• Published 24th Apr 2014
  • 6,051 Views, 151 Comments

Puny Purple Pony: From Padded to Proud - Autum Breeze

Twilight tries to redo her experiment with portals to other worlds. An accident was bound to happen

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Adjusting to a different World

Chapter 3

Adjusting to a different World


Celestia stared in horror at the mirror as she stood in Twilight's library.

She had received a letter from Spike mere moments ago saying, when he'd returned to check on Twilight at 4:30, after he'd finished helping Rarity, he'd found Twilight gone and the portal showing it had been activated.

Celestia had teleported over right away, only to find the scene currently in front of her. Spike in the hoofs of Rarity as he cried into her, while the other element bearers did their best to comfort him.

From what they'd been able to make out from his terrified sobs, he'd come back and found the smallest signs that somepony else had been with Twilight.

On the floor, just a few metres from the mirror's edge, was a small mark, indicating something had fallen. The only conclusion they could come up with was that, whoever had been with Twilight at the time, had waited for the right moment, then tripped her, sending her into the open portal.

Rarity had tried to figure out which portal since, according to the instruments Twilight had set up, there were three optional worlds she could have fallen into, but some strange kind of magic had prevented her from learning more than that and thwart every attempt to reopen the portal, which seemed sealed, yet still linked to Equestria.

Celestia tried to reopen the portal herself after hearing this, but was alarmed when it seemed impossible. The portal resisted every type of spell she cast.

This left her with only one choice. Summoning her magic, she called out to one she didn't want to ask for help, but was left with no other option.

There was a popping sound and the master of chaos himself appeared before the ponies.

He gave an over-exaggerated bow to the alicorn, saying, "Dearest Princess Celestia, to what do I owe the honour of being summoned by you?"

Celestia pointed behind him at the mirror. "We are unsure how, Discord, but somepony has tricked Twilight Sparkle into opening the mirror portal and sent her into one of three worlds. We are unable to tell which world or anything else about what has happened. Can you assist us in this matter?"

Discord bowed one again. "It would be my honour, Princess."

He turned to the mirror and waved a paw across it. The mirror shimmered, revealing the image of a farm, but in black and white and a still image. He curled his goatee, frowning.

"Hmm," he said after a few minutes. "This could be a problem."

"What?" Celestia asked, her voice tensing the tiniest bit.

Discord turned back to her, a very firm and mournful expression on his face. "There is a time-based sealing spell on is mirror."

Celestia gasped, her eyes wide.

"Uh, can you explain that clearer for those of us who haven't even heard of a time-based sealing spell?" Rainbow Dash asked, folding her forehooves as she flapped in place.

Discord turned to her, a very bored expression on her face."For those of you who do not know magic, a time-based sealing spell is powerful magic that not even I can reverse."

"So... Do you mean...?" Applejack asked, her brow furrowing.

The Lord of chaos nodded. "The portal is untouchable until the spell wears off. This one looks like it's set for sixteen days. Nopony gets to go through either side until that time has passed."

"Oh no," Celestia gasped, outing her hooves to her mouth.

"Oh, Celestia, you worry too much," Discord said, shrugging. "All we have to do is wait the sixteen days, then you can all go through, find you Princess of Magic and all live happily ever after."

Celestia shook her head. "You don't understand, Discord."

"Hm?" he asked, frowning. He didn't like being told he didn't understand something. It was simple. I send Twilight to that world for a few days, the spell wears off, Celestia goes in and gets the purple alicorn, no harm done.

The sun Alicorn sighed. "I know that world. When the portal is closed, it's time is synchronized with ours. But when the portal is open, a day here equals a year there."

Discord blinked. "What?"

Celestia had tears brimming in her eyes. "And, if you're right and the time-sealing spell will last for sixteen days, that means Twilight will be stuck in that world for sixteen years."

Discord's smile vanished from his face. Oops.


Twilight sighed as she sat on the couch, her head lying against her folded forelegs.

It had been a whole month since she had fallen into the world of the Big Ponies and Twilight had lost hope that she would be able to get back to Equestria for a long while, the only upside being that, since her hosts now knew she wasn’t a foal, she was currently diaperless.

