• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 2,347 Views, 48 Comments

The Halfling - Duke of Canterlot

Bon-Bon learns that she is a halfling. How will this affect Bon-Bon and all of Equestria?

  • ...

Clean Instruction

Author's Note:

Hey everypony!
I felt like my last chapter was kind of weak.. hopefully, this chapter is better.

I giggled with glee. Things weren't going to be so different between me and Lyra after all.

"Can you change into other ponies", asked Lyra with unbridled excitement.

"Not yet", I responded, "I would need to go through training."

"Changeling training? That sounds like so much fun", said Lyra with a loud laugh, "I am so jealous right now. I wonder if a changeling can turn into a human."

"A human? Lyra, I don't think a changeling can turn into an imaginary creature."

Lyra playfully snarled at me.

"When does your training begin?"

"I haven't decided if I want to go through with it."

"You haven't!?!?! But Bon-Bon, you must. Think of how cool it would be."

"It's time-consuming and Equestria isn't exactly friendly towards changelings."

"I wouldn't care about what other ponies think."

"I know you wouldn't", I responded with a smile, "and that's why I love you."

"As I love you, sweetie bon-bon drops."

"I also have my future at Barnyard Bargains to think about."

"Your future there", said Lyra, "you can become a goddamn changeling. So many ways of becoming rich there."

"Yea, but none of those ways are legal."

"You're such a goody-goody, I guess that's why I love you."

"That's definitely not why I love you.... oh my Celestia, is that a human behind you?"

"Where!?!?", said Lyra turning around. I gave Lyra a slap on the plot.
It was too much fun messing with her.

"I still have to get back at you for being so disrespectful to my plot", said Lyra turning around, "you'll never expect my revenge."

"What are you going to do? Try to slap your own plot."

"Shut up, I promise you, Bonnie. I got a whole complex plan set up."

"Sometimes the simplest plans are the most effective."

"I think you're just a nasty perv."

"Ooh, that turns me on."

Lyra and I quickly kissed. Oh my, never let things change between me and Lyra!

"Seriously, sweetie. You should try this out."

"I have to admit I am curious and..."

"And what? Don't be afraid to tell me."

"And..I don't know, but it feels like something I was always meant to do."

"Then do it."

I looked into Lyra's eyes. She was so understanding and kind. Most of Equestria would not be the same way.
Suppose I was meant to learn changeling skills. After all, aren't I as much of a changeling as I am a pony?
Changelings couldn't be monsters. My father certainly isn't one..

I smiled at Lyra. Lyra grinned at me.

"I'll try it. Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Of course I wouldn't, silly filly."

I smiled at Lyra but was terrified inside. Would my life put Lyra's life in danger? I really hoped that Lyra would succeed in keeping things quiet. If any pony wanted to get to me, threatening to do something horrible to Lyra was a good way to get there.

It was a cool and crisp Sunday afternoon. I was surprised that Clean wanted to meet me in a setting as public as Ponyville Park. I trotted along and scanned the ponies around me. Which ones would be able to tolerate me being a halfling? Which ones wouldn't?

Ponyville seemed peaceful and friendly - different than Belmont Stakes or Manehattan. Most of them definitely wouldn't be threats, even if most of them disliked me upon finding out that I'm a halfling.

However, I realized that there was one powerful pony in Ponyville who would probably not take a liking to me and would be a threat - especially if Princess Celestia encouraged the destruction of changelings. That pony was Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia's star student who was transformed into an alicorn largely on the basis of being so damn loyal to Celestia. Twilight was also incredibly intelligent, skilled with magic, influential, and well-respected. Twilight was a mare I didn't want to be an enemy.. that's a risk I would have to take. If Twilight became my enemy, I would need to be well-prepared. That is something I knew I needed to ask Clean.

Ponies always said I thought too much, but I suppose that was how I was going to survive.

I arrived at Ponyville Park and saw a yellow earth pony stallion with a long red mane. He waved over to me. I noticed the mop on his flank. Damn it. Why is he always choosing such a lame cutie mark?

"Hello there."

"Good afternoon, Ms. Bon-Bon. How was visiting your mother?"

"She is doing quite well. Making candies as usual."

"Your cutie mark seems to suggest you would be good at candies too."

