• Published 11th Sep 2019
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The Tin Man - Onomonopia

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Doom's Day

There wasn’t a single sound in the courtyard. Every being there, the deer, the ponies and even Doom silent awaited to hear what Tony had to say. For a moment, the Iron Man was silent. Then he looked up at Doom and a laugh escaped from him.

“Yeah, you gave me a week. And yeah, I came to a conclusion quicker than even I thought possible,” Tony admitted.

“And I take it by your tone that it is not what I wish to hear?”

“When is it ever. My answer, Victor Von Doom, is that I will not go along with your plan,” Tony spat. The deer next to Doom bristled, but Doom held up a hand to stop him. “I’m still going to save humanity, but not at the cost of the ponies and this world. At the cost of so many innocent. I’m going to save them all.”

Doom stared at Tony for a second before he shook his head, a sigh able to be heard.

“And how, will you manage that?” Doom asked. When Tony stayed silent, Doom rose to his feet, the power his stole from Discord blazing in his hands. Fluttershy went into her Rainbow mode at the sight, but Tony held out a hand to stop her.

“There are only some solutions that could save both and none of them are going to work. Create an alternate Earth and bring back everyone. That will not work. Fluttershy doesn’t have the strength and humanity would come back to wipe the ponies out, if Asgard or one of the other alien races unjustly killed finishes them off first. Both would still exist, but it would be a never ending cycle of violence and bloodshed. That is not how you work.”

“Bring the humans to Equestria? The two worlds could never coexist. We slaughter our own species. We could never live with those who wiped us out. Bring them back but erase their memories? No Stark, that would not be right. And even then, eventually it would be found out. No secret stays secret in our world for long.”

“Use the stones to create an alternate universe for one of our species to live in? The stones only work in this universe. The moment you sent either us or them to another universe, their power would end and whatever the stones had created or brought back, be it a pony world or a new humanity, would be gone.”

“And do not get me started on time travel. Any changes to the past would guarantee that these ponies you cherish so much would never come to exist. Even if they did, it would not be them. They would be different. Saving Gaea and stopping him from committing his actions would save humanity and possibly pony kind, but they would not be the same. You know this.”

“You’re right, I do,” Tony agreed.

“So is there any other outcome that I missed? Any grand plan of yours that I have not foreseen and utterly decimated?” Doom asked. “Unless you plan to use the stones for yourself? Oh ho ho ho, that would be something to see. How would Tony Stark recreate the world in his own image?”

“Tony would never do that! He’s a way nicer person than you!” Pinkie called out.

“No, I am just more honest than him. If I got the stones, I would save humanity and create the world in my own image. Tony would say he wouldn’t…but the stones do what the user desires…and you have some improvements you want to make, don’t you?”

Tony didn’t respond.

“That is why you haven’t tried to take them. Or why you denied allowing the ponies to give them to you. Because you know that no one should have that much power…except for me, off course.”

“So then we are right back where we started. With a single choice. Not the ponies or humanity. Before this day is done, humanity will be saved,” Doom promised. “But a question for you, Tony. Will you aid me in saving humanity, our people…your friends and loved ones? Or will you die trying to save a species that never deserved to exist at all?”

“So you’re not even going to hear my idea out?” Tony asked.

“No, Stark. Whatever idea you have come up with, Doom has already thought of and found useless,” Doom spat. “Now, decide. Will you be one of humanities greatest heroes…or will you die protecting those that soon no one but Doom will remember?”

“Well, since you asked so nicely-“

Iron Man lifted both arms and fired blasts of crystal beams towards Doom. Doom’s magic shield shot up, but in an instant the beams tore through the shield and blasted Doom in the chest. The dictator was ripped from the ground and hurled through the building behind him, while the deer watched with shock.

