• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 6,108 Views, 472 Comments

Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH22.5: Demon's End

“And that’s what happened Master.”

Master Luna looked through the visual monitor of the Gummy Ship. The ship just left the Temen-Ni-Gru world, and now drifted without direction in the void between worlds.

Luna looked thoughtful for a second. “So, Virgil saved you all did he?”

“Yep, I do reckon that we would have lost that one without his fancy shield breakin’ sword of his.”

“Man! I still can’t believe I slept through the whole thing! SO NOT COOL!” Dash complained.

Pinkie jumped up next to her chair. “Oh my gosh, Dashie you would've loved it! There were explosions and magic and Twilight learned how to duplicate herself and everything!”

“I get it Pin--”

“Oh, and at the end there was this awesome Limit that Dante and Virgil did where they traded swords and wailed on the giant blob thing. Then Virgil took one of Dante’s guns and they shot both them together. They were like "Boooom! Jackpot!” Pinkie gushed.

Dash just leaned her head on her console and groaned loudly.

Luna chuckled a little. “It is good to see that he has still retained the good inside of him. Although, we must ask; what became of him after the fight?”

Twilight looked sad for a moment but then regained a hopeful look. “After both of them fell into Hell to grab the sword, Dante came back up and told up that Virgil had chosen to stay behind. Although, he did assure us that Virgil would find a way back.”

Luna also looked a little sad. “So, Twilight, have thou learned a new spell?” she asked, switching topics.

Twilight nodded vigorously. “I don’t remember where I learned it, but I can now make a second copy of myself! I was able to chain ga level spells with my own copy! It was amazing!”

“That is most joyous news, my student! Did you all gain new skills?” she asked looking over the others.

Dash raised her hand and summoned Spiral to her. “I got this sweet ass gun! Infinite ammo, high rate of fire, and high penetration bullets!”

AJ summoned Beowulf on her arms and legs. “Ah got these nifty Silver Gauntlets. Why, I bet that I could lift this entire ship with one hand now no sweat!” AJ gave a few test punches. Each one seemed to tap the sound barrier with it’s force.

“The stunning Virgil taught me how to use my summoned keyblades to entrap my foes and protect my friends. I can see why you thought I would like him. He was gorgeous! Oh, if only!”

Pinkie seemed to wink out of existence several times, each time appearing in a new place. Luna looked stunned, even scared. “Oh dear maker she can teleport now?”

Twilight quickly waved her arms to calm her down. “No! No! We learned that she now has the power to speed up or slow down time around her. She also has a new summon that seems to have complete control over time and space.”

Another face appeared on screen next to Luna’s. “Oh, that should indeed be extremely useful.”

“Master Celestia!” Twilight cheered. “How are you?”

“Very good Twilight. I see that Luna’s little vacation worked wonders for you all.”

Rarity stuck out her tongue in disgust. “You call that a vacation? That was an absolutely horrible experience if you ask me.”

Celestia shot a cheeky glance at Luna. “I completely agree. How about a real rest stop for once?”

Before Twilight could answer Rarity pushed her out of the way. “Does it have a spa!!” she screamed.

Celestia nodded and Rarity immediately turned to Pinkie. “Diane, you will fly this ship to wherever Master Celestia’s coordinates point. Or so help me I will fill your room up with bald flavorless cupcakes!”

Pinkie gasped loudly. “No frosting?”

None! Whatsoever!

Pinkie instantly sat in her seat and looked ready for takeoff. Twilight got up and looked back at the monitor. “Where are we headed.”

“Oh one of my favorite worlds. Radiant Gardens!”

Author's Note:

Yeah I pulled an Equestria Games with the last chapter. Now while I go and laugh at your hate please read the following:

I would like to direct your attention to this particular blog post because it has important info that pertains to specific changes to this story.

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