• Published 30th Mar 2012
  • 11,756 Views, 170 Comments

League of Discord - Ghosted Note

Six champions from the League of Legends are transported to Equestria. Continued in The Redemption of Jericho Swain.

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Chapter 3: Chromatic Impact

League of Discord

Chapter 3: Chromatic Impact

Riven was fond of the taste of apples. That did not prepare her for what breakfast entailed for a
guest at the Apple family residence. The Apples had a definition of a ‘normal’ sized breakfast that
already would baffle most ponies who didn’t spend their days performing physical labor, but
compounded with their hospitality, Riven had to wonder how it was physically possible for any being to
ingest that much food. Nonetheless, a soldier knew to never refuse a meal when in the field, and so
Riven ate slightly more than her fill, to the delight of the old mare called Granny Smith, who couldn’t
stand all of those skinny ponies who were too concerned with things like weight and diets and looks to
appreciate a good meal, unlike this nice mare who put away almost as much food as Applejack.

Of course, after eating so much, Riven felt compelled to stretch her muscles, as unfamiliar with
them as she was. Being the most agile and physically coordinated of her group, she had taken to the
new form relatively fast, being comfortable walking within seconds, and able to gallop steadily within
minutes of standing for the first time in her new form. However, one facet of her new form evaded her,
and as much as she hated to admit it, intimidated her, as evidenced by the wings plastered to her sides.
She knew that eventually she’d have to master their use eventually, but for the sake of her sanity she’d
allowed at least one thing about this place and form get past her self control. Holding too much back
was mentally unhealthy, and could lower performance in the field, after all.

“Get ‘nuff to eat, sugarcube?” Applejack queried. Riven didn’t especially care for the term of
reference, but wasn’t about to complain to the one who had housed and fed her. Instead, Riven nodded
her assent. Applejack gave a friendly smile, and turned to walk toward the door. “Ah imagine yer friends
are gonna come by some time to collect ya, so you can stay here as long as ya need. Me and Big Mac, at
least as much as he can in his state, will be out in the orchard workin’ if ya need something.”

Riven saw an opportunity for a little morning exercise, and seized upon it. “Actually, I would like
to repay your kindness and hospitality. If there are any tasks that I could help with, I request that you
allow me to show my gratitude.” Riven gave Applejack a hopeful look.

“Ah don’t mean to make ya feel obligated to help. Me and Big Mac have been running this place
by ourselves for years. We get by even if the clumsier of the two of us decides to sprain his ankle,”
Applejack paused, considering Riven’s expression, and her previous experiences with refusing
help. “Although, if ya really want to help, we still got some applebucking to do. Don’t ya feel obligated
though. Ah ain’t in the habit of chargin’ for being decent toward anypony.”

“It would be my honor to assist you. Besides, after such a large meal, I need to do some
exercising anyway.”

Applejack laughed. “Ah know what ya mean. Granny Smith loves to cook a little too much
sometimes, Ah think. Come right this way and Ah’ll show ya how to harvest the apples properly. Don’t

be too upset if ya can’t get them all on the first buck. Me and my brother have been at this for years.”

With that, the two set to work. Riven didn’t need much instruction, and once she established
the basic technique, the task went at a brisk pace. Applejack was grateful that the harvest was going
faster than normal, and pleasantly surprised at Riven’s endurance. Twilight had volunteered to help in
the ‘earth pony’ way in the past, but the studious unicorn had always faltered quickly. ‘Ah swear, she
needs to get more exercise. Book learnin’ is all fine and dandy, but sometimes your body needs to learn
things just as much as your head,’ Applejack thought to herself. ‘This pegasus is pretty hardy though. It’s
nice to have a little bit of…qualified help. Ah’d hire her in a heartbeat if she were stayin’. Love my friends,
but if it weren’t for Twi’s magic, it would have taken significantly longer to finish last year’s harvest.
Dash’s the only one who’s got any real muscle, but Ah’ll be darned if Ah can keep her attention on one
thing for more than five minutes.’

Applejack paused to look over at her assistant. ‘Ah wonder what’s with those funny clothes, and
those broken things on her wings. Looks sharp enough to hurt somepony. Can’t ask though. Don’t want
to seem like Ah’m pryin’ into the life of somepony Ah just met. It’d be impolite.’

She was cut out of her reverie by a familiar whistling noise. “Duck and cover!” Riven instinctually
jumped forward under a tree, turning around with a baffled look on her face before the source of the
disturbance made itself clear.

As if summoned by mere thought, a distinctly multihued blur appeared with a resounding crash.
A few yards away, the meteoric newcomer unfurled from the ball that its landing had forced it into.
Ruffled feathers, various cuts and bruises, and a nervous chuckling confirmed Applejack’s
suspicions. “Rainbow Dash, by Celestia’s mane, what did Ah tell you about practicing over the farm?! Ya
could get hurt! These trees have pointy branches, ya know! Ya should go to the lake if ya want to do
anything risky… Ya know ya worry me with how much liberty ya treat your safety with.”

