• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 6,049 Views, 151 Comments

Puny Purple Pony: From Padded to Proud - Autum Breeze

Twilight tries to redo her experiment with portals to other worlds. An accident was bound to happen

  • ...

Chapter 13 - World's Collide

Chapter 13

Worlds Collide


“Can you repeat that again?” Apple Bloom asked, cocking her head to the side. “It sounded like ya just said ya found a foal you.”
Twilight nodded.

They were standing in the living room of the Apple Family, all of Twilight’s adopted family and her friends gathered together. Shining Armour and Sunset were hiding behind Twilight due to the other ponies in the room, though they couldn’t help looking out in awe at Luna ever so often.

“But... I don’t get it,” Scootaloo shook her head, making the downed facial part of her Wonderbolts uniform shake a little. “How can there be two of you?”

Twilight shook her head and sighed. “Scootaloo, I’m not this world’s Twilight Sparkle.” To the confused looks that received, even from the filly and colt, she elaborated. “I’m from the other Equestria, which is a different version of this one, where things played out very differently from this one, even before I first came here. This world’s Twilight Sparkle had yet to be born when I arrived. Even though I already exist in this world, I wasn’t born here, meaning the universe still needed to bring its Twilight Sparkle into existence.”

“So... the foal you is our world’s Twilight Sparkle?” Sweetie Belle asked, arching an eyebrow. “Sorry, Twilight, but that sounds a little confusing.”

Scootaloo scoffed. “A little?”

Twilight sighed. “You think it’s confusing for you? She’s my double. You’ve no idea how weird it is to see yourself from another world.”
Derpy tilted her head. “But, didn’t you tell us you’ve been to another world aside from our before?”

Twilight looked to her, causing her to hide behind her mane. As she’d grown older, Derpy had let it grow out like her mother’s, just more with her own style.

“That may be true, Derpy, but I never met the human me in that world,” If there even was one. “I only met the human versions of those I knew because they were all going to Canterlot High. I never once saw any sign of another that looked like me there and, from the way no one knew who I was from sight alone, she didn’t go there.”

“Though that doesn’t explain why the Twilight of our world is an Alicorn like my sister is,” Luna said, looking to said mare.

Apple Bloom frowned, thinking. “Kinda makes sense, when ya think about it.” When all eyes turned to her, she continued. “Twi never meant to stay here so long. Ah think her bein’ in our world so long made the universe get a bit confused. Ah’d bet our world’s Twi was meant ta be born a unicorn, just like she was in her own world. But, with her as an Alicorn an; comin’ fr’m her own world and being here so long...”

“This world thought I’d been born an Alicorn and adjusted its Twilight to match,” Twilight nodded, finishing for her. Apple Bloom had always been the more thought-wise of the CMC, both in this world and her own.

“Um... can I ask something?”

The young filly hid behind her brother and Twilight’s leg again when everypony turned to her.

Twilight gave as reassuring a smile as she could, trying to make the young version of the girl she’d met so long ago feel more at ease. “Of course, Sunset. What did you want to ask?”

Sunset hesitated, before slowly peeking out again. “How... How are you keeping my sister alive?”

This caused the other ponies in the room to frown, before looking to Twilight with confusion. All expect Luna, who was looking at her with full understanding.

Sunset went on. “The doctor said only Mommy could have kept her alive. How are you doing it?”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, technically speaking, all she needed was a pony whose magic and mana could match up. And, while that wouldn’t normally be a problem, your little sister is an Alicorn. That made things more complicated.” She smirked. “Or it would have. Luckily, there is an Alicorn in this world who matches your sister to a tee.”

This only caused Sunset to blink up at her with even more confusion than before.

Twilight grinned. “While it’s true your mother was the only non-Alicorn that could’ve done so with the artificial womb, I’m not only an Alicorn, but I’m your sister from another dimension.”

Everypony aside from the two foals gasped as realization dawned on them.

“Yer using your own magic and mana ta keep yer foal self from our world alive,” Fresh said, looking at Twilight, who nodded.

“While there are obvious and other slight differences between the two of us, because I’m her from another world, my mana and magical signatures match near perfectly to her own. Thus, I can keep her alive and her development will move at a normal rate.”

They all nodded in understanding.

“Wait.” Shining Armour came out a little further and looked up to Twilight with shock and uncertain happiness. “You mean, Mom wasn’t lying when she said that. You’re... she was your mother in another world.”

Twilight chuckled. “Not exactly, Shiny,” she said, accidently slipping and using his nickname, which he clearly notice from the slight scrunch of his nose. “What she meant was, in the world I came from, the Twilight Velvet there was my mother.” Her smile saddened a little. “That’s why... why she let me join you in the hug. Even though she’d never met me til then, she felt the connection. We’re blood. Whether we’re from other dimensions or a whole other species, that isn’t any different.”

Sunset stepped out, her eyes faintly sparkling. “You mean... I’ve a big sister as well as a little sister now.”

