• Published 25th Apr 2014
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Dating Of A Godly Variety - RainbowBob

He's the God Emperor of Mankind, and she's Princess Celestia of Equestria. With these two dating, you can expect almost anything to happen. Hopefully Equestria survives their relationship in one piece...

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Chapter 7: Ramifications Of Doom

The Gala was abuzz with nobility of all kind mingling with the uppercrust of Canterlot social elites, all while enjoying the best music, food, and various alcohol supplies the castle and perhaps all of Equestria had to offer. It was the most sophisticated and exclusive event the castle had all year, and, of course, Celestia was bored out of her mind.

She once again had greeting duty by forcing on a friendly smile and waving to a bunch of stuck-up big whigs whose combined egos could crush the entire mountain Canterlot resided on. If anything, Celestia dreaded this night more than any other, considering the fact that for the last few centuries it only grew duller and more drab as the minutes ticked by.

But not this year. This year, she actually had a date! The thought actually made Celestia’s smile genuine for a moment.

“You seem happy,” Luna said, surprising Celestia at her sister’s sudden appearance.

“Well, of course. It is the Gala, after all,” Celestia answered.

“I remember back in the day that you mentioned you dreaded the Gala more than getting your wisdom teeth pulled out with a rusty wrench at the dentist,” Luna reminded her with a smirk.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Okay, okay, maybe I’m a bit more excited for this one than the countless others.”

“I think actually having the guts to get a date might be a factor in that.” Luna scanned the crowd of ponies gathered in the castle door entrance. “So, you know where mister tall, golden and handsome might be at?”

“He told me he’ll arrive later tonight,” Celestia told her. “In his formal attire as well.”

“Formal?” Luna asked, arching a brow as her smirk grew wider.

“Well… more formal than that armor he normally wears, at least.” Celestia furrowed her brows, biting her lip. “I just wish he’ll arrive already.”

“Look at you, sis, already a gawking marefriend on her coltfriend’s back all the time,” Luna laughed. She playfully poked Celestia’s side with her shoulder and winked. “Oh dear, they grow up so fast.”

“Oh, shush you. Do I need to remind all the nobles here which princess still sleeps with a nightlight?”

Luna’s eyes went wide, and her head slowly turned so she stared directly at Celestia. “You wouldn’t dare,” Luna whispered through her teeth, joining Celestia in waving and smiling the new arrivals to the Gala.

Celestia nodded. “You bet your moon-loving ass I would.”

Sweating up a storm, Luna’s eyes glanced all around for a saving grace. Luckily for her, her’s came in the form of the one person Celestia was looking forward to spending time with above all else.

“Wow, I have to admit… your coltfriend cleans up nicely,” Luna said, pointing to where the Emperor entered the Gala.

Celestia’s cheeks grew red, and she gulped. “Wow… he sure does.”

The God Emperor of Mankind’s evening attire was quite the spectacle for many of the ponies crowded around him. His intimidating and ridiculously sized armor was replaced with an evening attire of a crimson, buttoned up coat with black breeches. However, the similarities to his battle-hardened getup was still noticeable, such as the armor outfitted for his legs along with brilliantly golden gauntlets on either arm. To complete the look was his usual red cloak, this time with a fur lined finish, along with a single shoulderpad of armor with a wing of the most fiery orange attached to the front, appearing to be from some exotic bird of some sort whose beauty knew no bounds. Of course, he still had on his golden wreath atop his head, the shiny, interlocking leaves a further attestment of his Emperor status.

Celestia was so caught up in his stellar appearance, she hardly noticed him walking up the stairs leading up to her. Once he was before her, Celestia came to a stunning realization.

“You’re… shorter,” Celestia said. This time when she craned her neck back to stare at his face, it took much less effort. The Emperor’s typical height of nearly twelve feet tall was shrunk down to the much more manageable height of seven feet. “I mean, not in a bad sort of way, in a g-good sort of way! Like… um…”

The Emperor held up a hand and chuckled. “Please now, my dear, it is quite alright. I know what you mean.”

