• Published 12th Apr 2014
  • 2,930 Views, 76 Comments

The Monster and the Crystal Prince - Revenant Wings

The first human in centuries comes into Equestria through the mirror portal from an alternate world and finds himself under the watchful eye of the Prince of the Crystal Empire. *Some R63'd ponies*

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Chapter IX - The Invitation

After breakfast, Douglas managed to go back to sleep for a while longer. Ruby Rose was out on duty and the only other Guard off duty was Emerald Green reading a book, so the Common Room was quiet and there was little to do. But Douglas was tired and worn out from his early morning, and so he crawled back into bed at close to nine and quickly fell asleep.

Douglas slept peacefully and without fuss. He awoke just in time to hear Emerald Green saying lunch was being served in the dining hall and followed him out. Douglas ate a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich on honey wheat bread with a salad and potato chips. The meal revitalized him and he felt better, and decided to head out on the town. He headed over to the lift, got checked off by a guard keeping track of ponies coming in and out, and headed down and outside to the main city.

The sun was bright and there was a fresh smell in the air that made Douglas feel good. For a long time he merely wandered about the city and took in the sights, enjoying the first day where he wasn’t accompanied by another Guard or the Prince. Even better, the ponies were friendly and seemed comfortable around him; some even waved and said “hello” to him as he passed by.

After a while, Douglas finally made his way to the Bank of Equestria in the Crystal Empire. He went over and withdrew a few bits and put them in a coin purse he kept around his belt. He’d saved up quite a lot recently with his schooling paid by the Guard and he spending no money of his own, and so decided today was going to be a day spent entirely on himself. Douglas left the bank with a spring in his step and emerged into the Crystal Empire feeling quite pleased with himself.

His first stop was a coffee shop where he bought a hot coffee with caramel and a fruit parfait The shopkeeper was initially astounded, apparently having never seen Douglas before, but became very pleased when Douglas gave him an extra two bits as tip. Douglas sat in the sun and sipped his coffee and ate the parfait, both a good combination of creamy, sweet, and tart, before placing another bit as tip and heading out onto the town.

His next stop was the marketplace with the café he had eaten at with Tempo on his first day of being an escort. He found the local bookstore and headed inside, being surrounded by hundreds of shelves with thousands of titles. He went around and selected two books – one of the esteemed Daring Do series and a novel about an old church that intrigued him enough he decided to get it on a whim. He bought the two books and threw in an extra bit for both just because he could.

He then found a local sweet shop and found himself among a bunch of chocolates, candies, and other sweets. He bought himself a dozen chocolate chip cookies, a few caramels with vanilla cream twisted into them, and some semi-sweet chocolate hard candy with colored and flavored shells. He didn’t pay any extra this time but left happily with another bag in his hands.

His final stop for the day was a botanical gardens that was advertising a gala happening the next weekend. The fourth annual “Crystal Empire Museum and Gardens Dinner and Fundraiser” was taking place next Saturday, and as such the gardens would be closed that evening. But that didn’t matter to Douglas and he spent a good hour walking through the gardens, going through a butterfly house and an aviary, before heading out and heading back towards the Crystal Palace.

His lighthearted mood continued as he was hailed by Crystal Barrier coming in off the lift.

‘You’re certainly in brighter spirits than I’ve seen from you,’ the muted purple pony said.

‘I’ve never felt such freedom before,’ Douglas said elatedly. ‘I went around so many places and got a few things for myself. I went to a bookstore, a sweet shop, a coffee shop and the botani—’

‘Well, I’m glad you had a good time,’ Crystal Barrier interrupted before Douglas could continue much further. ‘However, it seems the Prince himself is looking for you.’

That caught Douglas’ attention and he stopped right where he was. ‘Prince Tempo?’ he asked. ‘What does he want with me? I’m supposed to have the day off.’

‘From what I’ve heard, it’s not work-related. It was written rather informally, but didn’t say anything other than he wants to see you in his suite.’

Douglas nodded. It was unexpected, sure, but nothing he couldn’t handle. His day was going well for him thus far. ‘Did it say a time?’

‘Whenever you got back, I think. There was no time written on it. I think Emerald Green put it on your desk.’

Douglas nodded again. ‘Right. I’ll just set this stuff in the area under my bunk and be up right away. Um... do I have to take the stairs or can I use the lift?’

‘You might have to take the stairs. The lift much beyond our floor is accessible only with the Prince’s magic, so it’s a pain to access without it.’

