• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 11,756 Views, 170 Comments

League of Discord - Ghosted Note

Six champions from the League of Legends are transported to Equestria. Continued in The Redemption of Jericho Swain.

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Chapter 11: Raven and Snake

League of Discord
Chapter 11: Raven and Snake

“She's awake! Quick, get some water.” Twilight coughed and sputtered as she stirred, wiping a viscous red liquid from her lips. Blinking rapidly, a familiar orange mare came into focus as she began to recognize her surroundings. The Ponyville Library was a comforting sight for Twilight as she sat up to listen to Applejack. “Ah reckon Singed didn't think his fancy healing potion recipe would come back to haunt him. Once we emptied that stuff down your throat, it was like some sort of crazy magic. Don't think Ah've ever seen someone heal that quickly. How d'ya feel, sugarcube?”

Twilight gratefully accepted the water that a returning Riven offered her, downing it in one swig before replying. “I have a little bit of a headache, but otherwise I'm fine. What happened? I remember bits and pieces, but it's mostly a blur.”

“We mounted a rescue mission. From what I've been told, we need the magic of your Elements of Harmony to beat Discord once and for all, and they are inoperable without the six of you present.” Riven shifted uncomfortably, her bladed wings rustling with a slight scrape of metal on metal. “With Celestia and Nasus missing in action, I'm guessing that if this doesn't work, we've lost.”

Twilight's face immediately fell into a mask of shock. “The Princess is missing? Nasus too? What happened? Do you think they're...” Twilight found herself unable to finish her sentence, finding the thought of being bereft of her lifetime mentor crippling.

Riven's face was unreadable. “We can't say for certain, though for Nasus the prospects look pretty grim. Celestia went missing after embarking on a rescue mission shortly after you were kidnapped. Nasus served as a distraction for our own rescue. We were lucky to catch Discord out of the way when we initiated our plan, but as we departed, he returned with a gargantuan bear-like creature, whose hide was akin to the night sky. It is unlikely that he survived. Even less likely is his escape. We will pay him proper tribute on the field of battle.”

Twilight was torn asunder by her grief, and to a lesser degree, enraged that Riven could speak so calmly and casually about the potential death of the one who she had begun to look at as a friend. As she opened her mouth to voice her opinions of Riven's hardhearted demeanor, she was interrupted by the arrival of six others. As the four other Elements of Harmony unceremoniously piled onto Twilight in a sudden group hug, Princess Luna and Ezreal approached with more measured steps, the former of which was inclined to smile at the display of affection as she addressed the pony who was currently the center of attention. “It is good to see you well, Twilight. Very soon, we will have need of your Element of Magic. I have been discussing matters with your friends, and I feel that it is time we make a decisive move. As soon as you are feeling well, we will begin discussion of what we plan to do about Discord.”

Finding her emotions derailed and scattered by the mix of the grim situation combined with the warmth of being surrounded by her friends, Twilight decided to excuse Riven's behavior. After all, Riven didn't appear to have a group of friends to fall back on when times were dire, so maybe this was just her way of coping with the concepts of death and doom her world seemed to be full of. Worse still was the possibility that she had been desensitized to it through a lifetime of exposure. Being rendered numb to the basic emotions that normally would define a pony seemed a fate to be pitied if anything.

Truthfully, Riven was feeling closer to her emotions than she had been in years. The stark contrast of Equestria combined with the friendly and welcoming atmosphere was at odds with her worldview, and it was only the battle-hardened discipline of a career soldier that kept her from being overwhelmed by feelings that she had long since thought dead. Friendship, happiness, contentment, even camaraderie were sensations she had all but forgotten, and the knowledge that every step, for better or worse, took her away from this wonderful place of healing back to her dark but beloved homeland of Noxus brought to her attention an even sharper conflict within herself. Even worse was that Rainbow Dash seemed to her to be an unanswered 'what if' waiting at every turn to present a vision of a life that never had the conflict that had shaped the weapon that Riven had always prided herself on being.

Riven tore herself out of her reverie. This conflict would have a resolution, but there was a more pressing, immediate battle to fight, and Riven would see just payment to those had struck down the one who had only sought to create a world where soldiers like Riven would be unneeded. At the bottom floor of the library, the others had congregated and were preparing to begin discussion of the coming battles. With a graceful hop, she glided down from where she and the others had been taking turns holding vigil over the convalescing Twilight into the library's main room.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, here is our situation: Discord knows he has us on the ropes, but he knows too well what the Elements of Harmony can do, as he's been defeated twice by them.” Luna paced in front of the group as she spoke. “He has been gathering an army composed of various creatures from the Everfree that he has enchanted to do his bidding. As you know, Swain and Singed are also at his side for reasons that have yet to be revealed to us. With two of our most powerful allies out of the way, he will likely try to attack us directly so that he may deal with the Element's holders once and for all. I propose we retreat to Canterlot. Since my sister relocated the capital after the destruction of the City of Everfree formerly in existence around the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, she has made certain to put a lot of time and energy into various warding and defensive spells intended to keep the new capital safe in the event of another major conflict. With the addition of the unicorns that Ryze has been training for combat, it would take a considerable amount of time for Discord's forces to break through. The only downside is that Discord is likely to realize this as well, and Canterlot will be his first destination when he strikes.”