So many questions were running through her mind, but she couldn’t figure out which one to try and answer first. Why did she have a bit of memory loss? Why did she feel like the timing of this world didn't match with her own? Why had she been inside one second and outside the next?

She felt a pat on her head and looked up at Fresh Veggies, who was smiling down at her in a reassuring way.

Speaking this world's language was still a challenge. She’d barely learned any words vocally aside from “Hello, thank you” and simple, everyday words.

She was very embarrassed about what she’d said after Fresh Veggies had changed her turned out not to be “thank you, ma’am”. Instead it had been “thank you, mama”.

Her face had gone bright red once she realized this and had been unable to make eye contact with the larger mare for a long while.

Luckily, even with a vocal barrier separating herself and the Big Ponies, Twilight had found an easy means of communication.

With the book she'd found in the nursery, Twilight had quickly learned each letter and memorized it. Thanks to her mastery of writing, she was able to communicate with Pitchfork and Fresh Veggies using writing and they'd been using this means of communication ever since.

Fresh gave Twilight a sheet of paper with writing and Twilight read it.

“What’s wrong, Princess? Please, you can tell me.”

Twilight sighed and, using her magic to move the pencil, wrote a reply. “I’m scared of what’s going to happen to me. I don’t know if I’m ever going to get home and how would I survive in this world? Everything’s so much bigger than me.”

Fresh finished reading and wrote something, using her mouth to hold the pencil, before giving the message to Twilight, who held it in her magic. “Even if it takes some time, we’ll help you. We know of the Celestia you’ve told us about. She’s a legend in our world. The last of the Alicorns... until you came, that is.”

A few seconds later, Twilight replied. “Exactly. From what you’ve told me, Alicorns have been extinct in this world for over five thousand years. What will everypony say when they learn I’m here? It’ll be a disaster.”

Fresh gave Twilight another reassuring smile, shook her head, wrote something else and gave it to Twilight. “Yes. Queen Emaryalis will most likely feel threatened if she learns that you are here, she will assume you came to dethrone her.”

Twilight paused in her reading and sighed.

During the last month, she’d been trying to learn as much about this world as she could.

It was, in a way, very much like her Equestria, even had the same name. However, instead of Celestia ruling, with Luna at her side, Queen Emaryalis, a very powerful unicorn, was the ruler of Equestria.

She’d decided it would be best not to try getting the attention of the queen whilst she was here, at least until she could come up with a good reason as to why the queen shouldn’t feel threatened that the queen would believe.

With the fact that not a single Alicorn had been seen in Equestria for over five thousand years, however, the sudden appearance of one would no doubt cause the queen to be on alert.

Things weren’t so bad though. Apparently, Ponyville existed in this world too and it was down the road and only had a few differences from hers, the most obvious being that her friends weren't around. Twilight had learned she was on Sweet Apple Acres' counterpart, which made her feel a bit better.

Pitchfork and Fresh Veggies were part of this world’s Apple family, so they were willing to help her as best they could when they learned she was friends with the Apple family of her own world. To use their words, “Any friend of the Apple family, no matter which one, is a friend to us.”

However, her joy at this was short-lived when she learned it wouldn’t be long before the queen did find out about her. It was only a matter of time, especially since she was going to be visiting Ponyville in a few days for a yearly check-up on how things were going and Fresh and her husband wouldn’t be able to keep her a secret from the townponies.

Twilight went back to reading what else Fresh Veggies had written.

“While we cannot protect you right now, if we were to adopt you—”

Twilight looked up, her eyes wide. Adopt her? But she wasn’t an orphan. She already had a family, back in her Equestria. She couldn’t get adopted!

Fresh made reassuring motions with her hooves, meaning to calm the alicorn down and indicated for her to finish reading before jumping to conclusions, so Twilight continued.

“—you would be safe. The Queen would not be able to legally touch you if you were a member of our family. She has to live by the bylaws she instated into the land and the government would not let her overlook those laws for simply being threatened.

On top of that, as far as anypony else would be concerned, you’re just a foal, since a full grown mare in your world seems only as big a foal in ours. If she said to the governors that she felt threatened by a mere foal, that would not bode well for her.

And, by being a member of our family, you would be able to go into town with us and nopony would ask why you are with us. I know this isn’t the most ideal situation for you, Princess, but you need protection, and since my husband and I are the only ones who know the truth about who you are, we need to be able to do our best. The only way we can do this is if we adopt you.”

