• Published 12th Apr 2014
  • 2,930 Views, 76 Comments

The Monster and the Crystal Prince - Revenant Wings

The first human in centuries comes into Equestria through the mirror portal from an alternate world and finds himself under the watchful eye of the Prince of the Crystal Empire. *Some R63'd ponies*

  • ...

Chapter X - 'Virtutis amor'

On Saturday at four-fifteen, Douglas had only done three hours of work.

He’d gone to his first literature class in the morning, and was thankful that it was only syllabus instruction, reading a simple story and answering questions, and being assigned an essay project to be due at the end of the month. The class itself seemed easy enough, but his thoughts were preoccupied by the coming evening with Prince Tempo.

By the time he’d returned and had suited up in his armor, the Prince was waiting for him in the main hall. The Prince had already finished his time in his office and had done all the discussions with his advisors that he needed to. They left the Crystal Palace and went for a walk around town, with Prince Tempo doing all he could to reassure Douglas that the evening was going to be fine, and ate a light lunch so that their appetite would not be spoiled. Though Douglas’ worry returned when they went to try on his clothes for that evening; everything was fine, but they would be delivered to the Palace later on.

At four-fifteen, Douglas was excused to take off his armor and was given a key on a silver chain to use in the lift. The key mimicked the shape of the Prince’s horn and was apparently imbued with his magic. Douglas was to use it any time he wanted to see the Prince, and was one of only three who was given carte blanche to call on the Prince directly.

‘Who are the other two?’ Douglas asked before they parted.

‘Gleaming Shield and Crystal Barrier,’ Prince Tempo replied. ‘The two most senior and highest-leveled of the Guard, those who may need to call on me quickly. You are not exactly high-level nor senior, but you are a special case.’

Douglas wondered just how much of a “special case” he was exactly.

Even so, Douglas returned to the Guard quarters and took off his armor. He stepped into the shower and made sure to scrub himself off as clean as he could manage with the soap available in the showers and picked out a clean but simple set of clothes to wear up to the Prince’s room.

No one was available in the common room, not even Crystal Barrier or Emerald Green. Douglas wished someone was, even if it was someone like Sapphire that he didn’t talk much to, just to get a load off his chest. Instead he braced himself, went to the lift, and put the key in the hole above the button.

The key glowed and pulsed with magic and the lift began to rise. Douglas took the key out of the hole and placed it on his neck and under his shirt as the lift rose all the way up to the top floor and the Prince’s suite.

The top hallway was quiet and lonely except for a single guard: Emerald Green. He stood quietly by and only moved to see Douglas walking slowly down the hall. He scanned Douglas up and down and gulped. He looked like he was about to speak when Douglas pulled the key out from under his shirt, and all he could do afterwards was let out a noiseless sigh.

Douglas stood at the door for a long time without knocking. ‘...what do I do?’ he asked quietly.

Emerald Green stayed silent, but bit at Douglas’ pant leg.

‘...I don’t want to either,’ Douglas admitted. ‘I don’t want to disrespect him, either, though.’

Emerald Green let go of the pants. ‘He’s not a bad sort,’ he said. ‘Just... just see what you feel and take that into account before how he feels.’

Douglas nodded. Emerald Green resumed his position, and Douglas knocked on the door.

‘Come in,’ the Prince said.

Douglas sighed. ‘Wish me luck, Emerald,’ he said, and opened the door.

The Prince was seated at the vanity similar to how he had been a week ago when he extended the invitation to Douglas. His mane was wet once again and he appeared to be trying to remove the knots from it with a comb.

Tempo looked over at Douglas when he entered the room and scanned him. ‘Your clothes came in just before you arrived.’

‘Where are they?’

‘They’re lying on the bed. However, before you put them on, I need you to use the shower first.’ He motioned towards the bathroom.

Douglas was confused. ‘I thought you meant for me to shower beforehand, so I did so in the Guard common bathroom.’

‘The soaps down there are to clean and moisturize,’ Tempo said. ‘The basics. Then again, a Guard needs relatively little concern for appearance. The soaps up here will give your hair an extra sheen, remove all the dead skin, clear out any pores, add extra moisture to the skin, and finally add a little scent.’

‘All of that is necessary?’

