• Published 23rd Mar 2014
  • 1,636 Views, 28 Comments

The Noteworthy of the Bon-Bon - Duke of Canterlot

Bon-Bon becomes worried that her marefriend is cheating on her with a stallion.

  • ...

The Cliché

"I don't know", said the changeling with a smarmy smile.

Bon-Bon was pissed at the changeling. She wanted to kill him right there and then.

"You better tell me where Lyra is or I will fucking kill you", growled Bon-Bon.

"A little harsh, don't you think."
This bastard was treating all of this like it was a goddamn game.

"At least tell me, is Lyra OK?"

"How can I know that answer when I don't know where she is."

That was it.
Bon-Bon grabbed the changeling by the neck and snarled, "I want answers."
The look of confidence on the changeling's face instantly evaporated. He wasn't expecting Bon-Bon to do that.

"Chill out, lady", said the changeling nervously, "I..uh..seriously..um...I can't or Plot Convenience is going to kill me instead."

Bon-Bon sighed and said, "I'm not actually going to kill you. It's just that as I am sure Plot told you, Lyra is a pony very important to me. I have also met Plot and she strikes me as the kind of changeling eager to cause harm to other ponies."

"I regret not listening to my fellow changelings", whined the changeling, "they kept telling me, 'hey bro, she's a crazy psycho bitch', but she gave me the most awesome bj and I thought that was good enough for me. She wouldn't get me in any trouble."

Hmmm, so the changelings don't think highly of Plot either.

"I was right about you", said Bon-Bon with a smile.


"When Twilight and I figured out there was another changeling involved, I was pretty sure that the only way a changeling would follow Plot is if she sucked his dick. So.. does this mean you can help us?"

"Yes, I am considering it. I need something from you, Bon-Bon, to know that you are worthy of my trust."

"What is that?"

"I want you to kiss me."

"Umm, okay.. transform back to Lyra and I can.."

"No! I must know that you can kiss me in my real form."

"But... I am a pony and you are a changeling."

"And I am always a changeling, looking like Lyra won't change that. I need this kiss from you and I will tell you everything you need to know."

Twilight laughed out loud.

"Isn't there another way?"

"I don't think you understand your situation fully", said the changeling, "I want out of this shindig with Plot, but that doesn't guarantee I will join forces with you. This little thing will help me decide whether I want to or not."

"I'm a bad kisser."

"I know that's a lie", said the changeling with a smile.

Huh? Oh... did he.. ewwwww... seriously. She probably had kissed him at some point in the past. Fucking pervert.. but it was this perv who had the tools to save Ponyville.

"It's okay if you don't trust him", whispered Twilight, "there's always another way."

"I shall do it", whispered Bon-Bon back, "we can kick his ass if he tries to pull a trick on us."

"Ready for your kiss", asked Bon-Bon to the changeling.

"Of course."

Bon-Bon walked over to the changeling and looked him in the eye. He was an ugly creature. All the changelings were ugly. In this look-obsessed pony world, it was practically how the changelings survived living on this planet. Bon-Bon felt bad for him. He didn't choose to be born a changeling.

Bon-Bon moved her lips towards the changeling's lips. He wrapped his arms around Bon-Bon and the two engaged in a tongue to tongue kiss. The changeling's tongue felt slimy and wet, much more slime than a pony's tongue. Bon-Bon felt grossed out. However, for better or worse, the changeling seemed pleased with Bon-Bon. He held Bon-Bon tightly with his bug-like arms. Bon-Bon couldn't get out of it even if she tried.

After some time, the kiss finally ended.

"Thank you", said the changeling with tears in his eyes, "you don't know how much that meant to me."

"It was interesting."

"It's okay that you didn't like it", said the changeling, "as promised, I can help you with everything."

"Where's Lyra?"

"I should have known that would be your first question. She is out with Noteworthy."

"Out with Noteworthy?", unfortunately, Bon-Bon wasn't too surprised.

"Yes... Plot told me to wait out by your apartment until Lyra was gone. I saw her leave with Noteworthy."

"Do you know where they went?"

"Lyra was sad because she saw you and Twilight kissing over by Sugarcube Corner. Noteworthy invited Lyra to his place."

"So you changeling fucks actually are trying to ruin our relationship now."

"Plot was pissed you wouldn't go through with her plan. She decided to plant some seeds to break you two up."

"I'm going to destroy that bitch."

"After that kiss", said the changeling with a grin, "I will help you destroy her."

