• Published 25th Feb 2014
  • 8,357 Views, 450 Comments

Dash Wears Panties - Rated Ponystar

Rainbow Dash wears panties in public for a whole day

  • ...

Flying Away and Secret Perverts

After a good long hour shower, Rainbow Dash put on her washed and dried panties and went to leave Carousel Boutique. She glared at the hated colorful underwear. It had been the cause of all her misery today, and she wanted nothing more than to burn it. Still, the day was half way done. All she needed to do now was just help out Fluttershy and Twilight and she would be literally home free.

“Rainbow Dash!” shouted a familiar voice that made her cringe. She turned around and saw Derpy rushing towards her with Ponyville Hospital’s Doctor Stable beside her, a doctor’s kit in his mouth. Screeching to a halt, Derpy hugged Rainbow Dash and sighed in relief. “Oh thank goodness you're still here! I had to wait forever for Doctor Stable to find time to find you. When I told him of your condition we rushed over as soon as we could!”

“For what?” asked Rainbow Dash, raising an eyebrow.

“You're bleeding butt of course! How could you have forgotten... unless!” Derpy gasped. “Oh no, you have amnesia as well! This is terrible! Listen, your name is Rainbow Dash. You love flying. You find mares very attractive. You—”

Rainbow Dash pushed Derpy away and rubbed her temples in frustration. “Derpy, I do not have amnesia!” She paused for a second, then pointed. “And I’m not gay!”

This time, Doctor Stable stepped forward. “Nevertheless, Rainbow Dash, bleeding from your anus is a serious medical condition. I already know about your magical panty cast—remarkable how far our medical technology has come—but you should get you to the hospital so we can perform a colonoscopy right away.”

“What the hay is a colonoscopy?” asked Rainbow Dash, wondering if Twilight was around so she could explain this better.

“Oh, it’s when they check out what’s inside your uh-oh!” said Derpy cheerfully at first. Yet, the words only caused Rainbow Dash to quickly turned a sickly green color.

Swallowing, Rainbow Dash started backing away. “W-what?! Isn’t there some kind of law that says that doctors aren’t suppose to be sexually involved with their patients?!”

“It’s perfectly legal, Dash,” assured Doctor Stable, chuckling. “All we do is stick a camera inside your rectum and check for anything wrong with it.”

“... again, sexually involved with their patients!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“But Dash! Your life could be at stake!”

“Screw that! I’ll die with dignity thank you!” shouted Rainbow Dashs who flew as fast as she could from the two crazies. Wait, what am I even saying? I’m not dying at all! Ugh, this day can’t get any worse!

“Hey there she is! Yo! Rainbow Dash!”

In a sudden moment, all of time seemed to have stopped for Rainbow Dash. Fate couldn’t be this cruel to her. Not today of all days. Not with who she suspected was now flying towards her. Not in the most vulnerable and embarrassing position she had ever been in her entire life. She pleaded it to be anypony else but them. Princess Celestia. Queen Chrysalis. Discord. Her grandmother. Faust herself. Even Glenn Buck she would take... okay maybe not Glenn Buck, but still anybody but the Wonderbolts!

She turned around and saw Captain Spitfire and Lieutenants Soarin and Fleetfoot flying just behind her. They were far enough to the point where they couldn’t see the panties on her rear, but they were getting closer with each passing moment. Already Rainbow Dash could see the the respect her heroes had for her plummet down in flames and crash. It would be the end of her reputation and they would never want to associate with a pegasus who flaunts her plot around like some whorse.

Rainbow Dash could do the only thing she could think off: fly like the demons of Tartarus themselves were right behind her.

“Rainbow Dash!” cried out Spitfire, but her voice was ignored as she and her fellow wingmates picked up the pace. “What is with that mare? What’s she doing?”

“No idea, but if she want’s to play tag, I’m all for it!” shouted Fleetfoot as flew on ahead.

