• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 1,636 Views, 28 Comments

The Noteworthy of the Bon-Bon - Duke of Canterlot

Bon-Bon becomes worried that her marefriend is cheating on her with a stallion.

  • ...

The Revelation

Bon-Bon and Twilight watched the two changelings interact with Rainbow Dash from their hiding spot.

"Twilight", groaned Rainbow Dash, "we already tried talking to Pinkie Pie but she doesn't listen to us!"

"Pinkie is probably going through some deep personal problems and we don't want to be too harsh with her."

"Nopie nope nope", said Plot with a grin, "not me, I'm just being myself - Pinkie Pie! Who wants a party? Just as long as it's not in that icky Sugarcube Corner, ugh!"

"You love Sugarcube Corner, what happened?"

"I quit living there. Now I live in the outside with all the animals, whee!!!"

"See what I mean", said Rainbow Dash to 'Twilight', "this doesn't seem like Pinkie Pie at all."

"We should probably strike soon", whispered Bon-Bon to Twilight.

"I know", whispered Twilight back, "this is painful to watch."

"Now is probably the best time."

"Okay.. three... two... one."

Bon-Bon pounced out from behind and tackled Plot and Twilight tackled Cliché.

"Stop, you changeling scum", growled Bon-Bon.

"This is what you get for impersonating me", said Twilight punching Cliché in the face.

"What's going on here", asked Rainbow Dash clearly confused, "two Twilights? I think I know who the real one is."

"Which one", asked Cliché.

"The one that just punched you in the face", responded Rainbow with a grin, "so, this Pinkie Pie is a changeling?"

"N-n-n-n-no", responded Plot, "I'm not a changeling, I'm Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash, you know me, right? How can I be one of those changie-lingies."

"You have been acting awfully out of character", responded Rainbow, "this explains a lot actually."

"How the hell", said Plot, "hmmmmmmm, I think I know what happened here."

Plot suddenly slammed Cliché into a tree and snarled, "I should have known you would betray me. I should have fucking known."

"Huh", said Cliché, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You were supposed to be in Bon-Bon's apartment as Lyra making Bon-Bon's life a living hell.. not prancing around as Twilight."

"I thought we were friends", said Bon-Bon with a smirk.

"We weren't friends since you fucked me over.. you should have let me be as Pinkie Pie. However, the damage has already been done", said Plot while keeping Cliché pinned to the tree.

"Your plan has already been foiled", said Twilight, "too many ponies know about your ploy."

"Not if I kill all four of you", said Plot while staring at Cliché.

Rainbow laughed hysterically and said, "I would like to see you try, chump."

"You dare underestimate me", growled Plot, "I was #1 in my class - Queen Chrysalis' star student. Kind of like how Twilight is to Princess Celestia. As the #1 changeling, I can transform into anything.. get ready to die, bitches."

Bon-Bon gasped as Plot transformed from Pinkie Pie into a gigantic stone dragon. She grew into a tremendous size and was as big as a house.

"Try to beat this", said Plot, "the stones are impervious to magic. It is simple. The four of you die in a freak accident with a giant dragon and Pinkie Pie's reputation is still destroyed. You fools.. two of the elements of harmony shall die today, a pervy changeling, and some loser background pony no one gives a flying fuck about, you think that you could stop me. Well, you are wrong."

"Shut your trap", shouted Rainbow Dash.
She flew right into Plot but she caught Rainbow by her wing and threw her onto the ground.

"Owww.. I think my wing is broken", moaned Rainbow Dash.

"As foolish as I expected", said Plot, "trying to play hero, but you cannot beat a pony as powerful and genius-esque as me."

"You're a goddamn psycho", shouted Cliché.

"Why don't you turn into a giant stone dragon and fight me? Oh wait, you are not a good enough changeling to do that. Only the most elite of changelings can change size."

Plot took a swipe at Cliché with her tail, catapulting him at least 20 yards.

