• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 11,754 Views, 170 Comments

League of Discord - Ghosted Note

Six champions from the League of Legends are transported to Equestria. Continued in The Redemption of Jericho Swain.

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Chapter 2: New Arrivals

League of Discord

Chapter 2: New Arrivals

Ezreal groaned, his mind surfacing from the incoherence that gripped it. The blinding headache
that pulsed steadily wasn’t helping at all as he tried to figure out where he was and what had just
happened. He had been waiting with Ryze and Nasus for the match to begin, and had just established
the link to his Summoner when something happened. The Summoner’s all-business tones which had
been floating gently around his head suddenly switched to panic, and after that, a screeching noise had
erupted which incited such an agony that even the ever-stoic Nasus had been brought to his knees after
just a few seconds. Ezreal remembered the sensation of hitting the ground, but nothing after that. With
a grunt, he tried to move, only to be met with a multitude of sensory signals he didn’t recognize or know
how to deal with. His beleaguered mind decided another impromptu nap was in order, and once more
Ezreal was sucked into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

A few feet away, a stallion sat on his haunches, examining himself. His fur was a vivid bluish
purple, and adorned with arcane symbols of a lighter, more reddish purple from muzzle to fetlock. The
only exception was a clearing at his flank, where a circular clearing in the symbols revealed a startlingly
detailed depiction of the giant, rune-covered scroll secured by leather straps to his back. Ryze snorted in
annoyance as he moved a lock of his jet-black mane out of his face. Although he had never missed
having hair as a human, he found the absence of his unkept beard to be a little disconcerting, though
not nearly as disconcerting as his new form. Even if he had been expecting to become a horse, horses on
Runeterra were not so oddly colored, and did not have horns protruding from their foreheads. Ryze
huffed to himself, and stood uncertainly on his new legs. Unlike a certain other familiar-looking unicorn
lying on the ground nearby, Ryze was not going to let a little headache stop him from finding out what
had happened. Those idiot Summoners had some explaining to do once he figured out where the
Institute of War was.

Taking a few shaky steps, Ryze approached Nasus, who was standing guard silently over the
group. Unlike the others, when he had awoken, the otherworldly being hadn’t been phased at all by the
pain in his head. For a being as ancient and experienced as Nasus, this pain was nothing, though he
honestly couldn’t say that he’d seen anything like their transformation coming. Towering over his fellow
champion-turned-equine at nearly twice Ryze’s size, Nasus had been changed as well. Retaining his
natural dark chocolate-brown coloring and glowing red eyes, he also had a dull emerald green mane, but
lacked the pointed protrusion that was present on the foreheads of Ryze and Ezreal. Out of curiosity,
Ryze glanced at Nasus’ flank, and saw a simple-looking depiction of an open book with a sun peeking out
from between the pages. Ryze regretted never taking the time to learn anything about Nasus or how
this symbol could relate to him.

“As soon as the explorer wakes, we should start searching for signs to tell us what happened. “

Nasus’ calm tones, deep and smooth as ever, startled Ryze out of his thoughts. Ryze’s reply
sounded off, not quite as calm or as smooth. “Looks like those idiots screwed up the summoning again,
in an even more creative way than usual. I don’t even know where to begin to try to figure out how they
managed this one. I’m not even sure if we’re still in Valoran, or even Runeterra.”

Nasus nodded, his emotions indiscernible past his blank face and luminescent eyes. “I have not
seen any signs of dangerous wildlife in this forest thus far, but even so, we should tread carefully. I do
not know the constraints of our new forms, or how it might affect magic use, so if anything here proves
threatening, we should try to avoid conflict until we know how our new bodies operate.”

“If you’ll keep watch, I’ll try to do some experimenting with my magic to see if it still operates
normally until the kid wakes. Then we should try to find some civilization, so we can determine if we’re
still in Valoran.” Nasus nodded again, and Ryze set about his task, feeling a strange tingling at his
forehead as he began to channel his power. “Interesting…”


The sun had almost set when Swain stepped foot into Ponyville…or rather, stepped hoof. The
general had yet to figure out why exactly he and his teammates had been transformed, but his magic
still seemed to work at least, though he now naturally seemed to possess a focusing appendage in the
form of a horn that had appeared on his forehead. When he had awoken in a meadow with hooves, a
brown coat of fur, and a depiction of his raven clutching a planet in its claws on his flank, he had been
surprised, but even so he had not hesitated in taking command. Even Riven, ever mistrustful of Swain’s
methods, had decided to play along, knowing Swain was the most qualified to figure out how to restore
their original forms. More baffling, though not enough for him to lose his composure, was that his
feathered companion had remained completely unchanged. ‘Perhaps some beings are incapable of

Swain’s thoughts were interrupted when the cry of the aforementioned raven brought his
attention to an approaching unicorn. He limped forward toward this newcomer, his front right leg
mirroring its crippled counterpart in his natural form. Fortunately, having three others instead of just
one meant that the Master Tactician could move without his cane, which he was unable to locate after
waking up.