‘Not really,’ Tempo admitted. ‘But the high class seems to enjoy it.’

Douglas nodded. ‘Towel and washcloth?’

‘In there already.’

‘...can you please not come in until I’m done and have some semblance of dress on?’

‘If that’s what you need, I’ll give it to you.’

Douglas nodded and headed off for the bathroom.

The bathroom floor was made of a standard beige tile, but the faucet, sink bowl, and shower seemed to be gilded and something that resembled a toilet was more silver. The counter was granite and the various cabinets around the room were a deep pink.

Douglas undressed himself and stepped into the shower, closing the curtain behind him. He eased the water on until it was pleasantly warm and in a soft yet steady shower and examined the soaps laid out. A light blue opaque bottle was labeled for hair shampoo and conditioner, a light green opaque bottle with little black flecks advertised removal of dead skin. A third bottle colored with a pink translucent liquid was for moisturizing and cleaning.

Sensing time was of the essence, Douglas immediately started washing his hair again with the light blue bottle, followed by the green bottle. The black flecks scraped at his skin and he felt as though the entire outer layer of his skin was being torn off. The light pink bottle smelled of ambrosia, lavender, and roses, and immediately soothed his raw skin as soon as he started to cover himself with it.

By the time his shower was done, the soap rinsed off and down the drain, Douglas could not deny a transformation had taken place. His skin was brighter and cleaner than it had been in weeks, and much smoother when he ran a hand over it. Any impurity had been scraped away and his skin looked almost new. His hair, when he inspected the bathroom mirror was a remarkably clean chocolate brown with a sheen that made it the color of caramel when the light hit it just right.

After taking some time to inspect himself, Douglas took the large towel that had been laid out for him and dried himself off completely. Douglas put his underwear back on before leaving the bathroom and wrapped the towel around his waist as he approached Tempo, who was looking at him up and down.

‘There,’ Tempo said. ‘Much better. Now, before we actually get you into your clothes, come sit down here.’

Douglas sat down in front of the vanity on a stool that Tempo had brought out. The pink alicorn got to work first with a sharp yet delicate knife, scraping away at the unrestrained hair that was beginning to grow on his chin and letting it fall into a basin in Douglas’ lap. Tempo continued this all around his chin, taking off the soul patch that was beginning to grow under his mouth, and shaved off just enough around the mouth to keep a moustache but not enough so that it was drooping around his lips.

‘Certainly takes a lot of work to prepare for these high class events,’ Douglas commented as Tempo started brushing his hair back.

‘Oh, it’s still not as bad for us as it is with the mares,’ Tempo said, taking the razor and cutting just enough off some of the hair that reached Douglas’ shoulders and making a line along the middle of his neck. ‘I’ve seen some mares take a week of preparation and two hours on the day off an event just to get themselves ready.’

‘And for both of us it’s going to take somewhere around an hour.’

Tempo nodded, brushing back Douglas’ bangs a bit before letting one or two fall in front of his face in little wisps. ‘That’s about right.’

When Tempo was done with him, Douglas looked clean shaven and his hair was neatly brushed back and against his head cut with a small line in the middle of his neck and just the slightest hint of bangs. It was more cleaning than Douglas had ever done to himself before.

‘Go try on your clothes,’ Tempo said. ‘I still have a few things I need to do with my mane.’

Douglas nodded and walked over to the large four-poster bed. Laid out across it where a pair of black dress pants, a plain white shirt, a collared button-up blue shirt, a black vest, a pair of black socks and a pair of leather shoes with black laces. Douglas took off his towel and quickly put on the pants, followed by the white shirt and the collared blue shirt both tucked into his pants, followed by the vest, then putting on the socks and shoes. The whole thing felt stiff at first, but it was very breathable and soon allowed him a large range of movement while remaining relatively wrinkle-free.

By the time Douglas had finished dressing himself, so had the Prince. He wore a white shirt with collars that covered his front half and his front hooves and frills that came from the collar. Over that was a red shirt with a V-neck that allowed some of the white to show through along with the frills and had gold outlines around each of the openings. His mane was almost straight, but his bangs were in similar wisps that delicately framed his face while the ends of his mane rested on his shoulders in small curls, and his tail ended in much the same way.