Riven, upon hearing the name Celestia, was about to ask who the name’s owner was, but
decided it was better not to reveal the extent of her foreign origins. Instead, she sat and watched as
Applejack continued to admonish this rainbow-maned newcomer who was doing a poor job of hiding
her regret at worrying Applejack behind a carefree and brash demeanor.

“Okay, okay…I promise I’ll stick to the lake from now on with the risky stuff, AJ…” Rainbow Dash
paused as she noticed Riven for the first time. “Who’s your friend, Applejack?”

“Rainbow Dash, this is Riven. She and her two friends came into town yesterday, and Twi’ asked
me and Rarity to help house them while they passed through. We was workin’ on the apple harvest
when ya crashed.”

Rainbow examined Riven carefully, darting around in the air to get a better look at the disconcerted
warrior. After a few moments, she landed in front of Riven. “I’ve never seen a pegasus who wears stuff
like that on her wings. Pretty cool, even if it looks broken. How do you fly in that getup?”

Riven searched for words, taken aback by the abruptness of the question. After a few seconds,

she lowered her head, feeling a strange sense of inadequacy at being someone who prided herself on
agility and mobility but lacked this knowledge. “I…I am afraid I was never taught. The blades are for help
harvesting my home’s principle crop. Nobody there was capable of teaching me.” She hoped that
sounded like a convincing half-truth.

Rainbow Dash, who was slightly lacking in the art of subtlety and the interpretation thereof,
bought it, while Applejack, who was suddenly overwhelmed with pity and awkwardness for the pegasus
who couldn’t fly, didn’t give it a second thought either. For her part, Rainbow Dash seemed almost
outraged that an oversight of this magnitude could occur. “What?! You’re missing out on what makes a
pegasus a pegasus! That’s…I don’t even. Applejack, sorry, but this is…yeah, you know what I mean.”
Dash struggled for words to describe a situation that seemed alien and wrong to her.

Applejack nodded and laughed at her friend’s inability to articulate. “Ah gotcha, Dash. If her
friends come lookin’ for her, I’ll send them to the lake. Ain’t nobody should miss out on their heritage.”
At this, she looked at Riven. “Sorry if this seems a might sudden to ya, but Ah’m thinkin’ that ya should
probably go. Don’t know how long you’ll be stayin’, so it might be a good idea to let Dash show ya a few
things. Dontcha worry, she might not be the most patient or well-mannered, but she’s a dang good flyer,
probably one of the best in Equestria.”

As Rainbow Dash puffed up at the praise, Riven decided not to miss out on this opportunity to
make use of her new form’s abilities. “I would be honored to be taught by someone so highly esteemed.
Once more, thank you for your hospitality, Applejack.”


“…and then Rarity’s wings burned up, and she dropped like a sack of potatoes. Of course, she
was so busy kicking and screaming that when the Wonderbolts went to rescue her, she managed to
knock them out in midair!”

Curiosity got the better of Riven. She had already learned much, like how the land of Equestria
was ruled by some sort of divine princess duo. Despite the boastful and boisterous nature of the
pegasus, Rainbow Dash wasn’t stupid, even if she lacked any sort of refinement. “She’s obviously still
alive now, so what happened?”

“Well, I was already airborne, so I got up as much speed as I could, and…well, you remember
how I was talking about how I was having trouble replicating my Sonic Rainboom? Well turns out your
friend and childhood heroes falling to their doom is a good motivator, haha. So yeah, I did a Sonic
Rainboom to catch up to them and save them! Right in front of everyone in Cloudsdale, and even
Princess Celestia. One of the best days of my life…Oh, we’re here.” In front of the pair was a large lake.
Even the hardened soldier had to admit that the view was breathtaking, and she couldn’t help but think
back to Noxus’ attempt to conquer the city-state of Ionia. It was during that conflict, in that land of
similarly breathtaking beauty that Riven had been broken in more than one way…

Riven shook herself out of the reverie. “So where do we begin? I have to admit, the thought of

flying somewhat intimidates me. I don’t have any experiences that I think I can compare it to.”

Rainbow Dash showed Riven a few warm up stretches to begin with. Even as a pony, Riven was
physically fit, and though they had never been used, her wings were no exception. Sensing Riven’s
personal attachment to the blades affixed to her wings, Rainbow Dash had the tact not to ask the
warrior to remove them, since the joints expertly crafted to fit her wings meant they didn’t obstruct her
movement at all. Eventually, the time had come for Riven to take her first glide.

Rainbow Dash had carried Riven higher and higher into the air, Riven’s nerves growing
increasingly tormented as she looked down, noting nothing but clouds below them. She was even less
prepared when Rainbow Dash set her on top of a cloud, letting out a strange squeak rather unbecoming
of a decorated soldier of Noxus before realizing that she wasn’t falling through the cloud.
Embarrassment flushing her face slightly, she remembered her teacher’s previous mentions of a city in
the clouds, realizing now that it was less a city in clouds and more a city comprised of clouds. Rainbow
Dash stifled a laugh. “Okay, you ready now? All we’re doing is gliding. I’ll be right beside you the entire
time, so if you lose control or anything, I’ll get you. We’re over a lake anyway, so there’s nothing to
worry about. Just take a deep breath, and whenever you’re ready jump.”