Twilight sighed. She wanted to argue, tell Fresh there had to be another way, but she knew there wasn’t. This was a totally alien world to her and these two ponies were her only chance at surviving through it until Celestia came to find her.

She reluctantly nodded, indicating she understood.

Fresh smiled and nuzzled Twilight.

Later that day, the two Big Ponies and the smaller pony went into Ponyville, heading for the adoption center.

Twilight fumed at the indignity of the fact that she was in a foal carrier on Fresh. It was embarrassing to say the least, especially since she was once again wearing a diaper, but Fresh had told her that seeing what the townsponies would see as a foal alicorn flying around would’ve called to much attention (Twilight didn't bother to mention that her flying wasn't the greatest and her wings were still getting used to this world's magic, meaning that she couldn't fly right now anyway) and no diaper would've caused only a little less confusion among them.

Twilight didn’t like to admit it, but the plan was working so far. Only a hooful of ponies had glanced in their direction, most of them whispering, if what Fresh told Twilight was correct, as to why the two farm ponies had a foal with them in the first place.

"At least we won't have a problem with convincing everypony I'm just a foal," she said to herself. "Because I'm an alicorn, I'm still growing, so we can just pretend I'm a growing filly. by the time I'm all tall as Luna or Celestia, I'll be able to pretend I'm a teenager.

She didn't know how she knew she was growing again or about Celestia being seen as a teenager in this world, but she didn't think too far into it. she had many other things on her mind to deal with right now.

They reached the adoption centre and when they went in; Twilight noticed a pony that looked like Roseluck was sitting behind the front desk.


Roseluck looked up when the three came in and smiled.

“Well, good day, Pitch, Fresh. Who’s the filly?”

The farm ponies looked to each other, then back to Rose.

They explained finding Twilight a month ago and how they’d been caring for her ever since, though they left out every detail regarding Twilight’s true identity and simply passed her off as a foal, without saying so.

They were glad Twilight knew to play along, acting more like a foal, though they both could tell she did not enjoy doing so.
When they’d finished their story, Roseluck had tears in her eyes.

“How could somepony just abandon a foal on your doorstep, without even a diaper?”

Both ponies nodded.

Rose smiled. “I’d be happy to help you adopt her.”

So, half an hour later, all the paperwork was finished and Twilight Sparkle was officially the daughter of Pitchfork and Fresh Veggies.

Rose watched Twilight as Fresh put her back in the pouch and frowned.

“What I don’t get is how come she’s got wings and a horn?” she asked as she filed the last of the paperwork. “If I recall, there was some legend about that kind of thing, but that was a long time ago, right?”

They both nodded.

“If'n ya could, Rose, could ya make sure this doesn’' get blown out of proportion,” Pitchfork asked, turning to the mare. “The last thing we want is for ponies to overreact and think somethin' about Twilight is bad. She’s such a sweet filly; we don’t want her getting hurt.”

The red-maned mare nodded. “I won’t let this go further than need be. I’ll file them, but leave it at that.”

They gave her their thanks and left, heading back across Ponyville.


Twilight was more than happy to get her diaper off once they were back at the house and spread her wings, flying wobbly up onto the table.

She let out a large sigh. “Now I know how Rainbow Dash felt when she wasn’t able to fly after breaking her wing. That was exasperating.”

She glanced at her “parents” and saw them giving her confused looks.

She shook her head, smiling. The whole language barrier was still a problem, but she was sure they’d break it eventually.

Writing it had been no problem for her, it was only the vocalization that caused her trouble.

The next day was one Twilight was a little anxious about.

It turned out that she’d arrived about a month before the Apple family reunion. Today was the day of it and she now had to go meet her new “family”.

When she went outside, riding on Fresh’s back, it was to find many Earth Ponies standing around. She saw so many, she couldn’t believe how widespread the family was.

As soon as they all saw her they crowded around the trio, making Twilight very self-conscious of the fact that she had wings and a horn, while all those around her had neither. The fact that she was wearing a diaper again didn’t help either.

Though Fresh and Pitch had agreed that she didn’t need to wear them normally, whenever they were out in public, or had guests over, she had to wear them, if only to keep up the ruse that she was just an alicorn foal and not a pony from another world.