‘I dare say you’re ready for your first formal event,’ Tempo said, looking up and down at Douglas. ‘There’s just one thing…’

Tempo went back over to his vanity and levitated out two small groups of flowers held together by a pin. Tempo pinned on Douglas a single, thornless, full-budded coral rose surrounded by blue primroses, while Tempo had graced himself with a similar thornless lavender-colored rose surrounded by deep blue violets and a single bud of lavender.*

‘It doesn’t quite match, does it?’ Douglas commented.

‘High society cares not for what matches,’ Tempo said. ‘If there’s something to be seen in a choice that says something about the personality of the pony, that’s what they will see.’

‘Very well, then. You seem to know these things better than I do.’

Tempo nodded slowly, then motioned to the door with his hoof. ‘Shall we?’

Douglas nodded. ‘You have ready our reservation, then?’

‘I have already told them weeks in advance to have one for me plus one extra. Lately it’s been a Guard, but tonight it’s you.’

‘Not much difference, then. Exception being that I’m carrying a rose and not a spear.’

‘And you might actually speak.’

Douglas remained silent as they went into the lift and went all the way down until they were in the crystal city itself. The sun was low on the horizon and the sky was painted in brilliant yellows that faded into oranges, pinks, and purples as the sky slowly darkened. Douglas walked side-by-side with Prince Tempo down a street painted in gold hues from the sun towards the botanical gardens at the edge of town.

The botanical gardens were a series of large beige domes connected by glass and crystal walkways that allowed for an open view of the sky. Douglas and Prince Tempo entered one of the domes and passed through towards a gate leading to a large square with a fountain and a small classical set playing light, easy-listening music. Ponies were walking around and mingling as they approached a stallion smartly dressed in a tuxedo standing at a small pedestal near the gate.

‘Welcome to the Fourth Annual Crystal Empire Museum and Gardens Dinner and Fundraiser,’ the stallion said in a refined tone. He looked over Prince Tempo approvingly, then cast a somewhat confused glance towards Douglas. ‘May I have your name, sirs?’

‘Prince D’Amore Temporus, invited here by the museum curator Ancient Treasure. And this is my guest: my personal escort and Guard Douglas. Listed as “Prince D’Amore, one plus one”.’

The stallion nodded and looked down at the stack of papers on his pedestal. On the first page, he scrolled his hoof through a list of complicated names, then returned to the top. ‘Just as you said, sir,’ he said, back to the affable but refined tone. ‘You have a table reserved with the Curator himself. I’ll have an attendant come over to sit you down if you would like.’


A young colt soon came over to the pedestal and led Douglas and the Prince under an archway of thorny rose bushes and into one of the large glass structures to a table that had four seats around it, placed in sets of two, in a quiet area of the garden along with twenty or so other tables with guards from the barracks in intervals around the perimeter. Douglas and Tempo each sat themselves in one of the chairs and were soon treated to a large loaf of warm bread and two small cups of butter.

Douglas finally had a chance to look around at his surroundings. The tables were covered in white cloth, and each place setting had a smaller plate, along with two forks on one side and a knife and spoon on a folded cloth napkin on the other. To the left was a small glass filled with ice water, while on the right side of the plate was a half-sized wine glass.

The local foliage was gently covered in strings of lights, while oil lamps had been set around the dining area and the dance floor where the orchestra was set up. The sky gradually darkened as Douglas took in the scene and soon the sun went down and left merely the lights from the botanical gardens on. Larger lighting structures provided sweeping lights over the majority of the walking paths, but the smaller lights over the rose bushes and candles set on the tables provided a more intimate atmosphere for the dining area.

A unicorn came around to the tables and filled the wine glass with a sparkling liquid. Douglas tasted it and found it had a sharp taste at first, but quickly mellowed out and became sweet.

‘It’s a sweet chardonnay,’ Tempo said. ‘It’s rather common for cleansing the palate between courses.’

‘Never was one for alcohol,’ Douglas said, setting the glass as far away from him as his hand could reach. ‘It’s sweeter than most, but there’s still that sting at the end of it.’

Tempo took a sip of his own glass. ‘I’ve heard it’s an acquired taste.’

‘Perhaps,’ Douglas said as he took a slice from the loaf. He spread some butter on it and took a bite; it was still warm and soft.

