• Published 17th Apr 2014
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Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH1: Time To Get Up

“Spike!” Twilight screamed, waking up in a cold sweat. Bolting upright from her position she threw her covers off and frantically looked around her room. A few glances around proved that there was nothing out of the ordinary. All of her books were in place and every paper on her desk stood perfectly in the center of her table. Her breath slowing, Twilight calmed herself. She took note of the bags packed in the corner. Sparing a brief thought, she remembered when she packed it but couldn't for the life of her remember why.

“Ah take it ‘ya had that dream again, huh?”

Twilight snapped out of her daze to look at her bedroom door; standing in the doorway stood one of her best friends, already fully dressed in her signature baggy orange outfit, darker sleeveless over jacket and stetson classically placed atop of her head. Interestingly enough she wasn't wearing her gloves or her boxers boots yet.

“Um, yes. Sorry, AJ, did I wake you up?” Twi answered as she looked down at her hands; which were currently busy clenching her covers.

“Nah, ah've actually been up for ‘bout an hour training and workin’ out. Reckon ah broke my old liftin’ record this mornin.” AJ went over and sat down at the foot of Twilight’s bed. “Bet ya woke Rainbow up though, world knows she sleeps too much anyhow.”

Twilight didn’t even crack a smile, she only continued to look down at her hands in deep thought. Knowing that this is how she usually got whenever Spike was mentioned, AJ knew that she had to do something about this.

AJ gently sat a hand on her friend’s shoulder. Giving a small squeeze, she got Twilight’s attention. “Listen hun, we’ll find him, we all promised that when we first got here 8 years ago, an’ that ain’t changed one bit. Okay?”

Twilight looked up at her friend’s smiling face, tiny baubles of liquid glistening in the corners of her eyes. Giving a small smile, Twilight wiped them away. “I know that. Thank you, AJ. I just wonder why I had that dream again. It’s been almost four years since the last time I had it.

AJ seemed to think about it for a moment, putting her hand up to her chin and pursing her lips in mock thought. “Well, ah don’t know anythin’ about that, but do yah know what ah do know?” This seemed to grab Twilight’s attention as she locked eyes with her taller friend.

With a wink AJ looked back down at her with a cheeky grin. “Ah know that Pinkie’s down there cookin’ up a mess of food for today,” she finished. Standing up, she walked towards the door. “So hurry on up and get dressed or Dash’ll eat it all.”

Twilight’s grin faded and was soon replaced with a hesitant look of confusion.

AJ read her like a book. “Yah don’t remember what today is, do ya?” she deadpanned.

Twilight’s eyes darted back and forth nervously. “Yes… maybe… no,” she admitted, fiddling around with her fingers.

AJ decided to introduce her hand to her shaking head. “Oh Twi, you’re supposed to be the smart one. Today’s the day when we finally get to see new worlds. You know, our Mark of Mastery Exam?”

As the final remnants of sleep’s mental fog cleared away from her, Twilight's eyes grew wide with realization. Her mouth followed suit as she began to remember every daydream that she'd had for this day. But before she could express her excitement, she was yanked out of the bed, to the doorway, by a pink-nailed pair of hands.

Pinkie swung the still-groggy girl around gleefully before hugging her close. “That’s right! Today’s the day where we can meet new friends, visit new worlds, fight new enemies, gain new skills, and create new abilities!” Thrusting her hand into the air dramatically she continued listing off her hopes.

“We’ll meet new monsters that’ll try to kill us as we valiantly search for the truth. We’ll have tons of fun as we discover dark secrets about ourselves and each other that’ll test our friendships and change our fates forever. We might even—” She stopped only when AJ forcefully pinched her lips shut and told her to stop.

“We get it hun, it’ll be a right swell time,” she said.

Twilight shook herself free of the sudden whiplash that she felt, and looked over at her energetic, enigmatic friend’s smiling face. She could never help but to smile when near her. She thought back to all the times where her pink friend brought her out of her depression in the early years of her training.

The lovely scene of reminiscence ended abruptly as a more pressing thought pushed itself to the forefront of her mind, something that AJ said earlier.