Twilight tilted her head. “There was a city in the Everfree Forest?”

Luna nodded. “Yes. It was based around our old castle before I was transformed into Nightmare Moon. It was destroyed during the conflict preceding my containment. However, that's a story for another time. Any other questions?”

“I have one.” Riven's instinct took over as she leaped toward the source of the voice. In a blur of movement, she had a calm, but slightly annoyed Jericho Swain pinned under one of her wing's broken blade. “Get off me, fool. If I had honestly meant you harm, I'd be here with Discord and you'd all be dead already, caught with your pants down, as it were.” The fact that the metaphor passed over the heads all but two of those present didn't phase the crippled tactician at all. “I have an offer.”

Riven reluctantly withdrew her blade from Swain's neck, and leered at him as he hobbled toward the group. “Your tongue had best be laden with silver, lest I deprive you of it.” The bluntness of the threat caused more than one of those present to flinch, and Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen.

Swain was not among those who had flinched, and his ever-present avian companion clucked disapprovingly at the hostile pegasus. “Discord has returned to me something that it takes a very, very powerful being to return, and that I had almost given up hope of having restored to me. I agreed to go along with it for the explicit purpose of this restoration. However, I'd be a fool to think a creature as capricious as Discord would keep his word once our usefulness had expired. What honor can one expect from an embodiment of chaos? I have no desire to remain in Equestria any longer than necessary, and I have even less desire to join Celestia and Nasus in their stone prisons, or whatever worse fate Discord might conjure up. This brings me to my offer: In exchange for amnesty and safe return to Runeterra as soon as possible, I will assist in the downfall of Discord.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. Rarity seemed to share the sentiment, as she regarded Swain coldly. “How can we trust you of all ponies to keep your word? You showed no remorse previously for betraying us. To think I was inclined to trust you after that specious display of gentlecoltly manners.”

Pinkie nodded vigorously. “Yeah! Plus your mean friend Singed! He hurt Twilight really bad, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel sorry about it! Ponies like you don't care about others, only yourselves and your sick and twisted desires.”

Swain chuckled darkly. “My dears, I do not expect you to trust me. I expect you to trust in your own statement, that I do indeed care greatly about myself, and staying with Discord is definitely not in my best interests. I got what I nee-what I wanted from Discord, and now to keep it I have to make sure he loses. As for Singed, his blatant disregard for all life and all consuming desire for scientific progress makes him useful to me, and thus it would be impractical to let such a resource go to waste here in Equestria. He may not care about ethics, but he certainly cares about funding, and I'm the one who pays his wages. He will do as I bid.”

“You're sick, you know that? You're really, really, REALLY sick. I hope you get what's coming to you some day.” Rainbow Dash made no effort to hide her disgust and contempt.

Luna walked up to Swain, towering over him despite being significantly younger than her older sister. “I don't like you. I don't want you here in Equestria any longer than necessary and I pity the world that spawned the likes of you. If you betray us, I assure you that even if we are consumed by Discord's insatiable need for chaos, you won't be around to see it or cause any more suffering. What can you offer us?”

Swain smiled like a chessmaster who had just taken the final steps toward checkmate. “For starters? Celestia and Nasus. Discord will be moving against Canterlot. He assume you'll be there, but even if you aren't, it will be a symbolic blow against the morale of Equestria, to discourage any potential opposition. As you well know, ponies aren't mentally prepared for war, and it is unlikely that they will have the strength of spirit to weather the destruction of what represents the power of their goddesses and the pinnacle of their culture. When Discord moves out of the Everfree, the statues formerly known as Celestia and Nasus will be unguarded. I'm relatively sure that since Discord was once trapped by the very same means, these prisons can be shattered just as effectively with the proper application of magic. Once that is done, you will have more than enough firepower to keep Discord occupied for the Elements of Harmony to do their work. Do we have an accord?”

“We do.” With the patience only an immortal could summon, Luna refrained from any further comment about how strong the animosity she felt toward the one who had enabled this mess in the first place.

