• Published 25th Apr 2014
  • 11,377 Views, 525 Comments

Dating Of A Godly Variety - RainbowBob

He's the God Emperor of Mankind, and she's Princess Celestia of Equestria. With these two dating, you can expect almost anything to happen. Hopefully Equestria survives their relationship in one piece...

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Chapter 12: Blowback

Celestia could only stand and watch as the sword descended towards her. She knew moving out of its way was useless. Anything she threw at him just brushed right off him. Khorne was truly invincible, and no amount of fighting could stop. Not from what she’s seen. The utter despair and hopelessness she was experiencing only grew with the approach of Khorne’s sword. Now was truly the end.

Well, it turned out it wasn’t the end of her, but rather from what just exploded out of the floor.

The Emperor of Mankind glanced over his shoulder and smiled at her, still looking immaculately handsome even when covered in dust, grime, and sizzling liquids. Those liquids turned out to be the blood of his enemy, Slaanesh—a sexually horrible monster that made straights and queers shiver in ecstasy and make even a rock question its sexual preference—who was currently pierced by Khorne’s sword. Although pierced isn’t the right word for it. More like gruesomely impaled to the hilt, splattering everyone other than Celestia with his blood.

“Khorne…” Slaanesh whispered. Blood pooled from his fanged mouth, his purple skin turned a few shades whiter and most of his torso now a mess of broken bones and flesh. “You fucking faggot, you fucked me with your own sword!”

Khorne shivered. “Geez, you’re getting off on this, aren’t you?”

Slaanesh patted Khorne’s gore-covered sword and smirked. “Like you aren’t.”

“That’s enough you two.” Geom pushed Slaanesh forward with his grip and sent both Gods of Chaos sprawling back to their brothers, all of whom were still punching Discord in his various bruised and battered organs.

Tzeentch took a moment of respite from beating on Discord to glare at Geom, all before he barked out a laugh. “Ha, how predictable from the Emperor himself!”

“Actually, I was planning on ripping Slaanesh in half and then sticking both pieces of him down Khorne’s throat.” Geom titled his head and chuckled, pointing the end if his flaming sword at the gruesome foursome. “But that worked wonders as well. Anyone else wish to meet their end at my blade?”

“Currently Slaanesh is meeting the end of Khorne’s blade,” Nurgle pointed out. “Like, not in a metaphorical sexual way like you’d think, which is really a first on Sl—”

“We already know, you moron!” Slaanesh said, still trying to tug himself off of Khorne’s sword, but it was deeply wedged inside him.

Tzeentch muttered under his breath and continued to kick Discord in the shin. “Fine, no need to be a drama queen. We still have those two to deal with.”

“Don’t worry fellas, I have a plan,” Khorne said, swinging his mighty sword about. Slaanesh was still attached to it, and was currently crying out in pain and dizziness from all of Khorne’s swinging. And, of course, he had an erection all the while. “We attack and kill them both!”

“Sounds good to me,” Nurgle agreed.

“I’m gonna puke! And not in the good way!” Slaanesh added.

Tzeentch clapped his claws together and nodded. “A modest proposal, but one I find agreeable. All at once, eh?”

“What was that?” Khorne asked, already ahead of the group. Technically Slaanesh was first since Khorne had it pointed at the God Emperor, but he was definitely the front-runner, with Nurgle lagging behind him.

Geom moved his sword protectively in front of Celestia as both a shield and a view-block from the sickening sight of the charging Chaos Gods. “Celestia, stay back. You don’t want to fight these guys.”

Celestia gritted her teeth. “Already tried it once. Didn’t work.”

“Not even a scratch?”

With a smile, she shook her head. “Nah, I got a scratch alright. A big hole through Khorne’s middle, actually. He just healed it back up on the fly.”

Geom arched a brow. “A hole? Even through his thick armor? Could such a feat be possible?”

Celestia’s horn glowed for a moment, then a fireball of pure magic sprouted from her magical reservoir and zoomed down the room to impact with a concussion blast against Khorne’s face. It took most of his helmet away in an inferno of ash and molten armor goop, which actually caused him to break stride for a moment and allow Nurgle to gain the lead. But in only a few seconds he was back to normal and charging towards the duo, screaming a bloodlust louder than ever.

“Yeah, seems pretty possible to me,” Celestia said, a satisfied smirk on her lips.

Geom nodded, then withdrew his sword from in front of Celestia. “Yes, that could work.” He barked out a laugh rich with cheerful glee. “Of course, it’s so obvious, why didn’t I see it before?”

“What now?”