“Pinkie, AJ said you were cooking breakfast, right. You didn’t leave the stoves on did you?!” she asked, her paranoia causing her bed-tangled hair to start sticking up at odd angles. Despite Pinkie being a remarkable cook and technician in her eyes, Pinkie was also very spontaneous and forgetful.

Pinkie stopped talking through pursed lips just long enough to fully register what Twilight said. “Oh, no silly,” she chuckled. “I’ve already finished all of the cooking and I made stuff for everyone,” she said, throwing her hands into the air and waving them like she just didn't care.

Which she did not.

Twilight stared at her with wide eyes, and she briefly wondered if she’d ever stop doing that when it came to her odd, pink friend. Probably not, she thought.

“All of it?” she said aloud. “How long have you been up?”

“Same time as Jackie,” she answered nonchalantly, her bright smile never wavering.

Twilight looked over at AJ only to get a shrug in return. In the end she simply pinched the bridge of her nose and wondered.

Maybe getting up early is just an earthen thing, she thought.

“Well let’s go wake up the others then..." Looking between her friend she began to formulate a plan of attack. "Pinkie you get Rarity, AJ you get Dash, and I’ll get Shy.”


“Okie-Doky, Lokey!”~~~

Rachelle “Rainbow” Dash groggily punched at the air. “Can’t beat me,” she sleepily cheered. Smirking, she turned over in her bed, her dream still seeping into reality. “Mugh woo… first place, take that, Gilda,” RD muttered as she lie haphazardly across her bed. Standing in the doorway, AJ worked had to suppress her giggles at her thoughts of how she would go about waking her rainbow-haired friend. She settled on the classic name tease joke.

“Come on! Time to wake up there, Rainbow,” she said as she started to shake the girl’s bed back and forth. Not getting an immediate response, AJ simply resorted to yanking off what remained of her covers and knocking her onto the cold, unforgiving ground.

One thump later, Dash’s eyes slowly opened and locked onto AJ’s for a brief moment before closing once again. “Don’t call me Rainbow,” was her only response as she lie flat on the floor, face-first.

AJ only chose to roll her eyes before responding. “Well why not, I’ve been callin' ya Rainbow since we were kids,” she said, wearing a full on smirk.

Dash opened her eyes once again, this time hardened into a glare. “And I've been telling you since we were kids,” she stated plainly, “either call me Dash or Rach. I’ll kill you if you call me Rach so what’s your choice?” She then flopped back down, still enjoying the cold, somewhat comfortable wooden floor.

AJ started to wonder if she could roll her eyes out of her head. “Your full name is Rachelle Ashley Dash, but ya want me to call you ‘Dash’, why?”

“‘Cuz ‘Rainbow’ sounds weird.”


Dash looked up at her tall friend once more, this time with a smirk on her face. “Your full name is Jacquelyn Ball Apple, but you want us to call you ‘AJ’?”

AJ stood there for a few seconds, glaring at her floor-dwelling friend. After a few seconds she threw her head up and sighed, defeated. “Fine, point taken, now get up so we can go eat breakfast before…” She stopped as she heard soft snoring coming from her feet. She looked down to see Dash once again in deep sleep. Sighing she took this opportunity to look around Dash’s room.

She looked over the thrown-about floor full of comics, and “action figures”, and eventually she took notice of the various workout tools and weights. Jeez, she works out almost as much as ah do but she still sleeps like a rock, how she’s still so slim? Does she sleep it all off or was it that “condensed muscle, fast metabolism” stuff that Twi talked about? She smirked at a random memory of Rarity getting upset at the fact that Dash could eat anything and stay slim.

Eventually, she’d had her fill of the messy sight and half-naked girl, and decided to simply drag her sleeping friend into the bathroom and dunk her head into the cold water.

“Every day, Rainbow… every day,” she muttered.

“Mmgh... don’t… Rainbow…” RD muttered as AJ dragged her to her bathroom.

Author's Note:

I tried to come up with convincing human names for the M6 but ill still be using Pony names frequently.
Criticism is encouraged. Also AJ is based on this design by Xelim with my own alterations.

Same with Pinkie except it's 100% my design

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