• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 2,344 Views, 48 Comments

The Halfling - Duke of Canterlot

Bon-Bon learns that she is a halfling. How will this affect Bon-Bon and all of Equestria?

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Barnyard Bargains

Barnyard Bargain's corporate office was built on the fringes of Ponyville, near Mansion Path - a neighborhood for Ponyville's wealthiest residents - including my boss, Rich.

The location of the office was a reminder of what made Ponyville different from Manehattan. Manehattan had all of its premier businesses as close to the center of the city as possible.
Ponyville's center was the village square which was populated with street vendors and small shops. Manehattan stressed ambition and excess. Ponyville stressed a more easygoing and laidback pace. That pace wasn't me and would never be me, but I loved Ponyville nevertheless.

I arrived at the office and took a deep breath. I was prepped for a busy day and on my way to the cubicle.

I usually like to get there early-ish. Most of my coworkers hadn't arrived yet.
Rich was probably in his office but the only other pony in sight was the janitor: an elderly unicorn who was cleaning everything around him quite swiftly. That's a nice thing about being able to use magic. Poor guy though. His cutie mark was a mop. I would have never followed my 'destiny' if that was my cutie mark.

The janitor waved at me.
I waved back.

"Hello Bon-Bon, how was your weekend?"

I realized I didn't know the janitor's name and he knew mine. Oh well, I would simply be as polite as possible.

"My weekend was really nice. I got to spend some quality time with the marefriend."

"Whoever that is must be a real lucky mare", said the janitor with a smile.

"Oh please, I am the lucky one to have her in my life."

"You're too modest, Bon-Bon", said the janitor with a chuckle.

"I don't believe you ever told me your name."

"Oh me, I am Clean."

What a funny name, I smiled.

"It is a perfectly normal pony name", said Clean," and it would be best if you remember that."

I shrugged. Probably about as normal as Bon-Bon.

"I must get started with work, but very nice talking to you."

"Same here."

I trotted to my cubicle. It was stacked with papers everywhere. I sighed. I knew this was going to be a busy week. It would all be worth it, if I got through this week efficiently, my odds of being promoted would likely increase significantly. I was optimistic. The world wasn't that unfair.

Time to start on my favorite schedule: salaries. No sarcasm here. I enjoy seeing how much my fellow co-workers are making, it's like my little secret as the lead senior accountant. I needed to ensure vacation was being accrued properly based on our personnel manual.. no other way around it. I looked towards the top of the salary list and noticed that Rich had a salary of 800 thousand bits a year and a generous bonus of 400 thousand bits. Rich was lucky that the board of directors didn't mind throwing money at him by voting yea on every salary increase Rich proposed.

I noticed the second highest-ranking official, Golden Plate, was making 500 thousand bits a year. Golden Plate was the CFO of Barnyard Bargains. My 75 thousand bit salary was so tiny compared to that. Some day, Bon-Bon, some day...becoming a CFO would be more than enough to keep me and Lyra happy

I continued on with my work for another three hours. Suddenly, I heard on the intercom, "Bon-Bon, please stop by my office." It was Rich, the boss man, himself. I wondered what he could have wanted. As long as Rich wasn't going to fire me, things wouldn't be too bad. I walked to his office.

Rich was at his desk: a tall stallion with a slick black mane. He wore a tie with dollar signs on it. Rich was living the good life but he worked hard to get to that point. Nobody worked as hard as Rich.

Rich had a picture on his desk of his family. His wife was a pink unicorn who wore a ton of makeup. I never met her, but she looked like one of those yuppy upper-class mares you would find in Canterlot. I didn't know her name. It might be polite to ask at some point of time. They had one daughter: a pink earth pony with a diamond tiara on her head. She looked like a sweet goody-goody in the picture but if you looked closely, you noticed a devilish look in the filly's eyes. Knowing Rich, she was probably spoiled silly due to his generosity. I didn't know her name either.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Bon-Bon. How are you doing?"

I have never been able to quite decipher what Rich's accent was supposed to be. It wasn't Ponyville despite the fact that his family has lived in Ponyville for generations. Lyra said it was a "Texan" accent which is something human-related. I told Lyra she was a dumbass and that ended that discussion.

"I am doing well, Rich. How are you?"

"Excellent. From what I am seeing, it looks like last year was our most profitable year ever. You know, a mighty good reason for that were your cost-cutting ideas. That greedy Equestrian Empire is trying to pinch every piece of profit out of us. These corporate taxes are looking to destroy us, but you figured out how to keep production costs as low as possible and I thank you for that."

"I am just doing my job, Rich. That's all I can do."

It was no secret that Rich was not happy with Princess Celestia's fiscal policies. She didn't care much for the free market and probably didn't understand it either. Free market? Oh goodness, that's a term from one of those human books. I guess that's a side effect from spending too much time with Lyra. It was my own upbringing which made me particularly aware of how to cut costs. I was a filly who lived with a single mom and a little brother, after my father had to "leave us".

