• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 6,049 Views, 151 Comments

Puny Purple Pony: From Padded to Proud - Autum Breeze

Twilight tries to redo her experiment with portals to other worlds. An accident was bound to happen

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Twilight's Niece

Chapter 10

Twilight’s Niece


“Ah’ll only say this one last time!" Pitchfork shouted, waving his namesake at the group of nobles, his eyes filled with anger. “The Princesses still ain’t seein’ none o’ ya.”

“Then when?” a brown Pegasus with a slicked back black mane wearing a fancy suit demanded, stomping a hoof, then wincing at the dirt that stayed on it.


The sight of an, as Pitch knew they thought of him as such, savage in a rage, caused the twelve stuck-up ponies, six unicorns, four pegasi and two Earth Ponies, running, their tails between their legs.

Pitch took several deep breaths, trying to calm down. It had been a week since Princess Luna had been returned to Equestria and she and Twilight had been deemed the twin rulers of the land by the spirit of Celestia herself and Twilight named the white Alicorn’s successor to Regent of the Sun.

In this time, this had not exactly been going their best. Many of the nobles or politicians who had been more inclined to keep Emaryalis on the throne (not that there was a throne left to sit on with Canterlot Castle completely destroyed), and did not like the idea of Luna and Twilight taking over.

These scumbags had been coming to the farm, pestering the Apples to speak with the new Princesses, but had been sent away every time.

However, there were those who chose to accept the new rulers, seeing them for who they were. Two, chosen by the last Alicorn, who would rule the land with kindness and lead them to greater propriety.

These ponies had been doing their best to discourage those against Luna and Twilight, to convince them otherwise. They had been those who had followed Emaryalis’ orders and plans when Twilight had first come and, upon learning what her plans for Twilight had she actually been able to prove Twilight’s right to rule.

The very idea still sent shivers down Pitch’s spine as well as enraged to to no end. Had Emaryalis been able to prove Twilight had the right to rule due to her being an Alicorn before Nightmare Moon had arrived and Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to defeat her and free Princess Luna, Twilight would have been taken away and had her wings and horn removed under Emaryalis’ orders, then sent back to Ponyville to live a life she wouldn’t have been able to bear.

Pitch ground her teeth just thinking about it. Regardless of the fact they shared no biological relation, she came from another world and had only been adopted into the family to keep her safe, he saw Twilight like his own daughter and the idea of anypony, even one who had been Queen at the time, daring to even think about taking something his daughter had been born with (Twilight had explained she’d been born a unicorn and not an Alicorm, but that wasn’t the point) taken away from her made his blood boil.

However, there were more worrying things going on right now. Despite Twilight being as powerful and skilled as she was, it seemed she still wasn’t used to being controller of the sun.

One of the reasons Pitch had to keep sending ponies wishing to speak with Twilight and Luna was because Twilight had been bedridden since her first time raising the sun, the day after the evening she and her friends had freed Luna.

While she wasn’t in any danger, Princess Luna had assured them of that, Twilight was not used to the amount of power it took her to raise and lower the sun. She had still managed to do it every day since being given the title of Regent of the Sun, but it always left her bedridden the entire day, having exhausted all her energy, only gaining enough to lower the sun, which she said was less taxing than raising it, by evening.

Both he and his wife had been very worried, thinking that maybe to great a task had been placed on the young Alicorn. Unlike Luna, who was over five thousand years old, Twilight wasn’t even fifty, leaving a huge age-gap, possibly responsible for her being bedridden so much.

When both farmers voiced their theories and concerns to Luna, she had said not to worry, for even Celestia had had similar problems when their parents had first given the two of them their titles, Celestia having received hers a decade or so before Luna did her own.

Both of them had struggled to learn how to control their respective celestial body, but, in time, they had gained enough strength, both magical and physical, to move them with easy and still be able to handle day to day and night to night tasks.

Princess Luna had taken to dealing with most of the ponies that came to see them during late hours, so as not to disturb the Apples and Twilight as they all rested, Twilight needing it the most.

It was thanks to her that Equestria hadn’t fallen into total disarray after the destruction of Canterlot Castle.

The castle itself had been ruined beyond repair. When Nightmare Moon had returned, she had unleashed such a powerful surge of dark magic, all that was left of the castle was rubble. Nothing had survived (proving Emaryalis had at least done the right thing in saving all those presently in the castle at that time by teleporting them to Ponyville), there was nothing left of the castle that had stood since before even Celestia and Luna had taken rule.