Luna smirked. “Two big sisters if you remember that Twilight is my little sister.”

Shining’s eyes widened. “We’ve princesses for sisters?”

Twilight nodded, before she turned to Fresh. “It’s alright if they live with us, right Mother?”

Fresh gave a warm smile. “O’ course, Twi. There’s always room in the Apple Family fer more members.” Though her warm smile was mostly due to Twilight calling her “Mother”.

Sunset burst into joyful tears at the idea she still had a family. Twilight pulled the young unicorn into a one-winged huge, holding her close.

As Sunset cried into her and Shining moved towards Scootaloo, no doubt a fan wanting to talk, a thought struck Twilight. It was silly, unusual. And yet...

She looked to the small filly and smiled. It’s what Celestia would do.


Celestia stood in front of the mirror, her expression firm. Around her stood the other Bearers to the Elements, Shining Armour and Cadance, Twilight’s parents and Spike.

Today was it. The sixtieth day since Discord had cast the sealing spell. Any moment now the portal would return to its normal state and they would be able to pass through it into the world Twilight had now spent sixteen years of her life in.

Luna would have like to have joined them, but she had remained in Centerlot to keep the nobles from throwing a hissy. There was no telling how long they’d be away in the other world, so she’d be keeping them in check whilst they were away. Twilight's parents had wanted to come as well, but no matter what they'd tried, they couldn't get their bosses to let them have the time off.

What will she be like now? How tall will she have grown? What kind of pony has she become? Will she still remember me?

Such thoughts, the same ones that had plagued the Sun Alicorn for the last three hundred and eight-four hours and fifty-eight minutes, ran through her mind on a constant, endless loop.

She shook her head, trying at least one last time to drive those thoughts away. She had to have faith in her former student, that she was alright.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie began shuddering up and down.

While Celestia arched an eyebrow, the others Bearers and Spike all went stiff.

“A Doozy?” Applejack gulped.

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Doozy.”

Celestia looked around at all of them with confusion.

“What exactly is a “Doozy” and why does it have you all on edge?” Cadance asked, voicing a question Celestia had just been about to ask herself.

Rarity looked to Celestia. “Um, Princess?” A nod made her continue. “Did Twilight ever explain to you about Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense?”

Celestia glanced up for a moment, going through all her letter and conversations with the former unicorn, then nodded. “Yes. I remember her saying Twitchy Tail and Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch were her least enjoyed ones.”

The other mares all chuckled nervously at that, remembering what had happened when Twilight had tried to examine the Pinkie Sense with science.

Applejack gulped. “Whelp, same thing. Only, the Doozy means somethin’ you’d never expect to happen is gonna happen.”

While the others joked a bit about what that could mean, though her outward expression remained calm, inwardly, Celestia’s mind was panicking.

Something you never expect to happen is going to happen? What is that? Did Twilight find a way out of that world, but ended up in another? Did she maybe get taken prisoner for something? What if she lost her memories and doesn’t remember me?!

The downward spiral of worry would have gone on, had Pinkie Pie not cheered and pointed behind the Alicorn, shouting, "Hey! It's opening!"

As Celestia turned, the image on the portal changed. Where it had been a black and white and still image a farm, it suddenly became coloured and moving.

They all saw a pony who looked very familiar standing in front of the farmhouse door, bowing, before turning to leave.

Rarity harrumphed. “Prince Blueblood? He has a counterpart in that world?”

“But... that looked like a mare,” Rainbow cocked her head. “So, in that world, Prince Blueblood’s a princess?”

Cadance chuckled. “It would seem so.”

Celestia took a deep breath, then looked to those assembled. “Now, all of you must remain by me. As I explained, the world we are going into is very different from our own. You must all remain by me at all times. Is that understood? The spell I cast earlier so you all will be able to understand and speak the language of the other world will only work as long as you are close to me.”

Everypony and dragon nodded.

Celestia shored herself, then stepped towards the portal.

Twilight, I’m coming. Please be okay.


Celestia wasn’t too shaken by the transfer into the other world. She had done it several times before, so it was no issue for her. Everypony and dragon else, however was another story.

All seven of them were sprawled out, dizzy from the shift in realities.

Once they’d all recovered and shaken off the grogginess inter dimensional transport does to one, they each got up, before staring around in confusion.

“Sumthin’ ’bout this world seems weird,” Applejack said, turning towards the door of the farmhouse. “It’s like everythin’s— whoa.”

Her sudden murmur made all but Celestia turn around, before all of them gasped as they looked at the door towering over them.

“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash said, staring up at it. “Your weren’t kidding, princess. Everything in this world is huge.”

“But where’s Twilight?” Rarity asked, glancing around.

“If I’m right,” and provided nothing has happened to her, “she will have been staying at this farm house for all the years in this world,” Celestia explained.

