• Published 17th Mar 2014
  • 3,526 Views, 221 Comments

The Abduction of Luna - 97xxfastbike

Luna is abducted from the Palace by four ponies hoping to exchange her for a large ransom.

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“We did it!” Brass Hammer exulted after he had finished locking the still sleeping Princess Luna in the heavy, rune-inscribed, iron shackles they had fastened to the granite floor of the cave. “We abducted Princess Luna!”

Tiara hadn't realized she was holding her breath until she heard her teammates voice echo in the cave. Now she sucked in breaths like the air she was breathing was rarefied. “Let’s not announce what we have done to all of Canterlot.”

“Yeah, and let’s not celebrate until after we have the ransom,” Millstone cautioned his partner as he double-checked every lock and chain that bound their captive.

“Yeah, let’s save it till we have our share and are living the good life somewhere far away from here.” Thunder Run flew around the cave to burn off his nervous energy. “I sent the ransom note. It dropped in the courtyard, but I don’t know if anypony noticed it right away.”

“What?” Brass looked over at Tiara, who had just reclined against a smooth stone that hadn't been chiseled when Millstone expanded the cave. “Why didn't you leave the note in her bedroom as we had planned?”

Tiara locked eyes with Brass, more than just a little miffed at being questioned at this point. “Princess Luna said she had ordered a toddy from the kitchen, I couldn't risk another servant arriving, discovering the note, and having the Palace Guards alerted before I had the chance to leave. If it was discovered that Luna was abducted, they would lock the whole place down. Everything rode on my leaving the Palace with Luna before there was a chance of her being discovered missing. I had to alter the plan.”

Brass returned her hard expression with one of his own. “Well then, why didn't you just wait for the second servant to arrive and knock her out like you did Luna?”

“How?” Tiara stood up and started advancing on Brass, “I couldn't serve her another tray of milk and cookies, and if I had somehow knocked out the next Palace staff member, don’t you think that a missing servant would start to arouse some suspicions?”

Brass looked away, “It’s just--”

“--Not what we had planned.” Tiara finished for him. “I know.” She took another deep breath and tried to will her heart into beating at a slower pace, but the noise of rattling chains rankled her.

“M, everything okay over there?” She asked the grey on grey colored earth pony.

“Yeah, I guess.” Millstone stood up and looked all around him.

Tiara recognized his early stage of claustrophobia. If he could fixate on a task, like chiseling or drilling granite, he was fine in confined, dark spaces like this cave. But without a something to keep him occupied, irrational behavior was sure to follow. “Good, why don’t you step outside and keep watch. With your coat and mane dyed the color of this rock, you are the least likely of all of us to be seen. Just don’t move too much.”

“Right.” Millstone walked past her to the cave’s natural switchback entrance that hid it from outsiders view and effectively muffled all sound and light from within.

Tiara told herself she was breathing a sigh of relief, but her heart wasn't in communication with her mind and it continued to beat a rhythm that belonged in a jazz nightclub. “Okay, remember, from now on you talk in whispers, and you only call me Silver, and the rest of you will only answer to your assigned letter. Got it?”

Affirmative grunts answered her and she smiled in response. Her team followed everything she said. That was how she thought of them. Not as co-conspirators, or as partners in crime. They were her teammates, and she was their leader. And together, they had just pulled off the impossible. If everything continued going according to her plan, they would leave this city very rich indeed!

A rattle of chains shook Tiara out of her reverie and back into her racing heartbeat, sweaty brow, near hyperventilating state of controlled panic. Princess Luna was stirring, and any minute now, they would learn how effective all of their magic bonds, wards, and nullifiers were against the second most powerful magic user in all of Equestria.

Luna lifted her bridled head and shook it violently. The bridle stayed securely fastened about her head with the bit gagging her speech and the blinders cutting off her vision. She was effectively blind and mute. Her forelegs moved next, but not very far. The chains kept her forelegs from reaching up past her chest. Luna next tried to lower her head to her hooves, but the bridle’s reins were secured to a dock loop. She couldn't bring her head forward without pulling her own tail. Finally, she thrashed her powerful hind legs, but they too were limited by the chains to impotence and unable to assist any other body part. The sound of Luna’s rapid deep breaths were magnified as she forced air around the bit in her mouth. It didn't take much imagination to realize she was preparing herself for something extreme. Her horn glowed indigo-white and every silver inlaid inscribed rune on each link of her chains glowed violet-white in response. The four null-orbs on the pedestals surrounding her hungrily pulled the magic she was producing into their black hearts, but still her magic visibly expanded and vibrated the air with its gathering strength. A barking sound like laughter came from Luna as a whirlwind of raw power rose from her horn and despite the null-orbs voracious appetite, they couldn't slow the buildup of magic. Luna gathered her hooves under her and stood. Then the whole cave was bathed in pure light as all of the magic Princess Luna has amassed discharged at once. indigo-white and violet-white lightning arced across the rune-inscribed chains. The black null-orbs were ablaze like violet-white torches illuminating their Queen. Finally a crescendo. A sound like a thunderclap and a brilliant flash of light like a vision of the sun.

Tiara felt hope leave her. She had failed. The Princess was far stronger than she had ever dared to imagine. Tiara had already closed her eyes, but the light was so intense she had to bury her head under her hooves. The thunderclap deafened her, and the intense light blinked out. Or had she died? Tiara lifted her head experimentally in jerks and opened her eyes the same way. She was alive.

