• Published 12th Apr 2014
  • 2,930 Views, 76 Comments

The Monster and the Crystal Prince - Revenant Wings

The first human in centuries comes into Equestria through the mirror portal from an alternate world and finds himself under the watchful eye of the Prince of the Crystal Empire. *Some R63'd ponies*

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Chapter VIII - Change of Heart

Despite the high note they ended their last conversation on, Douglas did not speak to the Prince informally for quite some time.

Over the next few days, Prince Tempo stayed in his office for two hours instead of one, then met with some of the departments before and after lunch, and only walked around town for an hour or so before dinner. While Douglas accompanied the Prince throughout the day – referring to him as ‘Prince D’Amore Temporus’ or ‘the Prince’ while on-duty – there were no times like before with private luncheons and casual conversations.

Douglas, for the most part, did not encourage the Prince talking to him. For the most part, he considered that Prince Tempo was quite busy and that affairs of the country and the upcoming summit in Canterlot mattered more. Douglas was completely fine with this. He still wasn’t quite sure what happened that afternoon in the Prince’s room, but he admitted to himself it was something he wasn’t entirely keen on experiencing again.

He had not told the other Guard about Angela. He trusted the Prince to keep this information to himself, perhaps telling Princess Celestia and Luna but never taking it outside the walls of the room. He occasionally told simple stories of the world beyond the Gate – what he originally did, what life was like – but nothing too personal had been told to them.

It was this fact, Douglas considered, that made the events that happened in Prince Tempo’s room all the stranger. It was odd enough that Prince Tempo had been... rather intimate with him, lying next to him and stroking his hair and covering him with a wing. But to think he had been snapped out of a haze by thinking about his old life was almost preposterous. He had mild suspicion the other Guards would think him weak if thinking about his past life made him scared of the Prince, or that he was as close to the Prince as he’d been.

The others eventually asked him as he knew they would. When they asked why the medic had to be called up to the Prince’s room, Douglas said it had been a longer day than most and he’d had a small spell of dehydration combined with heat sickness. It satisfied them and he went about his business thankful they didn’t spend too much more time on it.

Only one wasn’t satisfied: the former escort, Emerald Green.

The green crystal pegasus first approached him about the issue one night after dinner. Douglas had finished early and was sitting out in the entry hall enjoying the cool evening air. Douglas was sitting on the bench where he’d talked with the Prince when Emerald Green entered the hall.

‘Douglas!’ Emerald called out to him.

Douglas turned around at the sound and noticed him peeking out from the entrance to the next room. ‘Hey, Emerald. You need something?’

‘We were looking for you and wondered where you went. Me and the other guys were going to start up an Appleoosan Hold’Em game. You interested?’

Douglas shrugged and looked out the window. ‘Maybe I’ll come in and watch. I’m not really interested in playing right now.’

Emerald Green trotted over from the door and hopped on the bench next to Douglas. He was small but bulky, appropriate for a pegasus, but he barely met Douglas at eye level when sitting next to him. ‘Something wrong?’ he asked, showing obvious concern. ‘You still feeling sick or whatever it was from a few days ago?’

Douglas shook his head. ‘No, I’m fine. I was just... thinking.’

‘Whatcha thinking about?’

‘How I got here. I would have just been in the barracks I think if it weren’t for that other stallion. Storm Shield, or whatever his name was. Just seems a little weird I’m already a Palace Guard.’

Emerald Green thought about it for a moment. ‘Huh. Yeah, it isn’t often we get a newbie up here who ascends to Palace Guard as quick as you did. Most are here for two or three years before that happens. You having any problems with the job?’

‘No. Well, maybe some, if you don’t mind me asking with you being the former escort and all. Prince Tempo’s a little... strange sometimes.’

‘Ah, it’s about the Prince, is it?’ Emerald said knowingly. ‘Yeah, he’s a weird one sometimes. But he’s got quite the brain in there. I’d say he’s one of the smartest ponies I know.’

‘I’d wager so, with all his department meetings. But even then it seems like only a fraction.’

‘Hmm...’ Emerald Green stroked his chin with a hoof. ‘Well, give me an example of what you mean.’

‘It just... it just seems like there’s a lot of stuff I don’t know about what goes on up here that he’s keeping from me. Like, deliberately so.’

‘You mean like what qualified you for your position?’