This had resulted in all those who lived in it having to find other accommodations. Those who thought themselves to important for anything less than what they’d already had in the castle (so, most of the nobles, Emaryalis included), settled in the finest hotels in Canterlot, while those who actually had any moral sense took residence with any who would be kind enough to offer it to them, some even taking up residence in Ponyville itself.

Pitch sighed, shaking his head as he turned to head back towards the south fields. It was midday, and he needed to get back to work.

“Uncle Pitch?” He turned to see Apple Bloom standing close by, concern clear on her face. “Is Twilight gonna be okay? She... she’s been in bed fer a long time now.”

Pitch hesitated, then sighed. He knew what she was thinking. During the years, whenever Big Macintosh, Granny Smith or Applejack came to visit, they’d sometimes told her about their parents. Their parents had been bedridden for a long time before their passing and no doubt was thinking the same was happening to Twilight.

He smiled warmly, and pulled his niece into a hug. “It’s alright, Apple Bloom. Twilight’s just tired. She’ll get better.”

“That’s what Granny said she told AJ and Big Mac when Ma and Pa were sick,” the filly sniffled into his fur.

He held back a wince. Damn. That failed. He had to think of another route.

He smiled. “Princess Luna wouldn’t lie, would she?”

Apple Bloom looked up at him, tears having stained her face. “No.”

“An’ she says Twi’s gonna be just fine. She just needs rest until she gets used to movin’ the sun every day, that’s all.”

Apple Bloom sniffled, wiping her eyes one her foreleg, then looked up at him again. “Ya promise?”

Pitchfork widened his smile a bit and nodded, nuzzling the filly. “Promise. Now, how ’bout ya go an’ give Twi and Princess Luna their lunch? Moving the moon and sun must sure work up an appetite.”

Apple Bloom nodded and headed towards the house.

Pitch smiled and returned to working the south field. He needed to move it if he wanted to make the quota for today and he’d already been delayed thanks to all the ponies coming to demand an audience with Twilight and Luna.


Luna sat by the bed, watching the younger Alicorn as she rested.

The Princess of the Night was glad to be back in Equestria and glad beyond words could ever express that she was free of the Nightmare. She had cried as she’d watched from within as the Nightmare attacked her sister all those millennia ago and pleaded with it to stop when it descended onto Equestria from the moon.

She had screamed for it to stop as it destroyed Canterlot Castle, fearing for the lives of all the ponies within. When she’d seen the (at the time she thought six) fillies standing in the way of the Nightmare, wearing the Elements, she’d both feared for the fillies' saftey, while at the same time hoping for salvation, even if it had meant her own destruction, for at least then she would have been reunited with her sister.

When she had realized she had been freed, she couldn’t have been more grateful, that gratitude only being eclipsed when, not only had she been able to speak with her sister one last time, but had been given a new one in Twilight Sparkle, one of the six who had freed her.

Now, she had to watch over her new younger sister as she learned to cope with the new power she had been given. She knew it would be fine. Twilight was a strong mare and, like Celestia, would eventually gain control over her new power, like she and Celestia had so long ago.

True, she had struggled a little at the return of her power over the moon, but, having done it before, regained her control without too much trouble, allowing her to focus on helping her new sister to gain control of her own.

Luna sighed as she looked at her sleeping little sister, a deep weight appearing inside. She was happy, that she wouldn’t deny. Despite their not being birth related as she and Celestia had been, Twilight was in every aspect her sister. She cared for Luna and wanted her to be happy, which she was.

However, looking at her younger sister, bedridden and unable to have done more than raise and lower the sun the last couple days, she couldn’t help but feel bad. She was now the big sister, that meant she was meant to look after Twilight, watch out for her, like Celestia had for herself. Yet, as she watched her slumbering sister, she felt she was failing as the older sister.


The small voice made Luna jumped a little and she turned as the door opened, revealing the filly Apple Bloom, carrying two trays on her back. Each tray had a bowl of soup and glass of water on them.

“Oh, hi, Luna,” she said, her voice going a little quieter at the sight of the Moon Princess. “Uncle Pitch and Aunt Fresh told me ta bring something’ fer the both o’ ya fer lunch. Sorry it’s a bit late. Thing’s have kinda been busy today.”

Luna nodded, then looked away, feeling awkward. “Thank you, Apple Bloom. Our sister will be thankful to find something to regain some strength when she awakes.”

