• Published 5th Mar 2014
  • 3,930 Views, 188 Comments

Well, this is new... - CommunistTaco

A young man gets transported to Equestria due to a magical anomaly. He now must face the fact that he can never return home. Will he make a better life for himself? Or will the stress from the changes in his life consume him.

  • ...

Chapter 22: Prison Blues

Author's Note:

Whew, chapter complete! This one was by far the hardest to write of the last four considering I only had about half a chapter of material to work with. As such its a bit weirdly segmented but it was about the best I could come up with. This is the conclusion of the Canterlot trip and to an extent what could considered the first arc of the story. Next chapter will be a fresh start so to speak. I already have it mostly planned out so should be much smoother sailing on my end writing wise.

Sorry for the delays on posting this, I had to work back to back 6-day weeks which I haven't done since November. My counterpart on the back half of the week jumped ship so all the managers including myself have been essentially rotating to cover their shift until a replacement can be found.

Hope you all are you staying safe and enjoyed the chapter. Till next time, goodbye and good luck!


Have you ever sat back and wondered what choices you made in life got you to where you are now? Most do at some point, but I have no idea what I could of fucking done in the past to get here. And by here I mean currently languishing in a prison cell in a completely different universe. Life sure has a way of throwing you curveballs eh?

The last two hours had been... interesting to say the least.

After the lovely ride in the back of the prison transport in which I uncomfortably sat in silence while trying to ignore the stares of passerby as we rolled through the streets, we had arrived back at the castle. The mugger remained asleep through the entire trip but began strangely muttering incomprehensible nonsense about halfway through the ride putting both the guards and I on edge.

We had entered the castle through a different entryway than I had the previous day. Out of the way and less heavily guarded, it was clearly a service entrance of some sort. After pulling the wagon through a wide tunnel, the guards arrived at a parking area and prepared to unload me and my unconscious "friend." I continued to dutifully comply with whatever the guards told me and after ensuring my restraints were still firmly in place they led me off into to bowels of the palace.

I had not seen these parts of the castle during my escorted outings yesterday. Gone were the white marble and grandeur of architecture that seemed to project the power and wealth of the nation. Here gray stone made up most surfaces and everything was simplistic and functional. The light level was dim, not too dark as I could still clearly see my surroundings, but it sure added to the grim atmosphere.

After winding through several cramped passageways and down a long spiral staircase we arrived at what I could only call a dungeon. About fifty identical cells lined a central hallway with two large iron doors at either end. Most of the cells were unoccupied from what I could see, only a few ponies peered out from behind bars to check out the new arrival. After parading me down the corridor I was led to an empty cell near the opposite end and unbound. The guards told me they would be back soon to get my information and take my statement and left me to my thoughts.

Or at least I tried to be alone with my thoughts as the now fully awake mugger was brought into the dungeon next hollering to anypony who would listen. I tuned him out to the best of my ability as he was dragged to a cell out of sight and eventually quieted down. I took the time waiting for the guards to take stock of my own cell.

Like the entirety of the dungeon it was poorly lit and windowless. There was a simple bed in the corner that had plain white sheets and a singular pillow. In the adjacent corner was a sink and mirror with a cup should I require drinking water. A toilet also lay in the corner with a small barricade to put one out of view of the hallway. Next to the bed appeared to be a small bookshelf containing a few worn titles. Not that it would be easy to read considering the lighting, but it's the thought that counts I guess. Lastly a small desk and chair sat nearby with stationary, quill, and ink on top.

Overall it was far better accommodations then I was expecting entering a medieval looking dungeon. I lay down on the bed and found it actually be fairly comfortable. The princesses did not seem the type to leave ponies in poor prison conditions so it wasn't too surprising the cells were decent. Still wish it had TV, but unless I re-invented one myself I'd likely never have that luxury in Equestria.

Having assessed my temporary prison lodging, I lay back on the bed and went over what I would say to explain my situation. I knew that I had only attacked the mugger after being threatened at knife-point so my defense rested on that fact. Once Luna and Celestia found out I was here I'd likely be let out fairly promptly so it was just a matter of waiting. So here I sat and counted the seconds...

