• Published 15th Apr 2014
  • 2,347 Views, 48 Comments

The Halfling - Duke of Canterlot

Bon-Bon learns that she is a halfling. How will this affect Bon-Bon and all of Equestria?

  • ...

The Chicken and the Invitation

I watched Scootaloo and Clean embrace one another. I held back the tears. I wanted to stay strong.
I stayed silent.

"Daddy", said Scootaloo with a sniffle, "I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Everything will be okay", said Clean, "Ponyville is a safe place for us."

Not with Celestia's star student residing there, I thought, but I suppose there were things Clean knew which I didn't.

"It's just so hard living a lie like this, especially with Rainbow Dash."

"If she truly cares about you, nothing will change if you are exposed."

"I hope so", said Scootaloo bawling, "I don't care about any pony else. Dash means more to me than my other pony friends."

I wondered how Scootaloo's two filly friends would feel to hear that, but, honestly, they probably wouldn't be too surprised.

"Honestly", said Clean, "it may be okay to tell Rainbow Dash."

"What if she hates me? For being a changeling? I didn't choose this way of life!"

"Isn't it better to know now than later", asked Clean, "times are changing. Why do you think I am putting this mare's life in danger?"

Clean always said that, but what was changing? On the surface, everything seemed the same except I knew I was a halfling.

"Pardon me for interrupting", I said, "but what exactly is changing?"

"Everything has changed since the wedding of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Many of the changelings grew aggressive and cocky, including our queen, Chrysalis. We felt that our opportunity was ripe to take over the Equestrian Empire... not really take it over, but to bring about a more fair situation for changelings. Once we got what we wanted from Celestia, we were going to restore all of Equestria back to normal. We had almost every pony, including Celestia, fooled. Except for Twilight Sparkle and, of course, my precious daughter who was a flower filly at the wedding. Since that attack, Celestia has been on the defensive. Queen Chrysalis has far from backed down. We expect a full-out war to begin soon. Celestia has abused the changelings for far too long and we need to strike back."

"Did you have any part in what happened at the wedding?"

"No, I was in Ponyville as I have been for years."

"My father?"

"Yes. He probably wasn't there, but he works quite closely with the Queen."

Something didn't feel right about Clean's story. As Celestia would spout out pro-pony and anti-changeling propaganda, Clean seemed to be talking pro-changeling and anti-pony. I didn't think either one was telling the whole truth. As a hafling, it was perhaps to my benefit to find out what the whole truth was.

I simply nodded and smiled, showing that I agreed with and understood Clean's answer.

"I would love to see the Changeling hive some day", I said.

"It's a really neat place", said Scootaloo with excitement, "I've done most of my scooter training at my visit there."

"If you don't mind me asking, Scootaloo, is this your true form?"

"Yep", responded Scootaloo, "this is my true and favorite form. Sure, I can't fly in my true form, but I flew before. It's really cool. Even though you're an earth pony, you're going to be able to fly and use magic - you just have to change to that pony of course."

"That's something I don't know how to do yet."

"Bon-Bon is learning fast though", said Clean, "she already turned into me."

Scootaloo chuckled and said, "Must have been disappointing to turn into an ugly, old changeling."

Clean playfully rustled Scootaloo's mane, "I got a real silly daughter, you know that."

"The next step will be for you and Scootaloo to switch bodies", said Clean.

"Easy for me", said Scootaloo nonchalantly, "let's teach Bon-Bon how it's done."

"Certainly", said Clean, "are you ready, Bon-Bon?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now close your eyes. I want you to picture a mental image of Scootaloo and nothing else."

I closed my eyes and imagined Scootaloo.

Scootaloo, an orange filly with a purple mane, light purple eyes. She had small wings- ones which weren't well-suited for flying. She also didn't have a cutie mark. I thought about that and nothing else. Everything else was empty and unimportant.

I felt my spirit dissociate from my body. I was still fully conscious but no longer in a body. I couldn't see, I couldn't smell, I couldn't hear, I couldn't touch, I couldn't taste. I could only think. This was for a few split seconds and suddenly I was in a body again. It would take a while for me to get used to the dissociation of my body.