It wasn’t long before a grey, earth pony stallion with a spikey yellow mane and the picture of an old vase for a cutie mark came up to the table. He wore a fine black dress suit and a white collar with red tie around his neck, along with a gold badge pinned on the right side of his chest and a pair of glasses held around his ears by a pair of silver chains. As he approached, Tempo got up and extended a hoof towards him.

‘D’Amore Temporus, my prince!’ the stallion remarked boisterously as he shook the hoof of the alicorn. ‘It’s good to see you here tonight.’

‘It’s my pleasure to come out, Ancient Treasure,’ Tempo responded, bowing politely to the stallion. ‘Is the wife at home this evening?’

‘Alas, yes,’ the stallion said, taking one of the seats next to Douglas and across from Tempo though focusing solely on the Prince. ‘Came down with a cold yesterday evening, so she just decided to rest. Absolutely heartbroken over missing the gala, though.’

‘I would imagine so. Send her my condolences and if things get worse come and tell me.’

‘As soon as you said that last time, she got cured. I tell you what, it’s a stroke of luck, as though the infection’s afraid of you.’

‘I am a Prince. If need be, I can send a whole army after it.’

The two laughed for a little while, then settled down once the other stallion’s wine glass had been filled. The alicorn and the stallion took a sip of their wine glasses and toasted each other as though Douglas was not even in the equation. Douglas raised his water glass and took a sip of it, hoping it remained that way.

‘Ah,’ the stallion responded to a comment from Tempo, catching sight of Douglas and adjusting his glasses. ‘And who might this fellow be?’

Luck be damned, Douglas thought. It’s as though everyone can read my mind around here.

‘Forgive me,’ Tempo said, ‘I’ve forgotten to introduce him. Ancient Treasure, this is Douglas, the new Palace Guard I’ve assigned as my escort. Came up from Canterlot not even two weeks ago. Douglas, this is Ancient Treasure, the curator of the Natural History Museum.’

‘So, what are you, exactly?’ Ancient Treasure said as he examined Douglas. ‘You look like an ape but you’re not as hairy.’

‘I’m a human,’ Douglas said.

Ancient Treasure nearly dropped his glasses. ‘By Celestia’s sun!’ he exclaimed. ‘A human! I’d only heard of you in myth and legend before.’ He adjusted his glasses. ‘Certainly don’t have the sharp teeth or the red eyes I’ve heard about.’

‘Now, now,’ Tempo said before Douglas could respond. ‘I think he’s heard enough of those already. Despite his looks he’s actually quite formidable, but in reality he’s rather nice and even-tempered.’

Ancient Treasure looked again at Douglas, then laughed. ‘Well, his eyes aren’t red, but his cheeks certainly are. Drank too much wine already?’

‘I’m not a fan of alcohol, sir,’ Douglas said politely, trying to cover up his embarrassment. ‘I’ve only had one sip. Perhaps it’s been too long since I last had it.’

‘Wish I could say the same thing,’ Ancient Treasure said remorsefully. ‘By the end of this gala, I’ll have had more drinks than one should have in a week.’

‘Boredom or do you like the taste?’

‘Boredom at first, but it eventually goes to where I don’t mind the taste.’

Douglas hummed thoughtfully.

‘So, what do you think about being the prince’s consort?’

‘Consort?’ Douglas replied, mystified by this new terminology and half waiting for Tempo to step in. But he didn’t; Tempo merely smiled politely at the situation and seemed to deliberately took a bite of bread and chewed it so slowly such that he was too preoccupied to interrupt. ‘I’m not his consort. I’m an escort.’

‘Well, you’re dressed like a consort,’ Ancient Treasure remarked.

‘The Prince wished for someone who was a slight bit more amicable than a normal Guard.’

‘Ah, that explains it,’ Ancient Treasure leaned back in his chair as large plates of salad began to be served to the tables, except for his position. ‘The other Guards are too stoic?’

‘No. They take their job too seriously.’ Tempo nudged Douglas’ elbow slightly. ‘This one included. Figured since he was new I’d give him an early night off and show him around, especially considering there may be a few more of these events in his future.’

Hopefully next time I’ll be in armor, Douglas thought though he gave no sign of his irritation.

