• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,509 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Celery - Vexy

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to see the back of Spike's head, the spines poking her nose. The sun wasn't up yet, but she knew she had to be up. As silent as a changeling, she got out of her bed and walked down the stairs, her movements mechanical. She'd underslept because Spike had stayed over again, but she was always up at this hour anyway. She knew she would make up for the lost sleep later in the day with some naps.

She walked into the kitchen, as she always did, and walked past the celery on the table, just like she always did. Grabbing a bowl and some cereal, she began to serve herself a hasty breakfast, ready to begin her day.

As she was eating, however, her mind idly drifted over to trivial matters. Like why her weather team were so slow, why her cereal tasted so bland, and why there was celery on the table.

She grunted away the thoughts as she finished her breakfast and grabbed her things to begin her today.

When Rainbow Dash got back, she'd managed to nap several more hours. She arrived home in the early afternoon refreshed and ready to take on the day. She hoped Spike would come visit again. He always did. She enjoyed spending her time with him. The two had found they had a lot more in common than they thought after they went to that Daring Do convention together. Rainbow smiled goofily as she recalled the memory.

With her mind more alert, she could answer her own questions: the weather team was slow because Rainbow Dash was awesome, and could outfly them any day; her cereal was bland because she had been tired, and everything tasted bland when she was tired; and the celery…

Rainbow Dash looked over at the table. The celery was still there. Why was the celery there? It was there every day, and she'd barely given it a second thought.

"Spike?" she called out into the house, but there was no answer.

He's probably gone back to the library.

"Huh." She eyed the celery once again. What was it doing here? What could it mean? Spike must have left it for her, but why?

Come to think, it's a fresh celery every day. Maybe it means something?

Rainbow Dash toyed with the idea.

Maybe Spike was trying to say something? Like 'thank you' or 'you're awesome'. She nodded eagerly. Probably that second one.

Rainbow picked up the celery and eyed it warily. It couldn't have been more than a day since it was cut; it was still fresh. Rainbow looked it up and down. "Maybe this is something cryptic, like what Daring Do would do?"

Spike was into his Daring Do, after all.

Maybe this is symbolic, and Spike left it to show our friendship? Heat rushed to Rainbow's cheeks. Or maybe something more?

"Gah! Why did he have to be so ambiguous!" Rainbow threw the celery back on the table in frustration. It could have meant something special, but how was she going to be able to tell for sure?

She glared at the celery for another minute. It showed no signs of giving up its secrets, however. Rainbow shook her head and tried to push the stubborn vegetable from her mind. For some reason, though, it wouldn't leave.

She spent the next forty-five minutes prodding it, musing over why it existed. Why was it there on her table?

She was so caught up with her thoughts, she didn't hear the knocking at her door, and the subsequent yelling when she ignored it.

"Equestria to Rainbow!" Spike yelled, waving his claw frantically in front of her face.

"Huh? Spike?" She looked about, realizing she'd been there for longer than she'd thought. "When did you get here?"

"I've been battering your door for the last five minutes," he grumbled, although he wore a look of sincere concern. "What happened to you? You were all spaced out for a minute there."

"Yeah, I was just looking at this celery." She motioned to the celery on the table.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "The… celery?" he questioned.

Rainbow chuckled, heat rushing to her face. "Er, yeah. It's been here every day. I thought you'd left it as like symbolic thing for our friendship," before adding, "or something…"

Spike squinted disbelivingly at her. "What?" he gawped. "Rainbow. That's your lunch. I leave it for you every night, but it looks like you've just been leaving it."

Rainbow frowned. "So it's nothing special, then?"

Spike shook his head. "No."


Rainbow frowned, eyeing the celery again. It now seemed a lot more boring. It was just some celery. She'd just spent the last few hours staring at some celery.

"So… can I eat it?" she asked, her stomach grumbling.

Spike shrugged. "Sure."

And she ate the celery.

Author's Note:

Written by Vexy.

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