I kept my eyes closed but was aware of the body I was in. It felt smaller. I hoped it worked and that I became Scootaloo. I couldn't be sure though and was afraid I had failed miserably.
Interesting, if it worked, pegasi must not really feel their wings at all, unless they focus on those wings.

I could feel the wings at my sides. They were small yet firm, not like changeling wings at all which were large, flimsy, and bug-like.
It could simply be phantom limb syndrome for all I know. Wings are limbs, right? Whatever... that wasn't important right now.

I opened my eyes and saw a chicken in front of me.

The chicken clucked heartily, almost like it was laughing at me.

"Well done, you are learning quite quickly for a pony."

I looked at my front hooves. They were orange. I did it. I was Scootaloo! I jumped for joy.

"Scootaloo", scolded Clean playfully, "you were supposed to turn into Bon-Bon, not a chicken!"

Scootaloo the chicken clucked and transformed into me in two seconds.

"You'll get faster soon, Bon-Bon", said Clean, "this changing stuff will become second nature."

"One question, how can I hide the specks in my eyes?"

"Simple. It doesn't require any changeling magic, but well-designed technology. You can use these changeling lens. They will hide the specks when you wish for them to be hidden."

"It doesn't really matter much though around our enemies. They can't see the specks anyway, but there might be a good reason to hide from another changeling", said Scootaloo as me. wow did my voice really sound like that?

Clean handed me the lens.

"I don't know if I can see well with them", I said, "I wear contacts."

"You can wear these lens over your contact lens just fine", said Clean.

"How convenient."

"This is so cool", said Scootaloo, "I finally have a cutie mark and... you don't!"

"I'm gonna leave. I'll keep being Scootaloo."

Scootaloo transformed back into herself and said, "I'm the better Scootaloo."

"Nah, I am. I bet if we both went out together that every pony would think that I'm the real Scootaloo."

"Most ponies are far too stupid to know otherwise", added Clean.

That wasn't a really fair statement. Most ponies couldn't detect changelings for their lives, but that was because they weren't changelings themselves. I remembered the wedding, even Celestia didn't know that a changeling had taken Princess Cadence's form.

"Get out of my body", Scootaloo commanded playfully at me.

"Yes, Bon-Bon", said Clean, "it appears you have overstayed your welcome."

I closed my eyes and changed back to myself. That was the easiest transformation to make, probably because it was my true form. I didn't even notice the transition this time around. It was like I made the switch automatically.

"How can I detect a changeling that is hiding his or her specks?"

"Interesting question, Bon-Bon. You probably can't. A lot of changelings hide them when transforming into ponies for their own safety. Changelings are generally nice to one another, but if a changeling doesn't like you, it would be real easy for one to out you as one if he or she can see the specks."

"Thank you, Clean. Will I see you at work tomorrow?"

"Of course", said Clean, "I need to do my part in helping provide Scootaloo with a home."

I doubted that being a janitor was able to provide Scootaloo with much.

"I wish I could introduce my friend to you, Dad", said Scootaloo.

"Some day", said Clean, "when ponies treat changelings with more tolerance and kindness. It is much too risky. Your mom and step-mom wouldn't allow it."

"I know", responded Scootaloo, "I guess I'm in a better situation than my friend Apple Bloom in that regard..."

Clean nodded.

I didn't want to bring it up, but I knew the story about Apple Bloom's parents. They were killed by timberwolves in the Everfree Forest. It was something that would change Sweet Apple Acres forever. I never met them. It was a long time ago, long before I moved to Ponyville. Yes, Scootaloo was fortunate to have both of her parents.

"Bon-Bon", said Scootaloo, "I just wanted to say that you are going to make one hell of an awesome changeling."

I smiled and said, "Thanks Scootaloo, I can't wait to be able to transform into a chicken."

Scootaloo turned into a chicken and back into herself within the span of five seconds. I chuckled and said, "Show-off."

Life would never be normal again. If I wanted to keep my career on track, things needed to seem as normal as possible. Rich didn't hire some halfling freak. He hired a diligent earth pony.

