• Published 11th Sep 2019
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The Tin Man - Onomonopia

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Gaea's Tale (part 1)

Author's Note:

This is a long one

“The Infinity Stones?” Twilight asked, not liking the way Tony was acting. “What are those?”

“What are those? Oh not much. Just the six most powerful, most destructive, most do whatever the fuck you want with reality stones to have been created,” Tony chuckled, but there was no joy in his laugh. “Created at the same time as the universe, with all of its powers housed within. Power, Soul, Time, Reality, Space and Mind.”

“And you’re say that those…stones, as responsible for our powers?” Rarity dared to ask. A moment later she wished she hadn’t when Tony snapped his head to look at her.

“Of course. Haven’t you noticed?”

“Noticed what?”

“How easy it all is?” Tony asked. When he was answered with confusion, he chuckled. “How easy everything becomes when you’re in your rainbow mode. Impossible foes turned to dust with ease. Thousands dead or dying brought back with a wave of your wings. Haven’t you noticed it? How you could stomp a hoof and the sky would fall apart? You could blink an eye and an entire species would fade away? How could you just-SNAP-your fingers…and all your problems would disappear? You see?”

"But...we don't have fingers," Pinkie said, looking at her hooves.

"Always the jokes. Always making light. Even in the face of genocide."

Twilight and her friends began to narrow their eyes, not liking how Tony was acting. His speech was soft and his movements were janky, as if it was taking all of his restraint to keep himself still.

“Tony, you’re grieving. You just found out that…our grandfather did indeed have a hoof in wiping out your species,” Celestia calmly said. “Do not do anything rash in a moment of grief.”

“Grief? Oh no no no, I’m well past grief. I went past grief, past anger and went straight into reckless fury,” Tony replied, glaring at Twilight and her friends. “And if it wasn’t the fact that I’m currently staring down the six wielders of the Infinity Stones, we would not be having this conversation. I would have attacked long ago. But as I know…I know…full well what those stones can do, my survival instinct kept me here. For the moment.”

“Tony, we didn’t have anything-“

“Open the book,” Tony cut Luna off. “Open it and read it. I can’t, they can’t, but you two can. Everything in here is your legacy. The books. The remnants of his shield…the genocide. Go on. Read it.”

Luna and Celestia shared a look before Celestia walked over to the book, picking it up without any issue. For a moment she felt magic pass over her, identical to the magic that every book gave off, but it passed a moment later. She was blood. She was worthy.

“There…there are a lot of pages in here,” Celestia said as Tony sat, Luna creating cushions for the ponies. “We could be here for days.”

“Well go ahead and get started,” Tony said before motioning to the mural. “All my friends are dead and I’ve got nothing but time now.”

Celestia nodded and opened the book to the very first page, afraid of what she would find within. She cleared her throat and began to read.



If you are reading this, then you must be one of my descendants or a being whose power surpasses the stones. If you have made it this far, you know what those are. But if you are my descendant and you have found this room, then you have learned of our worlds secret. And of my shame. I am King Gaea, the first king of Equestria…and the being responsible for creating Equis, along with nearly everypony in it. Everypony…heh, what a language they made up. If this seems a bit strange, I am dictating to a quill and it writes down all I say. If there is anything strange, that is the reason. Focus fool.

I write this in the twilight of my years, after millennia of ruling and living in Equestria. As my own life nears its end, I find myself looking back over the years to see my joys…and my failures. The things that I have done…and what I wish I could do over. You have seen the mural. You have seen me at my darkest. I do not ask for forgiveness. All I ask is that you hear my story from the beginning. I have compiled all the notes I have ever taken in my life in this one book. It has as many pages as I needed. If there was one part of the Hydra programming that stayed in me, it was taking good notes. I have a feeling one being in your room will know that name.

Tony snarled in the corner.

But right. The beginning.

I had no name when I was created. My first memory was of being in a test tube, surrounded by men in strange masks with a symbol on their suits. A symbol of a skull with tendrils coming out of it. Hydra, as I later learned. I did not take many notes or entries during this time, so I must talk about them as I am now, not when I first experienced them. I am sorry.

Right. The story.

