• Published 25th Feb 2014
  • 8,357 Views, 450 Comments

Dash Wears Panties - Rated Ponystar

Rainbow Dash wears panties in public for a whole day

  • ...

Weather Patrol

Rainbow Dash figured that the best way to get this horrible day over was to do it as fast as possible. She would finish all her weather duties, help her friends out, stay out of the public eye, and head home so she could wait until the day was over. First things first, she made a mental note to not fly at her top speed in panties as the straps dug into her flesh and already she could see burn marks beginning to form.

Flying upwards, she tried looking for the location she assigned her team to meet her at before she spotted another pair of wings flying towards her nearby. Dash quickly recognized him as Thunderlane, her second-in-command, and winced knowing he was going to question her about the panties. I swear if him or any of the others are focusing more on my backside then the clouds in front of them I’m docking their pay!

Sure enough Thunderlane stopped in front of Dash and raised his hoof in greeting when his eyes widened and looked downwards. Rainbow Dash quickly covered herself with her hooves and screamed, “Eyes up here, Thunderlane!”

“S-sorry, b-b-boss!” stuttered Thunderlane, his cheeks slowly turning a red shade. “But uh... why do you have panties on... and nothing else?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, unsure if she wanted to admit if this was from losing a dare or not. If she did, who knows what it would do to her reputation “It’s... it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. It’s only for one day and we have a job to do.”


“I said let’s go!” ordered Rainbow Dash, flying ahead.

Thunderlane shrugged and followed suit, right behind Dash. He did his best not to look directly at the panty covered rump of his boss, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her and cursed his weakness. A thousand questions went through his head but one stood out the most.

Why is Derpy’s name on Dash’s panties?


Rainbow Dash would never admit she was scared of anything. Nervous? Okay, that was a somewhat non-lame word she could associate herself with. And right now, she was nervous about meeting her team, who were lazily waiting on the clouds they were suppose to be moving.

She needed to think of a way to get through this job without anypony questioning her about the panties. If one pony asked one question it would lead to a dozen more and it would never end. This was already going to put a big enough dent into her reputation as it was, and Dash didn’t need it torn apart after years of hard work.

“Are we going to go out there anytime soon?” asked Thunderlane, crossing his hooves while ignoring the annoyed look Dash was giving him. “You know if you tell me why you’re wearing underwear out in public for no reason, I could help you.”

“It’s nothing. We’re not going to talk about it and we’re not going to mention it!” ordered Dash, getting up in Thunderlane’s face. “We’re going to go out there, tell the team to get into gear like always, and get this job over with! Any questions?”

“One actually. How long have you and Derpy been dating?” asked Thunderlane.

Rainbow Dash backed up, eyes widening as the question rang in her ear. “W-what?! Where did you get that idea?”

“Her name is on your panties,” pointed out Thunderlane, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing. “I-I-I wasn’t trying to l-l-look, but you were in front of me and well...”

Dash’s hoof connected with her face as she silently cursed her encounter with the crossed-eyed pegasus. “First off, I said not to talk about the panties. Second, I’m not gay!”

Now it was Thunderlane’s turn to be surprised as he looked at Dash like he had been smacked in the face; an action Dash looked like she was about to do. “R-really?! Wow, Flitter is going to be disappointed. She’s had her eye on you for awhile.”

Ignoring this, Rainbow Dash decided to just stop talking and flew towards the rest of the weather patrol team. They got up from their haunches as soon as she came into view. They were about to greet their captain as she landed on the nearest cloud when they saw what she was wearing and stopped to stare in disbelief. Rainbow Dash felt the blood rise to her cheeks again as she quickly decided to get to work without giving any of them a chance to comment or ask questions.

“Squad! Form up now!” commanded Rainbow Dash, stomping her hoof on the cloud while inadvertently opening a hole that she almost fell through. Despite their confusion, the entire patrol’s training took effect and they followed their orders by lining up in a straight line. Thunderlane quickly joined them at the far right end and stood at attention.

Rainbow Dash began to pace in front of the squad, who were doing their best to resist staring at her when she walked past them, but more than a few minds were distracted. Nevertheless, Dash ignored this, and said, “Alright team. Our assignment tonight is to clear out all these leftover rain clouds and gather them up for one big one. Then it will be transported to Cloudsdale to be saved in the vault for future use. Let’s get this done without distractions and with haste.”

She made sure to speak as loudly and authoritatively as possible over the whispers that were starting to spread. Already Rainbow Dash was thinking of a million different ways she was going to get back at Applejack for making her do this. The entire patrol wouldn’t stop talking about this for weeks at least. Just stick to the plan, Dash. Get them in the air, no questions asked, and get the job done so you can get out of here with as little damage to your rep as possible.

