• Published 2nd Apr 2012
  • 6,922 Views, 199 Comments

An Island built in the sky - Brotato

Kid winds up in Equestria and has to learn the magic of friendship before going back.

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Ch. 5: Secrets and Surprises

Chapter 5

Secrets and surprises

A steady beep entered Hammer’s ears as he cracked his eyes open. Slowly getting up from the soft, warm bed, he noticed the familiar white room of the clinic. A heart-rate monitor sat to his left kept beeping. His eye caught something colorful to his right and found a small pile of gifts on a cart beside him. He cringed as everything that happened before falling unconscious flooded his mind.

Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes?

Looking at the presents again, he picked the one on top. It was covered in diamond patterned wrapping and had a card with elegant writing with ‘From Rarity, to Hammer’ on it. Shaking it slightly and not hearing anything break, he ripped open the wrapping and opened the small white box. His eyes widened at what was inside.

His red bandanna was folded in a neat triangle inside. Lifting it out, the cloth felt smooth like silk, not rough like linen or wool. Rubbing his hooves over it several times, he placed it back in the box and set it aside to open the other presents.

One of them was from Twilight, which he wasn’t very surprised to find it as a book. The title was called ‘Wild Dangers’ and had a list of dangerous creatures known by the author. The rest of the presents were from ponies he never heard of, but accepted their gifts nonetheless. Most of them were cheap, but thoughtful trinkets like a snow globe he just unpackaged. The last present was from another pony he never heard of. On the card it said ‘From Pinkie Pie to Kid’.

He didn’t remember telling anyone else his story, only Twilight knows that. Could it be possible she spilled the beans and told someone else? Hoping the present inside would explain everything, he ripped apart the balloon wrapping and opened the pink box inside.

“SURPRISE!” Confetti flew everywhere as a pink pony with a pink poofy mane jumped halfway out of the box, the same way a jack-in-the-box would.

“Gyah!” Hammer yelled in response, tossing the present across the room. The pony yelled out in excitement as it smacked against the far wall and slid to the floor. He held his chest to calm his thumping heart, which felt like it was about to burst from his chest. The pony climbed out of the small box which she impossibly hid in with a wide grin on her face as she bounced around the room.

“Whee! that was fun.”

“W-who are you? What do you want?” Hammer sputtered. The pink pony stopped her bouncing and laid her front hooves on the end of his bed.

“I’m Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for... ” She looked around the room in confusion. “Hang on a second, this isn’t Sugarcube Corner. Where’s the party?” She gasped in realizing something she said. “Oops, this is the wrong paragraph to show up in. Uh, see you later!” She zipped out the door, creating a pink streak in the air as she left. Somepony outside the door yelled out in surprise upon the door flying open and seeing Pinkie Pie leave.

“Hey, Twilight,” Hammer greeted the pony in the doorway. Twilight trotted up to the side of his bed where the presents were. She had a look of worry in her eyes, but was smiling.

“It’s good to see you are alive. Wouldn’t want all these present to go to waste,” she joked. Spotting the book she picked out, her smile brightened. “I see you opened my present. I thought you might like to read about the creatures in this world, considering you risked your life dealing with that manticore.” Her smile disappeared and she started glaring at him. “Which brings me to my next question. What were you thinking? You could’ve died!”

“Exactly. I could’ve died, but I didn’t,” he received an eyeroll for his logic. “I should give my thanks to the yellow pony who brought me here. She did take me here, correct?” Twilight sighed for him ignoring her warning of death and nodded.

“Yes, Fluttershy helped you get back to this clinic. While she was able to stop the bleeding, she couldn’t take care of the wound entirely. To be honest, I’m amazed she didn’t faint from all the, uh... blood.” Twilight cringed at the word, like it would get her in trouble. “You’ve been out for almost a week. Nurse Redheart said you might be stuck in bed for another week depending on how well the wound mends.

Another week? No! I can’t deal with just sitting around doing nothing. There has to be some way to speed this healing.