Bon-Bon could see a glow from far away. She knew that meant Cliché had transformed back into his changeling self.

"Twilight, you take care of Rainbow Dash", said Bon-Bon, "I want to check on Cliché."

"Ho ho ho", chuckled Plot, "I suppose it is good that I am breaking you and Lyra up. You and Cliché can live happily together dead."

Bon-Bon spat at Plot and rushed to Cliché. He was knocked unconscious but was still breathing. He wasn't dead.

"Oh no", said Bon-Bon sadly, "we need to take Cliché to the hospital."

"Fat chance", said Plot, "I am going to crush him like the bug he is." Plot walked slowly over to Cliché ready to stomp him for dead. As a stone dragon, Plot was conveniently sluggish. Plot finally made it towards Bon-Bon and Cliché.

"How cute", cooed Plot, "I will kill two losers at the same time, mwaa ha ha ha ha ha!! It was nice knowing you both, but too bad you could not be as awesome as me, Plot Convenience, the most powerful changeling in all of..."

Suddenly, Bon-Bon could hear a growl and a scream from Plot.

Seamore was right on Plot's snout and slapping her silly with his flippers. Plot tried to use her arms to get Seamore off but she was too slow despite her power. Seamore jumped from Plot's snout onto her head. Suddenly, Seamore pulled out a sword, jumped up in the air, and drove the sword right into Plot's skull.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH", moaned Plot, "NOT LIKE THIS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" The giant stone dragon changed back into the changeling. Seamore, still holding the sword, slashed Plot's throat. And Plot was dead, just like that.

"Seamore" shouted Bon-Bon with glee.

Seamore waddled over to Bon-Bon to hug her.

"How did you do that? Where was the sword from?"

Seamore chuckled.

"Seamore, I need your help with bringing Cliché here to the hospital."

"Same thing with Rainbow Dash", added Twilight.

"Woah", said Rainbow Dash with a smile, "that was totally awesome, Seamore! Where did you learn how to do that?"

"Fluttershy", responded Twilight.

"I never knew that Flutters could do that.. but um... I think it's time for me to go to the hospital. oww..."

They arrived at the hospital.

Bon-Bon was worried about Cliché. He was a hero alright.
Not quite as badass as Seamore, but Cliché has a good heart.

Cliché still hadn't woken up. Bon-Bon never thought she would be so emotionally invested in a changeling.

"Hey, Bon-Bon."


"Lyra, it feels like forever", said Bon-Bon giving Lyra a big hug.

"I heard about everything", said Lyra, "oh my gosh, I feel so awful."
Lyra broke down into tears.

"Everything is going to be okay, Lyra." Bon-Bon hoped that Cliché would make it. Plot intended for Cliché to die.

"Is that the changeling", asked Lyra.

"It's the good changeling", responded Bon-Bon, "he helped save us."

"The bad changeling is dead, right?"

"Yes, she is dead. Where did Seamore get a sword?"

"He must have brought it with him."

"Yes. Poor Cliché."

"That's his name?"

"It's a changeling sort of name."

"Oh, Bon-Bon. I am so sorry, so sorry."

"What do you have to be sorry about?"

"I...I...kind of overreacted.... when I saw the changeling Bon-Bon and the changeling Twilight kissing in the middle of Ponyville like that, I was so mad. Noteworthy was there to comfort me when you weren't... and we.... oh my gosh... it just happened, I'm so sorry, Bon-Bon."

"Lyra", said Bon-Bon angrily, "you should have known that Noteworthy was trying to fuck you and not be a supportive friend or anything like that."

"Can't a pony want to do both for someone else? What about you, Bon-Bon? Or do you just care about the sex? That's what Noteworthy was trying to tell me."

"Noteworthy would have said anything to get in bed with you and away from me."

"I have another confession to make. Do you want to know how Seamore got the sword?"

"I knew you knew."

"It was Noteworthy. When we found out that there was a giant stone dragon rampaging through Ponyville and you were in trouble. Noteworthy took one of his collection swords. He was too scared to use it himself, but he found an eager fighter in Seamore."