"Yea, I am. But that's only for keeping Lyra happy, there is no big money to be made in being a baker. I didn't exactly grow up in a mansion."

"Perhaps that is exactly why you have grown up so nicely."

"I'm not as pretty as you with that ridiculous long hair."

"I hoped you would like it. I looked through the Mare's Digest and this is the kind of stallion they think is handsome."

"As you know, I like mares myself. I'm not the best judge of what is handsome in a stallion."

"Ho ho, let it be this! The gender role reversal of the gay stallion whose best friend is an incredibly hot mare."

"Not with that cutie mark will ponies find you hot."

"It's part of my charm. It shows my strong work ethic."

"Hee hee. You know what? I hear the most handsome pony in Ponyville is Big McIntosh. He's a stallion who lives on the Apple Farm. That's a pony I think a lot of stallions desire."

"He's not as handsome as me. In fact, my name is Handsome."

"I like Clean better for you." I smirked at Clean. He wasn't bad looking at all. I was ashamed to admit that I did find him attractive.

"Ah well, you may call me Clean. I am the incredibly handsome Clean. Does this mean you have decided to learn?"

I nodded. I was glad Clean was smart enough to not talk about changelings in a public park.

"Let's go back to my house."

"Sure thing."

Suddenly, I heard bouncing, Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie was out of this world.

"Hi Bon-Bon! Beautiful day, isn't it", said Pinkie Pie while a big grin, "ooh, who's your new friend? I haven't seen him around Ponyville before."

"This is..", I began.

"Clean. I am a friend of Bon-Bon's from Canterlot University. We are catching up on old times."

"Aww, that's really sweet", said Pinkie, "I always love meeting new ponies. Clean, how long are you planning on staying?"

"For a while. I am considering taking a job at Barnyard Bargains."

"That's super duper great! Hey, I am planning a super big party Friday night and you are both invited, wheeee!!"

"I might be able to go", I said, "but I could be busy at work."

"Oh, Bon-Bon", said Pinkie, "you work too damn hard."

"I need to do what it takes to get the job done."

"Clean, you're real lucky to have Bon-Bon as a friend. She's one of the smartest ponies I know. If you need to solve any problem that requires pure mindpower and no magic, she's the one to go to."

"I agree, Pinkie", said Clean with a warm smile, "I don't think I would have graduated without her."

This changeling was damn good at living up to the lie.

"How's Lyra doing, Bon-Bon?"

"Lyra is doing great. She is putting all of her time and effort into her music. She's going to be a star someday."

"You mean she isn't already?"

"Well", I said blushing, "she is a star to me.. but you know what I mean. A celebrity."

"Oh right, tee hee. I think Lyra is going to make an awesome celebrity someday. Wooh, I gotta go. Clean, enjoy your stay at Ponyville!"

"Thanks, PInkie Pie."

"Okie dokie lokie". Pinkie bounced away.

"See, I told you the mares would think I'm handsome."

"That's Pinkie Pie. She's friendly to every pony. Don't take that as a sign she wants to fuck your brains out."

"A changeling in stallion form can dream, right?"

"I suppose."

Hmmm. I certainly couldn't see Pinkie turning her back on me. She was friendly and kind towards any pony.
She didn't have Twilight's royal status, but Pinkie had a lot of charisma. Perhaps, she would be able to protect me if the shit hits the fan.
Jeez, I have to stop planning fifty steps ahead like this.

Clean lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville - close to the Everfree Forest.

"So, where do we begin", I asked nervously.

"The first step is not physical, but mental", began Clean, "you will need to get into the mindset of a changeling."

"The mindset?"

"It involves dissociating your inner self from your body. We changelings always have a consistent inner self. It is only the body that changes. It requires deep concentration for this to happen, especially for a halfling such as yourself."

Deep concentration? Not a problem. That was one of my stronger skills.

Clean transformed back into his changeling form. I realized that in order for him to account for the encounter with Pinkie, he would always have to look like the stallion I met at the park when we were together.

"You are Bon-Bon and you are not Bon-Bon", said Clean, "I am Clean and I am not Clean. It is a philosophy which is far from engrained into pony culture."

"Yes, that's true, but I think I understand what you're saying."