I opened my eyes. It was Tuesday morning. I didn't get much sleep last night, but that was nothing a couple warm cups of coffee couldn't solve.

I saw Lyra sleeping by my side. I loved her. Whatever ended up happening, I hoped that Lyra would stay safe. I feared my enemies would go after Lyra for the purpose of trying to get to me. Bad guys could do whatever they wanted with me.. but if they tried anything with Lyra, I would fucking kill them.

I trotted to the mirror. I did look pretty, I guess.
When I fully mastered my changeling powers, I would be able to make an impact on any pony I wanted. It was simple really. I could be any pony's loved one and learn some dark secrets.

Imagine how much I could learn about Twilight while in the form of her dragon assistant, Spike.
Imagine how much I can learn about what's really going on in Ponyville's government by transforming into one of the Mayor's closest confidantes.
Imagine how I could destroy Barnyard Bargains' competition by sneaking my way into corporate conference rooms and picking up damaging secrets.
Yes, I looked at myself in the mirror. I would have the power to have any pony under my will. It probably wasn't as easy as it sounded. Otherwise, why would Clean need me? He was a full-fledged changeling and would have been able to save his kind all on his own. No, it would be a challenge.

8:45. I wanted to get to work even earlier, but.. I don't know what happened.
I saw Clean working diligently keeping the place spotless. It was funny seeing him as the frail elderly unicorn with a mop cutie mark. It was our little secret that he was so much more than that.

"Good morning, Bon-Bon. I missed you yesterday."

"I was allowed to take the day off."

"Good for you, you always work so hard. Where would everypony be without you?"

"You're a flatterer, Mr. Clean."

"When you're cleaning toilets, you gotta think positive."

"I suppose, think clean thoughts."

"Changelings are not ones for puns."

"I suppose that has to change."

"Yes, Bon-Bon", said Clean with a sly smile, "we are quite adaptable, but only willingly adaptable."

I was nervous that Clean had mentioned the word "changeling" in open daylight. At least, no pony seemed to have heard.

No pony was around. I sighed softly feeling some relief.

"Have a good day", I said with a stiff and formal tone.

"The same to you, Lady Bon-Bon."

I felt like Clean was testing me.

I walked over to my cubicle and began work.

I worked through the day and skipped lunch.

I heard a pony say, "Good afternoon, Ms. Bon-Bon, how are you today?" Rich, I wonder what he wants!

I turned around and saw Rich looking as professional as ever in his business attire.

"I am doing quite well."

"Enjoyed yesterday off?"

"Most definitely! Lyra is always a bundle of joy!"

Rich chuckled and said, "I'm sure she is."

"How's your wife and daughter?"

"They are both doing quite well. My little girl is the smartest one in her class.. probably a lot like you. My wife is keeping order around the house."

"Maybe your daughter will someday work at Barnyard Bargains too!"

"She doesn't want to at all right now, but she's still a filly.. times will change."

"My dreams changed completely from when I was a filly."

"Hmmm, perhaps the same will be for Diamond Tiara."

Diamond Tiara? What kind of name was that? Oh, wealthy ponies and their bizarre names. Kind of like how the Heartstrings named their daughter Lyra.. that was perhaps an even stranger name.

"Your family must wish they see more of you, huh?"

"It could be worse. At least we're all in Ponyville together."

"That's true."

"Bon-Bon, you would make a fine mentor for my precious daughter! Most certainly!"

Hmmm, I thought to myself, perhaps this would be my way of really getting into Rich's social circle.

"If that was a serious suggestion, Rich, I would be interested."

"Diamond Tiara needs that older sister figure to help her out. She gets bullied in school by ruffians, I've heard. They call themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

Cutie Mark Crusaders, huh? Was Scootaloo bullying Diamond Tiara? I needed to talk to Scootaloo about it at some point. However, there was something about the family photo on Rich's desk. Rich's daughter didn't look like an angel. There was something cold about her - it was hard to explain. I needed this in with Rich's family though. Regardless of how the whole changeling thing resolves, I need to do all I can to amass as much wealth as possible. For all I know, Scootaloo and her friends could be the ones picking on Diamond Tiara in school.. but Scootaloo and her friends looked much more naïve and innocent than the pink filly in the photo.

