• Published 25th Feb 2014
  • 8,347 Views, 450 Comments

Dash Wears Panties - Rated Ponystar

Rainbow Dash wears panties in public for a whole day

  • ...

Photo Shoot

While the dare stated that she had to wear the panties in public that didn’t mean that she had to be seen with them. So Rainbow Dash was doing her best to hide among the clouds, zipping towards each for cover when the coast was clear. It also helped that she was going at speeds that made her seem like only a blur. It only got difficult when she was entering town. Flying towards an empty dumpster, Rainbow Dash watched as ponies walked around, greeting each other before going about their business. Licking her chops, Rainbow flew out of the alley where she was hiding and dove behind a cabbage cart.

Almost there, thought Rainbow Dash as she eyed Carousel Boutique only a block away. Suddenly, the cart moved and Rainbow Dash soon found herself exposed blood covered, wet panties and all. Wasting no time, Dash galloped top speed towards the store and was just about to ring the doorbell when she briefly noticed a shadow hanging over her and heard a whistling sound.

“Look out!” somepony cried out in warning. Before Rainbow Dash knew it, she had been thrown off her footing and was sent rolling across the grass. After coming to a complete stop, a moaning Rainbow Dash lifted her head. She wasn’t surprised when she found out who it was that had tackled her.

“S-sorry, Rainbow Dash! Lost control... again,” grumbled Derpy as she got up and shook the dirt from her mane. She then turned to Dash’s flank and gasped in horror. “Oh no! Your cast! I broke it!”

“My what?” asked Rainbow Dash before turning to her flank and remembering the lie she had told Derpy. “Oh...uh, that happened before you crashed into me. It’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal?! Rainbow you bleeding out of your butt!” shouted Derpy, hooves pressed against her cheeks. “What if it doesn’t stop bleeding?! What if it gets infected?! What if you can never use it again?! You’ll never be able to sit again, let alone use a bathroom!”

Cheeks turning red, Rainbow Dash could see some ponies watching them nearby with confused expressions. Worried of a misunderstanding, Rainbow raised a hoof towards the panicking mare and tried to calm her down. “Derpy, listen. It’s not as bad as you think.

“Not bad?! This is bad! Very bad! I need to get you a doctor! Wait right here!”

“Derpy, wait!” shouted Rainbow Dash, but the kutzy mailpony was already gone. Cursing to herself, Rainbow Dash decided to just get to Rarity’s before she returned.

Rainbow Dash made it to a nearby bush and banged on the door over and over again. Sure enough, the door opened and Sweetie Belle came out, shouting, “How many times do we have to tell you?! We don’t want to become Larson Witnesses!”

“Sweetie Belle, it’s me!” shouted Rainbow Dash, making sure to keep her lower body hidden in the bush.

“Oh hey, Rainbow Dash. Um,” Sweetie Belle scratched her head, “Why are you in a bush?”

“It’s... complicated,” answered Rainbow Dash, blushing. “Is your sister around? I need her help with something like pronto!”

“Sure, come on in,” said Sweetie Belle as she opened the door for Rainbow. She raised an eyebrow as the pegasus came in, still wearing her bush coverings and scattering leaves and sticks across the carpet. “Um, maybe you should take the plant off? Rarity’s not gonna like the mess.”

“I’ll deal with your sister when she gets all pouty about this, don’t worry,” reassured Rainbow Dash.

“Suit yourself,” said Sweetie Belle as she closed the door and made her way towards the stairs.

Before she went up, she bellowed, “Rarity! Rainbow Dash is here to see you!”

“Coming!” shouted Rarity with a little sing-song behind her tone. She soon came downstairs with a smile on her face. “Welcome, Rainbow. I must admit this is a quite an un... un... un...” Her eyes widened in horror as the weakly smiling Rainbow Dash waved hello, kicking a few of the leaves from her bush behind her in a futile attempt to hide the mess. “Unsanitary visit! What are you doing wearing that disgusting and dirty plant in my house! Dirt is going to get everywhere! Out! Out!”

“No, wait, Rarity!” shouted Rainbow Dash jumping out of the bush and exposing herself. “I need your help because I need you to take my panties and—”

“Your what?!” shirked Rarity, who stepped back while fanning herself with her hoof. “R-Rainbow Dash, I-I am quite flattered that you like me, very much so. But... well, one doesn’t simply present herself like some common tramp! T-T-There is a certain delicacy to courting and bedding a lady. While I admit I am f-fl-l-lattered that you have asked me to undress you and have my way with you now, with my sister in the house it is just plain—”

“Stop with the images!” shouted Rainbow Dash, turning as green as the bush she was in. “I need you to wash them, Rarity! With soap and water and what not!”