Riven nodded, and gathered her resolve. She had slain men, conquered cities, and proven her
mettle. Nothing as petty as flying in her new form would overcome her… But perhaps she might have to
warm up some more. Fortunately, Rainbow saw Riven about to balk, and decided to give a
subtle ‘nudge’ in the right direction. Riven stumbled, off-balance, toward the edge of the cloud, and
seeing no other option, jumped.

It was like falling and floating at the same time. Riven’s mind scrambled for a moment before
once more she had regained her composure, and was able to fully grasp and appreciate what was
happening. This realization threw off her mental balance again, in the other direction this time. She
couldn’t help but to laugh at the wonder of it, for in the human soul there’s something innately fixated
on the concept of flying, and the fascination is perpetually strengthened by the artificial chains of
society that keep the average human shackled to the ground. As much as a Noxian could, she found it
poetic as she drifted lazily downward, having just overcome the biggest restraint ever to hold back a
dreamer, as if proving that in this strange place, anything was possible. This place was beginning to grow
on her. If she didn’t have a duty to restore her beloved homeland, and perhaps if circumstances were

She didn’t get a chance to finish that train of thought though, as the inevitable counterattack
from the force of nature she had temporarily bested came and she found herself sputtering and flailing
in the lake, much to the amusement of Rainbow Dash, who had decided not to intervene unless there
was real danger. Eventually dragging herself to shore, she tried her best to shake her body dry, still in a
slight cloud of muddled ecstasy. Rainbow Dash was pleasantly reminded of the time she had taken one
of the local fillies who seemed to look up to her on an extremely assisted glide. The excitement and
wonderment of the experience almost universally left new fliers speechless, and it seemed that even
for adults, that statement held true.

Riven sat there, gathering her breath and thoughts alike. After several minutes, she looked up to
her teacher with a determined smile. “Again?”

Rainbow Dash laughed, and the two resumed. The practice continued through most of the
afternoon, neither of the pair noticing that they had observers. The crippled unicorn turned to his earth
pony companion, and smirked, his raven passenger cawing in assent. The two sat and watched, talking
about what they had discovered about their new locale, until eventually the two pegasi landed, and
showed no signs of lifting off again. Riven was pleased. Since her muscles were already fully developed,
a lot of the work that went into learning how to fly was gone, and most of the teaching centered around
technique, which Rainbow Dash was both proficient in as a teacher and as an example.

“Having fun?” Swain let out a quiet chuckle before continuing, his gruff but calm voice resuming
its emotionless, all-business tone. “If you’re done, we have things to discuss. Twilight and her
companions have agreed to let us stay another night, but we need to discuss some things with her at the
library. It turns out we’re farther from home than we thought.”


The manticore roared in a mixture of rage, indignation, and pain. It wasn’t used to its food
fighting back this hard. It took another look at the ponies in front of it, and decided they weren’t worth
the effort or the numerous injuries. With a heave, the beast flapped its wings and flew away, leaving the
three to resume their efforts at escaping the forest, which at night seemed to lose any semblance of
hospitality. Luckily, they weren’t lacking in food or water, since grass and water seemed enough to
sustain them.

The youngest of the three, a white unicorn with a blonde mane and a marking resembling a map
on his flank, turned toward the oldest. “Wow. Remind me not to piss you off, Nasus. Wouldn’t it have
been easier to just kill it?”

Glowing red eyes flickered slightly brighter in response. “It isn’t a matter of anger. It is a matter
of proving that we are not prey while preserving the balance of nature here. I do not know how rare
creatures such as those are, so killing them might upset the cycle of life here. Thus, the only solution
was to cause enough superficial damage to convince the creature to retreat. Even in its damaged state,
the likelihood of it being killed by anything other than its natural predators is slim, as most creatures it
consumes will probably be conditioned to avoid it, and it will probably be driven by instinct to avoid
stronger competitors, at least until it is capable of managing them.”

“At least we know our combat abilities are intact. We should be able to fend off anything
interested in us, or at the very least escape if something appears that is beyond our capabilities,” Ryze
commented dryly.”

The trio continued on in relative silence, something that two out of three could appreciate,
but neither of them put much stock in Ezreal’s opinion outside of navigation, and Ryze was too busy
continuing to silently fume over how incompetent Summoners could be to talk. Nasus, on the other

hand, was occupied with appreciating the wildlife around him. During his time in Runeterra, he had
spent most of his time in the deserts of Shurima, comforted slightly by the familiarity being surrounded
by an environment reminiscent of his homeland. He was a little homesick, but he knew better than to
hold a grudge against the Summoners who had ripped him from his world in the early stages of the
League, when the city-states were loathe to surrender their best champions to the cause. Nasus had
decided that ending war was a noble cause, and volunteered his services. Of course, with the recent
appearance of his brother and his induction into the League while the Institute searched for a way
to ‘cure’ Renekton, he had even more reason to stay attached to Valoran’s peacekeeping organization.
Still, the change of scenery was nice, and even an immortal knew that life could be far too fleeting to
ignore beauty. Nasus allowed himself an appreciative smile, and continued onward.