"That's the spirit! So, how long have you been working here again?"

"About three years."

"I would like to say that we, in upper management, have been incredibly pleased with your performance."

I smiled. This was definitely what I wanted to hear but I also wanted to stay professional. That was the way to interact with a pony as successful as Rich, who is the epitome of professionalism.

"Thank you. I only wish to do what is best for Barnyard Bargains."

"That motivation has really helped our company over the three years you have been here. We have decided that it is time for you to manage a very important project for our company."

"Oh, wow.. that is incredible.. but what about the audit?"

"This project will begin after the audit. We want you to be truly involved with what's happening at Barnyard Bargains. Your understanding of how this business operates exceeds that of your peers and many of those who hold higher positions. I think you have the potential to really achieve great things at Barnyard Bargains."

I was speechless. This was definitely more than I was expecting. A whole project to manage? This was a lot of responsibility. I somewhat doubted my own ability to handle something like this, but I wouldn't let any doubt show. Hell, I didn't even know what the project was about. It was important for me to find out.

"I am so glad to hear that from you", I said, "what is this project about?"

"Oh, of course. I would describe it as a high-risk and high-reward project."

High-risk and high-reward was business language for tough to achieve but the boss wants it. I was willing to take whatever I could get.

"As you know, Barnyard Bargains is a fairly young company", Rich continued, "we have been fortunate to expand into other towns including Baltimare, Manehattan, Marelington, and even a place as far as Vanhoover. I have a vision and a dream of expanding Barnyard Bargains into griffon territory. Your talents make this a superb first project for you."

Griffon territory? I was certainly willing to take on the challenge, but boy would that be challenging.

Rich laughed and said, "I know that it isn't an easy task, but I have faith in you."

"Are you sure that it would be wise for our company to risk that sort of expansion?"

"That's up to you."


"You have a sharp analytical mind. Get all of the facts and figures together and you tell me whether you think it's worth it or not."

Rich wanted to expand into the Griffon Kingdom. I did remember that he had pitched this idea to the Board over a year ago and the Board actually shut it down. I hoped that I would be able to give him the answer he wanted. It wouldn't serve well for him or the company to lie. I would be honest with my analysis. The Board is clearly looking for a second opinion on the matter. This would mean a lot.

"I will do my best, Rich. I thank you for this opportunity."

"I knew you were the right mare for the job", said Rich.

"When would I need to get the analysis in to you?"

"Focus on the audit for now and then we will get started with the griffons."

"I am honored that you have so much faith in me."

"Faith. Certainly, it's more than faith. I know you will do well. It is fact. We have also decided that it is time to give you a raise."

A raise? Nice, this day was getting better and better.

"I haven't even started the project yet."

Rich chuckled and said, "This is for the work you have done for us in the past year. A raise of ten thousand bits."

Ten thousand bits? Holy fertilizer. That was something.

I was on cloud nine over the fantastic news. Perhaps, Barnyard Bargains was home for me. One thing to be nervous about though, could I achieve this tough project? Griffons were tough creatures. They prided themselves on being stronger and more self-sufficient than ponies. Would they be able to accept a pony brand such as Barnyard Bargains? Would building a new store and all the customized marketing costs and the extra employees and so many other things be worth it? But who doesn't like bargains? This was going to be kind of fun.

"It is certainly a honor to have somepony like you working with us", said Rich.

"I feel the honor."

Rich laughed, "Indeed, so how are those papers going?".

We both knew what he was talking about.

"They are going quite well. I will definitely be ready for the audit."

"That's what I like to hear!"

"If there is anything else you need from me, please let me know."

"Of course and, congratulations."

"Thank you."

I went back to my cubicle to continue my work. I always felt motivated to work, but the news from Rich really lifted my spirits. I couldn't believe that they could like me so much. Was it because they needed more females to be in high-level positions at the company? No, it was more than gender. I have done a lot for this company since I arrived and every pony knows it. Except for Lyra, noting is quite as sweet as money.

A couple more hours at work and then I felt a poke and heard a giggle. Flitter, ugh.

It was Flitter alright. Flitter was one of my coworkers: a pegasus with a lilac-colored coat and a pink bow. She was around my age but looked and acted like a teenage girl most of the time. I tolerate her though. I am moving up. She isn't.

"Bonnie", said Flitter with a squeal, "what's up? Oh my, there are so many papers on your desk... the boss man keep you busy, huh?"

"Yea, I guess so." The sooner she leaves, the sooner I can finish enough tasks to go home.

"Today, I realized something totally cool."

"What's that?"

