• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 12,310 Views, 814 Comments

The Tin Man - Onomonopia

  • ...

Now There's 4 of Them

“Anything Jarvis?”

‘No sir. Still no traces of Doom whatsoever.’

Tony let out a small sigh and leaned back in his beach chair, which had been generously provided to him by Twilight. He sat resting on said chair in her front lawn, keeping himself out of trouble like she had forced him to promise. No bothering others, no causing mayhem and no more flying through numerous Canterlot buildings because he made a tactical error while racing Rainbow Dash. Whoops.

Not that he would complain. The sun was shining, the winds was a gentle, cool breeze and the sounds of Ponyville calmed his nerves. He needed a bit of a break, especially with the life he lived. So Tony let out a small yawn, put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, taking in the sun. Or he would have been, if not for the layers of titanium and gold that covered his entire body. He normally didn't keep it on this often, but earlier a massive tidal wave of pudding had exploded out of Sugarcube Corners and nearly drowned the whole town. The armor stayed on.

He was also doing is best not to pay attention to the three sets of eyes that were watching him from the bushes.

“So when is he going to do something cool?” he heard one of them say. And that was without his suits enhanced hearing.

“Ah don’t know. Ah guess whenever danger shows up or something. He did say he was a superhero,” Applebloom replied. The lack of stealth these three possessed was incredible.

“I don’t see why either of you find him so impressive. He lost to Rainbow Dash in that race they had yesterday. If anything, we should be watching her.”

“Only reason she won was because Tony crashed through those numerous buildings to avoid that old pegasi that had been flying in their way.”

“Details, Sweetie. Dash won, Tony lost.” Tony wasn’t sure he liked this filly.

“Look, the man built a suit of armor that flies. And not with wing or magic, but with some kind of…propulsion technology. Ah’ve never seen anything like it and neither has Twilight, so ya know it’s gotta be advanced.” Applebloom got it.

“I get that. What I don’t get is why is he sunbathing with the armor on. That defeats the whole purpose.”

“Guy challenged Rainbow Dash to a race. He clearly isn’t as smart as either of you think.” Tony lowered his hand that they couldn’t see to the ground after she said this, a smile crossing his face. “We’d be better off asking Twilight about fixing our catapult because I know for certain that this guy can’t-GGGGAAAAHHHHH!”

Scootaloo burst from the bushes screaming, running around in a blind panic. Her friends chased after her, trying to grab something that had clamped on to her tail. That something was actually the Iron Man suits left hand, which Tony had detached from the suit and the had silently crawl over to her. The rest was for him to enjoy.

“Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!” Scootaloo screamed as she ran.

“We would if ya would just stop running!” Applebloom replied. Tony watched the three chase, stumble and crash into each other for a moment, before he made a motion with his exposed hand. The metal hand released Scootaloo and flew back over to him, reattaching itself. The three fillies took a moment to regain their composure right in front of him and Tony rose from his seat.

“Hey you three. Whatcha doing?” Tony asked.

“Um, we were…we were just walking by…and thought we’d say hello,” Sweetie said.

“From the bushes?”

“Yeah, because…we wanted to observe ya and see what cool stuff yer suit could do,” AB said.

“From the bushes?”

“Ugh, we were going to ask you if you could help us with our catapult, but Applebloom here got all nervous and couldn’t meet you face to face. So we hid in the bushes until she could muster up the courage to talk to you,” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“You three built a catapult?” Tony asked, slightly amazed when they nodded. “Show me.”

“Okay, but it’s a bit of a walk. Our clubhouse isn’t far from where may sister lives, so we gotta-“

Applebloom never even got the chance to finish her sentence before Tony scooped them into his arms and rocketed across the skies of Ponyville. Sweetie screamed, Scootaloo howled with laughter, and Applebloom kept her eyes up and away from the ground. A minute later the three of them landed near a treehouse Jarvis had spotted, along with the catapult Tony had spotted.

“Did…did ya really have to do all those barrel rolls on the way here?” AB asked, staggering away and looking a bit more green than she had before.

“Aileron rolls. So this is your catapult, huh?” Tony asked, looking the contraption over. It was pretty well built, despite most of its components looking like they came from an arts and crafts store. Zip ties, plastic tubes and a whole assortment of strange parts made up the catapult. What really impressed Tony was their genius idea of using a wok to serve as the basket for the catapult.

“Gotta say, I’m impressed.”

“Thanks. But we can’t get it to work properly,” Scootaloo said with a shake of her head. “Every time we pull the lever, it either doesn’t fire at all or fires so hard that we never find whatever it is we launch.”

“What have you lost so far?”