I am not a natural pony. I was created by Hydra, infused with a number of psionic abilities one might call magic. Telekinesis, telepathy and a bit of pyrokinesis. In order, I need to go in order. Hydra created me to a new line of pets, a pony with fun abilities. Once taken home, my true objective would kick in and I would use my abilities to learn and control. Credit cards, secrets, files and locations. Control the kids to control the parents. Hostages for money, if necessary. I was not created to end the world. I was just another scheme to fuel Hydra.

I had no voice. I could whinny and that was it. When they first let me out, I could barely move. The electrocuted me a lot when I failed. I remember the pain well. But thanks to my abilities, I learned very quick. While some of their members had their minds shielded, some did not. They would come by for only a little while, but it was enough. From their minds I began to learn language. From there I learned of their goals, their plans…and their morality. All of them were evil. Their thoughts…terrified me. This was my first introduction to humanity.

I was smart when I first started. I did what I was told. I acted like a horse. And I learned. I learned so much. Passcodes, names, schedules…and as I learned, I became smarter. I began to evolve. But it wouldn’t be until a few months later that I would truly change.

Hydra made another pony, a female this time. They actually gave her a name. Twinkle Shine. Their thoughts told me that little girls would eat it up, make it easier to get her inside their homes. She could create light, fireworks…all sorts of fun distraction. They kept her in a tube next to mine. At first, she was like me, blank. But over time, she grew a personality. One that I quickly fell in love with. She had a golden mane, fierce, fiery blue eyes…her pink coat…focus, focus.

I used my powers to contact her. For hours, in our minds, we would speak. I brought her up to speed about where we were, who these people were-are and told her everything I learned. A year went by in this bliss. We even were allowed to spend time together, without supervision. I notice that Hydra had a habit of doing stupid things like that. We even found out it was possible for us to procreate. I was to be a father soon.

I was fine with our captivity. I had food, a home, a mare I loved and soon, a foal. But she was different. She had…fire. And she hated where we were. I do not know why she had such a strong desire to be free, but she knew we had to get out. We could not be their slaves any longer. And I agreed. Not because I cared, but because I simply wanted to be with her. And she wished to be with me. But we had to wait for our chance.

It came a month later. Hydra recovered something that would turn the whole world on its head. A stone. An infinity stone. The stone of power. And it was in the same place we were being held. This was our chance. And we took it.

Thanks to me masking my real abilities, we quickly broke free and made our way to the stone. I had long since surpassed the mental protection these people had, but as I had hidden it they had never thought to upgrade their tech. It worked in our favor as I quickly took control of the minds of those in our lab. We had them free us and take us to the next group, where I controlled their minds. We went on like that until we reached the stone. Twinkle took it. And sealed our fates.

We were confronted by another being. One I couldn’t control. He was a giant floating head in a chair with weird energy attacks. I never learned his name. Shine used the stone to disintegrate him before I could. At first I was horrified by her actions, but our actions alerted the base. All the humans in it were coming towards us. And they all wanted us dead. Twinkle told me we would have to fight our way out. And we did.

It was amazing how quickly she learned to use the stone. With its power she blasted through the base. Men, giant mechs, green monster clones: all were nothing compared to its power. We fought our way to the top floor, blasting through and making it to the street. And there it all went wrong.

Out in the open, we were naturally the center of attention. With all of the Hydra gear we had strapped to us, it was no surprise what came next. In the middle of the night, during a downpour, we were confronted by police, who started shooting at us. Shine erased them all with the stone. I felt nothing. At this point, I had assumed all who shot at us were bad.

Our actions brought the attention of a few costumed people, who I see now were heroes. One was dressed like a devil. Another had a yellow shirt and chains on his body. The last was made of fire. All attacked. All died within seconds to the stone. At this point I was starting to think all of humanity was against us.

Shine told me that we had to run. It wouldn’t be long before we attached more attention. She told me she would lead the way…and then a gun cracked and my love lay dead at my hooves. I can…still see her now. Her mane still golden. Her coat a beautiful pink. But the fire in her eyes…it was gone. She was gone. As was my foal. I…can’t talk about them anymore. I must continue.