Apple Bloom placed the trays on the table by the window, then looked at Luna, an eyebrow raised. “Twi ain’t mah sister.” She then blushed, looking away. “Well, sorta. We’re like sisters, even if she ain’t really. Though, Ah guess since yer Twilight’s sister now, that makes ya a member o’ the Apple family. An’ since Twi’s kinda like mah sister, Ah guess that means yer kinda like mah sister too. Uh, don’ it?” The filly looked very confused now.

Luna blinked, then shook her head. “No, dear Apple Bloom. We were not saying that Twilight is your sister. We were merely saying that she is our own sister.”

Apple Bloom just cocked her head, her confusion growing bigger. “Did ya mean ya did say she’s mah sister, or that she’s not?”

“Luna,” a small voice groaned.

Both ponies turned their attention to the bed, where the purple Alicorn was still laying. She hadn’t moved, but as they watched she turned to face them, her eyes still closed.

“What did I say about using the Royal “we” and “our”?” she murmured, not opening her eyes, though a small smile was clear on her muzzle.

Luna blushed, her ears drooping. “To try not to.”

Twilight gave the smallest of nods, before her eyes fluttered and she slowly opened them, looking from the Alicorn to the Earth Pony.

Luna looked away, her blush intensifying. This was one thing that always threw her off. Though Twilight was the younger one of them, she was so much more in tune with the times (though she hadn’t spent the last five millennia on the moon, so that was a good reason) and it always made her feel a little like Twilight was being the older sister, even though she couldn’t even be called an Alicorn infant when comparing her age to Luna’s.

Twilight glanced at the trays on the table. “What’s on the menu?” her voice was so quiet it would have rivaled both Fluttershy and Derpy. In fact, they’d have probably sounded louder.

Apple Bloom smiled, moving a hoof to the trays, turning her head in an over-the-top upper-class look and putting on as best a hoity Canterlot accent as her own would allow. “T’day we have a nice pumpkin, potato and sour cream sauce with a hint of salt and pepper and light herbs, with a glass of fine rain water, Your Highness. We hope it is to your liking.”

Twilight gave a weak giggle and played along. “Why, thank you kindly, Miss Bloom. I am sure it will be delightful.”

There was silence for about four seconds before all three burst into laughter. Well, Apple Bloom burst into laughter, anyway. Luna gave a light chuckle and Twilight managed another giggle, slightly stronger than her last.

Due to her lack of strength after each raising and lowering of the sun, over the last couple days, Twilight had been eating nothing but soup, as she barely had the energy to chew through all her meals. Thus, soup became her regular food whilst she gained control of her new power. Pitchfork and Fresh Veggies were luckily able to keep her diet well balance, the latter knowing many recipes for multiple types of soups.

Luna smiled, lighting her horn and levitating Twilight’s bowl over to her, so that the bedridden pony could drink her soup.

Apple Bloom smiled and turned to leave. “Ah’ll come back an’ get yer bowls in a few minutes.” She was almost out of the room, before stopping and turned to look over her shoulder again. “Oh, an’ there’s a pony that wants ta speak ta both o’ ya.”

Luna’s smile suddenly turned into a small scowl. “More nobles apposing mine and Twilight’s returning the throne to Alicorn ruling, I imagine.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nah. It’s Miss Gentle Heart. Ya know, that mare who runs the orphanage. She’s brought a pink unicorn filly here fer some reason. Don’ know why she thinks it’s important ya both see ’er, though.”

Luna glanced at Apple Bloom, her curiosity slightly peeked. “What is this filly’s name? Does she have a Cutie Mark?”

Apple Bloom nodded, a slight frown on her face. “Yeah. A crystal heart.”

Twilight snorted into her soup and started coughing, to which Luna quickly started patting her back.

Once she’d gotten her breath back, Twilight stared at Apple Bloom, her eyes wide. “Apple Bloom, what’s this filly’s name?”

Apple Bloom had turned around completely at Twilight’s reaction and now frowned again, looking up as she tried to remember. “Uh, some music thing, Ah think. Sweetie mentioned it a few times when she talked about music. Crescendo? Nah, that’s not it. Uh...”

“Cadance?” Twilight almost screamed, her eyes so big Luna was worried they’d pop out any second.

Apple Bloom nodded, oblivious to the shock in Twilight’s voice or face. “Yeah, that’s it. Cadance. Strange name fer a pony that don’t have a talent fer music— Twilight, what are ya doin’?!” she cried as the Alicorn struggled to get out of bed and fell to her hooves, almost losing her balance, if not for Luna letting her lean on her side.