“That device is what Doom is going to use to open a portal into the past!” Tony roared to the ponies as his thrusters came to life. “Destroy it at any cost! I’ll make Doom-“

“No one makes Doom do anything,” Doom said as he reappeared in front of Tony. Iron Man had just enough time to let out a curse before Doom slammed a fist into Tony, tearing him out of the sky and sending him tumbling through the streets. The ponies let out a gasp as they tried to rush to his aid, but Doom snapped his fingers and a moment later six vortexs opened next to the wielders of the stones. The moment the portals appeared, each of the six deer tackled one the stone wielders through the vortex, which closed behind them.

“What did you do to them?” Iron Man demanded as he flew back up.

“Simple. The stones would only cause complications for this fight,” Doom said before he snapped his fingers. The machine next to him came to life, spinning and whirring in a way that made Tony’s teeth shake in his skull. “And even with the most powerful weapons in the universe, they are not fighters. They are not killers. My allies will hold them off just long enough for what needs to be done. Which gives me ample time to deal with you while you’re alone.”

Doom raised both hands and fired blasts of reality warping power towards Iron Man. Even with all of his suits upgrades, Tony knew getting hit by that much power would most likely kill him. But he had never intended for his suit to take the blast. Tony reached back and pulled out the shield he had re-forged, placing it between him and the blast.

Reality shaking power collided with a shield that would never yield and, to the amazement of both parties, the shield completely withstood the attack. Iron Man raised his eyes from behind the shield, their light going from blue to red.

“And that’s the one thing you’ve always gotten wrong about us, Doom. Is that just because we face you by ourselves means that we’re alone,” Tony began, before he fired a blast of his unibeam right into the back of the shield. The crystal parts of the shield glowed with an incredible light before firing a colossal blast of crystal energy into Doom. Doom had just enough time to swear before the blast hurled him through the city.

“But an Avenger is never alone!” Iron Man roared, firing his thrusters and taking off after Doom.

Doom met Tony in the air, unleashing blasts of energy from orbs that he summoned around him. Tony blocked each and every attack with the shield, Jarvis informing him where to block and at what angle. Missiles erupted from the back of Doom’s cloak and sailed towards Iron Man, but Iron Man pointed his wrist towards the oncoming missiles and fired a red laser that sliced them all out of the sky.


Iron Man raised the shield just in time to receive two boots to the shield. Doom engaged his own thrusters and sent the both of them plummeting down to the ground. Iron Man tried to fire his own thrusters to even things out, but it was clear he was being overpowered. The two slammed into the ground, kicking up a cloud of concrete and smoke.

Doom was back on his feet first. He lunged towards Tony, kicking the shield out of the way before grabbing hold of Iron Man’s head. Tony let out a scream as lightning and power flooded into his body, frying both his suit and him.

“One last chance, Stark! Aid me or die! It matters not to me!” Doom roared at Stark.

“But it matters to us!”

Doom looked to the side just in time to see a combined blast of lunar and solar magic collide with him. Doom snarled as he was driven back, constructing his magical shield around him to halt the princesses attacks.

“Stark, can you still stand?” Celestia asked Tony while they continued to pour their magic into Doom.

“Don’t…worry about me…stop the machine,” Tony spat out as he got back up.

“No. We shall not abandon you,” the sisters said. “You have stood by us all this time. Allow us to stand by you.”

“You two. Leave my sight,” Doom demanded. The princesses never got a chance to reply. Doom snapped his fingers and the two princess were hurled backwards, becoming one with the walls they were flung into. Doom then aimed his hand at Tony, but a crystal disc caught him in the chin and Doom staggered backwards with a snarl.

“This is between you and me, Doom!” Iron Man roared as he slammed into Doom, dragging the both of them through a building.

“No! You are an annoyance! They are the ones who took my world!” Doom snarled, backhanding Tony back out into the streets. Tony rolled up and fired his unibeam, but this time Doom appeared behind Tony and drove his hand through Iron Man’s back. Tony roared with pain as he felt metal being stripped away.

“Jarvis! NOW!”