The Emperor held up a single clawed finger to her, which was then followed by him decking Nurgle’s face once he got in a close enough proximity. Since Nurgle was moving at a breakneck speed without any intent to stop, most of his face was crushed into a sickening patty of broken flesh and bone, which just got worse off when Geom slashed it with his fiery sword. Nurgle went flying back across the room like a rotten ball of disease and girlish crying.

“You obviously have influence over this world. Meaning this section of the Warp still conforms to your magic. The Chaos Gods aren’t used to this type of magic, and thus they’re susceptible to its power. Meaning that even if it doesn’t take them out, it still affects them in a such more significant way than my own psyker powers. Which means…”

Suddenly, Khorne came in like a steamroller made out blood, skulls, and screaming Chaos Gods. Geom’s and Khorne’s clashed together in a test of steel, with Slaanesh unfortunately in the middle of it. Every strike, parry, and jab hit him in turn, and the Emperor’s fiery sword certainly wasn’t helping things.

“Which means you have to hit them with everything you got, Celestia! No holding back! I’ll take care of the rest!” Geom yelled out to her. He ducked, barely avoiding Khorne’s blade and Slaanesh’s desperate struggles. “Just trust me.”

While her first few efforts proved to not be fruitful, Celestia collected a great deal of magic in her horn regardless, following Geom’s advice. She didn’t think it would work. In fact, she was almost positive it wouldn’t. She saw how these Chaos Gods reacted to her magic. It was all a useless effort. All of it.

Yet she trusted Geom more than her own doubts.

A small vortex of her magic spiraled from her horn, soon becoming a tornado of golden light that blinded all in its path. The shimmering vortex of light shot across the room right towards Geom and Khorne, who were still locked in deadly battle.

With a sly side-step to the right, the Emperor avoided the blast of Celestia’s magic. Khorne, however, wasn’t so lucky. Slaanesh hadn’t been lucky since the beginning of all these events and was, of course, hit directly by the magic as well.

The tornado tore into the two of them like acid on paper. Khorne’s armor flaked off and some sections were even ripped to shreds, spatterings of blood popping up all across his ruined body. Slaanesh got the worse of it, already wounded greatly with Khorne’ blade still stuck in his midsection and little to no armor protecting himself—because apparently assless chaps and leather belly-shirts were more important that protection. In only a matter of moments most of his skin had been flayed from the bone and those bones in turn were becoming riddled with fractures and cracks. Yet in only a few seconds they were already healing from their wounds.

That is, until they were electrocuted with a stunning lightningbolt from the God Emperor himself.

Half of Khorne’s body blew up right down the middle, most of the left side dissipating into rusty dust, while Slaanesh on the other hand mostly turned into goop. At least he finally got off of Khorne’s sword, sans most of the lower part of his torso turning into fleshy soup. Although by his smile he seemed to be enjoying it. Of course.

“Celestia, it worked!” Geom yelled out in joy. While Khorne was hopping on one foot, Geom slashed him into another half with his sword, reducing the Blood God to a mere head, semi-torso and shaking fist. “Your magic weakens then while I can finish them off! Perfect!” Geom pointed his sword at Nurgle, who was still struggling to his feet from the face-smashing he had received at the Emperor’s hand. “Quick, hit the damned one while he’s down! Preferably in his weak region!”


“Groin! The groin!”

“Oh, right.”

Celestia conjured up a fireball the size of a four-seater chariot, then used what magic she had left to flip Nurgle onto his back so that the resulting impact could hit him squarely on his balls… or whatever Chaos Gods had for genitals, anyway. The resulting scream probably deemed it the right area to hit.

Nurgle had stopped, dropped, and was currently rolling on the floor in an attempt to put the flames out when the Emperor appeared like an eagle soaring overhead, striking down with a fury over his prey. He struck his opponent down on his chest, Geom’s sword parting through Nurgle’s diseased flesh like a hot knife through butter, and with a quick flick of his wrist the Emperor had cut open his chest and stomach to the air… which turned out to release one of the most horrifying and burned smells ever imaginable.

Holding a hand to his face to keep from retching, the Emperor pointed the tip of his blade at Nurgle’s wound, the fire of the sword growing to a higher intensity until it was a white flame of the hottest temperature. “Finally, I can end this once and for all.”

“Where’s Discord?” Celestia asked.

“Ah, yes, excellent question. See, I was wondering how our ‘brother’ managed to get this little slice of Warp all to himself without any of us knowing about it.” Tzeentch smirked, and then all of the couple dozen or so faces of his followed suit. “It would appear that this world all the space around it is very, very strange indeed. So, naturally, I beat him up for the information on how he acquired it. Very, very, veeeeery interesting, I have to admit.”