And here I still sat. A good ninety minutes had passed by my count since I was thrown in here and there was still no sign of the guards. The deadline for my return to the castle had likely come and gone by now so no doubt somepony was looking for me... right? I just kept sitting there and watching the minutes bleed away without any activity from outside my cell.

Finally after another twenty minutes or so I heard the iron door at the end of the hallway open and the telltale clip-clop of hooves on the stone beginning to approach my cell. A unicorn stallion guard came into view on the other side of the bars clearly disgruntled about something. He pulled out a key ring in his magic and unlocked my cell door before entering and addressing me.

"Sorry about the wait. Apparently some guest of the princesses went missing so they sent us looking all over the damn place for em," he said as he once again bound my wings and shackled my hooves preparing to escort me elsewhere.

"It's me they're looking for you know," I returned casually seeing if just outright claiming that I was the guest in question would get me anywhere.

The guard snorted and began chuckling a dumb grin now on his face. "Yeah bud, and I'm the Prench ambassador. To be fair the description they gave us was so vague that anypony could match it. Now let's get a move on, we're behind schedule thanks to all this nonsense."

I simply nodded in return seeing that I was likely getting nowhere with this guy. He proceeded to lead me from the cell and out the other end of the dungeon into another corridor. After a few twists and turns we ended up in what looked like a typical interrogation room. A large table sat in the center and a light overhead illuminated the room. A glass of water along with an unknown paper sat on one side of the table, a quill and ink placed beside it. The guard led me over to the table and had me sit down in front of the paper which appeared to be a form of some sort.

"Alright. Go ahead and fill out this form please. It's typical stuff like name, date of birth, address, emergency contacts, et cetera. After you're finished I'll take your verbal statement on the altercation and after the other fellow you were tussling with gives his we'll go from there," he explained motioning to the paperwork.

I did as he said painstakingly jotting down my information as neatly as I could with hoof-writing. Under the emergency contacts section I didn't really know what to write so I just put Luna and Celestia down. When I was finished I put the quill down and pushed the form across the table to the guard who picked it up and began to read it over. Almost immediately his face twisted into one of annoyance as he gave a sigh and glared back over at me.

"Seriously? If you don't want to cooperate with me then I can just toss you back in the cell until you feel like truthfully filling this out," he grumbled.

"All of that is truthful and accurate. Not my fault if you don't wish to believe me," I replied my face maintaining a neutral expression.

"Really? Vladeyemer Korzhaykove is your real name? You were born in the year 1993? And the princesses are your emergency contacts? Sorry idiot, but I wasn't born yesterday," he returned giving me an incredulous glare.

"Your fellow guards confiscated my ID when I was arrested. You will find that my name is correct. My year of birth is using my culture's calendar. And the princesses are my primary points of contact in Equestria. If you'd be so kind as to inform them of my situation I assure you they will be glad to help," I stated coolly not backing down from the challenge.

The guard now visibly angered stomped his hoof on the floor before raising his voice. "Listen bub! I don't have time for your shenanigans or lies. I'm going to fetch another form and you ARE going to fill it our correctly. Understood?!"

I didn't even get the chance to respond as the door burst open to reveal a panicked pegasus guard who was visibly sweating and haggard looking. He quickly looked around the room before his eyes met me and widened. He then began to seemingly hyperventilate as his fellow guard who had just been chastising me looked at him as if he'd grown a second head.

"Private what has gotten you so worked up?! I'm in the middle of something!" he barked.

The panicking pony managed to compose himself to address his superior. "Sergeant Torrent Sir, we just received a full description of the missing guest of the princesses..." he sputtered still nervously glancing at me.

"And? I don't see how this concerns me," Torrent snarked annoyance growing by the second.

"Sir, it matches him perfectly. Right down to the cutie mark," the private replied pointing at me.