"That's awful, Rich", I responded, "I don't think I would be much help though in helping your daughter fight off bullies."

"I think you could help my daughter gain some self-confidence in herself. She's a bright filly with a ton of potential, I don't think she realizes it. The little Apple filly keeps telling my daughter that she will never amount to anything. My poor Diamond Tiara hears it so much that she is starting to believe it. My wife tells me that she comes home crying every other day due to all of the torment. I might even have to pull her out of public school soon to a private school."

You can certainly afford private school, I thought.
I spent twelve years in hell because my mother couldn't afford much of anything. I was bullied as a filly constantly - especially with the dark rumors that my father was a changeling. I suppose private school wouldn't have changed that... perhaps, all the struggles were worth it for me. If there was trait I had in abundance, it was self confidence. I could achieve anything I wanted, especially with the right strategy in place. Maybe, I could give Diamond Tiara some insight on the proper way to live life.

"I'd love to do anything I can to help your daughter."

"Splendid, absolutely splendid", said Rich with a grin, "I told Trophy Mare that you were the right pony to go to for these sort of matters. Have you made any plans for tomorrow night?"

"Besides working, I haven't."

"I want you to join me, my wife, and daughter for a family dinner at my house. I think you'll find it to be remarkably pleasant."

"Thank you for the invitation, I would love to go."

"Splendid, I will make sure to tell my cooks to prepare a feast for one extra pony."

"Thank you, Rich."

I was simultaneously excited and nervous. I was going to be having dinner with my boss - a very powerful and influential stallion. I had to be on my best behavior. I couldn't screw anything up - not tomorrow night - certainly not tomorrow night. I decided to tell Lyra of the news.

"Lyra, I can't believe it.. tomorrow.. I am going to be over at Rich's house. Oh my gosh, I can't screw anything up. I need to be perfect tomorrow night. I barely know what it is that rich ponies do, but you do.. any advice for me?"

Lyra shrugged and responded, "I don't know, my parents never taught me how to act like a rich pony."

That didn't surprise me. I loved Lyra to death and she didn't come across as spoiled, but her parents treat her like she could do no wrong. Their precious gem was perfect in their eyes. My mother and even my playful father were more stern and realistic towards me.

I let out a girlish giggle.

"You're like a slave at that job", said Lyra, "what more could he demand of you?"

"If I want to be considered for the big leagues, I need to show him that I can be just as polished and professional as him."

"Oh, that's right. You should be fine, Bonnie. You are the most professional pony I have ever met", said Lyra as she moved closer to me and then said with a whisper, "in fact, I think you could be my boss."

I liked where this was going. We kissed and then got involved in one of our roleplays.

I played the impossible-to-please boss and Lyra was the diligent employee who could likely do my job better than she could.

"Boss mare, I have finished all of the work you assigned me", said Lyra wiping her brow showing her exhaustion levitating a large pile of blank papers.

I grunted and said, "Put it on my desk. I'll review it now."

"Thank you, boss mare."

I looked through the papers and then spat on one sheet and tore it up. I used another sheet to wipe my ass.

"I didn't tell you to bring me toilet paper, slave!"

"I am sorry, boss mare.. I didn't know it was toilet paper. I thought it was my analysis on this week's hottest stocks."

"It is crap. All of it. Who hired you anyway?"

"You did, ma'am."

"That is a lie", I snarled, "for your insolence and your incompetence, it is time for you to be punished."

Lyra began to fake cry. I took a paddle out from the closet and slapped the desk with it.

I took a blindfold and wrapped it around Lyra's eyes and told her, "Don't move, slave."

I whacked the paddle on the desk again. Lyra shivered. She knew I liked to incorporate an element of unpredictability. She couldn't make sense of when I would slap her on the plot. That plot... it was my favorite part of her. She had a lithe figure with a tight plot. Just looking at it turned me on instantly and Lyra knew it.

"Boss mare.. I'll do anything, don't hurt my sexy plot."