With agony in my heart, I looked up to see who had done this. A man approached. He wore all black, save for the white skull on his chest. He held a gun in his hands, the gun used to slay my love. And his eyes. God, I will never forget those eyes. They snapped me from my trance and I grabbed the stone, realizing it was my only chance. He shot at me, but the stone saved me, for the moment I grabbed it, it fueled me. I learned sometime later that simply holding the stone increased my own abilities, so when I grabbed it my telekinesis became strong enough to stop anything. But it also had the effect of increasing my telepathy. I looked once more into the man’s eyes…and I saw everything.

The horror. The sickening horror. Not just at what had been done to him, to his family, but what he had done to others, to other people, in his pursuit of revenge. To this day, thousands of years later, I still hear the screams in my nightmares. In that moment, I saw my first glimpse of the worst of humanity. It would be far from my last.

His eyes widened as he saw the stone. His last act. I erased him a moment later. I wanted to grieve my love, but I needed to move. She would want me to live. I fled down below into the sewers, as she had instructed. I thought I would be safe. I was wrong.

The stone increased my powers, to the point that I couldn’t control them. I could hear the thoughts of anyone nearby. I would rip chunks out of the wall at random. But that wasn’t anything close to the worst. In my second day of being in the sewers, I faced something terrible. This time I learned its name. Carnage. I met Carnage.

He tried to sneak up on my, but my powers detected him. I tried to mentally reason with him, but I quickly learned that he was not a being to be reasoned with. He was something to be exterminated. The things he had done made the man with the white skull look like a saint…no, made him look sick, but not a saint. He did it in a sick desire for vengeance. Carnage…did it for fun. He tortured and slaughtered…for fun.

That was the first time I remember getting mad. When I erased Carnage, I vaguely remember erasing most of the city with him. I learned then the terror of using a stone while angry. It would be a few years before I would be smart enough to restrain myself.

I remained hidden for a few more days, using my powers to mask the stone. I figured it could be traced, powerful as it was. But as I hid, my powers continued to grow. Soon, it wasn’t only nearby minds I could read…but minds all over the planet. And as I traveled, I started to scan these minds, to learn…to see what the rest of humanity was like.

And I was appalled.

I will spare you the details. Even I hesitate to recall them. But there were so many, many voices. Anger and hate. Bigotry and violence. But it was the cries for help I heard the most. Those starving. Those being slaughtered. Those being hunted for their powers. I heard it all. And I couldn’t shut it out.

I ran for a few weeks, but eventually I learned I could teleport. That was then the only way I traveled. Teleporting from place to place, places I hoped would be abandoned. Most of them were. Some were not. In one I found a giant, green monster, also seeking to be alone. Aside from a nod, we went our separate ways. For a year, I survived this way, keeping the stone with me. Hope to just…live.

Hydra eventually found me. They tried to bait me with a clone of my love, of my Twinkle Shine. But I knew instantly. Not only could I see that it was not her mind in there, but I read their minds to learn their motives.

I remember my mind going blank. When I came to, the clone and all of Hydra were gone. Dead. Hundreds of lives. And I felt nothing. Nothing for the lives I had taken. I was…numb…at this point. I just wanted to live. I just wanted to be alone. But they wouldn’t let me.

S.H.I.E.L.D. were the next to find me. They attacked with their choppers, their soldiers, their monsters…I cut them all down. I blasted the Helicarrier from the sky and burned all of their best. One of them, an archer, managed to nick me in the shoulder. I dropped the Helicarrier on him to retaliate. But one of them, a robot of a man named Fury, told me that they would never stop hunting me. They would hunt me till the end of time. And I knew he was right.

I came across a fight in another city a few days later. A group of people were shooting, beating and killing a small group of teens. Teens who had strange bodies, while others had fire hands or fins. Mutants. They were begging for mercy, but received none. Only more violence. I had just began to lift my stone when it turned. A beast with claws and a wild attitude appeared, slaughtering the regular people like the animals they…sorry…slaughtering them without mercy. For a moment I thought he had come to save them, this Sabertooth. And then, once he was done with the people, he started to kill the mutants too.

I erased the whole city from the face of the planet.