‘Yeah!’ Douglas exclaimed. ‘Why am I already in a Palace Guard position and his escort? And what was with that weird seating test he did on my first day?’

‘That was weird, wasn’t it?’ Emerald Green laughed. ‘It’s been too long; I forgot what happened with mine. I’m here, so I guess I made the right choice somewhere along the line.’

Douglas looked out the window again.

‘So,’ Emerald Green said. ‘You’ve only been here a month or two. Aside from his weird testing, what do you think of our Prince so far?’

Douglas thought about it for a moment. ‘Well, he’s rather kind and friendly. He seems concerned about me and the rest of you as well. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone pay close attention to me as he has. But I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.’

‘Hm… I’d have to agree with you on most points. I’m sure he has his reasons, but if he doesn’t want anypony to know, he won’t let them. And when he does, it won’t make sense until later.’

‘So you think his whole kind and friendly demeanor is a public persona?’

Emerald Green seemed taken aback. ‘What the heck you talking about? I think he lives and breathes it more than any other pony can follow it. It’s like it consumes his very being. He likes everyone, and everyone likes him. With his cutie mark, if he found someone he likes, he’ll make sure that nothing pushes them away.’

‘That dedicated, huh?’

‘Oh, yeah. Pity his life is so long; the only one that would really suit him is another alicorn who’d last as long as he will. Alas, he’s something of a romantic.’

Douglas thought about it. ‘Yeah, I can see that. You ever see any of that when you were with him?’

‘Oh, yeah, all the time. Pay attention and you see he occasionally flirts with ponies, but only very specific ones. He knows everypony around here, and is especially good at seeing of someone is single or in a relationship. He flirts with anypony he perceives as single. And, with his magic, he’d know who is or not. He’s reasonable about it and seems to set limits on it, though.’

Douglas looked around awkwardly. ‘...did he... ever flirt with you?’

‘A few times. Then he noticed I was interested in Sapphire and backed off. I’ve never felt uncomfortable around him, though. He was playful without being invasive. But listen to any stories about Prince Blueblood down south and whoo! He makes Prince Tempo look like a prude.’

Douglas thought about it and bit his lip. ‘What do you think would push him away?’

‘War. Death. Scorn, even. I don’t know; probably only the ends of the world would keep him from what he wants. He seems like the type to be easily hurt emotionally. Stable, but if he makes connections and they decide they want to break apart from him, he might not take it very well.’

Douglas looked away from Emerald Green to the ornate ceiling then back down. ‘Are you ever afraid of him, thinking like that?’

‘Not really. He seems a reasonable sort. When I tell him I’m done with the Palace Guard because I’m getting old and want to spend the rest of my days with my foals, he’d probably let me go and do my thing.’

Douglas nodded. ‘Are you thinking of retiring yet?’

Emerald Green smirked. ‘I’m young compared to some of the others here. I would like to propose to Sapphire, but she probably would want to stay on a few more years herself.’

Douglas chuckled.

‘Look, you ever have any questions about our Prince, come to me or Crystal Barrier,’ Emerald Green said. ‘We’ll make sure you’re in good hooves and get some answers. Now, wanna come and join?’

Douglas nodded and followed Emerald Green to the common room.

Two days later, Douglas was once again up early.

No nightmares came to him that night, which made him surprised when he woke up and was suddenly wide awake and alert as though he’d catapulted out of one. It was a surprise to be asleep then suddenly bang! awake without any real cause. But when he tried to go back to sleep, he found himself unable to.

Douglas sighed. He heaved himself quietly out of bed and dressed before entering the common room. The only light on was the one above the coffee, which wasn’t even on yet, and no one was in the showers. Douglas had seen Crystal Barrier make coffee before and started the machine up, deciding he’d have a cup if he couldn’t sleep anyways. A clock on the wall read four fifteen; the sun likely wasn’t even up yet.

Douglas wondered what the matter was. It was a free day today, a day to do whatever he wanted. He wasn’t due for Guard duty, and classes didn’t start until next week. The books had come in last night and were sitting in a package underneath his desk, not quite unwrapped yet aside from a quick peek to make sure everything had come in.

Douglas waited until the coffee brewed and pulled out a mug. He made himself a cup of coffee with creamer and sugar and sipped it for a while in the silent common room. Not wanting to wake anyone up, he refused to play games or turn on the television to see if anything was on.