‘Any idea what it’s about?’

‘I’ve only heard what Emerald Green has told me; I haven’t read the letter myself and Emerald wasn’t willing to open it either.’

‘Alright. I’ll see you at dinner.

Douglas waved to Crystal Barrier and headed for his room. Emerald Green wasn’t there, probably out enjoying his own day off, but the letter was where Crystal Barrier said it would be. Douglas set his stuff down on the dresser and opened up the letter, sealed in an envelope and stamped with the Prince’s royal seal.

He didn’t have to go through all that for a simple communication, Douglas thought as he opened and read the letter.

Douglas: Can you come up to my suite whenever you’re available? I have something to discuss with you. Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble; actually, it should be rather fun.

The note was written in a deep pink pen with a sharp, clean print. The Prince’s full signature of “Prince D’Amore Temporus” was written with a noticeable flourish.

Deciding to play along with whatever was going on, Douglas headed back out of the common room and Guard quarters and headed over the staircase. He felt so invigorated by his day off and felt good from his walk that he bounded up the stairs two at a time, arriving at the top with ease.

Once at the top floor, he saw Sapphire and Ruby Rose standing guard over the Prince’s chambers. He walked cheerfully down the hall and knocked three times on the large double doors to the Prince’s private room.

‘Who is it?’ the Prince asked.

‘It’s Douglas,’ Douglas called inside. ‘You sent the note asking to see me?’

‘Come in,’ came the Prince’s voice.

Douglas opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him. He saw Prince Tempo sitting at his vanity, a brush in his aura and currently pulling it through his mane. It was wet as though he had recently dunked his head into a bucket of water.

‘Come over here, Douglas,’ the Prince said.

‘I’m sorry for running late, your majesty,’ Douglas said. ‘I was enjoying myself.’

‘I have no doubt of that,’ Tempo said, sounding quite pleased. ‘Where did you go?’

Douglas walked closer to the Prince. ‘I walked to the bank and took out some bits, then went to a bookstore, a sweet shop, a coffee shop, and the botanical gardens. I bought a few books and some sweets and was just returning it to my bunk when I got your summons.’

‘Sounds like an exciting afternoon,’ Tempo said. He set down the brush and picked up a small comb, which he started running through the bits of his moustache and goatee. ‘Funny coincidence you should mention the botanical gardens, though.’

‘Why is that?’

‘I have been requested to make an appearance at an event there.’

Douglas thought about it for a moment. ‘I saw a sign for a dinner and fundraiser for the museum and botanical gardens. Is that what event you’re referring to?’

‘Actually, yes. They hold an annual dinner party to raise money since it’s all non-profit and customer donations. It is a formal event, attracting the biggest names and the biggest money in the Crystal Empire, and even from Manehattan, Vanhoover, and Canterlot.’

‘Let me guess: you would like me to go with you to this event.’

‘You’re quicker to the result than I intended to be, but yes, that is the gist of it.’

‘Forgive me,’ Douglas said as Tempo put down his comb. ‘I shall wait for further comment until you have finished explaining.’

‘Thank you.’

Tempo got up from the vanity and trotted over to the bed. He got up on it and laid himself down with his front hooves extended and his back hooves pulled in, wings tucked to the side in a rather reserved and restrained position. He looked like an alert dog.

‘To be quite frank, with few exceptions, such galas are boring to me. It is only for those in the elite crowd, and to find a member of that group who simultaneously has money and is interesting enough to talk about something besides that money is rare.’

‘If the elite are so boring, why are they invited?’

‘Traditional reasons, plus that’s where they get most of their large donors. I am obliged to appear every year. I do love the museum and its curator, though, and they gladly get my donation. But once I talk with the curator after the dinner, I am more than happy to vacate the premises. Otherwise I get swarmed by ponies either asking me for donations for other things, partners on business ventures, and other reasons.’

‘You normally have a guard with you, I assume?’

‘A guard, yes. Certainly makes things easier when you’re stopped by a group of nobles that wish only to speak about their money. A simple nudge and an order of “the Prince has other business to attend to” and they’re pacified.’

‘Seems like I’ll be getting my first formal event, then. Have you called me up here to educate me on how to act for one of these events? It’ll be my first as your escort.’

‘In a sense, yes.’

The mischievous smirk was back on his face and the gleam was back in his eye. The joy and exuberance that Douglas initially had was starting to slowly vanish in expectation of what was coming. There was yet one last hope.