“I... I have to see her,” Twilight panted. It was taking a lot to get out of bed already. She still hadn’t fully recovered from the last raising of the sun. However, the mention of that name and the description of the pony downstairs wanting to see both her and Luna was giving her energy she didn’t think she’d had.

Luna looked to Twilight, worry clear on her face. “Sister, are you sure? You’ve barely been able to get out of bed since you first started raising the sun.”

Twilight nodded, exhaustion mixed with determination on her face. “Yes, Luna. Trust me, we need to speak with Gentle Heart about this filly.”

Luna wanted to protest, as the older sister, she could not allow her younger sister to do something that could endanger her health, however Twilight wouldn’t let her disagree. If it was indeed Cadance downstairs, she could not not see her.

Luna seemed to realize this and reluctantly nodded. “Lean against me, sister. I will help you.”

Twilight gave her a thankful nodded and they slowly began their way out the room and downstairs.

When they reached the lower floor, Fresh glanced towards them, her eyes widening at the sight of Twilight out of bed, but a shake of Twilight had told her not to worry.

Fresh told them their guests were waiting in the living room, so Luna helped Twilight there, Apple Bloom following behind, curious as to why Twilight was so determined to see this Cadance kid.

When they entered, Twilight saw them. Gentle Heart was a brown Earth Pony mare with a blonde mane and love heart with a smile Cutie Mark. Sitting next to her on the couch was a, what appeared to be pink unicorn filly with a mane and tail striped with purple, pink and creamy-yellow and a Cutie Mark of a crystal heart with multiple facets around its centre. She was wearing a rather tattered pink vest that was a slight bit darker than her fur colour.

At the sound of hoofsteps the two looked up, their eyes going wide as they saw Twilight and Luna, the former leaning against the latter and looking exhausted beyond belief.

Both quickly got up and bowed to them, Gentle Heart saying, “Your Majesties.”

Twilight gave a small sigh. “No need for that, Gentle Heart. We’ve been friends since before you knew I was a princess. You don’t have to act differently around me than you used to.”

Gentle Heart hurried to straighten herself and smiled sheepishly as she rubbed a leg. “Sorry about that, Your High— I mean, Twilight. I’m still trying to get used to the fact that the little filly who’d visit my orphanage with her friends and play with my fillies and colts was a princess this whole time.”

Luna chuckled. “Indeed. We are all trying to adjust to that idea, Miss Gentle Heart. Even I, who have been trapped on the moon all this time.”

Gentle suddenly looked away from Luna, a little embarrassed, to which the dark-blue Alicorn sighed, as did Twilight.

While Nightmare Moon’s time in Ponyville hadn’t been as impact-making in this world as it had in the other, her presence had still left an impression on the townponies, something Luna would have to deal with, just as the one from the other world had.

Twilight decided to steer the conversation to why she’d come down in the first place. “So, where is this young filly? I would very much like to meet her.”

Gentle Heart looked glad to change the subject and looked behind her, to where the pink filly had hidden the brown mare’s back, nervous to speak with the princesses.

“Come on out, Cadance,” she said in a soothing tone, trying to coax her out from hiding. “It’s okay. It’s only the princesses. They just want to say hello.”

After several seconds, Cadance slowly walked out from behind Gentle Heart, her head facing the ground, not looking up.

Twilight had to stop herself from crying. Cadance looked just like same mare who’d foalsat her when she was little, only the roles had been somewhat reversed, with Twilight being the older mare and Cadance being a small filly. She barely looked older than four or five years old.

Twilight grunted as she struggled away from Luna and slowly kneeled down to Cadance’s level. “Hello, Cadance. I’m Twilight Sparkle. It’s very nice to meet you.”

Cadance said nothing for several moments, before she replied in a small whisper. “He... hello... Princess Twilight.”

Twilight shook her head. “Just call me Twilight. You don’t need to call me “princess”, okay?”

Cadance shifted, looking more nervous.

Luna, after being sure Twilight wasn’t going to fall over, turned to Gentle Heart, an eyebrow arched. “Why have you come to us, Gentle Heart. Why is this filly with you?”

Twilight wished Luna hadn’t asked that question. As soon as she did, Cadance’s eyes welled with tears. She didn’t start crying, but she was very close to doing so.