"I forgot how stupid you are. I will make myself more clear. Do not move, slave. Do not talk, slave. You may scream if you wish, but do not speak any words. Do not cum until I tell you that you can do so."

Lyra was silent. She understood. I took the paddle and swung it right at Lyra's plot. It was a soft swing.. the purpose of it was to give Lyra a false sense of comfort.

I then swung it harder and could hear the smack on her plot. Lyra yelped.

"Slave.. how is that for your punishment so far?"

Lyra was silent and stood still.

"Good, perhaps you're not such a stupid mare after all. You neither moved nor spoke. Hmmmm...."
I approached Lyra's plot with a smile and then began banging on her cheeks with my front hooves like drums.
Lyra giggled. I found it cute how I was able to amuse Lyra so easily by playing with my favorite body part of hers.

I couldn't play the dominatrix for too long and felt ready to soften up to my lover, her punishment had been administered and that was all.. when the roles were reversed, Lyra really could take on the role for a long period of time. Lyra was the mare who introduced this aspect of sexual roleplay to me.

"Your punishment has been administered and is over, except for you must let me play with your plot."

"You sick perv, you sick perv... that's where I knew you were headed", said Lyra with a giggle.

"There are other things I love about you", I said with a sly smile.

"Yea? Show me, Bon-Bon, what else you love about me."

Next thing, you know Lyra and I were in the 69 position, enjoying each other's company. Lyra, please never change, you are best pony in Equestria.

Of course, I would need to be a different Bon-Bon at tomorrow's dinner.

I was at Celestia's castle. I could see the four princesses staring down at me: Princess Celestia of the Sun, Princess Luna of the Moon, Princess Cadence of Love, and Princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship.

"The trial shall begin. We will determine whether Bon-Bon will be imprisoned for life for her crimes and her role in treasonous activities against the Equestrian Empire", said Celestia coldly.

"No", shouted Luna, "as I told you over and over, Celestia. I don't think we should be doing this!"

"I take it that your vote is for Bon-Bon, the Halfling, to go free."

"Yes, it is.. without a doubt."

"Very well, sister", said Celestia, "you shall be excused from this trial."

"You can't do this, Celestia", cried Luna, "changelings and halflings are just like us."

"That cannot be possible", said Celestia, "from my studies over a thousand years, while you whittling away on the moon, there has been proof that ponies and changelings have nothing in common."

"Studies from books you've written", spat Luna.

Twilight and Cadence stared at me without saying a word, neither had the look of hatred Celestia held for me, but neither was willing to defend me like Luna. I kept silent.

I suddenly heard a voice in the air. "Be brave, my daughter. Be brave. You are doing the right thing." Lemon Drops??

"Daddy", I shouted.

"Bonnie, stay strong. It's a tough road ahead, but it's a road to a bright future."

"What if we fail?"

"You can't fail. You're Bon-Bon. You won't fail."

I smiled, hoping my father could see me.

"Ho ho, you were talking to a changeling", said Celestia, "no surprise there."

"He's my father", I growled.

"It is a shame that you were brought in this world by a changeling - it is tragic - now, I am pleased to announce that I will not kill you. Ponies are not as brutal as changelings - instead, you shall be imprisoned in the dungeon for life, guards.. take Sweetie Bon-Bon Drops away."

What about my trial? But who could overpower the sun princess? Who could? I saw two ponies from the Royal Guard approach me. I wanted to run, but I couldn't... I was stuck... was I finished?

I woke up in a cold sweat. At times, I wish all of this Halfling stuff would go away and I could just live life as normal. This changeling thing was a curse - a bloody curse! Sure, I would become more powerful than before.. but at a price. I didn't want anything bad to happen to Lyra. She was so innocent and so kind. She didn't deserve a fate even a tenth of bad as mine. However, at the same time, I knew this must be my destiny. I was meant to bring about change to Equestria. I knew that is what my dad would want me to do.

Author's Note:

I hope you're all liking it.
Sorry for the delay. Things got busy and this was a long chapter..
I hope you guys aren't too pissed that I am putting an evil twist on Celestia.
I know she's a benevolent sun princess, but that's the show - this is my story.