The look on the sergeant's face was priceless to be honest. It was like his mind was completely snapped in half at that moment. He just ended up staring at me dumbfounded trying to process the information he had just been given. After a good thirty seconds of stunned silence he spoke up again in a quiet, almost whisper level voice.

"And... what did they say his name was?"

"It was really strange but they assured me it was correct. Vladimir Korzhakov," the private stated simply.

"....Ha. HA! Is this some sort of joke you and other privates are pulling Downdraft?!" Torrent half laughed half demanded.

"Sir I'm serious! We need to move Mr Korzhakov to the waiting room before the princesses arrive. That's a direct order from Captain Armor himself."

"I would listen to your friend there, he seems like he knows what he's saying," I interjected with a sly smile on my face.

"I DO NOT NEED YOUR INPUT!" Torrent screamed causing my ears to flatten against my skull.

"Okay, sorry..." I muttered.

At long last Torrent seemed to get that Downdraft wasn't joking around and stood up. "You better be right about this or I'll have you cleaning out cells for a month."

"I assure you sir, I am absolutely serious," Downdraft returned still visibly uncomfortable.

"C'mon then, let's get moving," Torrent grunted gesturing for me to follow him.

I got up and shambled my way towards the door careful to not tangle myself up in the chains attached to me. Torrent led the way back through the hallways with Downdraft following behind me. The tension in the air was so thick one could cut it with a knife but I couldn't give a damn. Luna and Celestia were finally aware of my predicament and were on their way to rectify the situation.

After backtracking through the dungeon and out the other end we arrived in a room that appeared quite out of place in the otherwise drab prison. The walls were still grey but a nice red carpet made up the floor and the lighting was bright and cheery. Several cushions and couches were scattered about with some potted plants and other decorations. A large coffee table sat near the center with magazines and books lying about. Refreshments were laid out on a table in the corner. It was a pleasant place that appeared to be for visitors so isn't surprising the princesses wanted to meet here instead of a
sad, dark interrogation room.

I found a nice cushion and plopped down with Torrent watching me closely and Downdraft twiddling nervously. We didn't have to wait very long as just five minutes later a pair of guards entered the room and stood off to either side of the doorway. Both guards sitting near me stood at attention as Celestia strolled in with a rather aggravated looking Luna following close behind. Celestia took stock of the room, her eyes lighting up in bemusement when she saw my chained and shackled form.

"At ease guards. While it is rather unfortunate that my sister and I's personal guest was arrested and missed his ceremony of honor I'm certain there is a reasonable explanation. Sergeant River Torrent correct? Would you mind providing Luna and I with the series of events that led to Mr. Korzhakov's arrest and imprisonment?" she began with her ever stoic manner.

"Of c-course your majesty," Torrent started clearly uneasy bringing out a paper with his magic and beginning to read from it, "At approximately fifteen-hundred hours an unknown civilian alerted the 136th guard platoon of a disturbance in a nearby alleyway. The alleyway was located approximately 500 meters from the city airport. A impromptu street performance was occurring nearby at the time of the incident. The civilian informed the 136th that two stallions were physically sparring and asked for guard intervention to break up the fight."

Celestia nodded to the first part of the story as Torrent continued describing the official account. I so wanted to speak up and tell my part of the story now but resigned to being patient and waiting for my turn to defend myself. The sergeant continued...

"Six guards arrived on scene within minutes. Mr Korzhakov was about to rend the other stallion who we have yet to identify unconscious before he was stopped by the guards. Both ponies were apprehended with the unidentified stallion resisting arrest and forcing the commanding sergeant to cast a sleep spell to avoid injury. Mr Korzhakov came peacefully and cooperated with all guard commands. Found at the scene were a saddlebag likely belonging to Mr Korzhakov and a dagger of unknown ownership," Torrent finished passing the report the the princesses should they want to review it.

"One question if I may? Why were neither Luna or I informed of Mr Korzhakov's presence in the dungeon until nearly two hours after his arrival?" Celestia asked.