“Then I shall take my leave before Discord suspects anything is amiss. I will send word when Discord moves. It has truly been a pleasure.” Swain laughed as he walked out of the door, only to be stopped by Riven, who promptly jammed a hoof into his gut.

“You'll get yours, Swain.” Swain scowled darkly at Riven, but made no attempt to retaliate, taking his leave in silence. Riven turned back toward the others, most of whom wore looks of shock, save Ezreal, who was snickering quietly.

After recovering from his laughter, Ezreal scanned the room. “Hey Shy, it's safe to come out now. Swain just left.” A lock from a pink mane and a pair of blue eyes peeked cautiously out from behind a bookshelf, before the entirety of the timid yellow pony was made visible as she rejoined the others.

Rainbow Dash was furious. “Are we seriously going to work with him? After what he's done? After what Singed did to Twilight? This is insane! This is so much bull-”

“Silence!” Princess Luna's voice boomed as she quieted the outraged pegasus, who immediately backed down, intimidated by the alicorn. “I do not like it either, but I'd rather have to deal with him than Discord, and his assistance will return two of our own to us, one of which, I might add, is my sister. So, be still, and prove that the Element of Loyalty is stronger than your personal distaste. Do what is best for not only your friends, but all of Equestria.” Cowed, Rainbow Dash bowed her head in acquiescence.

Riven nodded in agreement. “I probably hate that worm more than anyone else here, but Princess Luna is right. Personal feelings are not as important as our overall objective. That being said, we might want to alter our battle plan to account for this. Princess, are you capable of getting us to Everfree as swiftly as our previous visit?”

Luna nodded. “Yes. I have also been in frequent communication with Ryze since the start of this ordeal. His knowledge will prove invaluable, and despite my weakened state, I believe I have found a way that I may still provide assistance. Ryze has told me much of the Summoners involved in the League of Legends, and with his assistance, I believe I might be able to replicate the spirit of the magic involved in summoning. Using this, I will attempt to assist as well as I can, not only as an information relay, but when possible lending magical aid. Adding to this, Ryze has instructed the University of Canterlot's staff on the creation of both healing and the so-called 'mana' potions, as well as a few other magical items that will be of great use. Our forces will be well equipped, and our unicorns will remain focused and at their prime.”

“Knowing Ryze, he'll probably keep with his students to make sure they don't forget anything and remain organized. I think that me and Riven should focus on escorting the Elements of Harmony through the battle so that we might reach Discord as safely as possible. Once revived, Nasus and Celestia should be enough to give even Discord a little pause.” Ezreal adjusted his bracer, and looked to Riven for approval of his suggestion.

The latter nodded her assent, and added her input. “We should make sure Nasus and Celestia refrain from engaging or showing themselves until the Elements are almost in position. Discord still might wipe the floor with them again, so the distraction probably won't be very long.”

“Um...I hate to ask, or question a blessing, but why didn't Discord...err...Why didn't he just kill them when he beat them the first time?” Twilight looked extremely uncomfortable approaching the concept of her mentor's death so soon after finding out she was still alive.

“You'll probably find this out for yourself first hand when the six of you become more attuned with the power of the Elements, but there comes a point when something as meager as physical destruction is not nearly enough to keep you down. Immortals have an entirely different set of weaknesses.” Luna spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, as if the workings of immortality were common knowledge. “It is far more economical to weaken and contain an immortal than it is to kill one, as the permanent destruction of a being bound permanently to life itself. If you truly wish to know more about the subject, you should probably ask Nasus after this is over. I believe his species comes with one of the few innate methods of killing immortals. In any case, I believe we have our plans settled then. We should rest. We have know way of knowing how long until Discord makes his move.”

- - - -

“Out late for a night on the town?” Discord raised an eyebrow as Swain stepped into the castle.

Swain didn't miss a beat. “I was communing with my companion. As you might suspect, something as mundane as words doesn't always cut it when dealing with extradimensional entities.” The bird on his shoulder cawed in assent.

Discord nodded, and showed no suspicion if he had any. “Ah, yes. Quite an interesting little friend you have there. I might have to meet these Void-dwellers in person one day. They sound like my type of crowd.”

“I assure you, they are nobody's 'crowd'. My goals and theirs were compatible, but their contact with my world is quite limited. Hence the arrangement from which you so graciously freed me from. With that out of the way, I will be able to focus more easily on my immediate goals, but I had to convince my partner that his superiors were not worth following. Luckily, a history of being dismissed and relegated to an ambassadorial role has left him rather disillusioned with the more powerful entities of the Void.” Swain inwardly smirked as he steered the conversation away from his absence. It looked like this was one gambit that was definitely paying off.