Two plates on the back of the suit opened up and a moment later Doom’s face was consumed with blue fire. Doom roared as he staggered back, before Tony slammed the shield into Doom’s skull. Even Doom’s suit couldn’t protect completely from the blow and the tyrant staggered backwards.

“Time to end this,” Tony snarled, clasping his hands together. The armor began to fold together, forming together and growing large and larger until a massive, silver cannon rested on Tony’ shoulder. “PHOTON CANNON!”

Doom recovered just in time to be consumed in a blue pillar of energy, which ripped him from the ground and exploded in a pillar of light. Iron Man stared at the massive crater that he had created, returning his suit to normal with a wary expression on his face.

“Can you detect him, Jarvis?” Tony asked.

‘No, sir. It seems that you…behi-!’

Jarvis never got the chance to finish. Doom grabbed Tony by the helmet and ripped it clean off. Tony staggered backward and lifted his shield, but Doom stomped a foot and the ground wrapped up around Tony. With a roar, Tony freed himself, but not before Doom grabbed Tony by the face and threw him into the side of a building.

Tony coughed hard after he hit, spitting up blood onto the ground. He raised his shield for Doom’s follow up, just barely blocking the beams of yellow power that Doom rained down on him. The wall exploded behind him and a moment later Tony was hurled through the air, crashing down hard on the ground, the shield clattering away from him.

Tony reached out for the shield, but a boot slammed down on his hand. Tony slowly looked up to see Doom glaring down at him.

“You have chosen poorly. And here I thought,” Doom stared, pointing his hand at Tony. “That you were smarter than that.”

“I’ve got something better than smarts,” Tony spat. Doom titled his head, before a blast of power rocketed him back. Doom regained his fitting, creating a barrier just in time to barely deflect numerous attacks. “I’ve got friends.”

Doom snapped his head to the sky to see six ponies floating them, each of them glowing with a rainbow power. The power of the Infinity Stones. And even Doom, who had face beings like Galactus without a trace of fear, felt a single bead of sweat roll down his face.

“What…but how? I was certain-“

“We were told not to underestimate you, Doom. But it seems you made a blunder yourself. You underestimated us,” Twilight said, her voice warping time around her.

“You thought that just because we’re a bunch of friendly and peace loving ponies that we wouldn’t do whatever it takes to save our world. Like killing your allies,” Fluttershy said and Doom felt every word in his soul. “Well you’re right. So we didn’t kill them. We talked to them.”

“We showed them what was on the line. And when they realized what yer actual goal was, how ya didn’t care for them…well, they jumped ship pretty quickly,” Applejack snarled, her power shaking the heavens.

“We know what’s on the line. And we’re ready to sacrifice ourselves to save humanity if need be,” Rainbow Dash said, her voice being heard all through space. “But not if it’s you. Never you.”

“We could never trust you. But we trust Tony,” Pinkie said, her voice ripping reality to pieces. “He’s nice. You’re not. End of story.”

“So enjoy your final moments, darling,” Rarity growled and Doom saw what was about to happen to him within the depths of his mind. “Because in a moment you will see what it’s like to cease to be. It’s better than you deserve.”

“You…you would use the stones power to erase me?” Doom asked, fear in his voice. The ponies all nodded down at him, no mercy on their faces.

“You threaten all of us. And unlike Tony, you don’t care what your actions hold. You seek not to save humanity, but to subjugate it. Like Sombra. Like Chrysalis. Like Tirek,” Twilight snarled as she and her friends began to glow even brighter.

“So you unleash the power of the stones,” Doom whispered…before a cold smile crossed his face. “Finally.”

Tendrils of energy erupted from the machine, stabbing each of the six in the back. All six ponies screamed as the tendrils ripped into them, causing their light to be pulled into the machine. And then, to the absolute horror of Tony, Doom began to glow slightly…in six different colors.

“No…” Tony whispered.