When her vision returned, she drew a shocked breath. Princess Luna remained securely bound by her chains, which were now glowing red and smoking. Luna writhed in her bonds, and her wail pierced the silence of the cave.

“Water!” Tiara shouted, “Douse the chains with water, they’re burning her!” She got up and grabbed a water bucket and dumped the contents on the cherry red chains. The water hissed and blossomed into steam as it hit the glowing metal. Without hesitation she threw the bucket at Thunder, apparently the next one to recover from the shock of what they had just witnessed.

Thunder caught the bucket and flew to the barrel of water and refilled it while Brass directed Millstone—who had just come back into the cave to investigate—to soak rags and towels and take them over to Luna.

After several agonizing minutes, Luna laid on her side with her flanks heaving. But the chains were now cool enough to touch.

“I’m sorry, Princess,” Tiara said, “Believe me when I say that I had no idea that the chains would heat up like that.” Luna mumbled an unintelligible response through her bit. “Of course, I’ll displace the bit, but you must understand that I will replace it if you shout, scream, or make yourself a nuisance.” Luna nodded and Tiara undid the clasp that held the bit in her mouth. Then she removed the studded metal tongue restraint, gasping as she did. She didn't expect to see blood.

Princess Luna worked her jaw and tongue around in relief but still moaned in obvious discomfort. “Why hast thou betrayed me, Silver Chalice?” Her sore jaw and tortured tongue caused her to struggle to properly enunciate. The resulting rhotacism was the first time Tiara had ever heard her sound undignified. She had to bury the sympathy she felt welling up within her.

“I just want the ransom. You are nothing but a ticket to the wealth I and my colleagues deserve.” Tiara parroted the line she had said numerous times. Why it sounded so flat to her now, she could not say.

Luna snorted and chuckled scornfully. “Hast thou no knowledge of our past?”

“Yes,” Tiara said, “You are the usurper Nightmare Moon, but despite your two attempts to oust Princess Celestia, you reside comfortably in the palace as a Princess and co-regent of all Equestria. I and my colleagues don’t think you deserve your current standing and life of privilege. We consider our actions as a political protest against this demonstration of gross nepotism on the part of Celestia.” Tiara had practiced that argument ever since she had decided to abduct Luna. She was impressed with how it rolled out.

“Very good, Silver. Thou has indeed studied our past.” Luna wasn't disconcerted in the least, but Tiara was unsettled by Luna’s resigned manner. Luna lay her head down on the cold stone. “Thou art the greatest among fools.”

“Oh, I am certain I have thought of every angle.” Tiara straightened up and smiled down on her captive. “You can’t escape, and Celestia won’t find you, even if she mobilizes the whole palace guard. This cave is perfectly hidden, sound proofed, and warded against magical—“

Tiara stopped talking when Luna’s laughing reached fever pitch. “Thou doth amuse me!” Luna said after she had regained her composure. “In sooth, thou should make thy fortune as a court jester!”

“What do you mean?” Tiara was equally worried and confused. This was the attitude she had least expected from a helpless, captive Princess Luna.

“Dost Thou believe that my sister will search for me? My sister who did commit me to a millennium of solitude for one act of rebellion?” Luna spat contemptuously. “Thou should just slay us now and abandon thy foolish conspiracy. For Celestia is most assuredly at this very instant perusing her cellars for her most prized libations. Thou hast served my sister's interests!” Exhausted, Luna lay her head down on the stone like it was a silk pillow. “Slay us and present thyself to my sister. Haply she will reward thee.”

Tiara stood slowly, her mind raced through their conversation. She had never considered the possibility that Celestia wouldn't want her sister back. However, what Luna told her made sense.

A throat was cleared behind her. Tiara turned to her teammates, they all looked concerned, even afraid. Of course they had heard everything that was said, they were all in the same cave. And now they were looking to her for reassurance. She was not about to disappoint them. “You’re bluffing!” She snarled at Luna. “By this time tomorrow, all of Canterlot will be in an uproar!”

As she turned, her hoof clipped a link and pulled the shackle. Luna gasped in pain and jerked in reflex, setting into motion an agonizing chain reaction as all her restraints pinched and pressed against her burns. Luna screamed and held her trembling limbs straight out from her body, immobilized and desperate to relieve the pressure on her raw wounds.

Horrified at the sight of Luna’s suffering, Tiara turned to Thunder. “T, go at once to a pharmacy and buy burn ointment, swabs, and laudanum.” The gull gray colored pegasus nodded and left. “M and B, come over here and help me.” Millstone and Brass joined Tiara’s efforts and held Luna’s shackles in neutral positions until her pain subsided and she could relax again.

“Did we say that ye should be a jester?” Luna gasped as she lay her head back down. “Nay, thy occupation shall be chief torturer!”

Tiara hoped her smile hid her fear. Luna didn't threaten or make demands. She didn't even make requests. She was acting and talking like a pony who had surrendered hope long ago. This had to be an act though. There was no reason for her to even be in the Palace if Celestia didn't want her there. However, everything Luna had said weighed on her confidence.

Just wait till tomorrow. Tiara tried to reassure herself. You will know more by tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Rhotacism: The inability to pronounce (or difficulty in pronouncing) "r".