“Then let’s knock and get that egghead out here— whup!” As she had tried to fly up to the door, Rainbow flopped onto the ground, sprawled out like a filly who barely knows how to fly. “What the hay?”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Did ya’ll ferget that the princess told us this world’s magic’s different from ours? She told us how Twi explained that she couldn’t fly last time she came on account o’ the magic not feelin’ the same.”

“Thought something felt off around my wings,” Rainbow muttered, before getting up and frowning at the limbs on her back. “So, anypony from our world won’t be able to fly here?”

“I don’t think so, exactly,” Cadance said, thinking. “Most likely your wings haven’t gotten used to this world’s magic. Once it does, flight shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

Rainbow frowned. “And how long would that take?”

Cadance shrugged. It wasn’t like this was a field of study she’d ever heard of. She was just guessing.

“Well,” Rarity looked to the large door, trying not to feel intimidated by its size, “shall we knock to see who’s inside?”

Celestia nodded. “I think so. I am rather worried. We must ask what happened to—”


They all turned before their eyes widened. Down the path from them was Luna. It took all of them but Celestia a moment to realize it wasn’t their Luna, but this world’s Luna.

Luna was looking at Celestia will teary eyes. “Sister!”

Before anypony could react, Luna bound forward, reaching Celestia in seconds and pulled her into a tight hug.

What stunned the others, however, was that this Luna dwarfed Celestia in size. Comparing the two was like comparing a regular pony to Celestia in size.

They all remained there for several moments, as the large Luna held Celestia in a warm embrace, sobbing.

“Luna? What’s wrong?”

That voice caused all present to turn, Celestia looking over the dark Alicorn holding her’s shoulder.

Moments later several figures walked up the path, before they all stopped, one of them gasping as her eyes went wide.

It was this same one all eyes were on. She had a lavender coat, a dark-purple mane and tail, each with a very light-purple stripe down the middle. On her flank was a purple, six-pointed star surrounded by five smaller white ones. It was Twilight... but there was something very different about her. She was a lot taller than before and both her mane and tail were not only moving in an ethereal wind, but were shimmering like Celestia and Luna’s.

Standing by her sides were two ponies that were not only taller than Twilight, but were far bigger than any of them. Both had brownish coats and blonde manes, the stallion with a pitch for in a haystack for a Cutie Mark, while the mare had a basket of vegetables for her own Cutie Mark.

The stallion had a wagon attached to his back, in which Applejack noticed nothing but a large bag.

Standing on Twilight’s other side, however, were three ponies that made them all gape, though none more so than Shining Armour and Cadance.

One looked like the pony named Sunset Shimmer they’d all seen back at the Crystal Empire, but the other two looked like Cadance and Shining Armour. There was only one major difference. They weren’t adults. They were fillies and a colt!

“G-girls?” Twilight stuttered, looking at her five friends, before her eyes moved to Cadance and Shining Armour. “Sh-Shining? Cadance?”

The small purple dragon ran forward and leaped up, trying to wrap Twilight’s neck in a hug, only to not get anywhere near that high and only managing to reach the bottom of her barrel.

Twilight’s eyes widened and she wrapped her forelegs around the now much smaller baby dragon. “Spike! Oh, sweet Celestia! I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again!”

The fillies and colt, along with the other two ponies looked very confused.

“Um, Twilight,” the mare asked the mare clutching the dragon, “who are these ponies an’... is that a dragon?”

“Ah never heard o’ a hatchling talking so soon,” the stallion commented.

"Hey!" Spike growled. "I'm not a hatchling. I'm a baby dragon!"

Applejack noticed the twang in their accents right away and frowned. “Would ya’ll happen ta be Apple Family?”

This caused all the new arrivals save Twilight to stare at the Earth Pony in shock. Even the large Luna stopped hugging Celestia to stare wide-eyed.

“Did that foal just talk?” the filly that looked like Sunset Shimmer asked, her eyes wide.

Rainbow Dash growled. “Hey! We’re not foals— whup!” In her anger, she had tried to fly up, forgetting about how she couldn’t yet fly in this world.


All turned their attention away from the fuming Pegasus on her belly to see Celestia taking a few tentative steps towards the lavender mare. What shocked the smaller ponies was that both of them were the same height... well, maybe Twilight was a tiny bit taller.

Twilight let go of Spike. The two mares faced each other for a long while, before they ran to each other and embraced, holding each other close.

“I’m sorry, princess,” she whispered, nuzzling against the near identically same height mare’s face. “I didn’t mean to go against your order. I only fell into this world because—”

“I know, Twilight,” the white Alicorn hushed, stroking the lavender one’s mane gently. “I know.”

They remained that way for a long time.

It was Apple Bloom’s voice that eventually broke the moment as the door to the barn opened, causing the smaller ponies to turn around before she cried, “What in the hey? How come there’s so many foals on our front doorstep?”

Author's Note:

that's 12 done.

Well, this is certainly interesting. Wonder how Twi's gonna handle this.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and, til next time, later everypony