‘Well, I need to speak with some of the other guests,’ Ancient Treasure said. ‘I’ll be back shortly. Enjoy yourselves.’ He waved, got up from his seat with a bow to Tempo, and walked off.

Tempo poked Douglas’ arm playfully. ‘Lighten up a little,’ he said. ‘It’s all in good fun. And these types won’t say anything too offensive anyways.’

But Douglas’ mind was stuck on one thing. ‘What is a “consort”, and why didn’t you correct him?’

‘Ah, that’s what it was. It’s simply another term for partner. Nothing to be afraid of.’

‘Then what did he mean we’re dressed like it?’

‘My friend the curator likes to use fancy terms. Unfortunately, he doesn’t use the right term all the time. He means well and is one of the few interesting ones here, however.’

Douglas nodded and took another bite of his salad, though didn’t believe Tempo at all.

‘What do you think of it so far?’ Tempo said, noticing Douglas’ irritation and switching topics. ‘Rather a simple affair, isn’t it?’

‘We haven’t been here long,’ Douglas commented in a resigned manner. ‘We have the whole night ahead of us.’

‘So we do. Alas, thus is the exciting life of a Prince that so many dream of.’

Despite his belief that Tempo wasn’t telling him everything, Douglas had to respect Tempo for countering sarcasm with sarcasm. He actually grinned at the remark. ‘Ah, yes. The pre-written speeches, the scores of nobles wishing to talk about their accomplishments for the right of higher power…’

‘Oh, and don’t forget the fact that the Guard are stoic as hell,’ Tempo continued. ‘It’s just like Elysium itself, isn’t it?’

Even though the last comment was an intentional jab at his own position, Douglas couldn’t help but laugh at the false adoration that Tempo had.

Tempo himself was still grinning. ‘There we go!’ he exclaimed. ‘That’s better! You can take a joke!’

Douglas sighed and calmed down. ‘It must be kind of sad, though. No one really knows that about your position, I suppose.’

‘No,’ Tempo admitted, his mouth smiling through his voice had tinges of melancholy in it. ‘They need their Prince to be strong, and thus I give that to them.’

Douglas looked at the Prince, his handsome face smiling at him though with a touch of melancholy in the eyes and the weak smile. ‘So, what is there to do?’ he asked.

‘About being a Prince? Not much I’m afraid.’

‘No. Here.’

Tempo opened his mouth like he wanted to speak, and for the first time Douglas had seen appeared to be caught off-guard. He suddenly smiled and giggled awkwardly. ‘Oh, you meant that. Well, the main course will be up shortly, followed by dessert. Afterwards, it’s mingling by the classical set or walking around the gardens.’

Douglas nodded as the main course came. It tasted like meat, though Tempo referred to it as ‘soy’. Still, with the garnish they put on it and the side of garlic mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus brushed with olive oil, it tasted quite nicely. Ancient Treasure came and ate with them and talked with Tempo a little more, but as soon as his course was over, he left again.

Dessert was a slice of chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream. Douglas and Tempo ate their portions as the sound of classical music floated through the dome where they were eating. The sound of birds singing came from the nearby aviary, and the night shone with the light of the moon and the speckled canvas of stars.

‘It actually is a beautiful night out tonight,’ Tempo said.

Douglas looked up. A cool breeze passed through the warmer air of the dome, and he saw the night in full force, sprinkled with stars of innumerable shapes and formations. ‘It certainly is.’

‘Look, I know I’ve been a little hard on you,’ Tempo said. ‘I mean, putting you in the spotlight with the curator, the jab at your position, pointing out your temper and all that. Even since coming here and bringing you to the Palace Guard.’

Douglas found himself feeling sorry for the Prince. He felt his expression soften, but he didn’t say anything.

‘I was just wondering if you could perhaps forgive me for all that and let’s start tonight on a new page. Perhaps a…’ Tempo shyly averted his eyes momentarily and some tinges of red appeared on his otherwise pink face. ‘…perhaps as escort and friend?’

Why not? Douglas thought. It was quite a harmless gesture. ‘I guess that could work out.’

Tempo’s smile brightened. ‘Really?’

‘Sure.’ Douglas took the last bite of his chocolate cake and set his hand on his knee. ‘I mean, you are the one pony who I’ve gotten close to at all in my time here. And you actually seem to care for me not just as a boss but… for who I am.’

