• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 11,377 Views, 525 Comments

Dating Of A Godly Variety - RainbowBob

He's the God Emperor of Mankind, and she's Princess Celestia of Equestria. With these two dating, you can expect almost anything to happen. Hopefully Equestria survives their relationship in one piece...

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Chapter 5: Mighty Magic Show

The God Emperor and Celestia met together in a clash of power energies clashing against one another. The ponies in the crowd awed and ooed, completely entranced by the rare yet amazing spectacle before them. Both of the contestants were using their powers to force the other to concede, the force of wills a standstill as the Emperor’s psychic energies dueled against Celestia’s magic in the form of force-fields that wouldn’t let up.

“So, you think your magic has a chance against my psychic powers, huh?” the Emperor asked, pushing his wall of power against Celestia’s own, forcing her back a step.

Wincing, Celestia scowled, a smile still clear and bright on her face as she pushed the Emperor back as well. “Not just a chance. A full blown advantage.”

The two broke apart, their collective energies hovering in blue and gold sparks that slowly fell to the ground. The ground was shaking from their collective might, the air filled with a hum that seemed to shimmer in the light.

Grinning, the God Emperor held up his claw to the heavens. “Then let us see how far this advantage shall take you, my dear!” A bolt of lightning fell from a now darkened sky, nailing his gauntlet directly so that the electrical sparks that flowed forth across his arm turned a brilliant blue. Closing his claw into a fist, the sparks dissipated into an electrical discharge that surrounded the God Emperor in a blinding light of sparks and bolts of lightning, earning him a loud cheer of approval from the audience.

Celestia scoffed, dusting her shoulder off nonchalantly. “Is that what you call power, Mister Emperor? I’ve seen better stuff from a foal.” Celestia’s horn shined so bright that it took on the intensity of the sun for a moment, causing all but the God Emperor to look away. As the power kept on building up, flames licked Celestia’s hooves as an inferno formed beneath her. Before too long, an entire tornado of pure flames formed around her, turning the ground immediately near her into lava while ponies all around backed away to avoid the extreme heat. “Now this is how far my advantage shall take me, my dear!”

Holding a hand above his eyes, the God Emperor chuckled, nodding his head. “Impressive, impressive indeed. You’d put any space marine out there to shame.” The Emperor’s playful smile turned into a full blown smirk as he swept his crimson cape over his chest, the entirety of it transforming into a billowing fire. “But I am no mere space marine!”

The flaming cape surrounded the Emperor in a halo of light, outclassing Celestia’s fiery tornado as the clouds parted from overhead and the sun itself shined down upon him. The God Emperor levitated in the air, the field of flames surrounding him only growing brighter and more spectacular by the second.

“For I am the Emperor of Mankind!” he bellowed, withdrawing his massive fire sword from its sheath. The intensity of light now was almost unbearable, yet it was so beautiful no one in the crowd and not even Celestia herself could look away. “Leader of the Imperium of Man, Ruler of the Golden Throne, and Father and Guardian to All of Humanity!” He pointed his sword directly up to the sky, a ray of sunshine reflecting off the fire-induced blade. The entirety of the Emperor was covered in light, the man himself appearing like a Sun God of the most fiery wrath who has come down to bestow his judgement on mortals. “And I have won this contest!”

The Emperor’s blinding radiance briefly turned supernova, then dissipated into a field of light that spread out over the sky like a storm, destroying the clouds that had gathered in one fail swoop. He came descending to the ground like a comet, touching down in a cloud of dust that did nothing to dull the radiance surrounding his entire body like the sun itself was was his heart.

Celestia and just about everypony in the crowd were stunned, jaws hanging low to the ground in utter astonishment. Her magical tornado of fire disappeared in an instant, Celestia’s wings drooping to the ground in an admittance of defeat.

“That was… that was amazing,” Celestia whispered, her eyes moving from the sky to the Emperor and back again. “How did you even manage to do that? The energy itself was far beyond anything I could ever imagine.”