Celestia blushed, while Luna gagged and pointed at her tongue sticking out. “Well, I see you two are acquainted with. Have a nice night,” she said to the two, the duo ignoring her as they stared in the other’s eyes. Luna rolled her eyes, slinking away into the crowd of nobles and Canterlot social elites. “Sheesh, how hard is it for a moon princess to get some appreciation here? Or at least someone who doesn’t look too shabby…”

Turning her reddening face away, Celestia’s eyes scanned the intricate beauty of the Emperor’s new suit. “Wow, Geom, you weren’t kidding about the surprise. You look amazing. And I had no idea you could turn smaller as well.”

The Emperor shrugged one shoulder, brushing a lock of extra exfoliated hair from his face. “When one has powers that are considered god-like, my dear, it is not too much trouble to change their appearance to their own liking. Of course, I prefer my other form, since it is the one I am most familiar with.” He smiled and winked at her. “But for you, I decided something a bit more… formal would be more to your liking.”

“Well, I am definitely liking it. Really liking. In fact, I’m loving it!” Celestia covered her mouth with a hoof and inhaled several deep breaths. Coughing under her breath, she held out a hoof to the Emperor and asked, “So, Geom, would you be ever so kind as to escort me inside.”

“It would be my honor, your majesty,” he answered, gingerly wrapping his fingers around her hoof. The two walked hand in hoof to the Gala, entering the ballroom just as it was abuzz with activity. The party had just begun, and what was in store for the two of them was an evening of merriment and delights.

That is, if the Emperor didn’t immediately release Celestia’s hoof and shift his eyes all around the gala, which was in full swing.

Sensing something wrong, Celestia rested a hoof on the Emperor’s knee. “Geom, is something wrong?”

The Emperor of Mankind glanced down at her for but his moment, right before his eyes returned back to their tedious search of every inch of the ballroom he could spot. “Yes, there is. There definitely is.” The God Emperor reached a hand into the shadows of his cape, a fiery red light glowing from within its confines. “Something is amiss, I can just feel it. Something… wrong.”

A sinister cackle filled the air, many a noble halting their party time interactions to remain silent and see if they could hear the laughter again a second time.

“Something like Chaos,” the Emperor spat.

Before the duo, Discord winked into existence, appearing from out of nowhere. His freakish appearance of mismatched animal body parts left the Emperor with a grimace in response, while Celestia just frowned and rolled her eyes. To match the bizarre makeup of his body, Discord wore a barely matching bow-tie and top hat with a coat that looked like a rainbow puked and then spilled it cuts on it.

“Celestia, hola! Welcome-o to the party-o which is the Gala… o.” Discord shrugged, sipping the rest of his margarita glass, sans the actual margarita. Shifting his oddly sized eyes to the God Emperor of Mankind, Discord’s gaze halted on the fiery sword he was currently withdrawing, then to the Emperor’s face, which was consorted in a rage that could send countless warriors fleeing in the opposite direction rather than face him. “And who’s Mister Needs a Haircut over here?”

The God Emperor drew out the rest of his sword and pointed the tip at Discord, the ground itself shaking when he spoke: “Listen close, God of Chaos, for my voice shall be the last you ever hear! I have made it my unwavering and endless endeavor to kill and destroy your despicable kind and any others that dare defy the Warp for their own twisted gain! And now you, like countless others, shall perish beneath my blade!” The Emperor was upon Discord in but a moment, his sword’s blade just mere centimeters away from Discord’s neck.

Discord rubbed his chin and nodded, taking careful precautions to not slice his neck open, then glanced over at Celestia and then back at the God Emperor. “Wow, Celestia, you sure do know how to pick them out, don’t ya?”

Celestia sighed. “I knew something like this would happen. I just knew it.”