Rarity slowly sat down, her hoof on her chest, as she nervously chuckled. “O-oh, yes. That makes much more sense.” Rainbow Dash turned around, presenting the ruined pair of underwear that made Rarity stick her tongue out in disgust. “What did you even do to these things? Is that... blood?” She raised her eyebrow. “Do I even want to know what kind of fetishes you're into.”

“Just shut up and take them, Rare,” growled Rainbow Dash, teeth clenched so hard she could feel them slowly break.

Using her magic to take them off, Rarity rolled her eyes and went into her washing room. A few minutes later, she came back with a satisfied smile. “Well, not to worry. They just need some time in the washer and dryer and you should be good to go. Why not take a quick shower while you wait, darling.”

For the first time today, Rainbow Dash smiled. “You know what? I think I’ll do that. With all the horseapples I’ve been going through I could use a good hot one.”

In a blur, Rainbow Dash was in the bathroom with the water running at full blast. Rarity shook her head before glaring at the mess made thanks to the bush that was still in her store. Well I know the first thing I’m doing.

She lifted it up with her magic and opened the door to throw it out when she froze and dropped the bush in the middle of her doorway. Standing before her, whipping her head around like a blur, was none other than Equestria’s greatest model critic and photographer, Photo Finish. The famous pony pushed the bush out of the way as she jumped in and posed, snapping perfectly as her assistants came in and started setting up their cameras, lights, and props. All while Rarity was still standing in the doorway, mouth agape.

Finally, she returned to Equestria and dashed over to Photo Finish’s side. “Photo Finish! I-I I’m surprised! I thought we were going to do the photo shoot tomorrow!”

“Change of planz, Rarity,” Photo Finish said while pointing above. “I, Photo Finish, only do zee zhoots when zee feels like it. When zee time is ripe and zee soul tellz zer to work. And I, Photo Finish, wizh to work today inzead of tomorrow. Pluz, Ah also suzpect my fourth huzband is cheating on me and wizh to get thiz over with before calling my laywer. Now,” she turned to Rarity impatiently, “Where iz zez model that you promised?”

“I... um... she...” Sweat dripped down Rarity’s brow. She had convinced Fleur Dis Lis, Equestria’s greatest model, to come down tomorrow and help her with the shoot. But there was no way she could get word to her now, let alone get her here in just a few minutes. The only other pony who had a good model’s body was Fluttershy and she refused to be one again after what happened last time. “She... she...”

“Hey, Rarity do you have any non-exotic shampoo’s?” asked Rainbow Dash walking in, wet and wrapped in a towel. “That stuff makes my mane look... um...” Dash looked at the set up in confusion. “Did... I miss something?”

Thinking quickly, Rarity rushed over to Rainbow Dash and held her by the shoulders. “There you are, Darling! We’ve been waiting for you!”

She turned to Photo Finish. “This is the model that I was talking about. Meet Rainbow Dash. Why she absolutely loves to dress in style, don’t you dearly?”

“Wait, what?” asked Rainbow Dash, but a swat against her flank made her get the message. “Um, yeah... it’s what I love more than anything.”

Photo Finish walked over and started inspecting Rainbow Dash, much to the pegasus’s embarrassment. She checked her wings, her mouth, mane, hooves, and even her tail. Finally, Photo Finish nodded. “Thiz will do. Now let us make...zee magics!”

“Uh, one second. I need to talk to my good friend, Rarity,” said Rainbow Dash, gritting her teeth as she dragged her friend to an isolated corner.

“What the hay, Rarity!” hissed Rainbow Dash, slamming Rarity against the wall while her wings flared up. “I’m not gonna be some model doll for one of your clients! That’s like uncool on so many levels! Think of my reputation!”

“Please, Dash! There is nopony else I can turn to at the moment!” begged Rarity, getting on her knees. “Photo Finish’s approval would be the world to me! It would help my career! Please, do this for me; as a friend!”

“Rarity... come on,” whined Dash. She didn’t want to let Rarity down as a friend but she didn’t want to go out there in dresses and pose for a bunch of pictures that would be used for some lame, fashion magazines.

Rarity sat straight up as an idea quickly came to her. “Perhaps this would be a good time to mention that I’ve been selected to design the costumes for the fourth Daring Do film: The Death and Return of Daring Do.” Dash’s eyes immediately widened in attention. “And it just so happens that I’ll need an assistant who would be able to watch the movie being made with me. Maybe somepony who is a fan of the series?”

“What are we waiting for?! Let’s get out there and take sexy photos of me!” shouted Rainbow Dash, dragging Rarity back to Photo Finish.

“Are you ready to begin?” asked Photo Finish, raising an eyebrow.

“Sure, put me in whatever dress you want. I’m ready,” said Rainbow Dash, stomping her hoof and flaring out her wings.

