• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 1,632 Views, 28 Comments

The Noteworthy of the Bon-Bon - Duke of Canterlot

Bon-Bon becomes worried that her marefriend is cheating on her with a stallion.

  • ...

The Pinkie

Why talk to Lyra anyway, thought Bon-Bon. If Lyra was in love with Noteworthy, wouldn't it better just to let Lyra be with him? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?

Their relationship had gotten fucked up in just two days.

Bon-Bon paid all of the rent, so where would Lyra live? Oh right, live with Noteworthy.
The cream-colored earth pony sighed. Things seemed hopeless.

Bon-Bon couldn't stay away from her own apartment forever though. She had to talk to Lyra and figure out where things would go between them.

Plot Convenience really screwed things up in so many ways. Could Ponyville ever be the same again? Where was Pinkie Pie anyway?

Bon-Bon passed her apartment. She was tempted to walk past it, but where else was she going to sleep anyway?
She turned the doorknob. It was pitch black inside. Perhaps, Lyra didn't come home.
However, Bon-Bon could hear the crying. Lyra was most certainly home.

"Lyra", whispered Bon-Bon in the dark, "I forgive you. I just hope you can forgive me."
No response, only crying.

It was all that piece of shit, Noteworthy.. Bon-Bon was going to give him a piece of her mind.
She left the apartment.

Ponyville was a quaint village where ponies knew where everypony lived. This would be to Bon-Bon's advantage.
She was going to destroy Noteworthy - feeling the same sense of rage that Plot likely felt for Pinkie.
Bon-Bon kept her head up high. She didn't want to make her plans known to any pony.

She approached Noteworthy's apartment and knocked on the door angrily. Hmmm... he didn't seem to be home or was the little coward hiding. Bon-Bon hid behind a bush. Noteworthy would return and Bon-Bon would jump him for what he did to Lyra. She curled up and could feel the tears coming down her eyes. That little disgusting perv won't know what was coming.

Bon-Bon heard a bounce. It was a very familiar bounce. Could it be? Bon-Bon shook her head. It did sound like Pinkie Pie. However, it was probably a changeling pretending to be Pinkie - the best possibility being Cliché out of the hospital and the worst possibility being Plot's resurrection.

Bon-Bon heard the voice. It sounded like Pinkie.

"Oh hi, Noteworthy!!"

"Oh, hi.."

"Why are you not smiling?"

"I hurt a good friend of mine.. I don't know what I was thinking."

"You're such a sweetheart, Noteworthy. I am sure you didn't do anything too bad."

"I can't help it, Pinkie. I am in love."

"Oh, with Lyra, I know."

"I am so glad you're back, Pinkie."

"Me too. I am so sorry for turning Ponyville upside down by leaving."

"It's okay. You couldn't have known that Plot was looking to sabotage you."

"So, the changelings played a nasty trick on Lyra?"

"Yea.. they pretended to be Bon-Bon and Twilight. Lyra thought Bon-Bon was cheating on her... and.. I was there and.. we..."

"Did Lyra like it?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does."

"I saw it in her eyes. She was thrilled. I don't know why either. I am such a loser compared to Bon-Bon."

"You're both great ponies. You know that if Bon-Bon finds out... well, I wouldn't want to be the pony who double-crossed her, let's put it that way."

Bon-Bon smiled to herself. That's right. She was more clever and tougher than most ponies... she could completely destroy Noteworthy if she wanted to.

"I am sorry for being so damn selfish.. I never wanted to hurt Bon-Bon.. I never did.. it was just that I filled that void while Bon-Bon was out at work."

At work making a high salary that the musical slacker, Noteworthy, could never make.

"Oh, Notie", said Pinkie, "I know, it's hard, but perhaps you should let Lyra go. Assuming that Bon-Bon stays with Lyra."

"Bon-Bon might get so angry when she finds out that she dumps Lyra."

"I bet you wish that, huh?"

"I know what I saw, Pinkie. She may love Bon-Bon, but I think she loves me too."

"My bet is that you just confused the poor girl and made things super duper awkward."

"You're always so optimistic, why not now?"

"I am being optimistic. You see.. some relationships are meant to be. It's like.. er... take Carrot Cake and Cup Cake for example. They both love baking and each other.. the Cakes are soulmates. That relationship is meant to be. It is the same with Bon-Bon and Lyra. They are meant to be. I know it. I am sure your special somepony is somewhere, Noteworthy, but I don't think it's Lyra."

"Bon-Bon thinks that Lyra is stupid, scatterbrained, and impractical. I don't think those things about her at all."