Rainbow Dash, seeing this, made sure she kept her panties on straight as she decided to shake her off by diving towards Ponyville. She weaved through the houses, some of the title boards coming of at the speeds she was going. Fleetfoot just easily followed suit, licking her lips and grinning at the prospect that she finally found a worthy racer. I can see why Spitfire likes this cadet. She’s got some skills!

Realizing she was going to have to play tricky to get out of here, Rainbow Dash flew lower, till she was barely touching the pavement. Ponies gasped and jumped out of the way as the two blurs raced down the streets. Rainbow Dash then started heading towards Hay Burger with no signs of stopping. Fleetfoot started to worry as they got closer towards the establishment. “Is she trying to get herself killed?!”

Suddenly, Rainbow shot straight up forward at the last second with such agility that Fleetfoot’s jaw dropped. It took her a few seconds to realize she was still going forward. She tried to pull up, but it was too late and she smashed through the window. Everypony in the restaurant screamed as Fleetfoot crashed against the tables, knocking food and condiments everywhere. She continued to bounce around until she was knocked into the kitchen where her rump made an unpleasant meeting with the grill. Fleetfoot screamed as she flew out of the restaurant, rear on fire.

With flames on her tail, Fleetfoot made it to the nearest source of water she could find: the fountain. One cannonball later, Fleetfoot was floating with a look of relief on her face. Soarin and Spitfire flew down next to her, smirking. “You know Fleety, I always knew you were a hotshot who needed to cool down a bit.”

“Oh buck you, Soarin,” moaned Fleetfoot.

Spitfire laughed before she turned serious and looked around the skies. Sighing, she lowered her head. “I wonder why Rainbow Dash flew away from us. Maybe she’s in trouble?”

“Either way, we should get Fleetfoot to a hospital and get her checked out,” suggested Soarin.

Spitfire nodded and the two of them helped their teammate out while pushing away thoughts of Rainbow Dash back for now.


Rainbow Dash had never been more happy to see Fluttershy’s cottage then she was now. Between weather hazards, photo shoots of her butt, perverted doctors, getting chased by the Wonderbolts, and Derpy in general, Rainbow Dash was starting to think that her panties were cursed. At least nothing bad happened at Fluttershy’s place... provide Discord wasn’t in the area.

Knocking on the door, Rainbow Dash heard the familiar yipe of her best friend before waiting for the door to slowly open. Sure enough it did so and Rainbow welcomed the sight of Fluttershy’s eye, peeking out before she opened the door completely.

“O-oh, Rainbow Dash,” greeted Fluttershy as she nodded. “I was waiting for—”

Fluttershy didn’t get a chance to finish as Rainbow Dash burst into her home, slammed the door, and held a hoof over the frightened owner’s mouth. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as Rainbow Dash looked around, eyes inching every corner for any signs of anypony after her. No pervert doctors. No Wonderbolts. No Derpy. Perfect.

She turned to Fluttershy and looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Listen to me, Fluttershy. You’re one of my best friends in the world and I need your help! I’m hiding from ponies and I need to lay low for awhile. At least for the rest of the day.”

Fluttershy removed the hoof and asked, “Are you on the mayor’s bad side again for getting drunk and publicly flashing your privates to the representatives of a neighboring city? For the fifth time?”

“First off, it was only three, and second of all, no. This time it’s... complicated.” Rainbow Dash sighed and pointed to the panties she was wearing. Fluttershy quickly gasped and blushed, holding her hooves to her mouth. “Yeah, it’s because of these. I’m sorry, but you're the only pony I can trust not to make a big deal out of this.” Fluttershy was quiet for a bit, staring at the panties without blinking. Tilting her head, Rainbow Dash asked, “Um, Shy? Everything alright?”

Suddenly, in a reverse of what happened moments ago, Rainbow Dash was silenced by Fluttershy’s hoof now in her mouth. The normally timid pegasus was now looking at Rainbow Dash with a rare serious look. “Rainbow Dash, it’s okay! I understand perfectly how you feel and I’ll make sure nopony knows your secret. Trust me. I’m the same way.”


