• Published 17th Apr 2014
  • 6,108 Views, 472 Comments

Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Rise of The Elements - Spirit Shift

The Mane Six become Keyblade Masters in order to find Spike, who's been swallowed by darkness. Will their friendship be enough to save him from being swallowed completely? Girls w/ keyblades. No crossover, just awesome Humanized Action Adventure fun.

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CH51: Divine Meetings

Zipping up her blue jacket and flicking out her naturally long hair out from it, Dash let out a huff of annoyance. “There, I put on some clothes. Are you happy now?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and lifted a finger. “Well first off, I told you to go back to sleep and get some more rest.” Another finger went up. “Secondly, I told you just to put on a shirt, not your whole outfit.” A third finger. “Finally, I told you not to do that in here with the boy in the room!” she nearly yelled, jutting all three at Pinkie's chair.

Pit, the young angel warrior, sighed from his spot in the captain's seat, the chair facing away from the girls. “So does that mean I can turn around now?”

AJ, however, merely rolled her eyes and reached into her pocket. “Yeah you can turn around now. Come here, Rainbow.” Pulling out Dash’s familiar red hairband AJ moved to her friends backside and began tying up her rainbow hued hair into a low ponytail. “I’m glad you’re alright. I was a mite worried about you.”

Rachelle put up no effort to resist her hair being messed with. Though her natural aversion to it had less to do with the fact that she disliked excessive personal grooming, but rather the fact that she’d rather have Jackie do it than Rarity. Not to mention she inwardly smiled at the fact that her hair band was safe. It was special to her and only AJ knew why.

Attempting to shrugoff the sentiment, but blushing anyway, Dash turned to the kid and the astral projection once again. “So who’s the kid?” Then she noticed the wings and cringed as recent memories resurfaced. “We left Aincrad, right? He’s not…”

Twilight was quick to shake her head. “No! No, he’s not from that world. He’s an angel under the services of Master Celestia’s teacher!”

Dash’s eyes widened. “Woah.. so does that mean that you two are Keyblade wielders?”

Pit just scratched the back of his head, one eyebrow raised in confusion. “Keyblade? What’s a Keyblade? It kinda rings a bell...”

Palutena, however, chuckled with amusement and shook her head. “A Keyblade is an extremely powerful magical weapon.” To everyone's surprise, her voice had now become physical instead of being channeled directly into their minds.

Pit gave a loud snap and a huge grin grew on his face. “Oh yeah I remember now. Back in the old game a beautiful woman showed up with one of those.”

Palutena nodded. "No, Pit has not yet obtained his Keyblade.” Her jolly mood soured a small bit and her smile went from one of amusement to one of mischievousness. “Honestly, though I know Pit possesses all the qualities of a Keyblade wielder. I doubt he will ever be chosen to have one. Wrong series unfortunately, and not enough connections for a crossover either.”

The girls, aside from Pinkie, who nodded in complete understanding, immediately adopted a look similar to Pit’s. After a briefly shared glance, Twilight spoke up. “But I thought you were Celestia’s Keyblade Master? Are you yourself not able to wield a Keyblade?”

Palutena nodded. “Indeed. I share the same boundary that Pit does. I do not and will never own a Keyblade… "Her expression then soured and she turned her head away in a huff. "... you know… despite being the Goddess of everything a proper wielder of a Keyblade should embody… Nope.”

Pit chuckled nervously. “She’s still mad about that…”

Ignoring Pit’s snide comment, Palutena quickly recomposed herself and continued. “But yes, I think you might have the wrong idea. I call myself Celestia’s master but I really only taught her all of the light based magic spells that she knows. I’m not her Keyblade Master.”

Even knowing this, Twilight’s eyes began sparkling in the way they usually did when she was excited. “But still! You taught Master Celestia her famous light magic! Holy! Faith! Salvation!” Twilight let out a shudder. “Even the Seraphim technique?!”

Pit craned his head to look up at his Master, his brow raised in a skeptical manor. “Why don’t you use any of those attacks against Hades. They sound strong!”

Palutena, having been blushing from the praise, coughed lightly in her her fist. “Honestly, Pit. Think about it. We can’t have divine beings dueling it out in person. Just the aftershocks could topple worlds far from our own, Pit,” she said, lying through her teeth.

