• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 6,913 Views, 199 Comments

An Island built in the sky - Brotato

Kid winds up in Equestria and has to learn the magic of friendship before going back.

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Ch. 6: Bucking Trees

Chapter 6

Bucking trees

Hammer was ecstatic that Rucks and Zia were here. While he did miss their company, he was more interested in getting answers from Rucks about what went wrong with the Bastion. What better way to find out what went wrong then ask the creator?

Rucks introduced himself to everyone as ‘Tale Forge’, a wandering storyteller. His cutie mark fit perfectly as it was a green book with a small lit candle next to it. Zia made a bow and introduced herself using her human name. Hammer wasn’t surprised her mark was the instrument she played: a harp guitar.

“How did you know my name? More importantly, how did you know I was here?” Hammer asked. Rucks pulled out a newspaper from his bags and tossed it on the floor in front of him.

“Let’s just say I had a hunch,” Rucks said with a grin.

Looking over the newspaper, it came from a city called Trottingham. A small article on the side of the front page caught his eye and he read it out loud so everyone could hear.

“‘Ponyville was attacked by a pack of manticores this monday. The attack took place at two in the afternoon near an animal daycare near the Everfree Forest owned by a pegasus named Fluttershy. A field trip from the local schoolhouse was taking place when they attacked. Witnesses stated they hid inside Fluttershy’s cottage, fearing for their lives for close to an hour. When all hope seemed lost, one pony named Hammer Whirl showed amazing courage and scared off the manticores, thus saving the day.’”

Plural? There was only one manticore. Ugh, damn journalists and their story bending. He continued reading the article.

“‘Sadly, their rescuer was severely wounded after the battle and was sent to Ponyville’s clinic to recover. Several of the families has sent their regards, hoping him for a fast recovery.’”

“Just what I need, a reputation,” Hammer said sarcastically as he placed his head in his hooves.

“Look on the bright side, at least we’re here now,” Rucks stated with a laugh. He looked at the six mares in the room and raised an eyebrow. “Funny. I didn’t take you for a ladies m-” Hammer cleared his throat loudly to interrupt him.

“They are just friends, Rucks. Nothing more.”

“Alright Kid, calm down. I was just fooling around. No need to get more bent out-of-shape than an anklegator who lost its meal.” Hammer sighed and rubbed a hoof on his forehead. “Why don’t you introduce me to them?” He added. Twilight decided to take the initiative and do it for him.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Tale. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Behind me are my friends, Applejack... “ She motioned a hoof toward each one as she said their name.

“Howdy!” Applejack greeted in a friendly voice.

“... Rarity... “

“The pleasure's all mine,” Rarity said, her gaze busy examining Zia’s choice of clothing.

“... Fluttershy... “

Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow Dash, who rolled her eyes at the shy pegasus with an amused smile.

“... Rainbow Dash...”

“Hey,” she simply greeted.

“... and Pinkie P‒” The pink pony jumped in-between Twilight and Rucks with a huge grin on her face.

“Oh my gosh, two new ponies in Ponyville! I’ll have to plan two ‘welcome to Ponyville’ parties. Or maybe one really big party for the both of you. Or maybe-mmpth!” A purple hoof was shoved in her mouth to interrupt her party crazy rant.

“Sorry, Pinkie Pie gets like that whenever somepony new comes to town.”

“Quite alright, Miss Twilight.” He looked outside at the coming darkness and back at Twilight. “ While I would hate to be rude, we need to speak to Hammer outside.” He flicked his head back to motion Hammer to get moving. Hammer said goodnight, along with another thank you to Pinkie Pie for the party, before walking outside with Rucks and Zia. It was starting to turn dusk and the sun was partially being covered by the mountainside. He sat on the ground, facing his two friends with a confused look.

“What did you need ,Rucks? Do you need somewhere to stay? The inn is right there.” He pointed a hoof at the mentioned building, but Rucks shook his head. Hammer noticed his face and saw the usual smile he wore was gone. Even as a pony, Rucks frowning always made him tense. It meant bad news was coming.

“I’m not going to sugar-coat it for you, Kid. We might not be able to get to Caelondia. The Bastion is done for and I don’t think this world has shards to bring it back to life. I’m sorry, but we’re stuck here.”

“What?” Hammer looked at Rucks like he was trying to decipher a foreign language. staring at the ground as if hoping an answer would appear in the dirt. No, there has to be a way. As much as this world is amazing, I’m not living the rest of my life as a pony! “Where is the Bastion now?” Hammer asked. Rucks ran a hoof through his mane and let out a sigh.