She couldn’t understand what was being said, but she could tell there were congratulations, questions on how she’d ended up with them, and the most obvious, was she had a horn and wings.

Thankfully, Fresh put Twilight down with some of the younger ponies so she didn’t have to deal with the constant attention from the adults. This did not save her from the onslaught from the younger ponies.

At once Twilight found herself surrounded by several fillies and colts around the Cutie Marks Crusaders’ age and some foals.
Twilight couldn’t help but feel small when she looked at the foals and saw they were at eye-level with her.

At first it was all just cooing and playing around, something she’d anticipated from them due to her size, however, when one of the fillies gasped and pointed at Twilight’s flank all the fillies and colts stared in shock at her.

At first, she didn’t understand why. She glanced at her flank and saw her Cutie Mark. So what? It was her Cutie Mark. Hadn’t they ever seen...?


It clicked and her ears went flat against her head as she saw it from their perspective. She was a foal, no older than maybe a year old and she already had her Cutie Mark, and cursed that her diaper wasn’t covering her flanks.

She shied away a little, trying to cover her flanks with her wings, but that just caused them all to gasp again. Evidently, they had not noticed her wings until now either.


“Ah can’t believe you two have a foal now, and an Alicorn at that!” Golden Delicious, a mare with a golden coat and the picture of a golden delicious apple on her flank.

All the Apple family knew about the Legend of Alicorns. They were raised with it. Being farmers none tended to care that they enjoyed stories of something so mythical and passed it off as a hillbilly thing.

Fresh nodded, then looked to Twilight as she played with the fillies and colts, riding atop one of the fillies.

“How did ya'll come up with her name?” Golden asked, shaking her head. “Twilight Sparkle. Ah never woulda come up with that.”

Pitchfork chuckled. “Well, we found her 'round the hours of twilight and since we took her in, our lives just seem to sparkle. ,” he finished the story the three ponies had come up with should anypony ever ask about her name. It technically wasn't a lie.

Golden nodded. “Ah suppose that makes sense. And it is a wonderful name. Ah have a feelin' yer daughter’s got a very bright future ahead of her, and Ah’m not just saying that because she’s an alicorn.”

“Mama! Mama!”

The grown-ups turned to see several of the children running voer to them, a very unhappy looking Twilight on the back of one of them.

“Yes, Apple Dumplin?” Golden asked the yellow filly with a brown mane and tail and pink eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Cousin Twilight already has her Cutie Mark!” the filly responded, pointing at Twilight, who kept her wings over her flanks.

Golden frowned, and walked over to the puny purple pony and, using a hoof, lifted one of the wings, before gasping and turning to Fresh and Pitch.

“She’s right. Pitch, Fresh, yer daughter already has her Cutie Mark and she’s not even out of diapers yet!” the mare said, her eyes wide.

They glanced at each other, silently cursing. They’d forgotten about Twilight’s Cutie Mark. They should have put her in something that covered it up. Now they had to explain why a foal had her Cutie Mark so early in her life.

“It’s cool!” a young colt with a brown coat and blonde mane said, his blue eyes sparkling. “She’s already found her special talent. What does it mean though?”

“If Ah didn’t know better,” Golden said, frowning at the six-pointed purple star, “Ah’d say it looks an awful lot like the Element of Magic from the legend.”

Twilight went rigid, as did her “parents”.

Fresh Veggies had read the legend to Twilight, which had sounded a bit like the legend of the Mare in the Moon from her Equestria, only it ended a little more grimly.

Golden shook her head. “But I guess it just means she’s skilled with magic, am Ah right?”

Breathing a sigh of relief, and deciding on a way to steer attention away from her Cutie Mark’s similarity to the Element of Magic, she lit her horn and started levitating several items from the food tables, including some apple fritters.

The fillies and colts cheered, clapping their hooves as Twilight made the items swirl through the air in intricate and complicated movements that, had they not all been enjoying the show, the other ponies would’ve questioned how she could do something so complicated.

Author's Note:

sorry if this isn't the best. still trying to get back into where i was headed with this after all the smack i got for this story, but i prmose, there are hidden agendas in this world yet to be revealed.

the next chapter will be a little more Twilight in diapers before we move to her attending school.