• Published 17th Mar 2014
  • 3,530 Views, 221 Comments

The Abduction of Luna - 97xxfastbike

Luna is abducted from the Palace by four ponies hoping to exchange her for a large ransom.

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Mechanically, Princess Celestia took another nibble on her lightly buttered toast and after a round of needless chewing for such a tiny bite, she washed it down with a swallow of weak tea steeped with a generous slice of ginger. Sitting off to her side, her personal assistant, Raven Inkwell, a cream colored unicorn with a dark chocolate mane and tail done up professionally in tight buns, watched her closely through her thick spectacles and nervously chewed her lower lip.

“Princess, perhaps you would care for some fruit preserves on your toast? Or maybe a small coffee cake?” She offered hopefully.

Lowering the toast back to her plate, Celestia shook her head. “No, Raven. I’m doing all I can to eat what I have.”

It was true. For at least a decade after she had been forced to banish Nightmare Moon - her younger sister and her only family - she had struggled to keep her weight up to healthy minimums. However, even at her worst back then, she didn’t feel like her stomach was twisted up in knots to the degree like it was at that very moment. Every bit of reasoning she had couldn’t calm her nerves or settle her stomach. She may have evidence every evening that her sister was in command of her situation, but the fact that Luna had forbid her from interfering with her abduction had somehow made this separation worse. Before, she was unable to reach her sister, but now she had to restrain herself from reaching out to her sister. That small difference was tearing her apart.

Raven shuffled through her paperwork again, rechecking the day's itinerary that she could probably recite from memory. It was mindless activity to fill the void. With a sigh, she set her clipboard down and looked directly at Celestia. “Permission to speak freely, Princess?” At her nod, she continued. “I believe you are being foolish,” she stated with conviction, “I’m certain that Princess Luna had no idea you would suffer so much in her absence. Furthermore, I’m also certain that she would want you to relieve this horrible stress you feel.”

Celestia waved her hoof. “I have already considered that argument and I have rejected it. One of the major issues that caused the schism between my sister and I was that I had never allowed Luna the autonomy rightfully due her station. I never allowed her to be a Princess unto herself. Well, I have learned that lesson. And now, despite the pain I feel, I will allow her to be her own Princess and I will not intervene. Unless she specifically asks for me.”

“But Princess-”

“No. This subject is closed.”

“But perhaps-”

“I said enough!” Celestia snapped irritably.

Raven wilted, lowering her head and reversing her ears.

Immediately regretting her outburst, Celestia closed her eyes and sighed. Her personal assistant took even her gentle criticisms harshly. That unintentionally severe rebuke must have been devastating. “I'm sorry, Raven, but I believe that this is a test that Princess Luna has a right to give me. Though it is severe, painful, and difficult for me to take; I must take it. Therefore, I find that it is imperative that I pass this test, and pass it well, so that she will have no grounds to doubt me, and try me again in a similar manner. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was wrong to lash out, but I don't want to hear anything further on this matter.”

Raven’s mouth opened, then shut. After sniffling once, she stood and picked up her clipboard. “By your leave, Princess?” Her voice sounding painful and forced.

Celestia looked at what remained of her breakfast. A few swallows of orange juice, and half of a slice of lightly buttered toast. It was scarcely enough to feed her pet phoenix, yet she was struggling with every bite. There was no reason to keep her aide here watching and aching over her. “You may go, I’ll meet you in the Throne Room once I’m finished.”

Raven acknowledged her dismissal with a head bob and walked away. The metallic clacks of the door latching behind her after she left made Celestia jolt and she took a moment to steady her breathing with her eyes transfixed on the closed doors, trying to by force of will alone to conjure her sister into walking through them.

“Luna, you made it sound like you would be gone for a day, or maybe two at most,” she spoke quietly at the silent closed doors and drew a shaky breath, “but today begins the fifth day that you have been gone…” She looked down at her plate, levitated her toast up to her mouth, and took a full bite, which caused her stomach to lurch in protest. The toast dropped to her plate and her magic seized her ginger tea and brought it to her lips to wash her bite down.

I desperately need a diversion to get my mind off of this terrible nausea!

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than the doors to her breakfast room burst open and two rather wide-eyed guards marched up to her at the double-quick and fell into a deep bow at her hooves. “Princess Celestia, forgive our interruption, but we believe your life is in imminent danger and it is strongly suggested that you leave immediately!”

A diversion. Oh, happy day. Celestia wiped her mouth with her napkin. “Thank you, Captain, but I’ll decide whether or not my life is in danger, once you tell me the nature of the threat.”

“Yes Princess. The Lunar Guard has defied your order to remain at normal strength and to maintain daily operations without change.”

“That doesn’t sound life threatening, Captain.”