“So if any of you aren’t doing your job, I’ll make sure you get double duty next time!” finished Rainbow Dash.

On the final line, she heard Blossomforth, who was leaning towards her friend Raindrops and whispering. “Somepony’s panties are twisted in a bunch today, huh?” The two snickered at the joke but soon were shivering under the glare of Rainbow Dash whose stare could give Fluttershy a run for her money.

“Do you have something to say, Blossomforth? Or you, Raindrops?” asked Rainbow Dash, sneering at the cowering pegasi.

“N-no ma’am!” replied the two.

Rainbow Dash backed off, much to their relief, and turned around with a sigh. A twinge of regret grew in her heart for being rough with them, but she blamed it on the bad mood she was in thanks to this stupid dare. “Alright, enough chatter! Let’s do this!”

However, Rainbow Dash made the mistake of leaning forward and raising her hindquarters right in front of her entire patrol, exposing the panties that she had been wearing more clearly to them. The result was that a simultaneous sound of "phoomf" ran in the air that widened Rainbow Dash's eyesupon hearing it. She froze and closed her eyes, praying that what she knew had happened didn’t really just happen.

After Dash quickly straightened out her posture, she slowly turned and groaned upon seeing every pony of her squad sporting a wingboner. The others were equally embarrassed as they pawed the cloud or looked away to hide their blush. This included the females as well which made Rainbow Dash wonder just how many mares in Ponyville were gay and if this explained the gender ratio. Realizing there was nothing she could do, Rainbow Dash lowered her head in defeat and muttered, “Five minute break for everypony to calm down.”


It took longer than five minutes, but finally they were able to get to work. Thankfully, nopony was willing to talk about what happened, which Rainbow Dash was fine with. She made sure not to interact with the other pegasi unless it was for specific orders. Despite this, she could see ponies glancing at her and whispering behind her back. And Dash was sure more than one set of eyes was aimed at her panties.

Still, progress was going well, and the remaining rain clouds they had gathered so far were mixing well with each other, creating a nice, giant raincloud for Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash was pushing in another cloud when she felt a hoof tap her on the shoulder. Turning around, she saw that it was a blue coated stallion with a dirty blond mane. The name Cerulean Skies quickly clicked in her mind. He was picked for today because of how well he handled clouds.

“Um, ma’am?” asked Cerulean Skies, sweating up a storm. “Um, I was wondering if you could answer something for me?”

“What?” asked Dash, raising an eyebrow.

Cerulean Skies gulped before glancing behind him, Rainbow Dash tilted her head a bit to the right and noticed that there were a few others watching them intently. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and grumbled. She knew where this was going. Sure enough, Cerulean Skies then asked, “Um... why are you wearing panties?”

Although he had spoken it quite softly, it seemed everypony heard what the brave stallion had asked and all stopped working to stare at them. Tension was in the air as everypony held their breath for Dash’s answer while Cerulean Skies looked ready to piss himself in fear. Rainbow Dash nervously rubbed one of her forelegs as she tried to think of an excuse. Again, she couldn’t tell them that it was because of a dare.

She didn’t want to use the cast excuse again. If she started flying around with a dozen names on her underwear in public she could only imagine how big the letter of complaint from every decent mother in town was going to give her.

No, she needed a new excuse and quickly called her brain to think of something. Sure enough, it did and it messaged the mouth for her to say, “I’m doing a trial run!”

“A trial run?” asked Cerulean Skies.

“Y-yeah, for a company’s new.... weather resistant... underwear!” proclaimed Rainbow Dash with a smile. She had to pad herself on the back, this was a clever one. “Since I’m involved in weather a lot they asked me to test out their product for them!”

Cerulean Skies blinked his eyes a bit, trying to come to terms what he just heard. Dash glanced around and saw a few others shaking their heads in disbelief or nodded their heads in acceptance of the answer. Finally, Cerulean Skies asked, “So you need to have the underwear tested is that it?”

“Um...” Rainbow Dash nervously looked around. “I... guess?”

Cerulean Skies smiled. “Okay, the rest of us will help then! Least we can do for our captain. After all, it must be pretty embarrassing to wear those and if you get them tested as soon as possible, you can take them off right?”

“Wait, what?!” asked Rainbow Dash, waving her hooves around. “N-no no, you don’t have to.”

“Come on, it’s the least we can do for the whole... wing boner thing...” whispered Cerulean, blushing.

Rainbow Dash looked around and saw the others nodding in agreement. A really bad feeling began to form in the deepest part of her stomach, but again, to avoid suspicion, she slowly nodded her head much to Cerulean’s joy.

“Thanks! We’ll get things set up!” said the happy stallion before he flew to his friends.

Rainbow Dash face-hoofed and sighed. What am I getting myself into now?