“Can’t you just, you know, use magic to heal me?” Hammer asked, hoping for an idea. He frowned when Twilight shook her head.

“I know healing magic is out there, but I never studied it. I would if I could squeeze it into my schedule. Having to do friendship reports, have my daily dose of reading, and save the world doesn’t leave much room, you know?

No... I don’t know. Hammer wanted to say, but settled with a, “I guess so.” The room was silent as neither of them knew what to talk about next. Twilight looked at the array of torn gift wrapping.

“Do you plan on telling them the truth?” Twilight looked at him expectantly. “I know you’re not telling us because it might change our opinion of you, but you didn’t see me change.” Twilight pointed out. “Please, just give them a chance.” Hammer looked at her impassively as he thought about the request.

Ugh, she has a good point. I only lied out of instinct, but now this whole thing seems foolish. Her friends have been the nicest creatures I’ve met, and yet I don’t fully trust them. Why should I be scared to share something like this from them?

“You’re right Twilight. I shouldn’t hide it from them anymore. I’ll gladly tell them after I get out of here.” He guessed Twilight wasn’t a good liar as she uneasily shifted her gaze as if looking for a way out of the room. “You didn’t...”

“I maybe, sorta, kinda, possibly, asked everypony to come with me?” She said with an uncertain, nervous smile. As if on queue, five other ponies came into the room. Rainbow Dash was carrying Pinkie Pie who was struggling in her grip.

“Pinkie, stop squirming. You have plenty of time to prepare the party all week.” Pinkie whined in response, but stopped her struggling and was placed on the ground for her to sit.

“Howdy, Hammer!” Applejack waved a hoof. Everypony else gave a friendly hello, except Fluttershy who hid behind her mane.

“First I get presents, now I have to explain myself. This day is just full of surprises,” he muttered while rubbing his forehead.

“Your name is Hammer?” Rainbow inquired. “I guess that would explain the cutie mark.”

“I hope you like your bandana, dear. The thing was terribly torn after your heroic battle with that beast.” Hammer nodded his head and thanked Rarity, who waved her hoof dismissively.

“Girls, focus,” Twilight said. “I’m sorry if you feel uncomfortable for me bringing everypony here, Hammer.”

“It’s all right,” Hammer reassured. “The sooner the better.” Twilight nodded and stood with her friends, ready to hear his story again. Hammer shifted in his bed to get more comfortable before starting. “First off, I’m not a pony. I’m-

“Of course you’re a pony, silly!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a smile. Twilight frowned at her outburst.

“Pinkie, let him talk.” She apologized and Hammer waved a hoof to brush away what happened.

“Anyway, I’m a race known as human and I’m not from this world...” He did his best to keep it short and tell them what he told Twilight. They all sat silently, listening to him as he explained what his world was like and how the Calamity destroyed most of it. Thankfully Pinkie Pie or the other mares kept their questions to themselves as he told his story.

“... so when the Bastion activated, something went wrong and I was sent here high in the sky. Lucky Rainbow Dash saw me and saved my life from the fall.” Rainbow held her head high for the hidden thank you.

“I’d sure like to meet this Rucks feller,” Applejack stated. “He sounds like a down-to-earth kinda guy.” Rarity had more interest in his other friend back in Caelondia.

“I’d like to meet your friend, Zia. Her colorful ensemble sounds interesting. It must be uncomfortable wearing such heavy clothing all the time.”

“Your animal friends sound adorable,” Fluttershy added to the responses as she peeked around her mane. “Especially the one you named Squirt.” Hammer pointed out it was actually its species, causing her to blush in embarrassment.

“Thank you all for listening. I wish Rucks and Zia were here though. It would be funny to see them as ponies.” Pinkie Pie let out a nervous cough and looked the other way. Receiving an eyebrow raise from Hammer, he shrugged and looked back toward Twilight. “Thank you for bringing them here. I’m glad that’s all over with. Now I can focus on paying off the medical bill.”

Twilight gave an amused chuckle. “Yeah, about that. After you scared away that manticore and protected those foals, your bill was already taken care of.”