“Good, because today we are zhooting...” Photo Finish motioned her assistants to quickly show an entire clothesline full of—to Dash’s horror—panties. Panties of all kinds and colors. “Panties for the “Sexy Flank” edition of my magazine.”

Rainbow Dash just stared at the panties in silence before slowly turning to a blushing Rarity. Her eyes narrowed as she said, “Did you know about this?”

“Well, um... surprise?”

“I’m starting to reconsider my offer...”

“There iz no time to waste. Now! We go!” cried out Photo Finish as she stomped her hoof and, before Rainbow Dash could react, her assistants were already on the struggling pegasus.


“Yez! Good! Good! Raise zee rump up! More lightz! Keep flazhing!” shouted Photo Finish shouted as her camera ponies went to work.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, was wishing she could “flash” on out of here and started to wonder if Daring Do was worth it. It wasn’t the fact that she was dressed like a cheerleader that bothered her, oh no.

It was the fact that she had pink, frilly, underwear on and was forced to lift her skirt up for all to see.

She could only imagine what this kind of image was going to be used for. Already she could hear the adolescent boys moaning and huffing as they clopped to her rump. Maybe back in high school that would have been cool, but now she had to keep a public image up for the sake of the Wonderbolts. Then again, it’s not like they’re gonna see me in this anyway. Or in my other pair of panties.


“Hey Soarin, you planning to get Photo Finish’s magazine next month?”

“You mean her ‘Sexy Flank’ addition? Oh hay yeah!”

“Soarin! Fleetfoot!” shouted Spitfire as the two jumped off their couch and stood in attention. The leader of the team nodded and they relaxed. “I need you two to come with me. Since Surprise got injured in our last show we need one of our reserve members to come forward and take her place for our show three days from now.”

“Okay, who are we going to get?” asked Soarin.

Spitfire smiled. “We’re going to get the best of them all. Somepony I’ve had quite an eye on for awhile as both a mare of integrity, respect, and dedication. Somepony who will bring pride to the Wonderbolt name. Rainbow Dash of Ponyville!”


“Oh yez! This is fantastic! The zexiness! The way zee butt shinez in the light! The fabric right below zee tail! You are a goddess, Rainbow Dash! Oh yes!”

Now she was wearing a pair of panties with a hole in the center that was shaped like a heart, showing her crack completely. Rainbow Dash was starting to wonder if she angered the god of underwear. Although she was forced to smile, Rainbow Dash was ready to bite the heads off of everypony here including Photo Finish who had been leering and urging Rainbow Dash to pose and expand her legs more and more.

Thank goodness they were almost done with the photo shoots. If anypony else had been watching this she would have died of embarrassment.


“And you're sure she was wearing panties?” asked Scootaloo at the CMC clubhouse..

“Positive! I saw her trying out all kinds of underwear and she’s been posing for Photo Finish,” replied Sweetie Belle.

“Why would Rainbow Dash be running around wearing underwear? She doesn’t normally wear clothes,” asked Scootaloo, rubbing her chin. Her stalking observations of Rainbow Dash never showed anything like this.

“Hey, maybe we can wear my sister’s panties and start posing in front of ponies!” suggest Apple Bloom. “We could get... posin’ cutie marks!”

“I like dress up! Let’s do that!” shouted Sweetie Belle.

“W-well if Rainbow Dash thinks it’s cool then it’s cool for me too!” shouted Scootaloo

The three put their hooves up and shouted, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER PANTIE POSERS YAY!”


Thankfully, they were at the last pair, but now Rainbow Dash was feeling... unclean.

I think I need an adult, she thought as she continued to shake her rump in front of the camera which was flashing faster and faster.

“Yez, put zee hooves on zee flanks! Rub them! Give yourzelf up like a dirty little filly!”

Rainbow Dash placed her hooves on her flanks, keeping her hindquarters up, as she lowered the straps a bit, making sure to keep everything just barley hidden as the camera continued to flash.

“Yez! Yez! Yezzzz!”

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!

There was one big final flash that lit up the entire room before Photo Finish, covered in sweat as an assistant fanned her, sighed and held her hooves up. “Enough! We have enough!”

The camera crew stopped, much to Dash’s relief, as they started to clean up the place and pack everything. Photo Finish went over to Rarity and shook her hoof. “Zee designz are good, Ms. Rarity. Keep up zee good work.” She then walked over to Rainbow Dash and held her cheeks, looking deep into her eyes. “If you ever want to be a model, zee me as zoon as you can.”

“Um... sure?”

Photo Finish nodded. “Now!.... I go!” In a split second, she and her entire crew dashed off and the room was left with only two ponies once again. Rainbow Dash just stood there in silence before sighing. “Rarity? Can I still take that shower?”

“Um, sure?”

“Good... because for some strange reason I feel just plain dirty. And not in a good way.”

Author's Note:

Hope this is still funny.