“Indeed, Stark. This device was designed to look and give off the same energy as a time machine…but in reality it is so much more,” Doom began as he looked at the power radiating from his hands. “And now reality…can be whatever Doom wishes it to be.”

“NO!” Tony roared, hurling himself towards Doom. Doom waved his hand and blasted Tony back, the Iron Avenger crashing into the ground as his suit crumbled away into dust.

“Hmm, that was supposed to erase you from existence. It seems that Doom does not have the full power yet…but he has enough,” Doom said, before pointing his hand at Tony. “Goodbye, Stark.”

Doom fired a rainbow-colored blast towards Tony, but a moment later Tony vanished. Doom sighed before he turned to face the princesses, who were glaring at him with Tony on Luna’s back.

“You two,” Doom said. “Why bother? You know the power of the stones. You know what they can do. Just as you know you have no chance of stopping me, just like you failed to stop all of the other threats that attacked your lands. You may be the most miserable excuse for leaders that Doom has ever had the pleasure of crushing.”

“Spit your words all you like, villain. You will fall,” Luna snarled. She tried to take a step forward, but Doom held out his hand and Luna was suddenly frozen in place.

“Silence, vermin. Allow Doom to explain what he is about to do,” Doom said. “Doom will use the power of the stones to tear apart your whole world, slaughtering each and every one of you just as Gaea did when he had the stones. Each and every one of your subjects will feel the same fear and pain that my people felt before they were erased.”

“You…monster…” Luna spat. Doom waved his hand once more and Tony floated off of Luna’s back, where he hung beside her.

“Do unto others. A phrase from my world. And I will do exactly to your ponies what was done to us,” Doom snarled. “I will wipe them all out while you two watch. The two of you, who descended from the pony who wiped out a race far better than he would ever be, will watch helpless as your world burns. As your subjects die screaming. As your six precious protectors…are burned away by the very same power they used to protect you.”

“And you Stark, you shall watch it all. Cursing your weakness. Cursing yourself for daring to stand against Doom. For if you had joined me, you would have lived. But now you will die with them. You will watch along with the princesses as this world is-“


Doom turned his gaze to Celestia, who was staring at the ground as her whole body shook. Slowly, she raised her eyes to meet Doom. And her eyes were filled with a fury that could match the sun.

“Enough. I am tired of hearing this. How Gaea’s sins are our fault. How somehow my ponies are responsible for what happened to humanity! How we must be punished for Gaea’s sins!” Celestia roared. “Am I sorry for what happened? Do I believe that humanity should be brought back?! The answer is yes to both! Ever since learning what Gaea did my heart has been ripped apart into pieces as I debated what should be the call. What would be the right thing to do. And to know that my kingdom of friendship and harmony was built of pain and death is something that will haunt the rest of my life, however long that is.

“But if you think for a moment I will allow you to make my ponies suffer, to make my beloved student watch as you tear apart her world, as you destroy the human who was willing to fight for us…then you are clearly as insane as Tony said! We may be erased by Tony, but until then I am still protector of this world! I am still their princess! And I will fight you!”

“Hmph, nothing but words,” Doom snarled, aiming a hand at Celestia before he fired. “Die.”

The sky opened up as the earth exploded and a massive bolt of lightning detonated on Celestia, consuming the princess in a torrent of lightning and power. Luna and the other ponies screamed out for Celestia, but then, to their amazement, the princess of the sun did not seem affected by the thunder and lightning. Then something burst forth from the ground beneath her, tearing apart the area, and flew into Celestia’s grasp. Something that looked like…a hammer.

“No,” Doom whispered.

“Indeed,” Celestia said as all the thunder and lightning was sucked into her body, forming armor around her. Her body was covered in a silver armor with black covering, a red cape flowed down her back and she wore a helmet with wings on either side. She took a moment to gaze down at the hammer, before a wicked smile crossed her face and she returned her gaze to Doom.

“And it seems the gods are in agreement with me. That you must be stopped. Now then, Doom…HAVE AT THEE!”