Gentle Heart’s smile faded and she looked away, a far off look in her eyes. “She arrived several days ago from an orphanage in Canterlot. I didn’t understand why, at first, but they said they’d rather her be near the princesses, so they wouldn’t get in any trouble.”

Luna cocked her head, genuine confusion clear on her face. “Why would they think they would be in trouble. Neither Twilight nor myself would condone them keeping a filly in their care, as long as they were looking after her and the others in their care properly.”

Gentle glanced at Luna, then down at the ground. “I thought the same thing. I couldn’t understand why they sent a small filly who insisted on wearing a vest to me when they could have easily cared for her themselves.” Her voice went a little quieter. “Until she had to take off her vest, that is.”

Twilight had a good idea of where this was going, but wanted to be sure before jumping to conclusions. “Why did she have to take it off?”

Gentle wore a frown on her face for several moments. “We have a few... I suppose your parents would call them “Bad Apples”, Twilight. They saw how timid and shy Cadance was and waited until she was alone outside. Then they pushed her into the mud.” Her frown turned into a scowl. “They were punished for what they did by Firm Hoof, our disciplinary staff member whilst I took Cadance to get cleaned up.”

Luna looked away, anger in her eyes. Twilight knew that the idea that somepony, or several of them, would take advantage of a timid filly and do that to her made her blood boil. Frankly, Twilight’s own blood was boiling at the thought that somepony had done something mean to Cadance, but she kept herself calm, so as not to frighten said filly.

“So, it was then that you learned why young Cadance wears her vest?” Luna inquired once she herself had calmed down.

Gentle nodded, then looked away. “The Canterlot orphanage she was sent from had told us that she had been found in some woods near a village by two Earth Ponies, who took her in as their daughter.”

Twilight felt her heart sink at this. It was sounding a lot like what Cadance had told her shortly after she herself had become a princess and had been seeking the older Alicorn’s advice.

Cadance had been found as a baby Pegasus she was found in the woods by Earth ponies, who took her to their village and then adopted her as their own. When she grew up she’d reversed a love-stealing spell cast by a pony called Prismia.

Prismia had worn a magic-enhancing necklace that amplified her evil and jealousy, but when Cadance confronted her, the necklace amplified Cadance's love. Once Prismia had changed her horrible ways, Cadance was surrounded by magical energy and transported to a strange place that turned out to be the Celestial Space where she met Celestia, who adopted her as her royal niece.

This Cadance, however, had a slightly different story, which Gentle told them. While Cadance had still been found as a baby Pegasus by two Earth Ponies and taken to their village, where they adopted her and the thing with Prismia happened, it had only been when Cadance was two and she had met Celestia's spirit in the Celestia Space, since Celestia herself wasn't around anymore.

The very idea that a two-year-old had stood up to Prismia would’ve sounded impossible to Twilight eleven years ago, but not now.

Gentle told them that, from what the orphanage in Canterlot had been able to get out of Cadance, after she’d become an Alicorn her adoptive parents had made her wear a vest to hide her wings and gotten all those in their village to keep her being an Alicorn a secret, so any newcomers always assumed Cadance as a unicorn filly.

However, Cadance’s parents had recently gone to Canterlot to visit a few relatives. They had sadly been near the castle when Nightmare Moon had returned and destroyed it. Having not been in the castle or castle grounds at the time, they had not been teleported away like the other ponies and were caught in the blast. Cadance’s parents had saved her by tossing her aside so she wouldn’t get caught in the blast.

When several ponies had tried to search the remains of the castle, one had come across Cadance hiding underneath some rubble, crying. She’d then been sent to the orphanage, where one of the staff noticed her wings through her tattered vest and convinced the other staff that it would be wiser to send her to Ponyville so the princesses could decide what to do.

During the telling of the story, Cadance broke down into tears and ran to Twilight, her being the closest, and hugged her tightly, crying into the older Alicorn’s fur.
Twilight gently cradled the sobbing filly; much like her Cadance had done for her when she was a filly in need of comfort.

Luna looked from Twilight to Gentle, the smallest bit of confusion still in her features. “But, why were her parents so determined for her to hide her being an Alicorn.”

It was Twilight who answered. “You heard what Emaryalis would’ve done to me had she been able to prove I had the right to rule Equestria due to my being an Alicorn, Luna. Cadance’s parents probably guessed something similar would happen if she’d found out about Cadance being one.”

Luna’s eyes widened in shook, before she scowled. “She would do that to a two-year-old foal?”