Upon seeing that one of the three strangers was limping, the purple unicorn looked worried,
and increased her pace. Trying politely to ignore the feeling of unease she was getting from the
somewhat tall earth pony with a crimson coat, pale green mane, and glowing green orbs in place of
eyes, she smiled brightly and spoke. “Hello and welcome to Ponyville! I’m Twilight Sparkle. I couldn’t
help but see you from the Library’s balcony, and I decided to come welcome you, since I didn’t recognize
you, but that can wait, seeing as it looks like one of you is injured. Don’t worry, Nurse Redheart can fix
you up in a snap.”

Swain gave his most disarming smile to the babbling newcomer. “Oh, don’t worry about this leg,
it’s just an old injury from my wild younger days. I’d be more interested in learning more about where I

am. You see, myself and my companions seem to have gotten ourselves lost. My name is Jericho Swain,
but most just call me Swain. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Twilight Sparkle. My
companions are Singed and Riven.”

Swain’s friendly and calm demeanor dispelled Twilight’s worry. He seemed to her like a
trustworthy pony to her, even if the one he called Singed unnerved her with that huge bottle of who-
knows-what on his back and that blank expression. “Well, as I mentioned, you’re in Ponyville, just west
of Canterlot and northeast of Hoofington and Fillydelphia. Um, it’s getting late though, and we don’t
have an inn here, so if you want, I have a spare bed at the library, and I can see if any of my friends have

Swain was surprised at how trusting and hospitable this Twilight was being, as if she had never
met someone capable of breaking that trust. It was still a windfall though, as he still didn’t know what
dangers lurked in this place, which obviously wasn’t Valoran or anywhere he’d ever heard of. Swain gave
as gentlemanly a bow as his crippled leg would allow. “Thank you for your generosity, ma’am. My
companions and I would be happy to accept your hospitality.”

Twilight giggled, amused at the formality of Swain’s words. “Just call me Twilight. I think my
friend Rarity has a spare room. With the way you talk, she’d love you. I’ll also ask Applejack. I’m pretty
sure she has space in her barn or something. Singed can stay with me. If it turns out they don’t have
room, I’m sure somepony will.” Twilight didn’t quite understand why, but she didn’t want this tall earth
pony near any of her friends more than necessary. Something about him just seemed off.

Swain looked to the others, who each nodded silently in turn, before looking back to
Twilight. “It’s settled then. Lead the way, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight nodded and started at a steady trot toward her first destination. The others followed,
observing the town and its pastel colored inhabitants as they passed it. Not that many other ponies
were out, as most had started settling indoors to end the day, but the few still awake continued to
illustrate the heterochromatic nature that seemed characteristic of the ponies. While Swain was
wondering if the somewhat rustic décor was typical of this society, Riven was noting that there didn’t
seem to be a single guard or soldier in the entire town. Singed would have been making his own
observations as well if he hadn’t been too busy pondering if pony physiology reacted differently to his
potions and poisons than humans.

Finally, they approached a round building decorated in a somewhat showy manner, which
proudly proclaimed itself via a sign to be the Carousel Boutique. Twilight walked ahead and knocked on
the door. A few moments later, another unicorn answered. Upon inspection, Swain could tell that this
one seemed to put a lot of value on personal appearance, if the styled purple mane and immaculate
white coat were any indicators. After a few moments, Twilight signaled for Swain to come forward.

“Lay low. We don’t know enough about this place yet. We’ll meet again tomorrow.” Swain’s
murmured instructions went unheard by the two ponies waiting for him, but his companions both
nodded. Approaching the door, he regarded his new host. “Greetings. You must be Miss Rarity. My

name is Jericho Swain, or just Swain for short. Miss Sparkle mentioned you might have a vacancy
available. I’m afraid I have no means to pay you though. My friends and I come from a distant land, and I
fear our currency probably doesn’t have any value here.” Swain’s second attempt at a polite bow went
slightly better than his first.

Rarity gave a genuine smile at the well-mannered stallion in front of her. “Oh, think nothing of
it, Mr. Swain. What kind of Element of Generosity would I be if I demanded payment from a poor
gentlecolt in a strange land? Although, you might want to be careful with your bird. My cat,
Opalescence, doesn’t take kindly to visitors or birds.”

“Don’t worry about this old raven. He’s a clever thing, and I haven’t seen a cat yet who can
outwit him. Once more, thank you for your hospitality. Farewell, Miss Sparkle. Perhaps in the morning
me and my companions might peruse this library you mentioned, to get some idea of our bearings, for
the lands you mentioned are completely unfamiliar to us.” Swain mentally filed away the emphasized
manner that she had placed on the title ‘Element of Harmony’.

Twilight nodded. “Don’t worry, I will do my best to assist you in any manner I can. Goodbye, and
pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Likewise. Take care.”

Twilight signaled to the other two newcomers to follow, and began the journey to Applejack’s abode.