Bon-Bon laughed. Noteworthy was too much of a pussy to fight himself, but at least he was able to find someone who could.

"This doesn't mean Noteworthy cares about me."

"It does mean that Noteworthy knows I care about you. When we found out you were in danger, I was so distraught. Then I heard the word changeling and I realized that I was wrong about you and Twilight.. it was the changelings putting on a show. I am so stupid, Bon-Bon. I should have put it all together when you didn't come back after following that out-of-character Pinkie Pie. Where is Pinkie anyway?"

"She is apparently on vacation. That's what Plot said."

"You believe that?"

"I don't know what to believe. Maybe Cliché can tell us the whole truth once he returns to consciousness."

"Cliché played a role in the dirty work. Can you trust him?"

"He's a guy. Plot sucked his dick and he went along with her."

Lyra chuckled.

"He made me kiss him to help", added Bon-Bon.

"At this point, I guess Cliché has no good reason to stay loyal to Plot and all the reasons to be loyal to you. He's probably a much better match for you than me."

"Nonsense", said Bon-Bon, "you thought I was trashing our relationship and that's the only reason why you slept with Noteworthy."

"Yes, it was but...oh, Celestia, why does love have to be so hard?"

Bon-Bon looked at Lyra with a sad look. Bon-Bon's fears were confirmed. Lyra had feelings for Noteworthy.

"I better check up on Cliché."

"I am sorry, Bon-Bon. I really am. You know I love you."

"Yes, but clearly you love Noteworthy too. Lyra, you can't have both of us. I don't want to force a decision upon you, but you either only have me or you don't have me at all."

"I guess.. I will see you back at the apartment."

"Yes.. I will."

Lyra left the hospital room. Bon-Bon could hear Lyra's crying.
She wanted to hate Plot for causing this trouble, but as Bon-Bon suspected the trouble had already begun some time ago.

Bon-Bon walked over to Cliché's hospital bed. She could see one of his arms move. He was waking up!

"Cliché", whispered Bon-Bon.

"Bon-Bon", croaked Cliché, "I am surprised to see you here - after all the trouble I put you through."

Cliché was going to be alright.

"Where's Plot", asked Cliché.

"Plot died in battle."

"Oh praise the Queen, Plot won't be causing any more trouble for the Changeling hive or Ponyville."

"Just remember, Cliché", said Bon-Bon, "if some chick sucks on your genitals willingly, it often means she wants something from you."

Cliché sighed and said, "I know, I just wish someone out there could love me.. look at me, I am hideous even by changeling standards."

"Don't say that, Cliché. You'll find that special someone. I know you will. You are a kind changeling and you did the right thing."

"I just feel so bad. How is Lyra?"

"She is a little shocked by all of this. It also turned out that Lyra reacted to seeing you and Plot making out by sleeping with Noteworthy."

"Oh no."

"I can't blame her for that... but what bothers me is...."

"What is it that bothers you?"

Bon-Bon began to cry.

"What bothers me is that I know for certain that Lyra has feelings for Noteworthy too. I don't know what to do. I should have been a better marefriend to Lyra and none of this would have happened."

"I am sorry. If I could take all the things I did back, I would. You know that, right?"

"I know so, Cliché. I absolutely know so."

Bon-Bon and Cliché stared at each other.

"Bon-Bon, you should go talk to Lyra."

"I..I..am scared.. what if it turns out she doesn't love me at all?"

"Have that heart-to-heart talk with Lyra, I promise you will be okay and you will feel better no matter what happens."

"But Cliché, what about you?"

"Me? I will be fine. I've been through a lot worse. I can tell you some interesting stories sometime, but for now... go to Lyra!! She needs you."

Thank you, Cliché. It means a lot that you have faith in me."

Bon-Bon kissed Cliché on the forehead and headed to her apartment. Hopefully, Lyra would be there.