Tempo’s gaze softened. ‘That’s all I’ve ever seen you for.’

‘Well, then I’m glad we got the fight out of the way early.’

Tempo laughed, but he was soon back to simply smiling at Douglas; rather sweetly, too. ‘And yet that was the only time I saw that. Every other time, you’ve been friendly if reserved and sweet if afraid to show it.’

‘I haven’t really found anyone I could do that with.’

Prince Tempo placed a hoof on his hand. ‘You’ve done it with me.’

The only thing Douglas could think of was: So I have. But neither did he admit that nor say anything of the sort. He did feel his face get hot and let Prince Tempo keep his hoof on his hand for a moment. He almost pulled his hand away, but Tempo released it first and set his hoof down.

‘Well, now that that awkward moment is over,’ Tempo laughed as he broke the silence that had fallen between them, ‘what say we head over to the classical music performing on the terrace? I still have to meet with one or two others and we can always enjoy the concert they put on in the meantime.’

Douglas nodded. ‘Alright. They’ll just come and pick up the plates?’

‘Yes. They take care of the cleaning here. That way, we can just enjoy ourselves.’

Tempo and Douglas got up and started walking out of the dome with the tables. A few attendants started rushing to clean the table of the dinner mess. The two walked through the archway of roses, Douglas thinking about how the evening had gone surprisingly well so far in the light of all that happened.

It was as they were passing under the archway of roses that Tempo tripped and stumbled. It may have been a loose stone on the pathway, or even a tile that was tilted up just slightly to create a step. Either way, Tempo was initially walking straight along the path before whatever it was caught him off guard and he was stumbling and leaning towards the bushes.

‘Oh, no you don’t!’

Quick as he could, Douglas wrapped his arms around the Prince and heaved backwards. Tempo’s mane got caught in the thorns and created a slightly disheveled look about his mane – one that had not detracted from his still regal appearance, Douglas thought – but within moments after his near fall Prince D’Amore Temporus was standing on his feet again.

‘Are you alright?’ Douglas asked, releasing his grip and looking the alicorn over for any marks.

Tempo surveyed his body over. ‘I am,’ he said. ‘Not a scratch on me.’ Tempo put a hoof around Douglas. ‘Thank you so much.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Douglas said, returning the hug with a single arm. ‘Matter of life and death you Princes always seem to get yourself into.’

‘Glad to know I had a knight in shining armor,’ Tempo whispered, less sarcasm in his voice than was in Douglas’.

‘Well, since you’re good, shall we continue?’

Tempo nodded and they made their way to the dance floor. Douglas noted the couples currently on the floor were all standing on their back legs, one hoof at their partner’s ribs while the other was extended out. The partners stepped around the dance floor in little two, three, and four step movements amid the background of the classical music playing on a simple stage.

Prince Tempo quickly found one of the ponies he’d been searching for and carefully maneuvered he and Douglas through the crowds to where he was standing next to the five-piece classical set. He talked over a few things that Douglas barely caught before he tapped Douglas on the shoulder.

‘It’s hotter than I thought,’ he said. ‘Let’s head over to the drinks. I’d like a glass of water.’

Douglas agreed and they headed over to a place where a small bar had been set up. Tempo and Douglas ordered a glass of water each and sat at the stools, watching the dancers on the stage for a while. They sat and watched for a few songs, enjoying the music and talking about Douglas’ first class at the University and his previous studies for a while before the band took a short break.

‘What say we join them?’

Douglas looked over to Tempo. ‘I believe I agreed to come as your guest.’

‘Ah, but this dance requires a partner.’

‘I am your escort.’

‘“Partner” was your term for this situation,’ Tempo said smugly.

Douglas groaned.

The other ponies gave the two awkward glances as Douglas and Tempo went out onto the center of the dance floor as the musicians prepared to play again. Tempo brought himself up enough to have Douglas rest a hand on his ribs just under his wings and met with Douglas’ hand extended out from his body. Tempo put a hoof on Douglas’ ribs, though extended it around his ribs towards his back as though for extra balance.

‘How do you manage to do that?’ Douglas said to the prince, now just above eye-level with him.

‘So long as four legs are on the ground,’ Tempo replied with a grin, ‘it doesn’t matter which four are touching. Now, follow my lead.’