“Ah reckon’ I can do that, Twi’.” The drawling accent was attached to the second of Twilight’s
friends, an orange pony with a blonde mane secured by a strip of fabric in a manner that Riven could
only describe as ponytail, though in this place it felt awkward designating it as such. “Come right this
way, sugarcube. We got a guest bed inside ya can use.”

Though a decorated soldier in her time, Riven had never been arrogant, and thus her response
was slightly less calculated and significantly more sincere than her conniving teammate. “You have my
thanks, Applejack. I am in your debt.” The warrior bowed her head slightly as a sign of respect.

Applejack laughed heartily. “Aww, think nothin’ of it. If ya really feel like ya gotta pay me back
though, Ah can’t say Ah ever object to a little extra help on the farm. Mah brother went and got himself
hurt again so we’re slightly shorthanded.”

Riven nodded. “I do not know how long my companions will wish to tarry in this town, but if we
stay past tomorrow, it would be my honor to assist you.”

“That’s mighty decent of ya. Now come this way, Ah’ll show ya your room.”


“Err…sooo…um…Singed…I notice your cutie mark looks like chemistry equipment. Does that

mean your special talent is some sort of science?” Twilight’s attempts at small talk were slightly
awkward, but she seemed to be pretty intelligent past it, so Singed decided to play along, filing away in
his brain that the marking on his flank was called a cutie mark.

“You could say that. I’m a chemist. In my homeland of Zaun, I was a bit of a celebrity even. I
must admit, even though it’s rather dangerous, it’s quite a satisfying profession. I can honestly say that it
is my life’s calling.”

“Zaun? I’ve never heard of that place…So you are a chemist? Is that why your eyes glow? Not
that there’s anything wrong with that, I mean…err…” Twilight mentally facehoofed at her insensitivity.
For all she knew, it was some sort of medical condition he had no control over.

Singed laughed quietly, his deep, gruff-sounding voice not quite as reassuring as he
intended. “Don’t trouble yourself my dear. In my younger days, I was quite reckless with the scientific
process, I must admit, and there have been a few long term side effects. Entirely my own fault, I assure
you, but it was worth it, I think, for all of the progress made. You wouldn’t believe some of the things
that I’ve learned about regeneration and durability enhancements.”

“Regeneration? Really? That sounds pretty advanced. If you managed to make strides there I
don’t doubt you were famous. I’ve got to admit, here in Equestria, the scientific aspects of healing have
been largely ignored in favor of the magical. Of course, earth ponies have made several recent strides in
the field, but sometimes I wonder if magic doesn’t stifle the more mundane facets of our ingenuity. It
sounds like what you do is pretty amazing, though.”

Singed smiled and bowed his head humbly as he walked. “Oh, well, I’m only trying to do the best
I can to improve upon that which I love.”


Despite her reservations about this strange pony, her love of knowledge had kicked in and now she
was compelled to query the chemist about his profession as they walked. Singed, equally as passionate
about chemistry and potion-making, replied to the best of his ability while skirting around topics he felt
would make her uncomfortable, such as live test subjects and chemical warfare, for the sake of polite
conversation. Eventually they had arrived at Ponyville’s library.

“…and that’s when I discovered that a mixture of cobra antivenom, cursed nightshade poison,
and beeswax could be used to cure the common cold. Of course, it was a stupid, disgusting cure,
considering we have doctors who do it much less painfully, but hey, the more you know, right?”

Twilight giggled at the end of the anecdote. “Anyway, we’re here, and I’m sure you’re tired. I
know I am. As I’m sure you know, the recent Discord fiasco has left a LOT of cleaning up to do. The guest
bed is in the basement. Don’t mind all the equipment down there…I kinda use it as a storeroom too. You
should have plenty of space though, so don’t worry. I’ll notify my assistant that you’re here as well so he
doesn’t get surprised, and so he knows to cook for one more when the morning comes.

“I’m sure it will be delicious, Twilight. Good night.” Singed descended down the stairs into the
basement, marveling at various devices which looked slightly complicated even for him, although he had
to admit his knowledge of magically-enhanced technology was somewhat limited. Eventually, he came
upon a bed tucked away in a corner that looked barely big enough for him. After slinging aside the large
bottle he carried on his back, he descended onto the bed, and finding it surprisingly comfortable, fell
asleep shortly thereafter, wondering who Discord was.


“I hear water nearby. If it is a river, we can follow it and eventually it should lead us out of the
forest.” Ezreal had been pretty disturbed at the transformation, but after reassurances that they’d find
the idiot Summoners responsible for their predicament as soon as possible, he had put his exploration
skills to use to try and find a way out of this apparently huge forest they had landed in. Thus far, there
had been no other signs of life, but night was falling, and the forest was starting to produce noises that
didn’t sound entirely friendly. The trio had increased their pace accordingly, not wanting to find out if
the wildlife here was more deadly than Valoran’s own fauna. Ezreal took a moment to adjust the
familiar-looking bracer that he had found on his leg, and focused, his eyes and a gem on the bracer
glowing in unison for a brief moment. A second later, his eyes adjusted to having night vision. “Let’s
keep moving.”