• Published 5th Mar 2014
  • 3,931 Views, 188 Comments

Well, this is new... - CommunistTaco

A young man gets transported to Equestria due to a magical anomaly. He now must face the fact that he can never return home. Will he make a better life for himself? Or will the stress from the changes in his life consume him.

  • ...

Chapter 17: The Interview

Author's Note:

Yay another chapter! Hope you all thoroughly enjoy.


Chapter 17, The Interview (Not the North Korean One)

Date: 01/20/2015
Location: Area 51, Nevada, United States
Status: Dr. Alexander Collins is currently sitting at his computer nearing the end of his work day.
Time: 17:30

Dr. Collins looked at his computer screen with a sigh before reaching for his keyboard to begin typing the closing statements on the case that had been assigned more than 6 months prior. It had been a long 6 months at that and nearly no progress had been made. Collins had finally been ordered by his superiors earlier that day to close the case and move on.

Ever since his visit to Denver, Colorado in July of the previous year, Collins had been stuck in a landslide of confusion. The samples he had collected at the site of the incident that led to the disappearance of one Vladimir Korzhakov had been brought back to Area 51 for testing and had shocked scientists all across the compound.

The blue-ish substance he had collected was analyzed thoroughly and the results were unbelievable. It was made of particles that no-one had ever seen before. No amount of chemical or microscopic analysis provided any links to any elements, particles, or molecules discovered before. The particles were declared a scientific impossibility and were simply named I-particles. Dr. Collins had requested further research into the particles but after 6 months of testing nothing had been accomplished.

Things didn't get any better when he heard back from the CIA in late November. Langley had reported that the documents containing vital information about the similar event in 1814 were so highly classified that only the president could access them. Due to how low priority the case was, getting the president to re-open the documents was nearly impossible. Collins had told the CIA not to bother.

'...And therefore, due to inconclusive evidence as well as unexplained phenomena, I must close Case 0327D. Until further evidence is provided, no further progress on explaining the incident can be made. As for the missing citizen, we can only assume him as deceased considering no signs of his survival have surfaced. He has no legal descendants and no written will so his belongings will be auctioned off by the state and his house will be vacated for the current landlord.
Dr. Alexander Collins


"So," I said glaring daggers at the reporter and her camera-pony, "What is it that you wish to interview me about?"

The mare and her lackey were currently sitting on my couch while I was sitting slightly to the side in a stool I had pulled over from the kitchen. She looked like she had just won the lottery with her smile and enthusiastic attitude while her counterpart could care less.
"Well first off let me introduce myself. I'm Scrivener and this is my partner Shutterbug. We represent the Canterlot Times."

"Pleasure," I replied sarcastically, "I'm assuming I need not introduce myself since you already seem to know who I am."

"Of course how could I not. You're all over the news as of late!" she exclaimed stars in her eyes.

I snorted. "Thanks for reminding me."

"I can see why nopony has gotten a real interview with you yet," she replied with emulated sarcasm.

"I don't like you already," I countered chuckling slightly, "Anyway back on topic..."

"Ah yes. I was hoping to interview you about your past." she said her face now adorned with a look of extreme concentration.

"As in my past, past?" I replied.

"The before you came to Equestria past," she affirms realizing my fear.

"I'm not so sure I want to discuss that," I respond my face darkening.

Scrivener see's my expression and she panics. "Oh no no! I just wanted the personal aspects of your life for an article meant to show that any everyday pony can act as a hero if the time arises. Equestria has issues with ponies panicking at the slightest hint of danger and we hope this article will lessen that."

"Oh, well.... If you allow me to skip any questions I don't really wish to discuss then I guess I'll let you interview me," I reluctantly agreed. Might as well do it now and get it over with.

"Excellent! Just let me get my notes ready and we can begin," she beamed in response.

"Alright," I replied.

After flipping her notepad to a new page and taking a deep breath of concentration she turned to me ready to start firing questions. "So what was your occupation before you came here?" she asked.

"I worked for an engineering firm," I respond. I tried to be as vague as possible to not hint at my origins. While the fact that I was an inter-dimensional alien was common knowledge in Ponyville, I'd rather avoid having it plastered all over the newspaper. This mare was from Canterlot so she likely hadn't heard of my actual origins or so I hoped.

"Ah, and what was life like for you back home?" she countered after jotting down my answered.

"Pretty unsatisfying to say the least. I had a run-down apartment and barely made enough to afford anything besides food and a few drinks now and again. Everyone I knew was either a co-worker or a drunk.”

“Every...one?” she asked raising her brow.

Shit, shit, shit. I slipped up! How could I do that?! Urgh! I need an excuse and quick!

“I uh.. meant everypony! Everyone was the more common term back where I’m from…” I blurted out.

"Oh. Alright then... Did you have any family or friends who lived with you?"