“It is the presence of the Warp that guides my powers. Unlike your magic, the power that I use is from a source that is endless as it is all powerful, a literally endless supply of psychic energies to draw from,” the Emperor explained, returning his blade to its rightful place. “I only used a small source of that power, however. I did not want to turn this town or your ponies into a burning crater, after all.”

“Wow, so much different than magic,” Celestia noticed, tapping a chin to her hoof as she inspected the glow on the Emperor’s golden armor. “For us magic users, the power comes from us alone, no outside sources. Although…”

The God Emperor arched a brow. “Yes?”

Celestia smiled, her horn once more powering up for a new spell. “I bet your psychic powers can’t do this.”

The spell came into effect in an instant, flashes of light and puffs of smoke appearing here and there among the crowd of ponies. From where there was once a hedge now stood a chocolate cake three ponies high. A fountain nearby with a statue spurting out water was now producing fruit punch instead. And from a chariot appeared a fully automated carriage with surround sound speakers and extra large cupholders.

The God Emperor stood dumbfounded, holding a clawed hand to his head as he stared at the changes Celestia made with wide eyes. “You… you completely changed those objects?”

“That’s correct,” Celestia replied, a smug grin clear on her face.

“And not just teleported and replaced them with something else?”

“Nope. I changed each and every one of them with magic.”

“How interesting.” The Emperor’s astonishment took a quick turn into fascination, his keen eyes inspecting the changed objects with a careful scrutiny. “It appears the entire molecular makeup of the objects changed and were replaced to form these new objects. The science behind achieving such a feat are astounding and would require the most complex technologies mankind has to offer, yet you managed to do it all by yourself, and all with magic as well. Utterly amazing.”

“It’s not too much of a big deal,” Celestia said, a slight blush on her cheeks. “I mean, the spell to turn water into fruit punch is one even a foal could learn.”

The Emperor winked to her. “But still, to me, it is fascinating, which you fascinating as well, my dear.” Reaching out a hand to her, he asked, “How about we call this a draw?”

“A draw?” Celestia asked, a devious look on her face. “And before you seemed to confident.”

The Emperor shrugged, his smile growing wider. “Well, I have to keep some fair face by not conceding to you altogether. So please, my dear, show mercy on me.”

Humming under her breath, Celestia nodded and shook her hoof with the Emperor’s hand. “Well, I am known for being merciful. Plus, you’re much too cute to say no too.”

“I could say the same thing.”

As Celestia’s blush grew a shade of red darker, Pinkie Pie dropped out of nowhere, throwing confetti and ribbons everywhere. “Princess Celestia and the Geom are the winners! That means both of them get the prize!”

“Prize!” Celestia cried out, already licking her lips.

“Geom?” the Emperor asked, scratching his head while arching a brow.

“Short for the God Emperor of Mankind, silly-head,” Pinkie said, already attaching a party hat to his head while situated on his shoulder. She slide down his arm like a slide, giggling all the way down.

Sighing, the Emperor poked his tiny hat that was extremely disproportionate to the rest of his massive body. “Well, I have been called worse…”

“Oh come now, I think it sounds cute,” Celestia said, following Pinkie back to the bake shop. “So, Geom, you ready for some cake? Better hurry up, because I get extra hungry after a victory.”

Smiling, the Emperor ducked beneath the doorway and joined the mares for some justly earned cake. “Yep, I’ve definitely been called worse. Although, with someone as beautiful such as yourself saying it, I think I can get used to it.”

The Emperor laughed, Pinkie joining in with her own giggling as Celestia’s blush covered her entire face in a field of red.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late posting, Gdocs was 502ing on me (hey, just like fimfic), which left me unable to access the chapter. Also, not as nicely edited as I would hope, gonna fix that up at the soonest possible time, so bear with me. Once again, sorry for the lateness, hope this makes up for it. Next up, the mother of all dates, the Gala!