Geom frowned. “What are you getting?”

Tzeentch chuckled, tapping his claws together as he observed his two opponents. “What I’m getting at is the key. Or rather, keys. The keys that Discord used to completely control all aspects of this world’s Warp to mix the two realities with one another. You see, he didn’t just open up a hole to the Warp. Discord combined this space with it.” Tzeentch sniggered. “Ironic how this very tool was the key to his downfall as well.”

Celestia’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped down low. “No,” she whispered shakily. “You… y-you couldn’t have…”

From Tzeentch’s cloak appeared the Elements of Harmony, which he showcased in a dramatic fashion to the duo. Each of the crystal gems glowed not in their usual, cheerful light, but now with a dim luster that was engulfed in a pale blue aurora. “Oh yes.” Tzeentch snapped his fingers together, and right beside Celestia appeared a beaten and battered Discord in frozen statue form. “I did. And with it the walls between the Warp and this world shall be forever shattered until only one reality is left!”

Geom took a step off of Nurgle’s body. Khorne and Slaanesh were slow to get up, but they were steadily healing from their grievous wounds all the same. Tzeentch approached the two with a tedious slowness, the Elements of Harmony spinning around him as electricity and magic crackled from surface.

“Celestia, is this bad?” the Emperor asked, for the first time his voice uneasy.

“Oh, I can already answer that for you, sweetums,” Tzeentch said, pointing a single claw at Geom. Tzeentch’s eyes glowed with a vile blue light and a single beam shot forth from his claw at the Emperor.

“This is terribly, terribly bad.”

Comments ( 26 )


The Wait, a god of chaos is able to wield the elements? Something seems off about that... oh well, I foresee them failing to work on harmonious targets.

… I find it funny that Tzeentch, the personification of mutation, change, and general disorder, and a CHAOS god atop all that, is able to use the Elements of Harmony, tools that're supposed to represent basic stagnation. To be honest, these tools are probably better off in… ugh, Nurgle's hand… things. If the Elements don't fry his ass, then color me impressed.

By the emperor, an update!

Maybe its just been awhile since i'ver read this but man did this get silly quick.

That's usually the route I go with.

Suck it, new chapter!


Goddammit, you filthy sponge. This is heresy of the highest caliber.

I'll give it read sometime.

Why the hell would the Elements of Harmorny allow those chaos gods to use them? Force of good or balance keepers, the Elements should have damaged them or outright killed them to begin with...

Oh shit, this actually updated!? And did the old bird get the Elements of Harmony?!

According to what this is saying, the EoH were what Discord used to merge this world with the section of the Warp that was at the same dimensional coordinates. Now they're apparently being used to take that one step further.

...which is bad.

Now i want to see the element bearers get in on the action doing a big damn hero moment saving Geom and Celestia, opening whole can of whoopass on the chaos gods literally in pinkies case, could even mix in fiery twilight or even discolight. The ideas make me jolly.


Well, Tzeenchy is full of so many plots that he plots against his own plots, which in turn get plotted against (and so on and so forth). Even if the Elements backfire on our favorite chaotic foursome ("Oh my," says Slannesh), the Lord of Change will legitimately claim that it all went according to plan.

Khorne: You were planning on betraying us from the beginning!
Tzeench: But of course.


we're going to need a lot of space marines

But Elements of Harmony come from Equestria, as everypony knows. And Equestria is entirely peopled with ponies who are used to being underestimated just like we are underestimated by you, so I clearly cannot fear the weapon pointed at me!

It's like fighting D&D trolls. Render them unconscious, and while they're regenerating, kill them with fire.

Of course, Tzeentch has rather ruined that tactic. I'd question how he got the Element of Honesty to work for him, but he is Tzeentch. Probably bullshat his way through any kind of anti-abuse effect the Elements may have. And yes, I'm pretty sure that's the proper past tense.

Looking forward to more.

well, Tzeench is the closest to a NEUTRAL god in the universe.

Khorn, Slaanesh, and Nurgle are the warping of positive emotions. He is just kinda there (as a perversion of hope, but i digress) being himself.
He cant let Chaos win, that would be stagnation and the actual end they are trying to avoid. The is a fine ass balance and he is keeping the status quo (in a hideous way).

“This is terribly, terribly bad.”

It's sad that a big fic does not have an update

RIP another fic.

Кажется... Кого-то необходимо немедленно растрелять!

I hope it gets continued someday

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