• Published 5th Mar 2014
  • 3,931 Views, 188 Comments

Well, this is new... - CommunistTaco

A young man gets transported to Equestria due to a magical anomaly. He now must face the fact that he can never return home. Will he make a better life for himself? Or will the stress from the changes in his life consume him.

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Chapter 18: Unto Canterlot!

Today was the day that I had been simultaneously anticipating and dreading for the past week. I had woken up extra early this morning because in a few hours, I would be on a train headed for Canterlot. Ahead of me was a long four days of intense pressure in the eyes of the public. Typical…

After waking up around 7:30am to ensure that I would be able to make my train with plenty of time to spare, I had eaten a quick breakfast of oatmeal before double checking that I had everything packed. Ponyville’s train station was literally on the exact opposite side of town, so I had to make sure I gave myself a good amount of time to get there. My train ticket had been stored inside the envelope containing the letter/schedule so once said envelope was packed in my bag I was ready to go.

The early morning sun was poking over the horizon by the time I left at around 8:00am, and seemed to bore into my eyes with relentless assault. It was making me wish I had bought a hat to accompany my awesome jacket. The small town of Ponyville was still waking up as I passed through it and I managed to make it through the usually bustling town centre without any hassle whatsoever.

Ponyville despite being a smaller town was very spread out so one could easily take an hour to stroll from one side to the other at a leisurely pace. I gave a smile and nod to any ponies I came across out in the early morning and took in the quaint scenery that had no real comparison to anything you'd find in modern times back home.

The train station was simple enough for a hamlet like Ponyville. It contains only one platform and a small ticket window but that's about it. When I arrived at around 8:50 my train was still about 30 minutes out. A few ponies were scattered around the platform, most likely waiting for the same train. I just plopped myself down on the bench and took in the scenery whilst I waited. The early morning hours are always the most peaceful and relaxing.

The train pulled in right on time at 9:20 screeching to a halt. The train itself was obviously an old steam-powered engine but instead of a rugged industrial look, it had more of a dainty atmosphere to it. Meh. I checked my ticket again to make sure I still had it and was happy to find it right where I left it. The ticket had a car assignment for some reason that I couldn't discern and I was assigned to car one, right behind the engine.

I strode to the front of the train and entered my car only to find it empty. In fact it appeared it was only meant for one pony in the first place..... 'Oh, it's a private car,' I realized. Made sense considering I was... ahem... "An esteemed guest of their Royal Highness-es Celestia and Luna," or something along those lines.

The car was extremely lavish and looked like it would cost a ton if one were to buy a ticket for it. There was a private bed, bathroom, dining area, and relaxation area all in one car. Although the trip from Ponyville to Canterlot took approximately 5 hours according to my schedule, I doubt I would need the bed. So I went over to the relaxation area and sat down in a extremely nice armchair with an amazing view of the window.

A few minutes past and I assumed that we would be moving soon. I watched out the window as a few ponies rushed to board the train obviously running late. As I was distracted a pony burst into my car rather forcefully startling me. I looked back and saw what must be the engineer giving me a quite lewd expression. 'Why's he mad at me?' I thought to myself. "Um... Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"Yes, do you mind vacating the car. It is reserved for a VIP of the highest caliber and I don't think they'll be happy to find some random commuter in their car!"

"Huh?" I gawked in reply. 'Why would he...? Oh! He thinks I'm just some common Joe and I snuck in here eh? Well somepony is gonna be really sorry after this!' I mused. "Um of course, yes. And do you happen to know who this 'VIP' is?" I retorted.

"All I know is that its a personal guest of the Princesses themselves and I doubt they would be happy to find you in their car," he returned motioning for me to get up.

"Oh, of course. Do you mind checking my ticket while you're here? I may of made a mistake," I replied presenting him my ticket.

"If it'll get you out any faster," he muttered back before taking my ticket. "Let's see hmm, hmm, oh... Oh! So sorry mister I had no idea!"

"So I am in the right car. Good to know." I stated smugly, "Next time don't jump to conclusions."

"Of course, so incredibly sorry sir. Have a nice day!" he shot back as he bolted out of the car towards the engine room.

"See ya later asshole!" I muttered under my breath before returning to my observation of the train.

After about another minute I felt the train lurch to life and begin its trek out of the station and onto the long uphill climb to Canterlot. The train ran rather smooth and quiet for an old fashion steam-engine, but I chalked that up to "magic" or some other bullshit and moved on. As the train started to pick up speed heading out of Ponyville I heard the conductor's voice crackle over the intercom.

"Attention passengers. We are now en route to Canterlot and are expected to arrive in approximately 5 hours time. Please make yourselves comfortable and relax. Dining options are available in car four. Restrooms are in car seven, and bedrooms occupy cars twelve and thirteen. Enjoy your trip!"

I sat near the window and watched the countryside fly by for a few minutes before deciding to wander into the other cars of the train. From what I could tell, the train was around twenty cars long and was organized as follows; Car One, or the one I was occupying is for esteemed guests with a sizable chunk of pocket change and/or royal connections.