"You know Mareia and Buck? I think they are dating.. they are always all googly-eyed with each other. Isn't that cute? An office romance, sigh, Buck is so handsome too.. I am prettier than Mareia, right?"

"I don't think I met Mareia before." That wasn't a lie. Barnyard Bargains had a lot of employees.

"Trust me, I am pretty than Mareia. I don't know what Buck sees in her."

I had no clue either, but I knew that if Buck found Flitter even half as annoying as I did, I could see why there wasn't a Buck/Flitter office romance.

"I should get back to work", I said politely.

"I can understand why. That does look like a lot, tee hee", said Flitter, "hey, we should totally get lunch sometime."

"One of these days."

"I noticed that you were in Rich's office today discussing a lot of stuff. What's the scoop?"

I pointed to the stack of papers on my desk. I wasn't going to get involved in a conversation with her about griffon expansion and etc. She would ask a lot of stupid questions and time would be wasted.

"Of course, tee hee. I can be so ditzy at times, kind of like your marefriend, Lyra. LOL!!"

Go lol yourself. It was ironic that the word Flitter sounded so much like filter since she didn't have one.

"I really should get back to working. I get a lot of work."

"Funny. Rich must like me better. I barely get any work at all. Okie dokie, I will let you get back to work. Cya."

I noticed that Flitter didn't return to her cubicle but exited the office. I looked up at the clock on the wall. It was already 5 PM. Time sure does fly fast. I planned to stay late. This work wasn't going to finish itself. I was feeling exhausted. I needed more energy. I did what I usually do around this time, took a 5 hour energy drink. Now I was ready to go full speed ahead with my work! I took a task-oriented approach to work rather than a time-oriented approach. Rather than "when I can go home", the question was "how much can I finish in one day".

Conquer the day? Yes, I was. I would be damned if Barnyard Bargains wasn't ready for the audit.
Work and more work and not enough play. Oh Lyra, I wonder what she was doing now.
Lyra was probably either playing with her lyre or trying to work some spell to turn herself into a human.
Lyra as a human? Blah... I would never be able to see her in the same way if she was able to produce those grotesque hands out of her hooves... ugh... if any pony could let that happen, it would be Lyra.
She didn't fully understand why I worked so long and hard. Lyra never had to work hard, so I could understand why the concept wasn't quite fathomable to her.

Some more time must have passed, since it was already 9 PM. I was feeling hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast.
Now was probably a good time to pack up and go home.

The finished pile was higher than the in process pile. I would be able to get everything in to Rich by tomorrow night or Wednesday at the latest. No pony could do this better than me. I began to leave the office but I noticed something or somepony.

There was Clean, the janitor, and he was still cleaning everything around him.
Perhaps, he was the hardest working pony. Also, was Rich so cheap that he only hired one janitor?
That might have been where the real cost-cutting occurred.
I felt guilty in taking pleasure at my next thought: Flitter no longer earning a salary at Barnyard Bargains.

"It is funny still seeing you here", said Clean with a soft smile.

"I have worked this late before."

"Ponyville's largest business is dependent on a young and beautiful mare such as yourself."

"I wouldn't say that."

"Oh, I know more than you think." I suddenly noticed an odd green glint in Clean's eyes. It seemed familiar.

"I suppose since you're cleaning around here all the time that you know all the ins and outs."

"I wish I had some help around the office. Rich must think he's so damn clever by having a one-pony cleaning staff."

I chuckled, "I know how you feel. The later I stay here, the messier my apartment is going to get. That's what happens when you leave Lyra by herself."

Clean laughed heartily. A thought popped into my head. Clean looked old, but he certainly didn't act that way.

"Lyra", said Clean, "I have met her before. She is cute."

I blushed and said, "It's about time I go home to spend time with her."

"You should. Some point soon, there is something important we should talk about." Clean's horn turned a light green.

I grew nervous. What was he talking about? Oh my Celestia... it all made sense. Clean was a changeling. That's perhaps why the kindly old unicorn didn't seem so old at all.

"From the look on your face", said Clean, "I think you already have some idea of what I mean. Bon-Bon, I do not want to force you to do something you don't want to do. However, I think we should meet soon to discuss some important matters. It will also answer some questions you might have had."

I did have a lot of questions.

I had a choice to make.

"Clean, I think it would be a good idea to meet soon. Assuming that I know what you're talking about."

"Ah, of course you do. It's in your blood."

I was really curious now. In my blood? These changelings can probably sense something about me. What exactly was that?

"Will you be here tomorrow?"


"After work tomorrow, we can discuss."

"I was hoping to go home earlier tomorrow", Clean smiled.

"What about 7?"


"I'll see you then."

I was excited and nervous. Who exactly was Clean and what made me so special?
Finally, it was time to go home.

Author's Note:

3 day weekend! Can probably get another chapter or two up before Monday.
I hope you're all enjoying the story so far.