The band picked up again with a cello and plucking violin. Tempo started counting off ‘One two three, one two three…’ over and over again as he took steps around the dance floor. The ponies tried to look away nervously as Tempo and Douglas started making movements around the dance floor. Douglas had to constantly look down at his feet to make sure he was okay.

‘You’re doing wonderfully,’ Tempo said.

A slight humming came from somewhere just out of Douglas’ vision, but it was soon tempered by the swelling of the classical orchestra playing. Tempo had stopped counting off and just let them go in a simple little circle in the center of the dance floor. Every once in a while, Tempo would lead them through a twirl and they’d be back to doing their simple little steps. Douglas found it remarkably easy to keep time with the Prince as they went through the relatively simple pattern.

‘So what tenant in your manifesto does this fall under?’ Douglas asked, slightly sarcastic.

Tempo’s response, however, was completely serious. ‘“Virtutis amor”. With love comes power. Ah, and here is a love of music.’ A few moments later, after looking up and down Douglas while they waltzed, the mischievous grin on his face… ‘…and of fine art.’

Douglas gulped slightly as he caught the innuendo. ‘I suppose there is some merit to this gala after all,’ Douglas said dryly. ‘So is it normally your standard to dance with your Guard? Another part of the qualifications?’

‘On rare occasions if they’re shy. You’re not supposed to be emotionless; you’re merely supposed to be focused.’

‘I think I’ve done plenty of emoting over the last few weeks.’

‘Mostly surprise and irrational fear, yes. But... I find myself enjoying your company, rather more given the circumstances.’

Douglas looked up at Tempo. He found himself staring into the gentle gaze of the purple eyes set into the handsome face, and noticed how easily the waltz came to him. Tempo started taking him in longer steps, but Douglas matched them with ease, finding the four-beat rhythm easily under the guidance of the alicorn.

‘For example, the sky is beautiful and clear, the night air is cool and calming and filled with the scent of the gardens. The food is excellent, and the music is just the type for a calm, clear night like this… ’

As the Prince spoke, Douglas felt a strange tingle go down his back. The voice of the Prince was soothing and calming as it had been on occasion, but there was something else in that voice. Something that came out a little more than the other times.

‘…you care not for the others?’ Douglas asked hopefully.

…hope? Did hope really belong there? But why would he be hopeful? Of wha—

‘No,’ Tempo answered in a gentle voice that only he could hear, leaning his head against the side of Douglas’. ‘I have what I want right here.’

Douglas felt his face get hot. And yet he couldn’t stop himself from reciprocating the gesture of the Prince. The orchestra continued its light piece, Douglas and Tempo kept swaying and stepping in time with the music, and gradually the other ponies stopped giving them awkward looks.

For once, Douglas could agree with the Prince. For some reason that he couldn’t quite understand, he was where he wanted to be. The music continued to flow around them as though it was only playing for them, and despite the constant moving they had been doing for over three minutes, Douglas felt relaxed and peaceful as opposed to tired and worn out.

Douglas closed his eyes as he and the Prince continued their waltz. A strange calm had descended over him as he heard Tempo whisper into his ear. ‘You’re doing wonderfully. I’m surprised you told me you’ve never danced before.’

‘I haven’t,’ Douglas said. After a while, he added on, ‘I’ve never had a reason to.’

Tempo sighed and nuzzled his cheek. ‘I suppose I can feel the same way,’ he replied. ‘I’ve never had much reason to dance before myself.’

‘I would have thought you would have had some reason to dance before.’

‘Remember those things we joked about earlier? They’re valid complaints.’

‘Apologies for laughing at your misery, then.’

‘Don’t be. It felt good to get that off my chest.’ In a low voice, so low that Douglas could barely hear it even though it was whispered almost into his ear, ‘My teacher was right.’ But before Douglas could process what he meant, Tempo’s voice had risen again. ‘And you have been more receptive than others to it.’

‘You have been more receptive of me than others have,’ Douglas said. ‘I suppose that means I’m returning the favor.’

‘You already have a thousand times over,’ Tempo said, once again causing a tingle to go down Douglas’ back like goosebumps.