Pit, the goofball he is, soaked it up though. However, before he could respond, Twilight dashed up to the projection of Palutena. “Can you teach me?!” she asked eagerly, her eyes staring up at her like a wide eyed kitten.

Palutena let out a joyful giggle. “I would love to,” her expression turned grim and her gaze immediately shifted to the side, then upwards, “but I’m afraid we don’t have time at the moment. Something’s coming. I’m sorry but the time for introductions is over. Everyone please get to your stations,” she order, waving her hand out towards the girls seats.

There was a small moment of confusion as everyone processed the order. However, training soon kicked in and everyone, sans Pit, moved to their respective seats. Pit turned to Palutena with a determined glare.

“It’s the Aurem then?” he asked.

“What’s the Aurem?” asked Twilight, sitting her her copilots seat. Though she was unsure of what to do, having never been in a situation such as this, her hands hovered over the switches in front of her. Her fingers flexed in preparation to carry out any order that Pinkie would assign her.

Palutena walked over to Pinkie and directed her to fly upwards, though this time not at gum flapping speeds.

“You’ll see them soon," she responded. "The Aurem are inter-spacial aliens that have attacked my world, interrupting a war between the Underworld and Skyworld armies. Though we may have created a truce to fight them, a more serious event occurred since. One of Skyworlds own Guardians, Pyrrhon, the so called ‘God of the Sun’, betrayed us and took control of the Aurum brain."

Her teeth clenched and her head lowered slightly. “He even blocked out my abilities and left Pit to burn when his power of flight ran out.”

Despite the severity, Dash snorted and turned towards the kid. “You ‘run out’ of flight? What do you have, some kind of time limit?”

Pit blushed profusely and turned away. “Yeah… so what?” he muttered testily.

AJ quickly reached over and popped the girl on the back of the head, hissing. “Not the time!” Dash glared at her, but then turned to give a sorry look towards the kid.

Twilight, her eyes sharply focused on the view outside of the ship, gasped in surprise when an armada of the most odd looking creatures came zigging zagging into view. Twilight tilted her head upwards and strained her eyes to get a better look at the far away enemies. From what she could see, while the creature’s angular or spherical shapes gave off the impression that they were mechanical in nature. To her their movements were coordinated and sharp like machines but individualized and different, like organics.

However, Twilight found herself burrowing further into her own confusion as, soon enough, more interesting creatures came into view. Bright red monsters and small musclebound men in white robes were also flying around the battlefield. While it seemed at first like all three were fighting each other, it became apparent that, though there was some infighting, the monsters and humans that Twilight assumed were under Palutena were both fighting against the Aurem.

AJ, eyes wide actually struggled to take in the sight. “Woah… so this a war huh?” Applejack slowly reached up to adjust her hat, moving it up and out of her eyes.

Palutena, her expression stoic and calm, nodded grimly. “It’s our fault of course. The Aurem are driven towards anarchy. Our war, the one between Skyworld and the Underworld, brought them here. So it’s our job to--”

“It’s not our job to do anything!” a new voice sounded. Suddenly a new astral projection appeared next to Palutena, this one of a young girl, about the same height as Pit, with flowing golden hair that had been tied in a side ponytail by healthy looking branches and vines. She wore dress, the colours of which were that of the colours of autumn leaves .

Currently she bore a tired looking frown on her face. “It’s the human’s fault!" she declared. "They’ve been fighting each other for eons before our war started!”

Pit gave a large smile and stepped closer. “Viridi! You’re still fighting?”

Viridi turned to Pit and scowled deeper. “Of course I’m still fighting!" Throwing her arm out to the side she shoved her face closer to Pit's. "The Earth is my domain and like hell I’m going to let some so called ‘God’ use some so called ‘Alien race’ wipe it out!”

Palutena, her stoic expression now considerably lightened by the new arrival, turned to the shocked group and held a hand out towards Viridi. “Well I’m glad you think so because I brought in reinforcements. Everyone, this is the Goddess of Nature, Viridi. Her and her army, the Forces of Nature, are helping us fight. Currently, it’s only through her that we can still fight at this stage.”

Viridi couldn’t help but give a smug grin as she leaned back and crossed her arms. “Well it pays to have more than one competent member in your entire army.” She faked a swoon then gave a tired shrug. “‘Oh no, Pit’s out of battle!’ You do realize that the second that happened your entire army went haywire. No coordination whatsoever. I actually think they’re more useful that way though,” she finished, waving her hand dismissively.