“It’s in the sky... somewhere.” He waved a hoof in the air nonchalantly. Hammer facehoofed.

“In the sky?” Hammer looked at their sides and double checked that they didn’t have wings. “Mind telling me how you got down?”

“Another time, Kid,” Rucks dismissed his request. “Right now we both need to get some rest and would like to take you up on that inn idea.”

“Fine, but we’ll be having a long chat about it tomorrow.” Hammer said sternly as he stared at Rucks. He gladly returned the look, only difference was the amused smile on his lips. With nothing else to be said, Hammer lead the way toward the inn.

Hammer slowly got out of the bed and stretched his hooves in the air, hearing several cracks emanate from his back. Letting out a sigh of relief, he was about to jump out of bed when he remembered about his wound. Reaching across his chest, he felt the wound with his right hoof. It was still tender from his prodding, but leaving it alone didn’t hurt at all.

What luck that the innkeeper was one of the parents of a foal I rescued.

He didn’t like the idea of using the status to get free stuff, but at the moment, he didn’t have a bit to his name. Of course he forgot to get his pay from Rarity for helping with the dust problem, but she probably needed it more than him anyway. He wondered if Applejack’s job still needed to be done.

The sound of bed sheets ruffling came from behind him and heard Rucks mumble what sounded like a “good morning”.

“Sure is nice being able to sleep without fearing of being attacked.” Rucks crawled out of bed and grabbed his walking cane with his teeth.

“Why do you still carry that cane, Rucks? You don’t seem to need it.”

“True, but I keep it just for having it. Plus it makes for a good blunt weapon.” He swung the cane in his mouth.

Hammer rolled his eyes. “Anyway, we got lucky that the innkeeper gave us two rooms to sleep in for today. I got a job offer from Applejack from about a week ago and I need to check to see if she still need it done. I’m not taking any more free rides, even if they want to pay me back for saving family. Oh, and you’re coming with me. I’ll ask Zia if she wants to come also.”

Leaving the room, he walked a short way down the hall and gave three knocks on a door with the title “Room 5”. Zia shouted that the door was unlocked and Hammer entered, closing the door behind him.

“Ah, hello... Hammer,” Zia said awkwardly, as if trying to recollect his name.

“Hey Zia, Rucks and I are heading out. I need to find some money and I need to talk with Rucks about why we’re here. Do you want to tag along?” Zia looked at the floor for a moment before speaking.

“Actually I would like to look around the town on my own. This place is very fascinating, I’ve never seen such a colorful world before.”

Hammer couldn’t blame her, the urge to explore every inch of this new world was very strong. He always explored the jungles outside of his home of Caelondia, sometimes further than that.

Would it hurt to stop worrying about getting back home and enjoy the moment?

“Alright, have fun Zia.” He turned around to leave. “And try to not get lost,” he teased. Zia squinted in annoyance at the back of Hammer’s head.

“I’ll have you know, when we first met, I entered that jungle knowing where I was going.” She stated, her pride slightly stung. Hammer laughed and pointed out he was just joking around, but Zia still stared at him. Shrugging, he left Zia alone to find Rucks already going down the stairs.

Following behind him, they both entered the main entryway where the front desk was. The pony behind it gave a brief wave of a green furred hoof.

“Hello again, Hammer. I hope you and your friends slept well?”

“Of course, Mr. Lime. I deeply appreciate you allowing us to stay for free, but I was hoping to pay for the rest of our time here. We might be here awhile.” Mr. Lime frowned.

“If you insist. The rent is ten bits per room, and you'll be charged once a week. Your first payment will be next morning. Is this fine with you?” Hammer nodded his head and thanked him for being so hospitable. He began to leave, but quickly turned back around.

“Oh! do you know where Applejack lives?”

“Certainly, just follow the road ahead of you when you leave. You should see the front gate leading to her farm when you get to the outskirts of town.” Hammer thanked him again and left with Rucks following close behind.

“All these pleases and thank yous.” Rucks shook his head. “I think this place is starting to rub off on you, Kid.”

“When the world doesn’t freak out because you have a strange hair color, you would start acting friendly as well.”

It was still early morning and the air was crisp and cool. Thankfully there were only a handful of ponies awake and weren’t paying attention to him. The second to last thing he wanted was attention from everypony. Making it toward the outskirts of the town, he spotted a wood gate with a large sign above it.