“Huh? By who?”

“The families of the foals you saved, silly,” Pinkie Pie said. Hammer was starting to get annoyed for being called silly. “They pitched in and paid off your enormous, expensive bill!” Hammer’s eyes shrank as he thought of the price they had to pay.

What do the families want in return? Are they expecting me to give back a favor? Twilight seemed to notice his thoughtful expression and let out a chuckle.

“Don’t worry about it, Hammer. They’re just giving back for saving their foals. There’s no reason to be so uptight sometimes.”

“No offense, Twilight,” Rarity began. “But you’re calling the kettle black, as they say.” She smiled at Hammer. “You should visit the spa sometime, their messages can be quite relaxing.”

“I’ll think about it,” Hammer replied quickly. Think I’ll pass on this one. Having a hoof massage doesn’t sound very relaxing. “Ugh,” Hammer held his head as it felt like a spinning top. “Is it okay if I get some rest? I’m starting to feel a bit tired.” The mares agreed and said their goodbyes, hoping for a quick recovery. When they all left, Hammer fell in the bed and started to drift to sleep.

The sound of the door opening made him furrow his brow in annoyance. It was most likely Nurse Redheart to check on him so he ignored the intrusion. The sharp prod against his flank however he couldn’t ignore.

“Trying to get some sleep here... “ He looked at Rainbow Dash who was mid-way in poking him again. “... Rainbow, what do you want?”

“I want to know why did you lie to everypony. More importantly, why did you lie to me?” Hammer saw a hurt expression on her face and thought of that small tale he spun when he first met her. “I saved your life after all. The least you could’ve done is tell the truth,” she added.

“Rainbow, picture yourself in my eyes. I get thrown into this world not knowing what to expect. I suffered hate and scorn back home and get betrayed by one of my friends who tried to destroy the Bastion. Of course I’m going to be cautious around who I speak with. I was trying to blend in and not get suspicion until I knew what was going on.”

“So me saving your life doesn’t make a pony trustworthy?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow at him.

“Saving someone’s life is just a part of nature. If you didn’t bother to catch me, would you not be worried you could’ve prevented my death?” Rainbow’s eyes widened at the idea. She stammered out a response.

“I-I would probably not be able to live knowing a pony died that I could’ve saved.” She hung her head, seeing his point.

“But... “ Hammer continued slowly. “I still appreciate the rescue. So I believe I still owe you one, along with Fluttershy.” He let out a chuckle. “If I keep this up, I’m going to owe the entire town favors.” Rainbow let a small grin escape.

“I’ll think of something, right now I’ll let you rest.” She turned to leave, but quickly came back. “Oh! Uhm... before I go...” She gave Hammer a quick, awkward hug. He was surprised at first, but lightly patted her on the back in response. “Just a thank you for saving Fluttershy," she said while breaking the hug. "I don’t know what I would do without my best friend.”

“No problem, glad to-” Rainbow interrupted him with a hoof to his mouth.

“But I better not hear you talk about this. I need to keep up my reputation and that doesn’t include being all sappy. Got it?” Hammer mumbled an affirmative under her hoof and nodded his head. “Good!” She said goodbye once more and trotted out of the room, leaving a bewildered Hammer alone.

The rest of the week involved sleeping, reading the book Twilight sent him, and large amounts of orange juice and oatmeal. He could’ve ordered something else, but the sound of a daisy sandwich didn’t sound very appealing to him.

His new friends would visit every day, which astounded him considering they could be doing something more interesting besides asking him questions. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all asked question he didn’t know much about. Including Caelondia’s history before he was born, clothing, and party trends.

He was more comfortable around Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack who asked questions he enjoyed. He told Fluttershy about another one of his pets which was an Anklegator. They dug through the ground to travel and came from under their prey to attack. She seemed fascinated with every word he said until he told her about killing the mother. Her sudden bout of anger surprised him and he had to quickly calm her down.

