• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 6,922 Views, 199 Comments

An Island built in the sky - Brotato

Kid winds up in Equestria and has to learn the magic of friendship before going back.

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Ch. 4: Horseshoes and manticores

Chapter 4

Horseshoes and manticores

“Carousel Boutique,” Hammer quietly said while looking at the building that resembled a carousel. Earlier a pony named Rarity had given him his very first job in this town. While he wasn’t too excited about the job of dusting, it was better than nothing. He was always a hard worker and never left a job half done. In fact, work always helped him relax and focus on a task. It was better than doing nothing and thinking about his past .Of course working those ten years on the Rippling Walls gave him a physically fit body. Slamming giant slabs of stone work in place with a hammer does that to a kid.

Just focus on the job and you’ll pay off that medical bill in no time, he reminded himself.

Knocking on the door three times, he heard someone on the other side say the door was open. A small bell above him rang as the door swung in, announcing visitors. Hammer shut the door behind him and looked around the room. Just like what Rarity said earlier, a pile of different patterned cloth bolts were on a table to his right. Several articles of clothing covered the array of pony mannequins around the room. Most of them tuxedos and frilly dresses, probably from the pony who had his large order canceled.

“Ah, hello again Hammer,” Rarity greeted with a small smile while walking up to him. “I must apologies for the little mess. While I believe in organized chaos, this is getting out of hoof.” She levitated one of the bolts of cloth and showed it to Hammer. “But enough of my rambling. I just need you to unroll each one and I’ll take care of the horrible dust on them, all right?”

Hammer responded with a nod and watched Rarity set the bolt on the ground. Grabbing an end, he lightly pulled to undo the entire bolt across the shop’s floor. He stopped several feet from the wall behind him as the bolt finally unraveled, its entire length sooty with a thin layer of dust. He was about to ask how the cleaning process would go when the cloth began to glow Rarity lifted the dust off the cloth, floating it in the air. She bundled it into a ball and placed it inside a paper bag.

While Hammer rolled the bolt back together, Rarity took out another and they repeated the process until all of them were free of dust. The process took about an hour and when they finished, Rarity repeated her invitation earlier for some tea. He hesitated for a moment about declining the offer since he had to visit Applejack’s for her job, but his throat was a bit dusty.

“Sure, I’ll take a glass. Do you mind putting some ice in mine?”

“Of course, dear. I’ll go get it ready.”

With not much else to do, Hammer inspected several of the mannequins with clothes on them. The array of different colors and patterns reminded him of the clothing Zia and Zulf used to wear. They were always garbed in their colorful, heavy winter coats like they were going to freeze to death, even during warm weather. He never did pay attention to Caelondia’s fashion trends and stuck with simple, earthy colored clothing. His bandanna was an exception as it was a gift from his mother before she was sick.

A high-pitched whistle came from the kitchen, signaling him that the tea was ready. Hammer joined Rarity in the kitchen and sat down at the table inside, watching her prepare the drinks. He had a fascination over how magic worked in this world. He watched her horn glow and levitate all the items around her, pouring the tea into a small ceramic cup. She took some ice out of the icebox to create his drink, pouring the hot tea over the ice, melting half of the cubes before cooling down.

“Here you go, dear,” Rarity said, placing the glass of iced tea in front of him. It smelled faintly of lemons, which was odd considering he didn’t see her add anything to his drink. He brought up the smell with Rarity who let out a smile. “It’s lemon grass tea. It’s not my favorite, but I haven’t used it in a while. Please, try it. If you don’t like it I’m sure I can brew something else.”

Hammer looked at the glass, wondering how to get a drink. Stupid hooves. Why couldn’t I come here without being a pony? He glared at the glass of iced tea. I could just do what I did with the orange juice while in the clinic and used my teeth, but I doubt Rarity would agree with doing that.

He remembered several ponies pick up items with their hooves, maybe he could do it too. Placing a hoof against the glass, he focused on imagining that he still had his hands. It was a very odd experience, but sure enough he felt the glass as he ‘gripped’ it with his ‘hand’.

The tea was slightly bitter as expected, with a slight hint of lemon. It could use some sugar, but the thought of trying to grip something smaller than the glass turned that idea down. Sitting back in his chair, he enjoyed the small moment to relax.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Mr. Hammer,” Rarity began after setting her teacup down. “Do you wear metal shoes everywhere you go?

Hammer looked at Rarity like she grew a second horn. “What? I’m not wearing shoes.”

“Don’t be silly and lie about something like that, Hammer,” she chided. “The sound alone when you stepped on my tiled floor easily gave it away.” She levitated the cup for another sip, but stopped near her chin. “If you’re scared that they’re gaudy, I assure you they’re very stylish. Now lift your hoof so I can see them.”

“All right, but I’m telling you I don’t wear shoes.” Hammer did as he was told and lifted one of his front hooves to her. She shook her head and pointed lower, causing him to look at his back hooves. His own curiosity started to grow, so he got up from the chair and lifted his left back hoof for Rarity to see. The gasp that came from the mare behind him didn’t help stem his curiosity.

“I-Is that... solid gold?” She asked in awe.

Rarity must’ve sensed his curiosity as she levitated a mirror at the right angle for him to see. On his back hoof was a horseshoe the same yellow-gold color as his Cael-Hammer. He asked for her to angle the mirror for his other hoof and sure enough another shoe was on his other hoof.

Well at least I know where my hammer went, he grumbled. It turned into footwear. Or would it be hoofwear?

“Yes it is,” Hammer replied. “I got them from‒“ His explanation was cut short as the door burst open with a small white filly running up to Rarity, throwing her hooves around her.