"We were unaware of his status as your personal guest when he was brought in. The first descriptions we received of him were vague and contradictory. It wasn't until a more accurate description was provided that we were able to make the connection," Torrent replied not mentioning his idiocy in the interrogation room earlier.

"Thank you sergeant. In order for us to fully understand the situation we will need to identify and interview the other stallion involved. I will have you and Private Downdraft go collect him and get his information now. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance," Celestia commanded motioning to the door.

"Of course your highness, as you wish!" Torrent replied bowing before exiting the room with Downdraft in tow.

Celestia then turned to the two guards they had brought in and gave them a quick nod. Both guards saluted in return and exited the room closing the door behind them. I was now just the princesses and I in the room with all of us visibly relaxing. Luna still looked miffed but appeared to be slightly less so now that the guards had left.

"So Vlad, mind explaining to us how you managed to get yourself in a fight after barely a day in Canterlot?" Celestia asked seemingly more amused than angry.

"Yes, I would kindly like to know why I was rudely interrupted from my evening coffee to organize a search effort for you young stallion," Luna grumbled.

"I was attacked! That stallion tried to mug me so I fought him off!" I exclaimed.

"Attacked? Pray tell, why would anypony attack you?" Celestia asked a shocked look now on her face.

"Well... It was more I attacked him... But he threatened me with a knife first" I explained sheepishly rubbing my neck with a hoof.

"He was wielding the dagger? Why didn't you simply give him your money?! You could've been severely injured or even killed!" Luna yelled.

"I spent most of it earlier in the day, I barely had anything to give him. I was afraid that he would be angered by receiving essentially nothing and stab me or something," I replied calmly.

"So the first thing you try is to attack an armed pony?" Celestia questioned.

"It was the only thing I could think of. I was running on adrenaline. I won didn't I?" I returned.

"That is beside the point. You cannot continue to act so recklessly. I do not wish to have to oversee your funeral anytime soon," Celestia remarked grimly.

"I..." the words of protest died in my throat as Celestia's statement sunk in. Her words did have merit as little as I wanted to admit it. A uneasy silence gripped the room as I mulled over what she had said.

"I'm sorry," I said finally my head turned down, "I guess I've just never been the one to back down from a fight. It was the only way I could gain any respect growing up."

"You do not need to fight your battles alone anymore Vlad. You have friends who can help you. Please promise you will not throw your life away simply to gain respect," Celestia replied pity now adorning her face.

"I cannot promise that I won't put the lives of others over my own but I will not put myself in danger if there is another option," I relented hoping that they would accept the compromise.

"You are a noble pony Vlad. Your actions speak volumes about your willingness to rise to the occasion. Just remember that even the greatest of heroes need to ask for help from time to time. We are here for you, don't forget that," Luna states.

"Thanks Luna, and you too Celestia," I reply giving them a smile which they both returned.

"Back to the matter at hoof, why were you in an alleyway in the first place?" Celestia asked.

"Oh. I was trying to find a way around the street performance in the road. The mugger must of noticed me and followed me in," I answered.

"Still seems very strange that a pony would risk robbing you so close to a large gathering. Something about this doesn't sit right with me," Luna commented tapping a hoof to her chin in thought.

"Well our guards did capture the perpetrator. Perhaps they can get him to speak on the matter," Celestia surmised.

"I will go assist with the interrogation. I have my suspicions and this stallion may be able to confirm them," Luna declared rising to her hooves and beginning to walk towards the door.

"You don't mean...?" I asked surprise now evident on my face.

Luna paused at the doorway and peered back with a concerned look. "I'm afraid so. I fear this may be a calculated move by the organization my operatives have been monitoring. A mugging in broad daylight near a crowded street is not common occurrence nor a smart move. The pony we now hold in our custody was likely coerced into committing such an act. I must see what information I can pry from him."

"Be careful Luna. If he has truly been paid or forced to carry out such an act then he will likely fear reprisal for talking," Celestia stated.

"I am aware sister. But if I can get any useful clues out of him, then it may be a big first step towards bringing this criminal syndicate to justice," Luna replied firmly exiting the room and turning down the hallway.