A warmth entered Douglas’ chest. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he felt happier and more comfortable at that moment than he had felt in years. He felt a single tear roll down his cheek and couldn’t help but smiling as he and the Prince continued dancing. It felt almost like flying, Douglas mused, except without leaving the ground. There was the sense of being alive, the sense of freedom, and some strange sense of intimacy and secrecy that only he knew because the alicorn had shown him.

Where that last thought came from, he knew not. But he didn’t care.

When the song was over, the band took a break to the sound of polite hoof-stomping – and applauding from Douglas. The humming had stopped, as well, but the tingle in his back was still there long after they had left the botanical gardens and set off for the Palace.

The sky was clear and the streets were quiet even though it wasn’t that late. A few ponies were out but otherwise the city was as calm as the weather. A few restaurants and shops were open late and Douglas could see them still serving some final few customers, but others were closing down. Douglas wondered what time it was and how long he had been at the gala.

All the same, the experience hadn’t bothered him in the slightest. They talked all the way back and Douglas found himself quite comfortable with the Prince and somewhat amused that was the case. It helped that Tempo was telling him stories of some rather strange and funny things that had happened to some of the otherwise more boring ponies.

They went into the lift and headed up all the way to Tempo’s suite where Douglas’ normal clothes were still lying on the bed. Douglas was to change out of his nicer clothes in the bathroom and back into his plain clothes; the nicer ones would either be stored in Tempo’s room until he needed or wanted them again, but first Tempo would send them to the clothier to clean them properly.

Douglas went into the bathroom, changed into his plain clothes, and splashed a little water on his face to get rid of some sweat from the cluster of warmth in the gala. He came out and saw that Tempo had already removed all of his own clothes and put them away in a fine-looking wardrobe.

‘That’s it?’ Douglas asked.

‘That’s it,’ Tempo confirmed. ‘I hope you had a good time.’

‘I did,’ Douglas said. He nodded a few times. ‘I... I had more fun than I expected to.’

Prince Tempo, finished hanging up his clothes, turned around and smiled at him appreciatively.

Douglas stood there for a while, not sure of what to say. He figured it best to politely excuse himself and let the Prince rest after a late night, though he wasn’t sure how late he stayed up or what he did in his free time. ‘Well, I suppose I’d... I should head back to the Guard quarters. I have school and I don’t know how early you get up normally, so...’ Douglas coughed. ‘Thank you... again.’

Douglas walked over to the door and put his hand on the knob.


Douglas turned back around before he could open the door. Tempo walked over to him, crossing one of his front hooves over the other and his head slightly lowered as though bashful.

‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘For coming with me.’ He nuzzled under Douglas’ chin. ‘You’ve made a normally boring and unimpressive night worth it.’

Douglas smiled. ‘You’re welcome.’ He let out a hoarse laugh, likely from the late hour. ‘Anytime, I guess? Preferably as a Guard, but I suppose if you wanted to—’

But Douglas was silenced by the Prince’s face suddenly moving until it was right up next to him. Then, the Prince’s muzzle slowly touched his mouth. He felt the soft fur of the Prince’s muzzle and felt a hoof slowly come up towards his side.

Douglas was at first shocked, then fumbled for the doorknob. The door exploded outwards and Douglas fell over backwards and left the Prince looking absolutely shocked.

‘Oh my god!’ Tempo exclaimed. ‘Douglas, are you alright?’

Douglas did not respond. He shook his head as though in a daze before slowly getting up.

The Prince took a hesitant step towards him.

‘Douglas?’ he asked tentatively. ‘What happened? What’s the matter?’

But Douglas stepped backwards again. He then took another step, another step, then another step, his pace getting faster and faster the farther he got from the Prince. Before Tempo could say another word through his shock, Douglas had reached the staircase and was bolting down towards the Guard quarters on the first floor, not caring how much noise he made or how much of a disturbance he was causing.

Douglas flew into the Guard quarters and into the common room. But before any of the other Guard could ask what happened, Douglas tore through to his bedroom and had hid himself under the covers of his bed.

He was awake for a long time afterwards, trying to wipe off the spot on his mouth where Tempo had kissed him.

Author's Note:

For greater effect during the waltz, the music in particular I was listening to was Pachelbel's Canon in D Major. A beautiful piece of classical music that really helped write that scene.