Cars Two and Three were for first class passengers who could afford the extra cost to get higher quality seats with several special dining options I assume were not offered to normal passengers. The first class passengers paid me no mind as I moved through their car further back into the train.

Car Four, to the conductor's word, was the dining car for all the normal commuters. Several ponies were sitting at tables enjoying a late breakfast or some coffee. I had already had breakfast so I wasn't hungry at the moment. I just moseyed my way through the car and into the next.

Car Five was a seating area for normal commuters. Several ponies were packed into this car leaving no empty seats to speak of. I squeezed my way through and continued into Car Six which was identical to the last except much less crowded. A few empty seats were scattered around and I decided to sit down and try and spark up a conversation.

I found a seat between a dark gray unicorn businesspony with his snout in a newspaper and a friendly looking orange pegasus mare who was watching the moving countryside with excitement. I approached the two and began to sit down asking for consent just to be polite. "Mind if I sit here?"

The businesspony gave me a half-hearted shrug of acknowledgement before going back to his newspaper. I assumed he was fine with it so I turned to the mare who had snapped out of her gaze to look a me. "Oh um. Sure, I guess," she stuttered.

I sat myself down and tried to start up some form of conversation with her. "So, why are you headed to Canterlot?" I asked the mare nonchalantly.

She looked at me once again but seemed less nervous after realizing I was just trying to be friendly. "Oh, I'm just visiting my sister. I haven't seen her in six months."

I gave her a small smile. "Sounds fun. Where you coming from?" I didn't really want to delve into the conversation of family considering I had none to speak of.

"Oh, Fillydelphia. I've lived there for the past few years." she replied. "How bout you?"

"Ponyville. This is my first trip to Canterlot." I stated simply.

"Oh I bet somepony's excited then," she said with a smirk.

"Eh, more or less. Seems too high class and prissy for my tastes." I replied.

"A lot of ponies think that going to Canterlot the first time. Most of the community is actually fairly decent. The area to avoid would be in close proximity to the palace. That's where all the stuck up nobles and wealthy businessponies live."

"Hmm. Interesting," I said simply. "Unfortunately I believe I'll be staying in that area for most of my trip. Just gotta suck it up I guess."

"That's too bad. Are you staying in the Mareiott? That's the only hotel in that part of town that I know of."

"No, I believe I'm staying at the palace actually," I respond.

Her eyes light up with excitment upon hearing that. "Really?! You must be really important if you get to stay at the palace!" she exclaimed.

"Ha, not really. Let's just say I have some very good connections," I muse cryptically not wanted to draw undue attention to myself.

"That's so cool!" she squealed. The businesspony sitting next to me gave her a glare before going back to his paper.

"Yeah I guess. I'm more of a down-to-earth kinda pony though, so let's just say I'm not going in with high hopes."

"I can see that. Still, just being in the same building as the princesses themselves is really exciting," she replied.

"Yeah, theres that," I respond shortly.

"Oh, I almost forgot to indroduce myself! I'm Sunrise Bright nice to meet you!"

"Vladimir Korzhakov, nice to meet you too," I reply.

"That's an interesting name," she responds before pondering something. "Oh wait, you're that pony from the papers a little while ago! You're the one who saved that family from the burning building!"

"Meh, it was nothing. I simply did what was right."

"You're to humble. It takes a lot of courage to do something like that!" she exclaims.

"I guess. But I'd rather not draw attention to myself for being a good samaritan."

"Wanna stay incognito huh? Don't worry your secret is safe with me!" she replies making a zipper motion across her mouth with a hoof."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," I reply with a smile. "Anyway, I should probably get back to my car. It was great meeting you Sunrise."

"You too Vladimir. Oh wait! Is there a way I can contact you again? Maybe for tea or lunch?" she asks.

'Is this mare asking me on a date?' I think giving her an incredulous look.

Sunrise seems puzzled at my look before she realizes what she said. "Oh, no no! Just as friends, I'm not asking you on a date!" she exclaims blushing furiously.

I let out a sigh of relief. I'd rather not get into a relationship with another pony at the moment. I'm still adapting to my change of species. "Oh... Ok sure. My address in Ponyville is 8777 Market Street if you ever want to stop by," I say getting up and preparing to go back to my car for a nap.

"8777 Market Street... Right, I won't forget it! See you later Vladimir!" she replies waving a hoof.

"Bye Sunrise," I reply 'Nice mare, if not a bit energetic' I muse to myself before making my way back to my VIP car.

Once back in my assigned car, I draw the curtains and settle down for some rest. As I slowly drift off to sleep, expectations for the days ahead race through my mind; for better, and for worse...

Author's Note:

Holy shit, an update to this story? No way!!!!!!!!!!! It's been so long that I think I've aged 80 years. Oh well. For all you people that wanted an update, here you go.

Stay classy San Diego Fimfiction,