"My parents died in a... train crash when I was eleven years old," I responded a solitary tear welling up in my eye before I shook it away. I never had much of an issue discussing my parents' deaths but it still was an emotional event in my life. "I didn't have any friends or siblings either."

"Oh you poor dear! How did you manage?" she gasped.

"I lived in an orphanage until I was eighteen, went to college for two years, and then went off on my own."

"How tragic! You've been to able to pull through so well though."

"Yeah I guess. Those experiences taught me valuable life lessons and helped me become the... pony I am today."

"What was it that made you decide to come to Equestria?"

"I... um I just decided I needed a restart and a fresh perspective. It's a lot nicer than before,"

"That's good to hear. How do you plan on making a living in Equestria?"

"Oh well, pretty much the same way as back home but this time I will be running my own company rather than working for somepony else."

"Well I hope it works out for you. Last question. Do you believe anypony can rise up to the occasion and do what needs to be done in a time of peril?"

"Yes, if you listen to your heart and rise to the call of danger, you can overcome any obstacle no matter the severity."

"Alright! Now just let Shutterbug take your picture and we’ll be off!" she concluded writing down the last few tidbits.

"Sure," I reply standing up so the guy can snap my photo with his 50's style camera.

“Look right at me,” he grunted positioning his camera for the ‘perfect shot.’

After a bright flash that left me momentarily blinded and a few goodbyes uttered by Scrivener, her and her partner left my house promising that if all went well, my interview would make headlines tomorrow.

Sure enough, the newspaper the next day was sporting a large picture of me with the title:

Vladimir Korzhakov; Civilian Hero

I read through the entire article to make sure nothing was out of order and found that besides a few alterations here and there, the main context of the interview was intact. To give credit where is due, it was one fine piece of journalism.

Scrivener was even nice enough to mention that I was a quote on quote "humble pony for allowing us this interview despite his apprehensiveness on the subject." I found that part pretty hilarious considering it was probably a shout to other reporters to leave me alone but it probably wouldn't deter them in the slightest.

I continued to read some other articles, most which were political and boring as hell, before picking myself off the couch and out the door into the early morning bustle of Ponyville with every intent on getting myself a decent breakfast.

There was a surprising amount of ponies out and about at this time of the morning, most heading to their jobs or to the coffee shop a few blocks down the street. I have never found the taste of coffee appealing so that wasn't somewhere I would be visiting anytime too soon. To each their own, I guess.

As I neared the center of Ponyville near the market, I saw several vendors setting up their stands for the day, including Applejack to whom I gave a friendly wave which she happily returned. It was nice to see that I was just another face in the crowd these days (despite the occasional praise which wasn't hard to deal with.)

I found the diner Rainbow Dash had taken me to last week and ordered myself a hearty breakfast consisting of 'haycakes' which were just the pony equivalent of pancakes, as well as some eggs, hash browns, and a large glass of OJ. It was an amazingly delicious meal that left me with a bulge in my stomach and a sated appetite for the rest of the morning.

I exited the diner to see the sun high in the morning sky and the market buzzing with activity. Ponies were going about their daily lives, buying food and items from the vendors and conversing with each other as they went. That's the magic of a small town I suppose, it's a much more closely-knit community.

I spotted Applejack again and this time she beckoned me towards her obviously wanting a word. 'Why not' I thought to myself and made a detour for AJ's stand. "Hey Applejack! What can I do ya for?" I asked politely as I approached the stand.

"Oh, not much Vlad. Just want to know how y'all are holding up."

"Ohhhh, I'm on the mend," I smirked in response.

"Well considerin' yer sense of humor is back Ah would say so too," she returned.

"It takes more than a bit of smoke inhalation to keep this guy down!" I declared puffing out my chest.

"Haha. Well good to know yer doing just fine Vlad. Ah got my stand to tend to so Ah'll see y'all later." she replied with a tip of her hat.

"See ya!" I called back as I went on my way.

As I walked back to my apartment it dawned on me that it was Thursday which meant I would be departing for Canterlot tomorrow morning. Boy, time sure flies when you're being lazy... I decided that getting the few items I possessed packed as well as taking a day to walk around town was a suitable usage of my time.

On my way home I managed to flag down Rainbow Dash who was busy busting clouds that had drifted over the town. I informed her of my summons to Canterlot and that I would once again have to postpone flight lessons. She seemed to be annoyed at that, but told me since it was the princesses who were requesting me that she would let it slide this time. She informed me that she would work me twice as hard when I got back to make up for lost time which I couldn't help but chuckle at before continuing on my way.

As I turned onto my street a overwhelming sense of happiness surged through my body. I realized that despite all the trauma I had received in the past week or so, I hadn't been happier in over 10 years. It seems the things were looking up for the first time in a long time. That someone, somewhere wanted me to live a halfway decent life. And hey, who was I to turn them down...