• Published 17th Mar 2014
  • 3,530 Views, 221 Comments

The Abduction of Luna - 97xxfastbike

Luna is abducted from the Palace by four ponies hoping to exchange her for a large ransom.

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Who Art Thou?

She looked like a medusa, or maybe a kraken as the various straps with their runes aglow in violet, slithered past and against each other like tentacles. One by one, each rune embossed restraint undid itself or assisted its neighbor until all were undone and waving in the air like spellbound cobras. With their silver runes blazing, her iron chains also unclasped themselves and lay stretched out, prostrate in obeisance under the mighty Princess of the Moon. Luna’s horn, and indeed she herself looked as black as her night sky, highlighted indigo by her mane waving in those ever-present enchanted currents.

Tiara tore her eyes away, looking for the pony responsible for releasing Luna, but there was nopony else in the cave besides her and her team. She faced forward again when she heard the sound of thick straps slap against the floor and lost the ability to breathe. For Princess Luna was no longer in the cave, but instead, she found herself staring into the reptilian eyes of the Nightmare.

Tiara blinked, and the terrible vision of the Nightmare was gone, replaced by the beautiful and regal Princess of the Moon, unbound, unsmiling, and unamused. And even though she was without her royal garb, she was clothed in power.

“Silver, Run!” -Millstone scrambled to his hooves- “I’ll distract her!”

“No!” Tiara yelled, levitating him off the floor and holding him in place. “If you had surprise, ten-times our number, and she was still in her bonds, you might’ve had a chance, but not now!” Tiara glanced back at Luna, standing as still as death in the center of the glowing violet null orbs. Tiara felt her magic failing again.

“Prostrate yourselves, now!” Tiara ordered somewhat needlessly, as most of them were still on their bellies. “Princess Luna, please let them go,” she begged, sounding as weak and hopeless as she felt, “it’s me you want. I’m the ringleader.” She looked over at Millstone and met his eyes, letting her unblinking gaze linger as though she knew that she was seeing him for the last time and wanted to imprint the memory.

“I'm the one who talked them all into joining my rebellion.” She faced Luna again, but her eyes never rose to meet her sovereign. “We are all your loyal cit-” Tiara caught herself too late, grimaced, and then swallowed. “We are all your humble subjects.” She corrected herself, bowed her head to the cold stone floor, and awaited Luna’s judgment.

“We are undecided,” Luna finally spoke after what seemed to be a lengthy pause, “whether we should be amused or offended by thy appeal. Doth thou believe that thee alone can balance the scales of justice? Nay! Most assuredly, all present shall answer to the court for the crimes committed.”

Luna stepped up to where Tiara laid. “But we are not inflexible. Indeed, we have seen that most have suffered an injustice prior to joining this rebellion. We say to the stallions, go and set thine affairs in order on thine own recognizance. We shall accept thy word that thee will all return on the morn of the fourth day if thee will all give it."

Thunder spoke first, “I give you my word, Princess.”

With his brow deeply furrowed and his ears akimbo, Millstone looked over to Tiara for help and she nodded. “Yes, Princess, you have my word.” He answered at last.

Brass looked like he was stuck.

“Brass Hammer, what is thy answer?” Luna startled everypony in the cave but the one she had specifically addressed.

“I beg your pardon, Princess, but I hesitate only because I cannot take care of my affairs in the time you have so generously offered, unless I am provided with a Palace chariot and the pegasi to fly it.”

“In sooth, thou art most bold!” Luna laughed angrily.

"I know I have no right to ask, I know I am trying your patience," Brass hurried to explain, "but I live in the hill country on the east coast, and I ask not for myself, but for the one who waits for me."

Luna grew silent.

Brass swallowed, "My trip was delayed once before and I do not want to break my word to you Princess, nor my promise I made to her. Even though I must break her heart. I believe I would rather have you deny my request."

"I did see thy dream," Luna said softly, "is it true that you are the unrewarded hero of the mountain pass avalanche?"

“Yes, Princess.”

“Then we shall provide thee with all that thee ask, for thee art not yet convicted, but thee art a hero. Stand here." Luna directed him to the place where she had spent all her time chained in the cave. "You will return with me to the Palace.”

“Now for thee.” Luna tapped her hoof in front of Tiara. “I command thee to stand.”

Tiara gulped and rose, bringing her head up last. “I am your humble servant, Princess.” She said, and dipped her head.

“For three years I have been trying to pry a confession from you. Now, I am going to confess something to you. I want the truth. I have always only wanted the truth. And you have always insisted that you have told me the truth. I will ask you this only one more time, and whatever you answer I will accept as the truth. Who art thou?”

Tiara’s heart should have been leaping for joy. After all, this was it. Once more, and all the questions cease. She can finally walk away from what she had done in the past, pay for what she has done here in the present, and live her life free of it all in the future. “My name is Sss—Ssss—Ssiil—

Incredulously, Tiara stammered. Of all the hundreds if not thousands of times she had repeated that name – that lie – without a stumble or a hitch, she found herself unable to lie just one more time. Even though she knew that just on the other side of this lie lay her eventual freedom.

She looked up and into Luna’s eyes. This time, she could not see any of the abusive monarch. Now, all she could see was a mare who was desperate for closure. "How did you know?"

Luna didn't react. "Who art thou?" She repeated.

She pried her gaze away from Luna and looked once more at Millstone, his honest, trusting face showed a bit of befuddlement as he stared at her and tried to find a reason for her struggle. The only reason he was here was to support her, and she doesn’t deserve him.

“Look at me,” Luna whispered heavily with emotion, “I only want to know the truth. Who art thou?”

Tiara took a deep breath. It was time for all the lies to end. “My name is Tiara,” She said painfully through the lump in her throat and she saw utter confusion roll over Millstone’s face at her admission. Tearing her eyes away, she faced Luna once more. “My name is Tiara Dreams.”

Sighing with relief, Luna closed her eyes and nodded slowly. “Tiara Dreams, thank you for telling me your name.” Opening eyes now wet and brimming with tears, Luna looked straight into Tiara’s equally wet gaze. “Will you now tell me where Silver Chalice is?”

Tiara felt her body convulse. “She’s at my old house, buried in my backyard. I killed her.”