But the silence of the room unnerved him and he decided he needed to do something while he was awake. He crept quietly over to the counter, put his mug in the sink, and headed for the door. The door slid easily and quietly open and he was in the main hall of the Crystal Palace again.

A thestral was outside wandering the halls. He looked over to Douglas for a moment and walked over to him. He examined him for a moment.

‘Lieutenant Douglas,’ the batpony said.

‘Morning, Lieutenant Echo,’ Douglas replied. ‘I promise I’m not doing anything illegal. I just wanted to go look out the window.’

‘Surprises me the Prince hasn’t put one in the common room,’ Echo said easily. ‘Alright, you’re clear. Just don’t cause a ruckus.’

‘Thanks,’ Douglas said. ‘I’ll probably only be thirty minutes or so.’

Echo nodded and went on his way. He was one of the easier-going thestrals and rarely cared about anyone from the Guard poking around at night; apparently it was common for two of the younger Guard to go poking around the kitchens for food late at night and was used to the Guard walking around. Douglas was rather decent by comparison to him.

The hall was dark and expansive. The normally blue crystal had taken on a very dark purple hue and the ceiling faded into black. Douglas wondered if he was supposed to be walking around at this hour, but he figured it would be okay. The Prince had told him he was allowed to wander the first floor, and Echo was well aware of him.

Douglas didn’t wander very far. The moonlight came through the large window in the entry hall. Douglas walked quietly over to the bench where he had been before and sat down on it, enjoying the cool air and peace and quiet of the night. Echo passed by, saw him sitting there, but passed on and continued on his duty; Douglas heard him enter open the door, enter the throne room, and the hall passed into silence.

Douglas wasn’t even sure why he was up as early as he was. Normally he would sleep soundly until about seven thirty, when he would shower and have himself a cup of coffee with creamer and sugar before joining the others for breakfast. Ever since he had arrived in the Crystal Empire, however, Douglas had been waking up earlier and earlier. Four fifteen was unheard of.

But what caused his restlessness Douglas knew not. It had been a few days since he had spoken with Prince D’Amore Temporus, and his fear of the Prince and what had happened – even though he still didn’t know what exactly happened – had begun to subside. He didn’t like being bullied, but that had pretty much disappeared when he entered the service of the Palace Guard. And the Prince’s own actions were almost excused from his mind, feeling that Prince Tempo probably just wanted someone close to talk to and hadn’t had that for a while since coming to the Crystal Empire.

Was it perhaps that he was thinking of home? How different things were here when he compared it to there! Even with a strict schedule, there was a sense of freedom. He went to University and studied what he pleased. Once he left University, he could pick a job he wanted. If he ever wanted to leave the Crystal Empire…

A thought occurred to him. He’d barely been in the crystalline city for a month and a half, if he remembered correctly. And yet the thought of leaving this place already repulsed him. Douglas thought about it. He had friends, a good job, good prospects at the University. These were things that he’d never had before, that he had found here.

Something else told Douglas he was merely rationalizing it. But he ignored it.

‘If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nocturnal.’

Douglas looked towards the lift but nothing was there. Across the hall from the lift was a set of stairs, so Douglas looked there next. While unexpected, the face he saw no longer surprised him.

‘D’Amore Temporus,’ Douglas acknowledged respectfully. ‘Pardon my late night musings.’

‘I won’t,’ Tempo said seriously. His quivering lips betrayed his actual feelings before his words did, and it wasn’t long before he’d broken into a warm smile. ‘I will pardon your early morning musings, however.’

Douglas felt himself chuckle but wasn’t sure if it actually came from him. ‘You are also awake early, your majesty. Is something bothering you, too?’

If Tempo had registered the formalities, he didn’t pay attention to it. He walked up to Douglas. ‘This,’ he said, pointing a hoof to his chest and tapping it a few times, ‘tells me when something’s not right.’

Douglas looked towards the moon for a second and exhaled loudly. ‘I assume it’s about me.’

‘Perhaps.’ Tempo yawned and sat next to the bench, much like he had before. ‘Unless this is rather more common for you than I think.’

Douglas sighed and stared at the floor. ‘I’m not quite sure what it is, to be honest. I’ve certainly had more sleepless nights here than I did back in Canterlot.’