“A bowling ball, several apples, Spike…and we couldn’t find any of them,” Scootaloo replied, while Tony got his scanners to work looking for a young dragon. “We just can’t figure out what the problem is.”

“Well, let’s see what I can do,” Tony muttered. He took a quick look over the components, still amazed that it did work, and found the problem pretty quickly. The band they were using for tension was loose. But he wagered that if they tried to tighten it to compensate, it would become too tight and launch the next unfortunate victim much further than they wanted. He was just about to point that out to them when AB walked over and her eyes lit up.

“Oh, it’s the band. That’s where our problem is! Sweetie, ah thought ya said ya checked the band earlier?!”

“I did! It’s on, isn’t it?”

“Ah swear to Celestia, Sweetie…”

“Alright, problem fixed,” Tony said. The three turned to look at him as he finished adjusting the band, not having seen him reinforce the supports, hammer a few bolts back into place and numerous other adjustments the catapult had needed to keep from breaking down. “Should be all good to go.”

“Sweet! But we did bring anything to fire out of it,” Scootaloo noted, looking around.

“I’ve got this,” Tony said, before he took off his helmet and placed it in the wok. “You can fire Jarvis.”

‘Sir, I must strongly recommend against this.’

“Don’t crush these girls dreams, Jarvis. Did you stop me when I was being a mad scientist at their age?”

‘Numerous times, sir.’

“Well, this is for stifling my creativity all those years. Let her rip!”

Applebloom pushed down on the lever and a moment later the red and gold helmet of Iron Man was sailing out of sight. Tony and the girls watched it go, with the fillies celebrating their working catapult. Tony looked down at his wrist, which popped up and showed a small screen that was tracking Jarvis. For a home made catapult, it got some distance.

“Uh, would you like us to help you find your helmet?” Sweetie asked.

“No need, I have a tracking device in every piece of my suit so that I know where it is at all times,” Tony replied, before looking up with a smile. “Besides, Jarvis should be coming back in three, two…”

Just as Tony had predicted his helmet was slowly flying towards them. The fillies gasped in shock at the sight of a flying helmet while all Tony noticed was that thruster three wasn’t working in the helmet. He must have missed something when he took it apart. He extended his hand and the helmet landed in it.

“So Jarvis, how was the flight?”

‘Far more relaxing than whenever you fly, sir. I have also located Spike. He was walking towards Ponyville, grumbling under his breath about what lunatics the Cutie Mark Crusaders were and how he was going to sleep today off like it never happened.”

“What a trooper. Glad to see that he’s not letting this get to him,” Tony said, before turning back to face the fillies. “Well girls, you should be excited. Your first successful catapult test run. Ah, I remember when I built my first ancient siege weapon.”

‘The cat was never seen from again.’

“We are excited! Ah can’t believe it worked!” Applebloom said, before staring down at the ground. “Too bad we can’t do this that often.”

“Why’s that?”

“Our sister don’t like us building and testing things. They say that it’s too dangerous or that we could get somepony hurt,” Sweetie explained. “They’re right and we have, but still, we love doing this. Group projects, spending our day building something, watching with terror as it nearly destroys the town…it’s how we bond.”

“So young, so destructive. They remind me of me,” Tony said, before a smile crossed his face and he knelt down in front of them. “How about this? I’ve got nothing better to do expect lay about while waiting for Discord to get back. How about I be your supervisor?”

“Really?” All three of them said at once with huge smiles.

“Yeah, I’d be perfect. I know a lot about building things and nearly destroying a city with the things I built. That way if your sisters ask, you can say that you have somebody watching over you while you work.”

‘And I will supervise you while you supervise them.’

“See, everybody wins.”

“Really, Tony? You’d do that?” Sweetie asked.

“Sure. What kind of mad scientist would I be if I didn’t help expand the minds of students willing to learn?” Tony asked. “Not to mention I’m curious to see what else you can come up with. How long did it take you to build that thing, anyway?”

“Last night.”

“Wow. That is impressive.”

“This is so cool, girls! We can finally do all the stuff we wanted to do and say that we have a responsible adult watching us!”

“I never said I was responsible.”

“Yeah! Now we can build another magic powered super car to replace the one that we crashed into a mountain last year!”

“You built and crashed a what?”

“Come on girls! To the treehouse!”

The three fillies raced off to their treehouse, shouting all of the different ideas and things they were going to build. Tony stared after them for a moment before sighing and walking towards the tree house as well.

‘You may have bitten off more than you can chew, sir. All three of them are like you when you were little, meaning that you shall be dealing with three of you.’

“And if that’s the case they drive me to be a villain before the week is done. Well, at least you’ll be here suffering with me, right Jarvis?”

‘On the contrary, sir. I will be enjoying every moment.’