‘...do you need me to get my armor?’ Douglas ventured.

‘You’ll not be needing armor for this.’

Douglas bit his lip. That could only mean...

‘You see, Douglas, I wish for you to go as my guest.’

Douglas felt his mouth go dry and his palms sweat. He stood there for a moment, mouth open, trying to make sense of what happened. When he finally spoke, his words came out in a jumble and he couldn’t even finish his sentences.

‘Your Majesty, you can’t possibly be suggesting... why are you even thinking... how could you possibly even...’

‘It’s simple,’ Tempo said, seeming to understand the unfinished question. ‘I rather like you and get bored at this event. You need to get out among the ponies.’

‘Your logic is commendable, but... in essence, you want me as your... shall we say, “partner”? I mean, why else would you want me going as not a member of the Guard?’

Tempo’s eyes seemed to brighten at the suggestion. ‘Well, that’s the word I was looking for earlier. Yes, I want you as my partner for this event. No guarding this time; that event shall be secured by the Guard from the barracks. I have signed up for “Prince Tempo, one plus one”, and you are going to be my “plus one”.’

Douglas stole a glance at the vanity mirror and noticed the color had drained from his face. He slowly recalled what Emerald Green had told him a little more than a week ago.

‘It should be noted I will have to get you fitted right away,’ Tempo continued, seemingly unaware of Douglas’ lack of color. ‘I have an expert in clothing design here today and previous communications with Princess Celestia have given me your dimensions and a suitable outline for your body. You shall be made a vest, pant, and shoe combination that will work for any formal event up here, to be finished the night before the gala.’

Douglas’ mouth was frozen.

‘Of course,’ Tempo continued, sounding quite unperturbed by Douglas’ unmoving figure. ‘I will have to retrieve an answer from you now so that he will have time to create this ensemble.’

Douglas’ mind was racing. Oh my god, he thought. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? I kind of want to go and it does sound like a nice evening out and I kind of actually like the Prince, but if it’s going the direction I think it is, I almost don’t want to spur him on any further.

Douglas wished he had a coin. The odds of “to go” or “to not go” were fairly evenly split. His mouth opened but he said nothing for a long while. He saw the Prince looking at him anxiously, his smile faded and replaced with an anxious look.


‘I’ll go.’ The words were out of Douglas’ mouth so quickly he had no time to stop them.

Tempo’s smile returned and he looked eagerly and expectedly at Douglas. ‘...I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. What did you say?’

Despite having something of a chance to stop it, Douglas decided to go through with it, even though he had half a mind the Prince was simply relishing in his answer at this stage. ‘I said I would go,’ he repeated slowly.

Tempo suddenly sprung off the bed and started prancing around the room. ‘Excellent!’ I shall have the designer come up right away; we must make sure your measurements are still the same since leaving Canterlot. Oh, thank you thank you thank you!’

Douglas gulped, but weathered it out all the same as the Prince set word with Ruby Rose to send up the designer. He did kind of like seeing the Prince happy and excited as he was, and he eventually reasoned with himself that the Prince was a harmless enough fellow and rather kind to him and he shouldn’t worry too much about what could happen at such an event.

The designer, a white unicorn stallion with a purple mane, entered and started maneuvering measuring tape up and down his figure. Douglas was made to twirl around and pose in various positions so that the designer could get a feel for his body and how it was shaped, all while the measuring tape was wound around him in various parts of his body.

By the time it was over, Douglas was more exhausted than he’d been after walking through the crystal city. The last thing he heard Tempo tell him was he’d be finishing his duties at four thirty on Saturday to prepare himself for the event.

Douglas returned down via the lift.

Emerald Green was in the common room when he returned.

‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost,’ he said. ‘What was with the summons?’

‘...I’m going to the gala with Prince Tempo,’ Douglas said. ‘I’m going to the gala on Saturday with Prince Tempo,’ he repeated, more to try and convince himself it was all just a dream.

Emerald Green went from alert to questioning to looking like he was about to have an existential breakdown. ‘Oh my Celestia...’ he said quietly to the point where Douglas could barely hear him. ‘He really means it...’

Douglas could think of little to say over the whole of the next week. It was as though his brain was trying to catch up with what happened in the Prince’s suite on his day off.

