• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,509 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Manes - Pontiac56

"So Rainbow, you feel like maybe hitting up a bar tonight?"

"Um… hey Rainbow… do you maybe want to… um… want to go out some time?"

"Hey, I didn't know there were any other fillyfoolers in town. Feel like heading up to the clouds for some fun?"

It was just non-stop all day and Rainbow was completely sick of having to tell these mares she didn't swing that way. All her life she had to put up with this and it infuriated her to no end. Every time she went out drinking, some mare would hit her up hoping for a good time, or looking to invite her to some gay pride group. What was worse was that all this attention from the wrong gender seemed to steer all the stallions away. They knew she was tough and easy to anger so they all hedged their bets on which side she played and stayed clear.

She had nothing against fillyfoolers, heck she was friends with several back in Cloudsdale (which likely hadn't helped things), she simply wasn't one and she was so tired of having to correct everypony.

She knew of several reasons why everypony just seemed to make the connection she liked mares. She didn't hang out with a lot of stallions, her tomboy attitude seemed very stereotypically gay and her athletic lifestyle all seemed to point towards a taste for tacos. But she knew these were all things that could be overlooked or unknown to those who hadn't met her. No the biggest thing, the sign that had been with her ever since she was born was very obvious to all.

Her outrageously rainbow-colored mane.

She wasn't sure who had initially thought of rainbows being a representation for homosexuality, but whoever it was, she hoped to someday meet them so she could smash her hoof into their face.

It didn't matter that her mane was naturally rainbow-colored and not dyed, the instant anypony saw it flags went off in their head that just screamed 'wow she must be a fillyfooler'. It was so annoying and no matter how many times she had to explain she wasn't into mares, the group would take a collective look at her mane and think 'nah she definitely likes girls'.

It was so unfair. All the other signs she could explain or hide, but her mane was a dead giveaway and there was nothing she could do about it.

Or was there?

"Hey Twilight, I'm going out for a bit, I'll see you later." Without waiting for a response, Spike ducked out of the palace and made a quick walk towards town. Twilight had been given some new assignment by Celestia again and had, as usual, stressed over it so hard she had stayed up all night study and was now frizzy haired and on the fritz. Spike had helped all morning, but now it was time for a break. There was only so much Crazy Twilight a guy could take before he just had to get away for a while.

After ensuring he had gathered enough distance between himself and the crystal castle he slowed his gait and started to hum pleasantly to himself. He was just approaching town square when something odd caught his sight.

A mare was walking around flipping her clearly dyed black mane about looking to draw some attention from some stallions. They looked at her for a moment, but suddenly seemed to recognize her and immediately lost interest. The mare gave a dejected groan and started to trot off in Spike's direction, where he finally got a look at her face.

"Rainbow Dash? Is that you? What's up with the black mane and tail?"

The pegasus stopped and looked at him, looking a little tired, as if the explanation just seemed to drain her. Spike gave her a look of concern, but it did little to improve her mood.

"Hey Spike. Just thought I'd try out some new colors, see if I could get everypony to stop making assumptions about me, but it doesn't look like it worked." this news seemed to bring her already upset mood even lower. Spike wasn't sure what to do, but he could see his friend was hurting so he gently placed his claw on her back and got her to look at his face.

"Hey it's alright. I'm sure whatever assumptions are being made can't be that bad. What have ponies been saying about you?"

She started to reply when Flitter and Cloudchaser trotted passed.

"Hey Rainbow, we were wondering if you wanted to go grab a drink tonight? Maybe the three of us can have some fun."

Rainbow just gave a dejected sigh and turned to them both. "Guys, I've told you before, I'm not into mares. Please stop asking me."

The twins just looked at each other and sighed, "Still in the closet Rainbow. Really, ponies aren't going to judge you around here. You should stop hiding who you are."

Before Rainbow could once again confirm that they were wrong, the twins fluttered away looking disappointed. Rainbow simply turned back to Spike, who could now tell what had been eating her, "Still guessing about the assumptions?"

Spike could tell this was hurting her, and judging by the looks around the square, most ponies seemed to agree with Flitter and Cloudchaser. The dragon thought hard for a moment, wondering what he could do to help when suddenly it came to him. With a smirk on his face he looked at Rainbow, who seemed a little confused by his expression.

"Hey Rainbow, I have an idea about how to make ponies see the truth."

"Oh really, what is—" the blue pony's retort was cut off as a scaly pair of lips pressed against her own, and a pair of strong draconian arms wrapped around her and swept her off her hooves. Rainbow's eyes bulged for a moment, before closing slightly in pleasure, he wings poofing up sharply.

Ponies all over the market square stared in shock as the dragon held Rainbow bridal style in his arms kissing her passionately. The moment seemed to last forever, before finally the two needed to breath and their lips slowly separated. Rainbow still looked a little shocked before letting a warm smile cross her muzzle as she pushed her forehead up against Spike's, loving the confidant smile on his face, "Yeah, I think that'll convince 'em."

Spike was pleased, though a thought occurred to him as he realized he really didn't want to let her go, "Well, I think there might still be a few ponies we need to convince. Perhaps tonight over at the Grassy Knoll around 7? I'd love to help 'convince them' with you some more."

Thinking about his warm lips pressed against her own, the only response Rainbow could give was, "Hell yeah!"

Author's Note:

Written by Pontiac56.

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