"I doubt Bon-Bon thinks those things."

"I can just see it."


"She is always so dismissive of Lyra's ideas, not willing to use her imagination to share with Lyra. It makes Lyra sad.. I don't do that to her though."

"Oh, Notie", said Pinkie while laughing, "don't you get it? That's part of what makes them soulmates. Lyra makes Bon-Bon's life exciting and Bon-Bon keeps Lyra down-to-earth. Relationships aren't 100% happiness, but you can't forget all the good times between the two of them. Ever since they were little fillies, they have been inseparable. Lyra and Bon-Bon did everything together! You couldn't have one without the other - kind of like cupcakes and sprinkles."

Bon-Bon felt like crying. She couldn't do it. She couldn't hurt Noteworthy. Noteworthy and Bon-Bon weren't so different. They both were in love with Lyra. Bon-Bon had been the winner for so long... but now... was it time for Noteworthy to be with Lyra? Were those two meant to be together? Bon-Bon loved Lyra, but Noteworthy seemed to view Lyra as this infallible goddess from the heavens. Despite what Pinkie said, maybe Bon-Bon should let Lyra go if she was in love with Noteworthy.

Noteworthy sighed, "I guess you're right. I was being far too selfish. I just hope Lyra isn't angry with me."

"And Bon-Bon?"

"Yes, and Bon-Bon."

Bon-Bon slowly got up from the bush and said quietly, "I can't be angry with you, Noteworthy. Perhaps, you deserve Lyra more than me."

Noteworthy didn't have a goofy grin like Bon-Bon expected and simply looked at her with sympathy.

"Bon-Bon", began Pinkie, "I am so so so so so sorry for leaving Ponyville like I did.. I didn't know that Plot was going to be duper nasty like that. I really didn't.. oh, I heard about how you were locked in the basement."

"It's okay", said Bon-Bon, "you have no reason to apologize. Plot was a plotter."

Pinkie shook her head, disapproving of Bon-Bon's pun.

"I.. uh...", began Noteworthy, "I... think you deserve Lyra much more than I do... I couldn't even think about her best interests... I just wanted to be with her and that was it.."

"You and I have something important in common, a love for Lyra", said Bon-Bon with a smile.

"Ooh", said Pinkie, "now only if affairs could end on that happy note more often!"

"Noteworthy, you and Lyra both thought I was a good-for-nothing cheat. I think I understand why what happened.. it just makes me sad that......"

Bon-Bon paused but neither Pinkie nor Noteworthy chimed in.

".... I do think Lyra has fallen in love with you too."

Bon-Bon didn't know what was going on inside Noteworthy's head. He was perhaps closer to getting Lyra than he ever was before, why wasn't he grinning like a doofus? Perhaps, the stallion was more decent than Bon-Bon would have liked to admit. Bon-Bon was awful at hiding the hurt she was feeling. She began to cry. Pinkie put her arm around Bon-Bon.

"Everything is going to be okay", whispered Pinkie, "let's take you back home."

"But..but..Lyra is there and she was crying.."

"Like I said", responded Pinkie, "everything is going to be okay."

Bon-Bon smiled. This was definitely the real Pinkie Pie.

The three ponies trotted slowly to Bon-Bon's apartment. Ponyville had suffered from too much heartache. It all needed to end.
Pinkie had a look of determination. She wanted to keep Bon-Bon's relationship with Lyra strong, this made Bon-Bon happy.. Pinkie always had that magic in knowing what any pony needed or wanted. That was the trait Plot lacked and what made her so unlike Pinkie even though Plot looked exactly like Pinkie and acted like her in a superficial manner.

When they arrived, Lyra was neither heard nor seen.
Bon-Bon noticed a neatly written letter on the floor.
She began to read it.

Dear Bon-Bon, my love,
I am moving away from Ponyville.
I have hurt you in the worst way possible.
I am a fool. The truth of the matter is that I love you and Noteworthy.
You both are ponies I love dearly. I can't choose between you two.
That makes me realize how bad of a mare I am.
I should be choosing you and only you, but I can't... I am sorry, Bon-Bon.
The heart is a strange thing.
I am a monster: a selfish and greedy monster whose judgment is easily shrouded by lust.
I must go. I hope I can have the strength to return to Ponyville someday, but for now I just need to be alone.



Bon-Bon never felt so lost in her life. Lyra was gone and left no trace of where she was hiding.
She looked behind and saw that both Noteworthy and Pinkie were tearing up.
What was Lyra doing with herself and where would she go?
Bon-Bon needed to find Lyra and help her!

Author's Note:

I hope you're all liking the story!