“Sweet Apple Acres,” Hammer said out loud. He pushed on the gate and it opened with ease. The name of the place sure lived up to it. Apple trees as far as his eye could see. He wondered how many acres this place really had. He looked forward when the the road opened up, leaving behind the apple trees. In front was a large red house and barn.

“Mighty fine place they got here,” Rucks admired the house.

“Let’s just hope they’re awake.” Trotting up to the front door, he was about to knock when the door slammed open, crushing him between the now open door and the wall behind him. He chuckled lightly in pain while dangerously hanging from being unconscious. He was able to hear the conversation as Applejack greeted Rucks.

“Well howdy, Rucks! What brings you here so early?” Rucks coughed loudly and pointed out what happened to Hammer as the door swung closed, with Hammer still attached to it. He promptly slid down and landed on his back, with Applejack looking down at him. “Aw shucks, sorry about that sugarcube.” She helped Hammer up, who had his eyes stuck looking two different ways. A quick smack with Applejack’s hoof in the back of the head cleared that right up.

“Ugh, thanks I guess.” Hammer rubbed the back of his head and felt a headache coming on.

“Not a problem. Now, what can I do for you?” Applejack asked again in a friendly tone, oblivious to Hammer’s pain.

“I was wondering if you had that job opening from a week ago. The one you asked about when you visited Twilight’s home?”

“Oh, sorry hun, but that was already done.” Hammer sighed at this. “But...” Applejack continued. “I could use some help bucking the trees.”

“Why would I want to buck a tree?’ Hammer asked about the odd job. Applejack looked back at him like he was the odd one, but quickly wiped it away with a hoof to the face.

“Oh, right. Sorry I forgot you’re not from around here. My family bucks the trees to get the fruit off of them. I’ll show you.” Applejack ran up to the nearest tree and quickly spun on her front hooves, her back facing the tree. A firm buck later and all the apples from the tree fell to the ground. She did a small bow and walked back. “Just like that. Why don’t you give it a try.”

Hammer looked at the tree next to the one Applejack bucked and shrugged. Walking up to the tree he inspected it for a moment before turning around. He remembered about his horseshoes and wondered if they helped in his bucking. With only one way to find out, he cocked one of his legs and landed it on the trunk.

The first thing he was glad to notice was his side didn’t hurt at all from the buck. The second was the rewarding crack as his hoof broke through the bark, leaving a dent in the poor tree. He looked at the damage and noticed it probably would’ve been the same result if he hit it with his Cael hammer. All of the apples, along with several leaves, were on the ground.

“How was that?” Hammer asked, looking at Applejack. She had a thoughtful expression on her face, busy inspecting the tree.

“I ain’t gonna lie. You bucked this tree good, but you put too much force into it. The trees won't produce as good fruit if they’re bruised up like that.” Hammer quickly apologized, but Applejack waved a hoof. “It’s alright, sugarcube. You did a mighty fine job getting the apples though. Just take it easy with the bucking. To be honest, I’d hate to see what would happen if you used both of your hooves.” She chuckled nervously at the thought.

Probably break the poor thing in half, Hammer guessed. “So how many trees do we need to buck?”

“Just the ones on the eastern part of the farm. It’s the smallest area with only twenty acres of land so we shouldn’t take too long.” Hammer looked up at the sky and asked which way is east. Applejack pointed a hoof toward the sun and told him that the sun always rose from the east and set to the west.

“All... of those?” Hammer stared in shock at the range of apple trees that didn’t seem to stop. He never turned down a job, but this was pushing it. Applejack nudge him on the shoulder with a grin.

“It’s alright, hun. You can just stay here. Not like you would be able to keep up with me anyway.” She laughed as she started bucking several of the nearby trees. Hammer glared at Applejack for the challenge.

Oh, it. Is. On! Hammer ran to the other side of the tree line and starting bucking as well. Softer this time, to not crack the bark.

Rucks sat on the front porch, watching both of them work their hearts out. A large red stallion came outside and sat down next to him.

“Looks like I don’t need to do any bucking today,” the stallion said with a light chuckle. His voice had a thick drawl while he watched Applejack and Hammer work. “Want to come inside for some cider, mister... ?” He let the question hang in the air.

“Tale Forge,” Rucks said politely. “Or just Tale if you wish. And you are?”

“Big Macintosh, but you can just call me Big Mac. Everypony else does.” They both watched the two ponies work for a little longer before Big Mac got up. “Come on then, I’ll get you a mug.”

Rucks watched for another moment, before following Big Mac inside.