It had been over half an hour, if the sun’s position was any indication, and so far her team hadn’t come back to her about what they were planning to do to “test” her underwear. Rainbow Dash fought to keep her eyes open as she rested among the clouds. Apparently the whole team had decided to pitch in to help Dash, meaning there was nopony else to help her with the giant cloud they had to finish.

Rainbow Dash knew she could do it herself, she was “Rainbow Dash” after all, but a part of her was really curious about what they were doing. Finally, she spotted Thunderlane flying towards her. She flew up and met him halfway. “So? Are they done yet?”

“Yup, all you have to do is fly straight that way,” instructed Thunderlane, pointing straight ahead where a few clouds were still unattended. “The rest will be easy.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow but shrugged and flew towards the clouds. She looked right to left, trying to see if she could spot anypony from her team, but it was more quiet than a graveyard. Just as she was starting to think this was a prank, Rainbow Dash heard the crack of lighting and years of trained instincts allowed her to narrowly dodge a bolt aimed for her flank. “The hay!”

She turned and saw a few members of her squad kicking thunderclouds and aiming straight for her. Dodging left and right, Rainbow Dash yipped as one landed right on the right side of the flank and left a small burn mark. She turned to her chasers and shouted, “What they hay are you doing?!”

“Testing to see if those panties are lightning proof!” shouted Milky Way, one of her fellow cadets at the Wonderbolts Academy.

Before Rainbow could give him a reply, she found herself drenched in water from above. Looking up, she saw that the rainclouds they were supposed to be gathering were now being used to rain down upon her. Rainbow Dash winced as she felt her panties get soaked. She could feel the rain drip down across her butt and winced as it felt even colder along her inner thighs. It was sticking to her like molasses and she could feel the wet fabric pushing against her rear very uncomfortably. It almost felt like something was jamming itself right up her flank.

Now she had to deal with lightning blasts to her flanks and wet panties. Could this get any worse? she thought.

It soon did as a heavy breeze blasted across her face and she nearly lost her sense of direction before quickly putting herself back on course. Par the distance, she could see the remaining members of the team flapping their wings as hard as they could to create a great gust. Normally, Rainbow Dash would have blown through all this quite easily, but the breeze combined with the water started to make her panties slip from right under her.

Dash struggled with her hooves to make sure her underwear stayed still while a few stallions, and one or two mares, who were behind her with the clouds flew a bit closer with their eyes wide and cheeks blushing. “Come on! Stay... on... you...”

However, occupied with keeping what little dignity she had left, she missed a lightning bolt that managed to hit her in the wing. It went into numb, causing her to lose control to the fierce wind. Her one wing struggled but even Dash couldn’t keep up and was blown away screaming. The other pegasi behind her gasped and scattered, but Milky Way was too late and Dash’s backside slammed into him face first as they fell onto the cloud.

Seeing the two in danger, the remaining pegasi leaped into action with their clouds and formed them together before dragging it past the falling pegasi duo. After they were a few feet below them, the pegasi rescue team positioned the large cloud net and waited for the two to land. The cloud net proved to be strong enough to stop the two as Milky Way landed on his back, with Dash’s panties right on his face.

In an instant, blood shot out of Milky’s nose and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as Dash got off, trying to wipe blood off her underwear and flank. Seeing the two safe, the pegasi brought the cloud to the ground, allowing Dash to get off and wince at her paralyzed wing. It was nothing a few hours of rest couldn’t cure from the looks of it, but being grounded, especially while wearing panties, was not how Rainbow wanted to go about the rest of her day.

Thunderlane quickly landed next to them and headed to Rainbow Dash while a few others checked on a babbling Milky Way. “You okay?”

Rainbow Dash glared at him. “Gee, I don’t know. My flank is sore from lighting bolts and my wing is paralyzed. My underwear is wet and sticking straight up my crack. And to top it off I look like a vampire had it’s way with me. I’m feeling very peachy today Thunderlane.”

“Well, when you put it that way...” said Thunderlane, rubbing the back of his neck.

Dash sighed and lowered her head. “Look just... take charge okay. Get the team to work and take Milky Way to the hospital to get him checked out. That bolt’s paralyzed my wing for at least a few good hours, so I’m out of action.”

“What are you going to do in the meantime?” asked Thunderlane as Dash walked away.

“... I have to see a friend about fixing these,” muttered Dash, shaking her rump a bit, much to Thunderlane’s embarrassment, before galloping away.

Thunderlane walked over to a mumbling Milky Way and asked, “Dude, you okay?”

“I... I saw it... for just a brief moment they came off and... and... it was beautiful...” whispered the enraptured Milky Way.

Thunderlane shook his head. Unsure if his friend was the stupidest or luckiest stallion on the face of the planet.

Author's Note:

Hope it's still funny