"How many other changelings are with you and Plot?"

"It's only the two of us. I know.. it makes things tougher.. but nobody likes Plot."

If he was telling the truth, Bon-Bon had the advantage.

"What's your name by the way?"


"Cliché, I want to know exactly what roles you and Plot have had so far."

"When the project officially started, I left the Changeling Hive to join Plot in Ponyville. I was told to sit tight in Sugarcube Corner and that I would probably take on Twilight's form. Plot trotted around town as Pinkie Pie, who went on vacation. Plot captured Twilight and I took her form. It was supposed to be that simple. Pinkie's reputation would be destroyed and there were no ponies around who could detect changelings. You and Plot both made things more complicated. You got too damn nosy and Plot thought she could get you aboard. That's why Plot even told you who she was in the first place. When that didn't work out, it became a "Let's break up Bon-Bon and Lyra" game too. Plot grabbed me as "Bon-Bon" and forcibly kissed me in front of Lyra. The next part of the plan was to drive you out of Ponyville by having me as Lyra break up with you and hate you. "

"But.. what if Lyra actually does hate me now? You said that she actually saw you two kiss and now she is with Noteworthy..."

"I promise to fix that up for you. I will apologize personally to Lyra for what I did."

"Thank you... but what if she... decides... she likes Noteworthy better than me."

"Noteworthy has a weakness."

"What is that?"

"I know for the fact that he is poorly endowed."

"That sort of stuff matters less to Lyra than you might think... she looks for what is on the 'inside' and Noteworthy seems like a really sweet guy to her and I must seem like a rotten bitch."

Cliché looked at Bon-Bon with a sad look and said, "Like I said, I will do anything I can to keep it Lyra/Bon-Bon rather than Lyra/Noteworthy. Plot would have probably been the better changeling to deal with.. she would have killed Noteworthy for you... but I can't do that. I don't have the guts to kill someone else."

"Don't think of it like that, Cliché. You're too good of a changeling to kill somebody else. No matter what happens, I appreciate your desire to help. You have already helped us a lot. So, there is only Plot."

"Yes and at this point of time, she is going to keep on as Pinkie Pie. Plot's primary goal is to completely shatter the pink pony's reputation. It has already worked among the Elements of Harmony. "Twilight" is her only friend of the group now. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the first to break ties with Pinkie. They noticed differences in her behavior and of course.. Plot as Pinkie has shown no signs of remorse. Rarity was fed up with Pinkie after all the times Pinkie made Fluttershy cry. Fluttershy is too kind to be outright mean to Pinkie, but she has given her the silent treatment. Plot is pleased about what she has done."

"Why is Plot doing this?"

"I have no clue."

"I suppose it doesn't matter. We are going to beat the shit out of that bug."

"We're more pony than bug."

"So, what's the plan?"

"I was thinking that I would return to Plot in the form of Twilight, then you and the real Twilight would ambush both of us.. revealing what we really are.. scum of Equestria."

Cliché said "scum of Equestria" with a sad tone. Bon-Bon knew that he wished changelings were given more respect. That was perhaps the main reason why ponies had so many problems with them. It probably was the prime motivator of Plot's hatred for ponies.
It did seem like a good plan if Cliché was truly on their side. Cliché offered to go undercover for Bon-Bon, but what if Cliché was just going undercover for Plot? It was something for which Bon-Bon needed to be prepared.

"Seems good to me. I just hope Plot doesn't see that coming."

"You guys would need to come in quickly."

Cliché transformed into Twilight and said, "Stay close behind but out of sight."

Bon-Bon and Twilight followed Cliché outside.


"Hey everypony, if Pinkie is talking crap about Sugarcube Corner, she is lying. Pinkie, for whatever reason, is content on spreading misery to Ponyville. Don't trust a word she says", said Rainbow Dash in response.


"Don't make me beat you up", said Rainbow, "you are acting far too different than your normal self. Pinks, why are you doing all of this? Was it something we did to you?"

"Relax", said Cliché, "I am sure we can resolve things through a nice little chat. Right, Pinkie Pie."

"I am just being my normal self", responded Plot, "resolving things will involve changing my identity. That doesn't seem very nice, Twilight."

"I don't understand myself why ponies are so mad at you, but that seems to be the case."

"Ponies are just being cranky pantsy! I am best pony and everypony knows that!!"

Bon-Bon and Twilight hid behind a large tree. It was almost time to strike.