‘What do you think it was?’

‘First I thought it was fear. Then came bullying. But, last I could remember, it was home.’

‘Any idea what it could be now?’


‘...what do you think of when you mean “home”?’

‘...that could be some of it. I don’t know what “home” is, anymore. I’ve changed living spaces four times in the last two years. Who knows if suddenly things change and I move off again.’

Tempo nodded and looked out at the moon. Douglas looked over and found himself thinking the Prince looked quite handsome, the way the moonlight fell on his light pink features and lit up his deep purple eyes. The expression was somber and dignified.

‘A teacher of mine once told me that if I were to pour out my heart,’ Prince Tempo said, ‘eventually someone would pick it up and give it back to me.’

The rather open-endedness of the statement intrigued Douglas and he wondered where the Prince would go. ‘What did your teacher mean?’

‘Someone out there, whatever my problem, would listen. And, when the time is right, someone with the same problem would find me.’ He turned towards Douglas. ‘Perhaps that is what home is: a place where someone will listen to your problems and respond in kind.’

Douglas folded his hands and messed with his fingers. He wasn’t quite ready to go over his own problems right now. ‘...did you ever find out what your problem was?’

Tempo’s smile faded as he looked back towards the moon. ‘I think I did. But I’ve had so many listen but never respond.’

Douglas decided it was a personal issue and kept silent.

‘You once told me about Angela,’ Tempo said. ‘What was it that made you remember her after this time? It’s been a year now, and it sounded to me like you hadn’t thought about that for a while.’

Douglas shrugged. ‘I don’t know. Perhaps... perhaps because I was feeling lonely.’

‘Why is that? You have a few friends in the Guard. They like you and are happy you are with them.’

‘I don’t know. It might have been the thing about couples meeting each other in the Guard. I guess I started thinking about where I’ve been lately, and how I never really had anyone like that here I could really confide in.’

Tempo looked over to Douglas and smiled. Douglas looked back and saw it was serene and contained no mischievous gleam in his eye. ‘Have you been thinking of anyone lately?’

‘Well, no, not really. I don’t know if I would. It’d be weird if I got together with a pony, you know?’

‘Relationships don’t have to be like that,’ Tempo said sagely. ‘A good relationship isn’t based on who you’re attracted to. You could be attracted to a supermodel and find her personally wouldn’t be a good fit with yours. To me, relationships are about who you mesh well with. Who has your interests in mind? Who has your similar character? Who truly cares about you as much as you care about them? That, to me, is what a relationship should be based on.’

Douglas averted his eyes and thought about what the Prince meant.

Tempo rose up from his seat next to the bench. ‘Come with me. We can go and watch the sunrise.’

‘Where at?’ Douglas asked, dreading the answer.

‘My room, of course.’

Douglas sighed and followed Tempo to the lift, grateful he would spare him from the long spiraling staircase going to the top. Tempo inserted his horn, the lift moved quietly up, and soon they were in the dark hallway leading to Tempo’s room with not much more than the alicorn’s magic for light.

Tempo’s room was a little lighter; already light was appearing on the distant horizon, and Tempo had a small reading lamp on one of his nightstands turned on. Tempo crossed the room ahead of Douglas, took a blanket from nearby, and motioned for Douglas to follow him over.

Douglas obeyed, crossing the floor to the cool balcony and letting himself inches away from the Prince, who draped the blanket around Douglas. He was thankful for the extra layer, though noticed sitting down he was merely level with the Prince’s chest. He suddenly felt awkward and focused his attention forwards.

The first light began to stretch on the horizon, turning the sky from a deep blue to a brilliant orange. Douglas had never actually been able to see the sun rise before, and he thought it to be a wonderful experience, even if it was up much earlier than he was used to. It was rather beautiful to be able to see the sun slowly come up over the horizon, to see the land fade gentle from darkness into light.

Douglas shivered. It was cold sitting here nearly eighty feet above the ground. The blanket suddenly felt thin like it was hardly there and a breeze blew around and snuck into the blanket. Douglas pulled the blanket around him, trying to keep the warmth in.

‘Are you cold?’ Tempo asked.

‘A little.’

Tempo scooted over next to Douglas and wrapped a wing around him. Douglas almost protested it, but the warmth from the Prince’s body was trapped in the thick feathers of the wing and already he felt better. Despite the strangeness, Douglas let himself lean over a little and rest his head on the alicorn’s shoulder.

