• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 1,082 Views, 11 Comments

The Tragedy of Prince Sombra - LayTheBlackToRest

Princess Cadence sends a letter to her fellow princesses regarding the history of the Crystal Heart and Sombra's tragedy.

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A Single Word

From the Journal of Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire,

It has been some time since I have written an entry regarding my research into the history of the Crystal Empire. While I have yet to publish any professional works, I have shared my thoughts with many of my crystal pony advisers. Thus far they have been apprehensive about recalling any particular memories of their time under the reign of King Sombra. While I passionately respect the states of my subjects, I cannot help but think that this reveals some further history behind the Lord of Shadows.

We have found some rather interesting documents hidden deep within the Crystal Palace’s Archives, areas wrought with evidence of attempted destruction and Hellfire. From what we could recover at his point, they appear to be random (?) journal entries and accounts of magic. With comparison to prior writings from Sombra, I believe these untitled manuscripts are also from the King. I imagine their scattering and wreckage being from the chaos that must have occurred when Sombra’s curse took the Crystal Empire from existence.

Thus far, I’ve been unable to make sense of the order of which these papers were written. Sombra, to no surprise, was a devoted scholar to almost all forms of magic (at least those typical of his time). There is one tome, however, that has captivated my interest… I doubt even the most powerful of preservation spells could extend this ancient relic for much longer. For however long this tome has existed, immense quantities of dark magic radiate from its distorted and burned pages. Of all that we have found, this tome has sustained the greatest damage. I fear it will simply disintegrate unless carefully treated with alicorn magic; I doubt unicorn magic could suffice to even move this tome without destroying it.

But this alone does not justify my interest in this tome. There are segments of the tome’s pages that look fresh, the ink flourishing as though they had just been written. And each segment contains a single word, the scorched and blackened marks failing to encompass the word.


Perhaps my view has become biased with my (quite unexpected) empathy for the former Prince, but I’m beginning to believe that Sombra did not take over the Crystal Empire from its former Queen.

He liberated it.

It is unquestionable that the former Queen was benevolent. I can only imagine that someone or something overthrew the Queen, only to be repulsed by Sombra. As impossible as it seems, this appears to be the most straightforward explanation. As apprehensive as my husband has been, Shining Armor has agreed that my prior writings could very well be based on blind assumptions (and, of course, incomplete records). While I am the Princess of Love, my dear Shining has lent me another piece to this puzzle. The words bear reminiscent signatures of Guardian magic. We have both agreed that this raises one of our greatest questions about the former Prince.

Why would he so strongly protect this single word? Were the incredibly complex spells cast before, during, or after the word was written?

I’ve already transcribed a number of these manuscripts for the Archives of Canterlot; my advisers, for all their assistance, cannot bear to bring themselves to even touch the darkened tome. My fellow Princesses have shown great interest, to say the least, in knowing who and what their prior enemy was. I suppose that superficially this could simply be to learn from the past in order to prepare for other significant threats in the future, but I cannot help but feel as though the Princesses feel some sort of other motive to see the originals. I suspect it is simply curiosity to know the pony they had a rather ‘dramatic’ encounter with. I myself am starting to see that dreadful King Sombra more and more as a… curious enigma.

I suppose I’ll have to see where my further research and contemplations go, as my correspondences with my Fellows makes particular interest in the former King Sombra a priority for my day-to-day routines. With the mystery of the former Prince growing to plague my mind, the comfort of my own Prince makes my days of inquires bearable. I would consider leaving this project, but a Princess of Love does not abandon her love for the well-being of her subjects.
And thus must come an end to my entry for the night, as my longing for my Prince in Shining Armor beckons me to his warming presence. Our love, of all forms, keeps me more than happy with my new life.


POV of Erudyntes, Advisor to the Crowns of the Crystal Empire

Erudyntes shuddered as a bone-chilling breeze ran over his coat. How there could even be such a wretched breeze deep under the Crystal Palace, with its newly and carefully constructed ventilation shafts was far beyond him. As with nearly everything to do with this fearful place, he chalked it up to lingering dark magic. “The day is nearly over and my round of searching will be over”, Erudyntes whispered to himself in a futile attempt to boost his confidence. Within the hour he would be home again, hearing stories of his foal’s day at school, warmed by a calming fireplace. A small snifter of crystal berry brandy wouldn’t hurt either. It had always been his wife’s favorite, before that bastard’s toils had taken her dignity and life. How he longed to share it with her, warmed by that very same fireplace…

Erudyntes spied a shred of fading parchment peeking out of the ash covering the floor, bringing his nostalgia to an end. Approaching carefully, he gently dusted off the ash, following the Princess’s orders not to use his magic to lift the parchment. As with most objects of interest uncovered in the Archives, it was blackened, torn, and nearly indistinguishable from the ash surrounding it.

The Queen hath announced that the decline of our agriculture is simply due to improper crop rotations for our life-giving earth, yet I can feel the strain in her eyes. Some force is seeping into our borders. The world is changing. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.

Something approaches, and I know not if even the Queen can stop it. I have known much fear and pain in my life, but to this I will not yield. I shall protect my Love with all I have. Should this threat take my life, I will give it without hesitation. Never could I leave my Love.

The fragment ended there. As did the existence of Erudyntes.

Author's Note:

I wrote this in an hour. At my favorite bar. With two Imperial Russian Stouts already down my gullet.

I need an editor.

What the buck does this tome's word mean?

Well, y'all will find out when I feel like writing again. I'll be starting another course of physical chemistry soon... and even the physical chemists hate physical chemistry. BML.

I was going to write the fragment in Svenska, but I'm a bit too rusty.


Is this related or is it not? Either way, it makes me giggle and cackle in the most silly manner when I've had a little too much klonny.

You might say it takes me to a silly place... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfGpVcdqeS0

ALSO, check out http://www.fimfiction.net/story/208988/redemption. Totally blew me away and I bet it will for y'all too!

Comments ( 3 )

Love it! You should have way more readers.

No problems here either. Just get rid of that random Spike emoji.

Why was this cancelled?

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