"*Sigh* I'm afraid I must depart too then Vlad. If Luna insists on carrying out the proceedings herself then I will have to cover her duties for her until she is finished. I will have to ask you to remain here. As long as the mugger confesses to his crime you will be released upon the conclusion of the interrogation. Until then you will still be in guard custody. I apologize for the inconvenience," Celestia says standing up.

"No problem, I know how complicated the criminal justice system can be. Will somepony come fetch me when I'm free to go?" I asked.

"Luna should return when she has finished to collect you. There will two guards outside the room should you need anything. I bid you a good evening Vlad," Celestia answers before exiting the room.

I stroll over to a couch in the corner of the room and lay down. Today had been a nonstop whirlwind of craziness so it felt good to finally have a moment to relax. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it had just passed seven-thirty p.m., over four hours after I had been arrested.

As I lay there my thoughts turned to Luna's suspicions. If the mugger had truly been payed or blackmailed into going after me then I had a lot more to worry about. It clearly showed that even with the princess' protection, I was not immune to attacks from this shadow organization I had been warned about. I would have to be more careful to avoid isolating myself going forward as not to give any opportunity for an ambush.

I could only hope that the mugger would provide Luna with something useful so she could make progress on bringing the pony or ponies responsible to justice. I dwelled on this for only a short while as my mind became clouded and the gentle ticking of the clock slowly lulled me off to sleep...

I was startled awake by the door bursting open and a rather aggravated looking Luna stomping in. After composing myself I checked the wall clock again which now read nine-thirty. A whole two hours had passed while Luna was interrogating the mugger. I could only surmise that he had been uncooperative considering the mood the lunar princess was now in.

"That stubborn, ill mannered, moronic oaf! I have never seen a simple petty thief act this way!" she exclaims.

"What happened?" I inquired hopping off the coach and returned to my seat from earlier.

"Celestia was right about him not wishing to out those responsible for loosing him upon you. I tried every trick in the book to get him to give me something to work with but he only gave me roundabout answers or flat out refused to talk." Luna explained pressing a hoof to her head in frustration.

"Were you able to get anything from him at all?" I asked.

"Not much. He admitted to committing the crime and admitted to being payed to do so, but would not reveal by whom or why," she replied, "He would not even talk when I promised to commute the majority of his sentence. He would rather spend the time in prison than reveal anything about those who bribed him."

"He clearly fears whoever it was enough to openly choose jail time over confessing," I mused.

"Indeed. It certainly would seem our suspicions are correct even if we cannot prove them," Luna returned.

"So, what now?" I questioned.

"I will have to meet with my agents and see if they managed to find anything that would directly connect the organization to this crime. In the meantime, please be careful to avoid traveling alone or out of sight of other ponies. I will assign a guard to accompany you back to Ponyville," she replied.

"If that's what you feel is the best course of action then I'll do my best," I agreed.

"I understand this arrangement is probably not to your liking, but we must act with upmost caution. The organization's moves will likely grow bolder with time and we must be prepared to counteract them," she explained.

"I understand..." I reply solemnly wondering just how long I'll be forced to live in fear of being snatched up to carry out the misguided whims of this crazy shadow syndicate.

"The good news is that you've been officially released and are free to go. You will likely need to testify at the mugger's trial in a few weeks. I will have a letter sent to you to to inform you of the date and time when they are made available."

"Thanks Luna, I appreciate it," I say with a small smile of gratitude.

"Now I must take my leave. I will need to head to the throne room to allow my sister to retire for the evening. I will speak to you again soon," she returns before exiting the room.

Soon after her departure Corporal Starfall came to retrieve me and guide me back to my suite. She seemed rather amused at the events of my day as I described them during the long walk. Apparently my "disappearance" had thrown a bigger wrench into the events at the castle than I had previously thought. The nobility who had been present for the now postponed ceremony had become rather rowdy upon learning that I was a no-show. Some choice words and phrases had been uttered about me until it was learned that I had gone completely missing.