“Uhh, yes, Princess, but they have also forced open the armory and have armed themselves with the ensorcelled weapons stored there. They have stated that they intend to force you to act, or to allow them to begin actively searching for Princess Luna.”

Celestia took a quick breath and hummed thoughtfully as she exhaled. The adage to ‘be careful for what one wishes’ sprang to mind as she considered the facts presented to her. But even though this rebelliousness was an unwelcome development, she rather preferred it to her current bland breakfast ordeal.

“Shall we barricade the doors, Princess?”

“Have they injured anypony yet?”

“No, Princess. Although, things did get a bit rough at the armory.”

“I see. Then we shall not be the ones to turn this peaceful protest into a violent one.”

“Peaceful?” The incredulous guard couldn’t hide his strong displeasure with her assessment. “Princess, may I remind you that they have armed themselves with the deadliest weapons in our arsenal!”

“Yes, Captain. I understand.”

“But, Princess, surely you cannot continue to see this as peaceful?”

“Yes, Captain. I do.”


“You said they have made demands, so they must be coming here to negotiate. And if they are coming to negotiate, they must be bringing our most powerful weapons along to give them a position of power at the table.”

“That could be their intention, Princess…”

“Well, if they want a position of power against me, they will need every weapon at their disposal.” Celestia said resolutely. The Captain took an involuntary step back before he caught himself. “Let them enter, Captain. If they want to talk, I see no reason to obstruct them.”

“Y-Yes Princess!”

Despite her bravado in front of her guards, she knew that she was taking a dangerous risk. It was true that she was powerful, and more than a match for any one pony, even if they were fully armed with the best weapons and armor that the Palace guard had. However, there was not just one pony fitting that description entering her breakfast room, but three squads. Two fully armed and armored squads flanked the seven ranking officers and NCO’s of the elite Lunar Guard who marched between them. Immediately upon entering the room they spread out. Ten Lunar Guard filed along the walls to the left and ten to the right. They stopped short of encircling her, but their spacing served to deny Celestia the chance at eliminating more than two or three with one simple, direct, attack spell. The seven officers and senior enlisted formed a rank in front of her in proper military rank order, highest to lowest.

Celestia deliberately sipped her tea while they filed in and set her teacup down just as the doors closed. “General Blackwing,” she said amicably, while recalling that his rank was a bit presumptuous. There were not yet enough Lunar Guardponies to require that high of a rank, but the intention was for Luna to eventually have complete parity with her own guard. “It is getting late for you, so I doubt this visit is for pleasure, but my breakfast table is hardly the place to discuss serious matters. Please state your intentions.”

The graying black noctala, a nocturnal pegasus stepped forward and flapped his lightly-furred leathery wings uneasily, but his face was stone. She knew that Blackwing was an old soldier - a descendant from a long line of noctalas that fled Equestria after she had banished Luna. For a millennium, the noctalas remained in hiding, but during that time they kept up their warrior traditions and rigorous training. When word of Luna’s return and reinstatement reached them, they eagerly flew to Canterlot and announced their eternal fealty to Princess Luna. Overnight, her sister had regained a fully trained and fanatically loyal personal guard. In many ways, they were better trained than her own. A thought that at this moment was a little disquieting.

“It has been four nights since we have last seen our Princess,” – At hearing him say, ‘our princess’ Celestia quickly scanned the room. Every one of the Lunar Guardponies present was a noctala – “Four nights ago you assured us that Princess Luna was in control of her situation; she was not forcibly abducted from this palace.”

“What you have said is true, and remains true. I am convinced that Princess Luna, my dear sister, is in command of her destiny.”

“You also said that she would be back by the second night if we would do nothing, and pretend that all was well!” The general raised his voice and all of the guardponies twitched eagerly.

Celestia stamped down on her own irritability and used her centuries of experience in delicate negotiations to remain impassive, even though the stakes were clearly life and death. The emotions of the other side were far too volatile for her to react in a similar manner. “I gave you no guarantees as to the time of my sister’s return, but I regret that I somehow left you with that impression.” She said in perfect diplo-speak, hoping that the sound of an apology would mollify the ponies present.

General Blackwing sneered at her. “We will not be so easily dissuaded this time with your pretty sounding words. We are here to demand action. We demand that you step aside until Princess Luna is found and brought back here.”

“You, ‘demand’ that I, ’step aside’?” Even though she spoke calmly, placing emphasis only on the most objectionable words, Celestia saw the color red at the periphery of her vision. She took an extra breath before answering. “Who then, do you propose to have rule Equestria in my absence until Princess Luna inevitably returns?”

“Equestria can and will survive without you. But if some external threat does arise, I will be in position to manage the crisis.”