My journey’s continued and my wrath grew. Wherever I went, I saw the same things. Hatred, fear, violence. All of it angered me. And wherever I saw it, I wiped it out. Looking back, I believe that looking into that man’s mind, the one with the skull, he left something in me. His mind taught me violence. His mind taught me vengeance. And he stayed with me for a long time. But I was also the one to blame. I sought out the anger and the hate. I sought out those who would fuel my rage. There was so much…good in humanity. I had chose to ignore it.

The Hulk was the first of Earth’s heroes to try to stop me.

After wiping out a city, he confronted me. He roared in his limited language about what I had done. About the people I had hurt. I was a bit surprised. He had been hunted and hurt like I did, but he still fought to protect them. No matter what they did to him, he was still a hero. Heh, all these years later I see that he truly was stronger than me.

I tried to wipe him out, but he had experience dealing with the stones. His strength was incredible and his healing factor was amazing, but it wasn’t enough. I knew all of his thoughts. I could teleport if he got close. And with the stone, even the strongest there is was overpowered by me. But from him I learned of something that would change everything. I learned of what would lead to the downfall of humanity.

In Hulk’s mind I learned that there wasn’t just one stone, but six. And when brought together, they could rewrite all of the world. I tried to force the location of the others from his mind, but he never gave in. He was strong until the end.

But when I erased him from reality, I had an idea of where to go. And what my purpose was now. Hulk had shown it to me. He fought to protect the world, having saved it plenty of times from his memories, and they hunted him. They hated him. They tried to kill him. Just like they had me. Just as they had my love. They would never stop hunting me. Never stop going after me just for existing. They wanted to end me…so I would end them first. God…I was such a fool.

Hulk had thought of a man named Reed. He was my next target. His family went down quick, but I kept him long enough to tear into his mind. He was mentally strong enough to resist me at first, but with the stone he caved. That was when I learned the location of the Reality Stone. On Earth.

It took me a few minutes to get it. It was hidden in the depths of Latveria. Which was easy to get into, with Doom having died a few weeks before. And with the Reality stone, the rest were child’s play to get. Using the Power stone together with the Reality stone, I tore open holes in reality to the location of each stone. I’m amazed other villains hadn’t tried this. Villain. I just called myself a villain. I suppose I am.

Soon I had all six stones. And then it was time. Time to wage war on the world that had created me, taken from me, and hunted me. And waged war I did. With the full power of the six stones, I was unstoppable. If I had wanted to, I could have wiped them out with a clap of my hooves. But I chose to fight them. I chose to make them despair. I am a villain.

All the while I wiped them from the world, I kept my telepathy open. I heard their last thoughts as they perished, wondering how they would act and think in their final moments. Nearly all of them died only trying to save themselves. Only a few in costumes died trying to save others. The war didn’t last long. A few days. Doctor Strange came close to beating me. Even with the power of infinity, that man had a grasp on magic that no pony has ever come close to, to the point that he fought me to a near draw. But he fell trying to save others. Like most the other heroes.

I remember when I finally did it. When I finally finished off humanity. The scene haunts my nightmares. There was only a handful left. Eight children and Magneto. Wielding Steve’s shield and Thor’s hammer. I still remember their names. They had been some of the only truly noble humans at their core.

I remember Magneto confusing me. All of his life, he had tried to wipe out humanity to save mutant kind, similar to what I was doing to save myself. Yet here he was, the last man standing. The last being who could stand up to me. And he was protecting three mutants…and five regular humans. The very beings he hated. And he was defending them.

I asked him why he would do this. He asked me why I would do what I do in reply. I told him that humanity had taken everything from me, had hunted and tried to kill me, all for existing. They had to die so I could live. He chuckled and said that he felt the same. I asked they why he stood against me. He replied because he saw himself in me…and it showed him how far he had fallen. He then raised Thor’s hammer, saying that there was only one chance at him to set right his wrongs. To stop me. And then he would rebuild the world, this time building one where humans and mutants would coexist. A world without hate.

He fought well. He was crafty. And he put everything he had into beating me. I defeated him in minutes. But there was something that he had said to me. About creating a world of coexistence. A world where this hatred, evil and pain didn’t exist. A world that I could create. A world my Twinkle Shine would have loved to live in. So I focused on this world in my mind, clapped my hooves…and Equis was born.