It was all good for a laugh in what had otherwise been an exhausting day. After ordering some dinner for myself from the kitchen we returned to my room. I learned that a second guard had been placed by my door as an extra security measure. He introduced himself as Private Willow Wind but didn't have much else to say when I tried to strike up a causal conversation.

After receiving and promptly wolfing down my late dinner I lay down on the bed and tried to get some sleep. It was easier said than done though as my thoughts kept me up long into the night. My mind jumped from fears of the future to reliving the fight from earlier. It seemed life wasn't going to stop throwing everything imaginable at me anytime soon. But I knew that I could push through as I had done before. Right?

I finally drifted off into the sweet embrace of sleep with newfound determination that I could face any challenge, especially with my friends by my side...

The next day was a bit of a whirlwind. The ceremony had been rescheduled for that evening and this time nopony was taking any chances. I wasn't allowed to leave the castle grounds at any point much to my chagrin. I was mostly kept holed up in my room and forced to entertain myself until it was time to get ready.

At five p.m. some crazy mare had burst into my suite insisting on helping me dress for the occasion. She had painstaking ironed out every wrinkle in my suit and styled my mane and tail for what felt like hours before releasing me from her clutches. I now found myself standing in the throne room waiting for the whole shindig to start. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I was practically trembling in anticipation as Celestia finished addressing her last petitioner for the day and motioned for me to stand to the side of her throne. I walked to the spot in question with wobbly hooves and took a deep breath. Luna joined us on my other side shortly afterward and gave me a reassuring smile before her sister cleared her throat. The nobles and other ponies in the room who had previously been milling about all quieted down and gave the princess their utmost attention.

"My little ponies. It is a wondrous occasion that we stand here today to honor another of our citizens who has shown great bravery in the face of danger. To put one's life in peril to save the lives of others is a quality that does not come to most. Even the Royal Guards who protect and serve this fair city and nation dedicate years of their lives to practicing this very skill. For an ordinary civilian to rise to the occasion when lives are at stake is a rare feat and one that we must honor in the hope of inspiring others to follow suit."

Celestia turned and gave me a warm smile before continuing. "We are gathered this evening to honor one Vladimir Korzhakov for his brave act that saved the lives of three ponies including a foal. Mr Korzhakov did not know these ponies, nor did he have any obligation to put himself at risk to rescue them. But they would likely not be with us today if not for his actions when it mattered most. It is with great pride that my sister and I present him with an award fitting his actions. Mr Korzhakov will you please stand in front of me."

I stepped forward and wheeled around so I was facing Celestia, bowing as I was told to prior to the ceremony. Luna brought out a beautifully decorated box with her magic and produced a equally ornate medallion from within. The medal was made from bright gold with an carving resembling the unity of the two sisters. Luna levitated it over to me and placed in neatly around my neck.

"By the sun..." Celestia began turning to her sister.

"The moon..." Luna returned

"And harmony of Equestria I present thee Vladimir Korzhakov with the Medal of the Diarchy. May you wear this honor with pride and continue to show bravery in the face of adversity. You may rise," Celestia finished.

I rose from my bow and turned to face the crowded throne room. The ponies present all began to stop their hooves in what seemed to be a practiced applause. I gave an uneasy smile as a reporter flashed my picture and I basked in the unwanted attention of the elite of the kingdom.

'Man this sucks, hopefully they have some good booze around here...'

Comments ( 3 )

"He was wielding the dagger? Why didn't you simply give him your money?! You could've been severely injured or even killed!" Luna yelled.

Hell No!, No sane person would ever give up their money it's called disarm the other person and incapacitate Them.

yay you and it alive!

No... it's called "your life isn't worth your pocket money". Avoid fighting as much as possible, only do so if absolutely needed.

A knife within 5ft/2mt is actually more dangerous than a gun to your health. A gun is designed to penetrate, or even go completely through the body. A knife is designed to rip and destroy the skin, making it harder to close and heal a wound made by it.

Don't fight muggers kids, give them what they want unless it's your life. Remember their faces and then report them to the police.

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