• Published 10th Jun 2014
  • 5,509 Views, 268 Comments

SpikeDash Group Collab - Vexy

A collection of short stories from the SpikeDash group.

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Mustache - Blue Dragon

There had never been a more perfect dragon than the one Spike stared at now. Never had there been one so handsome, his scales so smooth and his spines ironed flawlessly. His eyes shone like green fire and illuminated all that was around him with a spirited light. He was even wearing a suit for the occasion, still steaming from when he’d gotten it from the cleaner’s.

It was hard to tell if he was smiling or not, for the dragon he was looking at now had something Spike craved for all his life.

A mustache.

Only he knew when his lips curled upward. His eyes combed over his figure’s reflection one last time before deeming himself fit. Spike was a modest dragon by all means, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t look good.

Especially not when he was taking Rainbow Dash of all ponies out on a date.

She’d never expect to see him so dressed up. It would come as a surprise at first, but then she’d love it. Spike could just imagine her falling in love just at the sight of his mustache, complimenting it for as long as it took to get Twilight to cast him one.

But tonight was special. Tonight, Spike was going to do the unthinkable. He was going to conquer his inner demons and rise to the occasion—he was going to climb up the tallest of mountains and prove his love for Rainbow Dash.

Tonight, he was going to propose.

Spike’s shoulders hunched the longer he watched himself in the mirror. He reached a claw down into his tuxedo’s pocket and withdrew the small black box a pony would be a fool not to recognize. His stomach turned and flopped, his tail twitching restlessly behind him.

“Hey, stop that.”

Spike shoved the box back into his pocket so swiftly one might have thought he was pulling for a weapon. It was with relief that he turned around and recognized the pony behind him.

“Oh, it’s just you, Twi.” His long-time best friend stepped closer, her eyes scanning over him just like he was only moments before. She gave him a smile.

“You look great,” she said with a laugh. “I almost don’t recognize you.”

“Heh, yeah…” Spike gave her a hug, his thoughts lingering on what weighed heavily in his pocket. “Do you think she’ll… you know…”

“You’ll do fine,” Twilight said firmly. He felt her nuzzle his cheek. “She loves you. Rainbow Dash may not be the best at showing it, but she does. Trust me.”

Reluctantly, Spike pulled away. He opted not to respond, fearing he may jinx himself. A glance at the clock rewarded him with the time, which was far too late.

Rainbow Dash was going to kill him.

“Ack!” He jumped toward the door and shoved it open. “I gotta go. See you later, Twilight!”

“Good luck!”

Spike dashed through the streets as fast as his legs could carry him in search of his date. His mustache bounced with his step and his tail lagged behind, slowing him down more than he would’ve liked. It was awkward moving in the formal attire, but he made due.

It was when he’d finally had sight of Rainbow Dash that he did slow down. The moonlight reflected off her mane and gave it an unrealistic glow. Even though her expression gave voice to the mildest annoyance, she still looked stunning. She hadn’t dressed up at all, her mane as messy as the way it was when he’d had a crush on her.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes wandered from his eyes to something a little lower. She snickered. “Oh, Spike, is that—is that a mustache? And what are you wearing? Those clothes don’t fit you at all.”

Spike swelled under this scrutiny, determined to regain what little of his confidence remained. “Hey! I thought you liked tough stallions!”

His reaction caused Rainbow to laugh all the harder. Spike glowered at her. “Y-you just—bahaha—I can’t believe you!”

Tears prickled the corners of his eyes and his face felt hot. He was no stranger to Rainbow Dash’s teasing, but he was really throwing himself out there tonight. He was so uncertain about how things were going to end up, so scared that she was going to reject him…

He wished more than anything that he could tear off the mustache that plagued him, but knew that it wouldn’t budge due to Twilight’s spell. Spike clenched his fists.

“Rainbow Dash,” he took a deep breath, willing the fire in his belly to go out, “why don’t we take a seat? The moonlight’s great tonight.”

She smiled, seeming to have dropped the subject. She poked him playfully. “What about me? How great do you think I look?”

“Er… just as great as usual, Rainbow.” He blushed, his eyes fidgeting. “You know…”

Rainbow’s grin widened, but she stretched herself out in the grass. She rolled over so she was facing the moon. Spike joined her soon after, reveling in their closeness.

“...It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” her voice resonated after a while. Spike recognized the change of her tone, knowing what it meant. This was how she sounded when she was really opening up to someone. When she really trusted you. “Luna’s stars are amazing. I’ve never seen something so… so… awe-inspiring.”

Spike could hear the smile in her voice. He shuffled a little closer, listening to her talk the way she always did when they went out. “When I was just a filly, I used to go out and look up at them. I told myself, ‘one day, I’m going to reach them. I’ll fly up and hold one in my hoof. I’ll prove everyone wrong. I will.’ ”

She outstretched her hoof to the heavens, a reminiscent smile gracing her features. Then, she rolled over and took him into her hooves.

“I don’t say it much, Spike, but I love you. You’re the only one I can really talk to about stuff like this.” Rainbow nuzzled him warmly, something Spike craved for. He loved her touch almost as much as he loved her kisses. It wasn’t well-known, but Rainbow Dash could be a big softie when she let her guard down.

It was time.

Spike withdrew from his embrace with Rainbow Dash and inched his claw toward the box he’d hidden in his suit’s pocket. His mustache weighed down on him.

“Rainbow Dash… I love you too. A lot. More than you could ever imagine. Like Pinkie Pie loves Twilight or like Applejack loves her fam—no, that’s not what I meant…” He winced at how stupid he sounded, avoiding Rainbow’s questioning gaze. “What I mean to say is that you’re the most important pony in my life.”

Heart thudding so loudly he was afraid she might hear, he pulled the black box out of its hiding place. Rainbow’s eyes widened to their breaking point at the prospect. When the dragon opened it, her eyes couldn’t have gotten any bigger.

“Will you marry me?”

Author's Note:

Written by Blue Dragon.

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