It did not help that the Prince was out of his office more than he was in. He seemed particularly chatty, as well, talking all about the more interesting ponies that went to the Gala, his personal histories with them, and what they did for a living. Douglas sat by and listened placidly, not really paying attention and not really wanting to say anything.

A somewhat embarrassing incident happened on Wednesday of that week. Prince Tempo had been trying to talk to him for three days straight, and while spending time in his suite in the evening Tempo had finally gone up to Douglas and addressed him directly.

‘You’ve been rather more silent than usual,’ he said. ‘Are you concerned about the gala?’

Douglas merely nodded.

Prince Tempo motioned to the bed. ‘Sit down,’ he said calmly. ‘You look weak.’

Douglas sat down on the bed. Prince Tempo went over to the bathroom, took out a small glass, and filled it with water. He took the glass of water and brought it over to Douglas. Douglas took it thankfully and sipped it slowly.

‘What’s the matter?’ Prince Tempo asked. ‘You look like you’re going to faint at any moment.’

‘I’m fine,’ Douglas said. ‘It’s just I’ve never been to something like this before.’

It was somewhat truthful but a bad cover. Prince Tempo saw right through it. ‘...you’re wondering if you should try and back out, aren’t you?’

Douglas felt his mouth go dry. Prince Tempo took the glass, filled it again, and returned it to Douglas, who slowly sipped it again.

‘If you’re feeling conflicted,’ Tempo said as he was drinking, ‘I want you to tell me. Especially if it has to do with me or this gala.’

Douglas finished the glass of water and set the empty glass aside. ‘I... I don’t know. I don’t know if I really want to go to this gala. It sounds like it could be interesting and fun and I’d learn more about the culture up here, but I don’t know about... going as your guest. As your partner.’

Prince Tempo suddenly laughed. ‘What are you thinking of?’

Douglas wondered if he should tell Tempo what Emerald Green had said. He decided to hint at it. ‘Well, we’re close and I consider you a friend, but I’m not sure if going informally and not as a Guard is the right way to do it.’

Prince Tempo laughed again. ‘Well, if that was it, why didn’t you say so earlier? Douglas, Douglas, Douglas, I don’t want you to go as a Guard because I want you to go as a friend. You’re the first I’ve really cared about that happening for a while.’

Douglas was confused. ‘...why me?’

‘You severely underestimate yourself, you’re insecure, and you’re afraid of things. But I think you’re stronger, smarter, and sweeter than you give yourself credit for. I want to spend an evening with you as a friend to let that out.’

‘...why can’t we just talk about it like we tend to do on the shift anyways?’

‘There is a certain level of seriousness I want in my Guard. You have it; among other things, your training down in Canterlot has brought to you a certain level of stoicism and vigilance that works well as a Guard. But I want an evening where that is stripped down. I want to know you as a person, not you under the veil of the Guard.’

‘But does it have to be the gala? Why not an evening out somewhere? Not that I’d have said yes to that, but you seem to be starting big.’

‘I have thought about it. But I have sensed from our previous conversations you would put up this resistance that you’re showing now. Such a personal and intimate setting would not do. But a larger event wherein you would not just be with me but seeing and meeting other ponies would be, somewhat paradoxically, better for you.’

Douglas avoided the Prince’s eyes.

‘...but why are you afraid?’

‘...because I don’t know how serious you are. About... about all this.’ Douglas placed his head in his hands. ‘I still don’t even know why I’m part of your Guard in the first place.

‘You are part of my Guard because you have the qualifications for it. You have the training scores from the Guard down in Canterlot, the experience and personality doing so for Princess Celestia, and your psychological profile was clean and clear if a little problematic from being bullied down south. But I took you out of the barracks because I wanted to help you.’

Douglas looked over to Prince Tempo. He had a warm, soothing smile on his face again and his eyes looked at him almost tenderly.

‘It’s like I said on your first day,’ Prince Tempo continued. ‘Love is a strange but powerful and driving force here that can do many strange things. That could include helping to heal old wounds.’

‘...so you’re my psychologist now?’

‘I believe the correct term would be a “psychiatrist”, but no. But it’s also like I told you one of those mornings you were up early, sometimes you need a friend to help you out. To listen.’

It wasn’t quite what Douglas expected, but he did feel a bit better about going to the gala. The color had returned to his face, too, and when Prince Tempo asked for a hug from him, he gave it to him without too much fuss.

That was one thing Douglas had to admit about the Prince: he was pretty sweet-tempered.