‘What do you think?’ Tempo asked. ‘Of the sunrise?’

‘It’s beautiful,’ Douglas said. ‘I... I’m not quite sure what to say.’

Tempo laughed warmly, though Douglas barely felt it. ‘You don’t have to say anything.’

The two sat and watched the sun for a while. The light started to touch the crystal houses below, and covered each one in multiple hues. Not only that, they sent the light up to the balcony and momentarily dazzled Douglas with rainbows of color on the side of the brightening Palace.

‘It’s almost time to go down to breakfast, isn’t it?’ Douglas asked.

Tempo stayed silent for a moment. Douglas looked up and could tell he was thinking, his face focused intently on a point in the distance. ‘We can stay up here for a while longer. It is your day off, after all.’

‘What about you? Don’t you have things to do?’

‘I allot myself plenty of time to do what I need to do,’ Prince Tempo responded easily. ‘Whether that takes place now or later is not my concern right now.’

Douglas said nothing in response.

It was a strange feeling. His nervousness had gone away. In its place was a different feeling. His heart felt lighter. His body relaxed. His breathing became slow and even. He liked being here with Tempo.

With Tempo… Douglas’ mind lingered on that phrase a bit. He wasn’t sure what to feel about it. And yet… there was something that felt like peace, contentment. Like a part of his soul that he’d been missing for years was filled.

‘Are you okay?’ Tempo asked.

‘What do you mean?’

Before Tempo even asked it, Douglas realized it. His voice strained to come out. He noticed the drops, the small wet spots on his pants. Douglas thought about getting up, about leaving.

‘You’re crying.’

It was hardly anything right now, but Douglas could not deny it. His eyes were wet and his vision was blurred. He raised up a hand and delicately touched his cheek and felt the wet trails down the side of his face. Something came to him.

‘I’m lonely,’ he said. ‘I am surrounded by ponies that care for me... and yet I feel alone.’

A soft weight rested itself on his head. Tempo’s head was on top of his own. He could feel the soft patch of yellow fade into the shorter pink coat through his head of hair.

It was a simple gesture. Yet Douglas thought he would break down. Unlike before, when he had wept in front of the mirror, this one seemed to have no provocation at all. He only barely managed to hold it in, quivering. A hoof reached around him, now forming a circle with the wing on the other side, which was held gently against his back.

‘You are not alone,’ Tempo whispered softly into his ear.

It was then that Douglas understood what the Prince had meant, and the floodgates broke. He brought his knees up and tried to hide in them.

‘I… I’ve been so alone…’ Douglas choked out, muffled by the blanket and his pants. ‘I’ve been around so many… but none have reached out. None have spared me more than a glance. I am like a shadow among them, present but always unobserved; out of sight, out of mind.’

‘You are not a shadow,’ Tempo whispered. ‘You are bright and shining like Celestia’s sun.’

‘But how does the sun know it’s shining if it casts no shadow?’

‘Because the darkness recedes.’ Tempo gently nuzzled Douglas’ forehead. ‘Light does not always mean shadow. Light can mean the absence of dark. There is darkness around who you are or what you are supposed to be, but I myself have seen nothing but light.’

Tempo lifted his head off Douglas. Douglas looked up and stared into the handsome face of the alicorn. He wore a warm, gentle smile and his purple eyes shone as bright as the sun. Douglas’ heart jumped at the sight, and his soul felt strangely yet somehow comfortably at peace.

Douglas opened his mouth to speak, to say something to the alicorn. His thoughts were scrambled and unclear even to him, yet he wanted to express something he was feeling, but which one it was he didn’t know. But he felt Tempo’s hoof leave his front, and before he could say anything, the hoof was over his mouth and he closed it. It was almost a relief that he didn’t have to speak.

‘Later,’ the alicorn said softly. ‘It’s time to go down to breakfast.’

Douglas blinked. The sun was already completely over the horizon and was rising further in the sky. Sitting there with the prince, he had somehow lost track of time. It wasn’t late, but it certainly wasn’t the early morning sunrise they had been watching. He looked around at the balcony as though confused, then turned around to see Tempo leaving the room. The alicorn looked back at him.


Douglas nodded and ran after Tempo to keep up.