symbol on it?"

Pinkie quickly scratched the design onto the ground, smiling as she stepped back, giving Twilight a clear look.

Twilight silently wondered how she got the floor to change color like that, but she shook her head to dismiss that thought, remembering who this pony in front of her was. "I've seen this symbol before, but..." She glanced away, blushing a bit in embarrassment. "...I thought it was just a fictional reference guide."

Pinkie tilted her head, curious. "What was it about?"

Twilight stood up, motioning Pinkie to follow her inside. She walked over to the book, opening it up. She glanced over the pages, trying to find the one with that symbol. When she finally did, she pointed at it with a hoof, reading it. "The Green Lantern Corps..."

A familiar yellow pegasus was sitting in her house, helping a mouse with its fever. “It’s okay.” Her voice was soft and soothing, helping the mouse to relax. After a few more moments, she put it to bed and carefully tucked it in. It seemed that the mouse would recover quite well from its illness.

She gave it a gentle smile before getting up. She was about to go upstairs when she saw a light coming from outside. She went wide-eyed, wanting to run but worried for her animal friends outside. Her concern won, as she was soon at her door.

She peeked out of her cottage, confused and scared. “...h-hello?”

A dark purple ring floated in front of her, glowing softly. She glanced around, wondering if somepony was making it float like that. However, she saw nopony else around; just the ring.

Fluttershy of Space Sector 3492.

She squeaked, backing away from the ring in front of her. She had no idea what was going on, and she was pretty sure that she hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Your heart reaches out to all beings both kind and terrible, bringing them onto your side.

Fluttershy stared at it, confused. How did it know that?

You have the ability to feel great compassion.

Fluttershy stared at it. For some reason, she wasn't as scared as she was earlier. She slowly took a few steps forward, keeping an eye on the ring the whole time. She reached out and touched it, closing her eyes as it flashed a dark purple, taking its place on her foreleg.

Welcome to the Indigo Tribe.

A wave of indigo light enveloped her body, causing her body to tingle. Ragged purple cloths appeared on her body, and markings of a similar color emerged on her legs. Finally, an indigo staff formed in front of her, which she grabbed with one hoof. She slowly opened her eyes, all traces of fear gone from them. If one looked closely, they would see the same symbol on the ring was now glowing in her eyes.


"So the pony I saw before was part of some kind of group?"

Twilight sighed, rolling her eyes at Pinkie's simplification of what she had read. "Yes, Pinkie, that's pretty much correct."

Pinkie grabbed the book from Twilight, reading a few more of the entries. "Let's see, there's Blue Lanterns, the Sinestro Corps, Star Sapphires..." She blinked, flipping a page back and forth in confusion. "Twilight, why is the entry for the Indigo Tribe so small?"

Twilight walked over, looking at the page. "I honestly don't know. I guess they're a secretive group?" She shrugs a bit, sitting down next to her pink friend. "All this book says is that they can tap into the other lights of the emotional spectrum."

"What about that?" Pinkie pointed at a small sentence on the back of the page, almost unnoticeable if you weren't looking for it. "It says that this group's rings 'force its wearer to feel nothing but compassion, blocking out all other emotions.'" She gasped, putting her hooves to her mouth. "Which means they can't feel happiness or love! That's just so sad!"

Twilight rolled her eyes again, moving over to the window to look outside. She frowned; something just wasn't right about that cloud-covered sky. "Pinkie, is it supposed to be cloudy today?"

Pinkie shook her head, bouncing over to Twilight. "Nope!" She looked up at the sky and gasped. "Rainbow is going to be in trouble!" She rushed out the door, leaving Twilight in the library all by herself.

Twilight sighed, moving back to the book. She wanted to know more about this Green Lantern that apparently took up residence in Equestria. "I hope they aren't dangerous...for the sake of Equestria..."

Rainbow stumbles back in the mud, shaking her head to get rid of the dizziness. Her rose-colored eyes focus back on her opponent, and she bares her flat teeth, ignoring her now-destroyed mask barely hanging on her face. "Okay, Kilohog, you got in a few lucky hits!"

"Try twenty," the crystal from before spoke.

Her eye twitches and she opts not to respond. "But I'm gonna beat you up eventually!" She makes a set of copter blades and launches them at the pig-like alien, following after with a war cry.

Pinkie traveled all over town, looking for any sign of Rainbow Dash. She searched everywhere - Sugarcube Corner (three separate times), Rarity's boutique, Twilight's Library, even the spa. Pinkie couldn't imagine why Rainbow would be there, but that didn't stop her from looking.

She was really getting worried. "...Dashie..." She stopped in her tracks, thinking quietly to herself. "Maybe she went to Fluttershy's place to get Tank more food!" She hopped down the road, wanting to find her friend. It wasn't that she was worried Rainbow was hurt. She just wanted to know where she was.

Deep in her heart, she knew all would be well.

The introduction of another lantern! How many were expecting her to become an Indigo Lantern?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, and have a nice day! Next chapter will continue Rainbow's training on Oa!

Enigma out. ~