Dash, always the grand stander, quickly spread her glowing wings and stood tall. “Well now you’ve got five Keyblade wielders to help you out. This war is as good as done!”

Viridi simply looked at her with a straight face. “Meh…” After a second her gaze moved over to AJ and her expression became more kind. “I like Earthans better,” she said simply. "They respect where they come from."

Despite the impending situation AJ couldn’t help but laugh as her friend froze and then deflated in her seat. She and Pinkie inevitably shared a high five as Viridi continued.

“I have nothing against the other Equestrian races though,” she shrugged, glancing at Twilight. “I just love their connection to the earth and their instinctual knowledge of how to treat the ground they walk on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely glad to have you here, Equestrian’s in general are all far better than regular humans anyway. Sucks what happened to your worlds though.”

Twilight walked over to Viridi and bowed respectfully. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. What makes you think that we’re any better than humans? I mean, aren’t all of us still human?”

Viridi gasped in shock but before she could offer a rebuttal, the ship careened sideways. Though not enough for anyone to be thrown off balance with the gyroscopes counteracting the shift, but enough to be noticed by the passengers.

“They see us!” yelled Pinkie her serious pilot cap placed upon her head. The cap literally was just a fez hat that said, “Serious Pilot”. “Everyone’s attacking so buckle up!” she ordered.

Following her orders, every normal member of the group immediately got to their seat and strapped in. Pinkie immediately began putting the machine into high gear as she nimbly maneuvered it around each and every attack. Unsure of what to do as the ship rocked back and forth, Pit chose an empty seat at random and strapped in as well.

Viridi sighed. “As much as I would love to stay and regale you of the horrors of humanity, I need to tell my army to back off. They, nor the other armies know who this shio belongs to so all four are attacking you.”

Dash’s head wheeled around in shock. “Four?! I thought there were only two sides!”

Viridi smirked and let her projection vanish. Immediately afterwards, one fourth of the attacks stopped and Palutena called her armies off as well. Apparently taking the hint, the Underworld army also gave them space. Soon enough, Pinkie’s attentions were focused solely on one section of attackers.

Palutena turned to Pit. “Are you ready?”

Pit unstrapped himself and jumped up from his seat. “Of course!” he exclaimed, flapping his wings for emphasis.

Palutena nodded and turned to the girls. “Will you all help as well? I will not force you to participate in this war.”

All the girls shared a brief glance of amusement before all of them turned to Dash.

“Are you feeling better?” asked Twilight, smirking since she knew the answer.

Dash just grinned.

“What in the world is going on in here?!” yelled Rarity, stumbling her way back into the cockpit.

Pinkie, wasting no time, turned around and yelled back to her. “We’re being attacked, go back to your room and get ready!”

Rarity just stared at her, a raised eyebrow being the only thing she wore to express her puzzlement. “What?”

Twilight craned her head towards her friend, her expression also marred with the raised eyebrow of confusion. AJ felt a little left out.

“Won’t we need her here for… whatever we need to--” Twilight let out a loud yelp as the ship once more jerked to the side.

Pinkie quickly brought her steering wheel back to its neutral pose. Her teeth clenched, she rose her fist to the air and yelled, “Hey, you alien meanies you almost scratched The Gummy’s paint!”

Afterwards, she turned back and pointed back to each of her friends. “I’m serious, all of you, go to your rooms!” she ordered.

Dash was the first to speak up. “But why though?”

A familiar toneless voice echoed through the cockpit. “Pinkie, it seems you were a bit slow. I’m detecting a streak going across our hull, no damage but the paint was indeed chipped from the blow. I am going to extend the shield around our ship above the minimum.”

Pinkie’s head dipped slightly from the news, reaching under her seat she picked up a bright red helmet and stuck it on her head, her bright pink hair seemingly being sucked up into the headware. Slowly, she turned back around and gripped the controls. As the girls behind her all gave each other confused looks, Pinkie lifted her head, her eyes narrowed and her mouth in a tight smirk. However, if anyone were to see her front they’d see the fire burning in her eyes.

“Because we’re going to have a Space Battle!”

Author's Note:

*Pretends that it hasn't been over a month since a new chapter.... fails miserably.*
If you have any questions for my I'll be happy to answer them for you.

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