“And you are confident of your abilities to lead this vast, cosmopolitan empire from your few years of experience as the head of a homogeneous society centered around five settlements that has been living in xenophobic seclusion for a millennium?” The great challenge in not being offensive when using sarcasm to make your point is to always sound completely sincere. Celestia wished she had more witnesses to that masterstroke.

General Blackwing’s eyes darted around and for a moment, he was at a loss. However, he snapped back to focus. “Don't patronize me, Princess Celestia. We want our princess back, and right now, you are the biggest obstacle to finding her. Mobilize all resources to finding and reinstating Princess Luna – whom you claim to love – and you will have our best efforts. However, if you continue to insist that we do nothing, then we must continue to see you as a threat to Princess Luna, and to the stability she represents.”

Celestia forced their continued slights out her mind. Now was not the time to remind them that their loyalty belonged to all of Equestria, and not to one princess. “I am pleased to hear that your main concern is the safety of Princess Luna, my sister, whom I do love dearly. Else-wise, I would be forced to see this intrusion as the beginning of a military coup. My father told me just before he died what I must do to all who try to take the throne. Whether their method be by brute force, coercion, or through various schemes, I was to find the leaders of the opposition and deal with them in the same centuries legal, time-tested, and brutally efficient way. Let me remind you that one thousand years ago, I made an exception to my father’s rule. One exception, which I don’t believe he would hold against me.”

Celestia paused to allow that historical fact sink in. “Would you allow me to present the reason why I have taken the steps I have regarding Princess Luna’s alleged abduction?”

All of the officers exchanged looks. General Blackwing took the silent consensus and nodded. "We will consider what you have, Princess."

Celestia's horn twinkled and a parchment folded into quarters floated out from her torc. She then took it from her magic and gently unfolded it with her hooves and laid it reverently down on the table facing them. It had an old style of Equestrian script written on it, and the worn, beaten appearance of having been carried everywhere, unfolded, read, and then re-folded, many times over.

The officers all craned their heads to peer at the document, but none moved even a hoof closer until the General spoke. "Major, will you read that for us?"

"Yes, Sir!" Major Iron File answered and stepped up to the table with a suspicious eye kept on Celestia, who continued to sit passively on her cushion. He then picked up the document and began to closely examine it from all angles.

"Well?" Blackwing asked impatiently.

"It looks like Princess Luna's quillship, Sir. The paper is a bit tattered, but I have no doubt the writing was done before the wear."

"Major, What does it say?"

Iron File's ears folded back and he cleared his throat before he started to read the letter like it was an official proclamation.


As you read this, I am being abducted by the pony I told you about.

I know this will be hard for you, but I do not want you to interfere or comply with any of the conspirators' demands. Remember that I am powerful enough on my own to handle her and any others she may have recruited. So please, allow me this time to discover the truth I have been desperate to know since she came to the palace.

If I am gone longer than a day, please raise the moon for me, as I cannot do that without obvious magic showing. However, let me do the nightly adjustments to its trajectory in keeping with the season. That will be my assurance to you that I am in control of my situation.

And please don't worry. I will be fine and will return to you as soon as I have my answers.

I love you and I worry about you as I know you will worry about me.

Your sister, Luna

Iron File set Luna's letter back down and stepped back into his place in rank. "I believe that the letter is genuine, it shows the watermarks of having been sent magically, but its content is sufficiently vague to allow her to carry on like this indefinitely."

"The abductor isn't even named," another officer spat, "and if Princess Luna was in the process of being abducted, how could she write a letter? This is a terrible attempt at forgery."

"It's just a way for her to return to sole leadership." The most junior officer pointed his poll at Celestia. "She's behind it. There can be no doubt." He concluded.

Celestia felt her hackles rise. "Well, General Blackwing. What do you say?"

Blackwing stepped forward and picked up the letter. After a close examination and rereading, he set it back down and narrowed his eyes at Celestia. "Princess Luna is not a princess of confusion, and this lacks any specifics and invites dangerous assumptions. Nor is she negligent, and given to shirking her responsibilities." He walked back to his position at the head of his rank. "I don't believe that you are deliberately misleading us, but I do believe that you have been duped. I must insist that you release us to find Princess Luna without any further delay."

"Need I remind you, General, that Princess Luna has been making the fine adjustments to the moon after I raise it each evening? That is the proof she gives me every night that I should continue to follow her directive to restrain myself, and do nothing to interfere."

"Our princess sent us no such missive. If you want to do nothing but sit there idle and gorge on delicacies, then I suppose that is your prerogative. But we are ponies of action. With or without your blessing, we will go and find Princess Luna."

Red colored her vision and a massive wave of indignation assaulted her control. Celestia glanced at her breakfast table and it's spartan fare. The clear lack of table decorations and richer foods were the result of her stomach’s discomfort and for having refused to allow sweet-smelling flowers or fragrant herbs at her table during Luna's absence as a subtle show of her distress. But that fact had escaped this pony's notice. His inattention coupled with his affronts worked with her nausea, anxiety, and sleeplessness to cause her anger to ascend to her limits. Only her massive experience as a diplomat kept her fiery emotions contained behind the bulwarks.