“Sweetie Belle, what’s wrong? Did somepony get hurt?”

“No, but they’re about to be. Cheerilee decided today to have a field trip to Fluttershy’s house. Everything was fine until these Manticores came from the forest. I managed to get away, but Fluttershy, cheeralee and my class are still stuck in the cottage!”

“What’s a manticore?” Hammer asked.

Rarity looked at him like he was joking, but told him anyway. “They’re like giant cats with tails of a scorpion. They stand about twice the height of yourself and three times the length. They’re the most vicious, commonly seen beasts I know.” She nuzzled Sweetie Belle who started to cry.

So this place also has its dangerous predators, Hammer mused. This might be my chance to earn some trust in this town.

Hammer looked at the white filly hugging Rarity. “How many of them did you see, Sweetie Belle?”

Rarity looked at him in worry. “Hammer you really don’t plan‒”

“How many?” Hammer repeated.

Sweetie Belle rubbed her face to get rid of the tears. “Three I think. I was too busy running to count them all.”

Hm, I’ve dealt with bigger numbers, but I’ve never faced a manticore before. Best to not get cocky if Rarity says they’re that big.

“Rarity, where is Fluttershy’s Cottage?”

“At least wait until I can gather the others,” Rarity pleaded.

“You can go get the others, but they need help now. Please.” He stared into Rarity’s eyes, looking for an answer. It came out as a hesitant nod.

“The Everfree Forest is that way, to the west,” she pointed with a hoof. “Just follow the road until you come across a smaller path. It’ll lead you straight to her cottage. Please be careful.”

Hammer only nodded as he ran out the still open door and took a sharp right. Following Rarity’s directions, he followed the road toward Fluttershy’s cottage.

I only hope I can get there before it’s too late...

Hammer stopped in front of a small bridge. Ahead of him, on a small hill, was Fluttershy’s home. Cautiously walking toward the cottage, he noticed the gashes in the door and trampled flowers around the house. The ground also had large paw prints circling the home. He put a hoof inside one of them and almost blanched.

What are you getting myself into this time, kid?

The monsters seemed to have left, so he decided to let the others inside know. Knocking on the door, the small sound of scuffling came on the other side.

“Hello? Is anyone home? The manticore’s are gone now so you can come out.” Not getting a response, he checked the backyard. There were signs of animals being sheltered here, but they were missing. The paw prints continued to dot the ground, some tearing apart the dirt and grass. He noticed a back door and tested it.

“Locked,” Hammer grunted. “Look, it’s safe to come out. I’m pretty sure‒” Rapid thudding of something running came from behind. On reflex, he dove to the side as a large creature pounced the spot he jumped away from. Getting up from the ground, he looked at the creature.

It was indeed like what Rarity described. Though the only thing she missed was the small wings it had which didn’t look fit for flying. He glared at the creature and took a wide stance, ready to dodge another attack.

“Go back wherever you came from, monster!” He yelled.

The manticore took his yelling as a challenge of some sort and roared back. Crouching low to the ground, it waved its tail to distract him. He already heard how fast the creature moved when it pounced, he would have to keep an eye on its legs to know when to dodge. Kid stood still, waiting for the creature to make its move. After doing a full circle around him, it attacked.

He jumped to the right, just as the manticore sunk its claws into the dirt. Hammer turned to strike, but barely managed to dodge out-of-the-way again as the manticore continued its attack. Roaring in frustration, it did a wide swing with its tail. Hammer continued trying to dodge every attack thrown at him. He couldn’t dodge all of them and received several scratches and nicks and his bandanna was slightly ripped from a close swipe to his face. A slight warmth came from his left side and could only guess he was bleeding, but couldn’t look to find out.

He couldn't get a buck in. Every time he readied to attack, he had to quickly dodge from being mauled by its huge paw. He had to think of something fast as exhaustion was slowly starting to seep into him and the manticore barely seemed winded.

An idea came to mind. He ran toward the nearest tree and proceeded to throw several, what he believed to be, inappropriate gestures the manticore’s way. It appeared to have worked as the beast roared loudly, swiping with its full weight. He ducked as the tree got literally cut in half horizontally and fell forward toward the manticore. Seeing his opportunity to attack, he jumped on the tree after it fell and leaped at the manticore. Using his downward momentum to add extra weight into the attack, he bucked the beast between the small wings. He was rewarded with a loud, sickening crack and a large indent in the beast’s back.

The creature howled in pain and flailing its tail in a mix of revenge and agony. It managed to smack Hammer across the chest, sending him flying over the fallen tree. Struggling to get up and continue fighting, he noticed the manticore was long gone.

Glad only one stayed behind, don’t think I could fight another one right now. Wish I had my armor though. that would’ve gone so much better.

Nevertheless, he was victorious. However the feeling dissipated quickly as the effects of adrenaline started to fade away. He slumped against the fallen tree and took deep breaths to calm himself down. Lightly touching his left side, he let out a loud yelp. Looking at his hoof, the bleeding was worse than he thought. If he didn't get aid soon he would probably die. He wiped the blood on his hoof into the grass and looked back at the cottage.

The door was open as two mares stared at him. Behind them, the students looked at him with a mix of fear and awe. The yellow mare with pink mane stared at him with an expression of sheer terror.

“Oh dear. We need to get you to the hospital... if you don’t mind.”

Hammer stumbled forward and agreed with her plan with a nod. He didn’t get far as the edges of his vision started to darken and the ground greeted him. The last thing he heard was the yellow pegasus repeatedly say the same short sentence.

“Oh dear.”