“Maybe not a two-year-old,” Twilight murmured, stroking Cadance’s mane. “But when she was older, maybe. After all, she didn’t come after me when everypony here thought I was a foal myself. But, it was clear when confronted that she was willing to go that far when I was old enough if she felt I threatened her rule. I’ve no doubt the same would have applied to Cadance, as well.”

Luna nodded, knowing what Twilight said was true.

Twilight opened her eyes and looked to Gentle Heart, a warm smile on her face. “If Celestia were here, she would say just as I am about to. Luna and I would be happy to adopt her as our niece.”

Luna blinked, her eyes going the slightest bit wide.

Cadance’s reaction was rather the same. She had pulled her head away from Twilight’s fur and was looking up at her with wide eyes.

Twilight gave a warm, exhausted smile. “I know we can’t replace your parents, but we’d be happy to have you in our family, Cadance. Welcome, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.”

Cadance frowned in confusion. “Huh?”

Twilight chuckled. “That’s your official title. If you like, we can just call you Cadance?”

The frown vanished and she nodded, a small smile on her face. “Yes, Princess.”

Twilight shook her head. “You can call me Auntie Twilight, Cadance. Or just Twilight, of you want.”

Tears started sliding down Cadance’s face again, but these were tears of joy, instead of sadness.

Twilight nuzzled the filly’s mane, to which she reciprocated by returning the nuzzle. “Candance?”

“Hmm?” she asked, looked up at the taller pony. “Yes, Auntie Twilight?”

Twilight’s smile warmed. “Can we see your wings?”

Cadance’s mood changed at once. She backed away, her ears drooping as she looked away. “I... I’m not meant to. I... Mommy and Daddy told me not to show them to anypony.”

Twilight chuckled slightly and shook her head. “Cadance, you’re an Alicorn. You don’t need to hide your wings anymore. They’re a part of you. So, can we please see them?”
She’d spoken in a kind tone, one she’d had used on her many times by her foalsitter and also her mentor.

Cadance hesitated for a moment, before, reluctantly, she lit her horn with the light-blue aura Twilight had missed for so many years, it encased the tattered vest and levitated it off.

Once the vest was off, Cadance extended two small pink wings, fluttered them for a few seconds, then folded them against herself again and looked away, as if worried about something.

Twilight shook her head, leaned forward and nuzzled Cadance gently. “They’re lovely, Cadance. You have very pretty wings.”

Cadance’s head snapped to look at Twilight, her eyes wide, before she smiled and tackled the purple mare.

This proved a bad idea, however, for Twilight fell to the ground, due to not being strong enough to be tackled so forcefully and stay standing.

Cadance became worried when she realized she’d knocked Twilight over, but Luna quickly hushed her and let her know that it was okay and Twilight was just tired. Some rest and she would be good as new.

It was only half a lie. She would be okay in due time, just not as fast as what Luna said suggested.

That night, after Twilight had lowered the sun and returned to bed, completely exhausted, she was joined by her new niece, who snuggled up next to her and, even though she was totally drained, Twilight couldn’t help but smile as the small filly nuzzled her fur, her wings in full view.

Twilight gently nuzzled the sleeping filly, then laid her head down and let sleep take her, whilst Luna raised the moon and watched over the night and dreams of those sleeping, including her younger sister and their small niece.

Author's Note:

Discord: Well, here's chapter 9, i hope you enjoyed it as much as Autum did writing it (or maybe more).

Now, Autum originally was just going to go from the ending of the last chapter and then skip to the end of the fives years, at the point where the me in this story's spell ended and Celestia and the rest of the... Whoops! i almost spoiled it. Lauren wouldn't be too pleased if i did that to her new granddaughter now, would she?

Now, I'm sure you're thinking, "Oh amazing, wonderful and handsome Dissy, why are you doing the author's note instead of Autum?"

Well, that is because little Autum still hasn't woken up yet. Oh hoo hoo hoooo, she will be very surprised when she does.

Lauren: Discord. Haven't you taken long enough?

Discord: Oopsie! Seems I've overstayed my welcome. Well then, toodles. *disappears in a poof of pink smoke*

Lauren: *turns to audience* Now, since my granddaughter isn't able to do so right now, I shall finish this for her. Please leave a comment saying what you think about this chapter and, if you enjoyed it and have yet to do so, please give it a like and/or favorite it. My granddaughter does enjoy hearing from you all.

Well, as she would normally say, until next time (she may or may not be speaking to you, since I'm not sure when she and her new siblings will wake up), goodnight everypony