At least they have dropped their ridiculous demand that I step down as leader. She thought. It was enough of a concession that she could tolerate their flagrant disregard for her legitimacy as their sovereign until Luna returned.

"You do not have my blessing, nor my approval, General Blackwing." She said at last, after the white-hot flare of her temper had subsided.

All the Lunar Guards shifted their stance, preparing for the worst.

"I thought as much," Blackwing scowled, "Will you try to stop us?"

"No." Celestia answered easily, having decided that there was no need for her to risk anypony's life over this insubordination. She also knew that Luna wouldn't want any bloodshed. Letting them go was the best option, unless she could change their mind. "However, I would be remiss if I didn't ask you to consider the possibility that I want my sister back as much as you do, and that your actions will be very displeasing to Princess Luna when you find her."

"You are a fool to believe as you do! You lost all of Canterlot in an hour to the Changelings. How can you trust that you haven't been deceived again?"

Celestia stomach flipped within her at hearing her innermost fear given voice. She had calculated the odds of this being an elaborate ruse, and the chances were exceedingly slim. But mathematically there was always a possibility, and that slim chance was a dagger in her heart, and no amount of reassurances would reduce the pain. However, she knew that was her emotional response, and she had centuries of experience in making rational decisions in the face of conflicting emotions.

"I assure you, my sister is well, and in command of her destiny, and that she will return on her terms. Not mine, not yours." Celestia said confidently, "I want her back just as much as you do."

“You need more than just words to convince me, Princess Celestia." The General's contemptuous sneer returned and he turned to address his troops.

“Second Squad, lead the way out, First squad, cover the door until I send word that our patrols are out.”

At their General’s words, the ten Lunar Guard to her left turned, marched to the door, and opened them reveal the hall stacked with fully armed and armored Solar Guardponies. "It's an ambush!" Some noctala shouted.

"For Celestia!" A Solar Guard answered.

Celestia’s eyes and mouth opened wide and her heart jumped in her chest. "Palace Guards!” she leapt to her hooves and yelled, “stand down at once!”

But her order was lost in screaming clash of arms and armor that marked the beginning of a melee. Purple and black armored noctalas overcame their surprise and charged. Solar Guards in their gleaming gold armor met the challenge and pressed forward, eager to avenge the defeat dealt them at the armory and to reach their princess.

Celestia swore as she saw her tenuous peaceful resolution dissolving into civil war right in front of her. "Cease!" She screamed. Her horn flared to life with yellow magic and she launched a ball of energy at the center of the fight. There the ball flashed impossibly bright, blinding all in the room with a strobe of intense light. All ponies shrank back and averted their eyes out of instinct, but many of the noctalas nearest to the flash screamed in agony with their hooves covering their eyes.

"Any Noctala able, neutralize Celestia!" General Blackwing yelled with his eyes tightly clenched shut and stumbling over another guard. "For Princess Luna!"

Celestia heard the unmistakable sound of a sword being drawn to her right. She turned her head to see a Lunar Guard with his sword drawn and his narrowed eyes locked on her. "Get back!" She ordered, and magically threw the breakfast table at the advancing noctala.

The Lunar Guard tucked and rolled, dodging the table easily and continued advancing with his sword ready. Celestia's eyes were drawn to the glowing Lunar runes inscribed on the blade. Her eyes widened even more. She knew this blade. It was one of the few pure master-crafted Lunar rune inscribed weapons in the arsenal.

She had no effective defense against it.

In the face of death, she felt young, full of life, and more alive than anypony in all of Equestria. Despite the centuries behind her, or maybe because of the centuries that she may have yet before her. She was determined to live! Celestia prayed for forgiveness as her pupils glowed white. She had tried her best to keep from taking lives this day, but it was not to be.

The Lunar Guard crouched, ready to pounce, but then inexplicably, he dropped the sword and fell prostrate.

Celestia reared up, ready to attack. She could not afford to hesitate. Those who hesitate are lost.

"Good morning, Sister! I'm sorry I'm late-

Celestia hesitated. She dropped her guard and turned to the voice. It was impossible!

Princess Luna stepped in from the balcony and stared about the room in shock. "What is the meaning of this!"

Author's Note:

I decided to give the race of 'bat-winged' noturnal pegasi the name of noctala.
The origin of this is in Latin, as are some of the names of fantasy creatures in FIM.
Latin translation:
Night: Nocte
Wing: Ala
Thus the name is a contraction: Nightwing, in Latin.
Seemed appropriate to me, and it kinda sounds good IMO.