Clean and I sat on the floor.

"Now, close your eyes."

I closed them.

"Let your body relax in full. Take a deep breath. Try to not worry about anything."

This was like one of those meditation seminars. I kept my eyes closed and breathed deeply.

Some time had passed. Nothing special. I was losing patience.
Maybe I was more pony than changeling.

"Bon-Bon, I can tell you're losing focus."


"You need to dissociate yourself from your body. It takes longer than five minutes."

I sighed. It felt a lot longer than five minutes.

"I don't have time to do this for long."

"This isn't Barnyard Bargains. Relax."

I figured I would give it another try. I closed my eyes and tried to shut my mind off regarding the physical world around me. This seemed utterly pointless.

But I was noticing something. It was like my spirit was floating around my body. It was like a child learning something for the first time. I am the spirit. I felt ugly. My body was simply a shell. It wasn't everything about who I am. I had been blessed with good looks, but my spirit doesn't look like anything. It was as much changeling as it was pony. It was like my mind had lacked a body.

"Bon-Bon, it's working." Clean.

"Clean, is that you?", I thought.

"Yes, Bon-Bon. It is me. You have made it past the first step. We changelings are more than our bodies. We also know you have the capacity to change your body. I know it feels great to leave my natural self."

"Unlike you, my natural state is pony. It doesn't feel so great."

"As my natural state is changeling. It doesn't matter. You will grow to love it. You won't want to live life without this ability ever again."

I no longer had a voice box. I felt vulnerable. Clean was reading my mind. I wondered if I could read his.

"Ah, you're a clever one aren't you", thought Clean, "trying to read my deepest and darkest thoughts. Soon, you will learn how to control your mind."

"Oh my goodness. What am I thinking right now? I have to control this."

"Yes, you will. I am doing the same thing you're doing right now, except I know how to only let the thoughts out that I want out."

I wanted things to change as soon as possible.

"So, tell me how.. tell me how.."

"It's not magic. Simply, you must control your mind. Only think what you wish to think. In this state, thinking is much like speaking."

"That's not hard at all."

"I heard that."

"Shut up, if I could see you, I bet you would be ugly."

"You're the most wrong you ever have been. I am the most handsome creature in all of Equestria."

I had to focus. I had to concentrate. I had to shut my mind out.
I suddenly heard from Clean.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...."

Clean was counting. That must be his way of shutting his mind down. It was like counting sheep when you were trying to go to sleep. So simple, but like what I told Lyra this morning, sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective.

I needed to do this. My thoughts would be controlled.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.."

"Ho ho, you copycat!"

"Lost my concentration, damn you Clean."

"Bon-Bon, you're doing a good job for a halfling."

"Are halflings supposed to be weaker than changelings?"

"No. The main differences are that there is a steeper learning curve and your natural state is more pleasant to look at."

"It's too late. There's no turning back now."

"That's good to hear from you."

"I didn't want Clean to hear that, damn it."

"I'm glad you did. So, how did Lyra take the news?"

"She took it quite well."

"I like Lyra. There are a lot of ponies you won't be able to trust, but hold on to Lyra."

"I'm glad you like her."

"You must be doing a good job of controlling your thoughts."

"How can you tell?"

"I didn't hear a: oh that's going to be hard with the incredibly handsome Clean at my side."

"In your dreams."

"I have a wife and a daughter. In all seriousness, you don't need to worry about me whisking you away from Lyra."

"That's good. You made it extra hard now that you look like a girl man."

"Lots of mares are swooning over me."

"In your dreams."

"What is real and what is dream anyway? When you're a changeling, you have a way of looking at things which ponies consider rather unorthodox."

"Unorthodox, huh?"

"We live in a very different world than the ponies. Your world is much nicer than the changeling world. It is more harmonious. Good thing, you are as much changeling as you are pony."

"What do you really think about ponies, Clean?"

"I like the ponies that like changelings. It is really that simple for me."

"Your queen had wanted to do so many bad things to Equestria."

"Things aren't quite as simple as how your princess explains it."

"I don't know if I can risk it."

"Remember you are as much changeling as you are pony. Haven't you always felt you were a little different from your peers?"

"Yes, but.. I am sure every pony feels like that some of the time."