“In fact,” said Fluttershy, quickly rushing over to a bookshelf. She pushed one of the books in as a “click” was heard followed by the sound of gears turning. Rainbow Dash’s eyebrows raised up when she saw the bookcase slowly sink down into the floor, revealing a hidden passageway that led downstairs. Fluttershy nodded to her friend and said, “Follow me!”

Against her own suspicions, Rainbow Dash did so and proceeded down the stairs to an empty room. Suddenly, the lights went on and Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped. No... no way... it’s just... not... possible!

It had to have been a curse. There was no way all of this was a coincidence. Rainbow Dash even smacked herself as hard as she could to make sure she was sleeping. But she was in no dream. For in front of her was an entire room full of panties.

Panties of all colors, sizes, designs, and more. Each with plaques above them with details of what they were, who they were made by, the date of manufacture, and more. And this was all underneath Fluttershy’s home. Fluttershy’s home.



I guess what they say is true. The silent ones are the kinky ones, thought Dash as Fluttershy came into her sight, wearing a simple pink pair of underwear as she moved softly towards her. “Oh, Rainbow Dash. You have no idea how happy I am to see you in those.”

“W-what, what is this, Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow Dash.

A small smile graced Fluttershy’s lips as she moved closer. “My treasure. This is my collection of panties. I’ve been acquiring them for years because they... they are the greatest thing in the world. Don’t you agree?”

“Um, well...” Dash slowly tried to move towards the exit, but Fluttershy was quicker and thrusted herself toward Dash, leaning against her chest.

“The feel of leather, silk, satin, or even simple cotton covering your delicate parts, where one slip and the world sees the beauty that makes you a mare,” muttered Fluttershy, laying her hooves around Rainbow Dash’s neck as her rump shook back and forth. “I’ve always dreamed of having somepony... stare at them. Slowly put their hooves against my flank, rubbing it softly as I beg them to not take them off. Then they grab the straps...”

Rainbow Dash let out a yipe as Fluttershy touched both her cutie marks. She fell on her back, completely paralyzed as Fluttershy stood on top, her pink mane covering half her face while the other look at her with pure lust. “... Slowly they would take them off as our groins grinded against each other, removing the last piece of protection until we are as free and naked as the day we were born. And then... it’s only heaven from there...”

“You... really like panties... huh?” whispered Rainbow Dash, gulping.

Fluttershy giggled. “Oh, I just don’t like them! I love them! I love to feel them against my haunches. I love sniffing them after use. Just feeling them against my chest as I lay in a pile of them is like sleeping on a cloud. I want to be married, give birth, and die while wearing them. I wear them to bed every night. I kiss them in the morning....” she leaned over with a smile and half-lidded eyes and whispered in Dash’s ear. “Sometimes... I even pee while wearing them and never take them off.”

Choking, Dash began to try and eradicate the memory of what she had just heard from her brain before realizing that Fluttershy had lifted both her backlegs off. “W-wait... I don’t... I don’t...”

“Oh, it’s okay, Dash. I’m not going to force you into anything, as much as I would like to have you here and now.” Fluttershy winked and licked her lips. “I just want to look at your rainbow colored, bunny pictured, hoofwritt—who the buck is this!

Rainbow Dash was soon thrown across the room, head spinning as Fluttershy, shocked and angry, stomped her hooves and glared at Rainbow Dash. “What is Derpy Hooves’ name doing on your panties?! When did she do this!”

“Um... this morning?” replied Dash who was trying to see the big deal.

Eye twitching, Fluttershy turned around and shook with rage. “You mean to tell me that the one pegasus who I’ve had my eye on for years. The one I worship and love. The one who I dreamed of having this moment with for so long is already claimed by that crossed-eyed klutz! I will destroy her!

Fluttershy gave a roar that sounded like a dragon before she smashed through the ceiling and flew away with a giant hole in her house. Rainbow Dash stared at the improvised exit before sighing.

“And ponies wonder why I don’t like mares.”

Author's Note:

Derpy and Fluttershy catfight? Vote now.