Applejack and Rainbow seemed both interested in his battles and trails across the broken land, which he gladly told about. Although he kept the gorey details vague as he didn’t want to frighten them.

At the sixth day, Nurse Readheart congratulated him upon a full recovery and was able to leave whenever he wanted. Glad he didn’t have to spend another minute in the bed, he hopped out and immediately clutched his side in pain.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more specific. You can't get into any fights or strain yourself too hard. You need to take it slow as you’ll feel sore for one more day.” Hammer heard half of it as he was too busy focusing on the pain in his left side. It steadily turned from a sharp jab, to a throbbing heat and he stood up.

“I’ll be... more careful next... time,” he said between deep breaths. Glad that the pain finally disappeared as quick as it appeared, he trotted out of the Clinic back toward Ponyville. Hm, I wonder if the ponies there will still give me those condescending stares. Only one way to find out.

The entire town seemed empty except the lone building which reminded him of frosting and baked delights. The lights were on and the sound of loud music was playing. Slowly walking up to the door, he gave three strong raps against it. It suddenly swung open and a familiar pink mare greeted him.

“Hammer, You made it! hurray!” She pulled him inside and closed the door. “Go ahead and help yourself to some treats. Somepony just beat my best score on pin the tail on the pony and I’m not letting them get away with it!” She put on a determined face and ran into the crowd. “Outta my way! I got a new high score to beat!” She yelled.

Hammer looked around the room and spotted Twilight talking with Rarity at the punch bowl. Rainbow Dash was talking to an orange filly, most likely boasting about something. Fluttershy was on one of the stools near the counter up front, just enjoying the atmosphere alone. The only pony he didn’t see was Applejack.

“Apple Fritters are ready!” A voice spoke above the din of party-goers. Applejack trotted from a back room with a pan full of treats that looked like tarts. His stomach and tongue must have joined forces with his legs as he instinctively made his way through the crowd. The thought of eating something besides oatmeal made his mouth water. Applejack spotted him and started laughing.

“Well howdy, Hammer. I take it you need something besides that hospital grub to fill your belly. Don’t worry, I got plenty more where this came from, so go right ahead and dig in.” He took not a second longer as he picked up three of them and ate them right away. It was probably the best thing he ever tasted as he quickly took another and gobbled it up as well.

The party continued swimmingly as Hammer managed to learn and play several party games. Sadly all things must come to an end and the party started to die down as party goers went home. Hammer found himself uncomfortably full of punch and sweets. He feared someone might have to roll him out the door if he took another apple fritter or doughnut.

How these ponies keep such slim figures from all these sweets is beyond me, Hammer grumped inside his mind. The last of the guests thanked Pinkie for another amazing party and left into the night.

“Bye! See you all next time!” Pinkie fell on her back and breathed heavily. “Whew, I’m pooped. I never partied that hard in a long time. Then again, nopony has ever beaten my high score. I still need to find out who it was.” A steady thumping came from Pinkie Pie as her left-back hoof started acting up and stomp the floorboards. “Oh! My Pinkie Sense is tingling!”

“Your wha-” Hammer was about to ask, but Rainbow shook her head at him.

“It’s best to just go along with it. Don’t question Pinkie unless you want a headache.” Hammer furrowed his brow in confusion, but agreed with her advice.

Pinkie was now standing up and her back hoof continued to stomp the ground in earnest. It continued to do this for several minutes until someone got everyone’s attention with a loud cough.

Hammer turned around and looked at the two ponies standing in the doorway. The one on the left was quite old and had a walking cane, but seemed to just have it for looks. He had a grey mane with thick, bushy eyebrows and mustache. The pony on the right was covered in black and white stripes. Her head wore a teal cloth drape that covered and tied down to her neck. Strangely enough, she was wearing a very familiar heavy, colorful coat.

The old pony spoke up with a comforting gruff voice, which only helped confirm Hammer's suspicions to who these two were.

“Excuse us, I hope we’re not interrupting anything. We’re looking for somepony named Hammer Whirl."