"I am sure many do, but you actually are different."

"I don't want to be ostracized by my peers."

"You won't be ostracized by those who truly care about you. I think you'll find things in that respect won't change as much as you believe."

"Do you know if my brother is a halfling?"

"He isn't one. Despite that, please don't be mad at your mother."

"I won't. I love Brainy Brawn. I don't care about who his real father is."

"Good. That's the right attitude. Come now. We are moving somewhere else."

I could see again and I was back in Clean's house, but I wasn't Bon-Bon. I looked at my arms - black and bug-like. Oh my goodness, was I a changeling?

I saw Clean in his changeling form. He smiled at me.

"Congratulations, Bon-Bon. You have changed into your first form."

"A changeling?"

"Not just any changeling." Clean pulled out a mirror.

I looked at myself. This was too unreal. I was a male changeling, I was Clean.

"Ugh", I groaned, "I am ugly."

"And even worse. The only thing you can change into now is an ugly mare named Bon-Bon."

I chuckled and responded, "Perhaps I am the changeling that specializes in ugly."

"That will change soon enough."

It felt weird being a changeling. My body felt lighter than that of a pony. Changelings weren't exactly bulky.

"Take your time", said Clean, "I know it must be weird."

I looked into Clean's eyes. Clean was completely unfazed by having a lookalike in the same room as him. I suppose things really were that much different for changelings and ponies.

"So, this is what the beginning looks like."

"Yes, it does."

"Perhaps now is a good time to stop the training for today, change back into yourself."

I closed my eyes and thought of my body. It was very easy. I felt a glow all around me.

I was back in my body.

"That was trippy", I commented.

"You did well", said Clean, "if you go on with the training, I think you will do just fine."

"When can I start changing into other ponies besides myself?"

"Soon. Now, I have an interesting task for you. Remember how I told you there is another halfling in Ponyville."

I nodded.

"I want you to find him or her and bring that halfling to me. This halfling knew you were a halfling before you did. Very stealthy character. It might prove to be a challenge, but it will teach you a lot about what is important in being a halfling."

What about Barnyard Bargains?

"I can, but you know I still have to go to work like a normal pony."

"I know. It's best to live life as normally as possible for your own safety anyway."

"Can you give me any hints as to the halfling is?"

"Look into their eyes. You'll see the green specks or if it's a green-eyed pony, the specks will be blue. That's the only hint you'll need.."

"What if I can't find him or her? You said the halfling is good at hiding under the radar."

"But you're Bon-Bon, you are up to the challenge."

I groaned. I kind of wished life would go back to normal. I knew one pony who couldn't be the halfling too.. Lyra. I looked in her eyes so many times. She didn't have the changeling specks. It was somepony else, but who?

"Where's your sense of adventure?"

"I wasn't born with it."

"Doesn't surprise me. I have seen enough of you and Lyra to know that is true. Lyra seems to have a very fun sense of adventure."

"Yes, she does. I suppose that's partially why she's so happy I'm a halfling. She thinks exciting things will happen."

"I trust you will do all you can to keep Lyra safe."

"I will."

"Our enemies.. they will try to get to you through Lyra. I can promise that."

"Celestia seems so wise and caring. How could she be so ruthless?"

"I don't think Celestia is all bad, to be honest", said Clean, "it is simply that she is addicted to power. She will do what it takes to keep her power. She has actually been quite generous to some of those with the changeling blood who promise to keep the pony rule."

"Why don't the changelings simply bow down to Celestia and end all of this madness?"

"We would rather be free than second-rate citizens under a pony empire. We changelings have our own system of government. We want to do things our way. The changeling way of life is also a problem for Celestia. She would try to limit our powers tremendously - making us disgustingly second-rate. We all have the same special talent and it's that. Limiting our power was the purpose of the camps. Even the halflings and functioning quarterlings would be weakened without the changeling special talent. From what I heard though, the Equestrian Empire wasn't outright cruel to the imprisoned changelings. The only changelings that died in those camps committed suicide."

That was probably true. Once I learned my changeling powers, I would be stronger with them and weaker without them.

"I will find that other halfling for you."

"Good. Thank you, Bon-Bon. I have faith in you."

This was going to be quite the challenge.